Explore Edgar Allen Poe's "The Masque of the Red Death" – Symbolism and Non-Realistic Techniques

 Edgar Allen Poe, born on January 19, 1809 and past away on October 7, 1849 was an American writer, editor, and literary critic. He is best known for his poetry and short stories. One of the short stories that he has written is “The Masque of the Red Death” in 1842. “The Masque of … Read more

Art and Life of Edgar Allan Poe – Rich Cultural Legacy of a Masterful Poet

 Edgar Allan Poe was born in Boston, Massachusetts on January 19, 1809. Frances and John Allan raised Poe since he was three years old because of his mother and father’s death. Frances and John Allan were both very wealthy tobacco merchants. Poe’s brothers and sister though, were sent to live with other families. According … Read more

Main themes in the Fall of the House of Usher by Poe

Like many of his other works, Poe’s (1839) the Fall of the House of Usher has taken on considerable significance, particularly within the field of literature. This is in large part to the historical context in which this story was written, speaking to themes of mental illness and oppression and how together, they can impact … Read more

Reflection on a short story inspired by The Watch and The Fall of the House of Usher

Introduction My short story, a progression of polyphonic voices, intends to uncover the private experiences of young Korean women under Japanese colonialism and to explore the enduring impacts of colonisation through time. It is not only a reflection on history but implores the reader to play an active role in creating a shared narrative for … Read more

What inspired Poe’s poetry, e.g. Annabel Lee, The Raven, Ligeia, A Valentine?

Edgar Allan Poe was notorious for writing poems which typically involved the death of a young girl whom he loved with a melancholic undertone. Poems “The Raven” and “Annabel Lee” follow this theme. Poe was a tortured man who experienced many tragedies in his lifetime which would later inspire some of his most woeful works. … Read more

The Tell-Tale Heart by Edgar Allen Poe – setting and symbolism

Every living being in the world has different stories to tell, whether they be good or bad. Although people may have similar situations or have experienced the same things, the fact is no two people have lives that mimic each other. Many authors use different inspirations to write stories, whether that be the sky or … Read more

Moral dualism in The Raven, The Flesh and The Spirit, & Nature

Moral Dualism has many meanings two of which are its philosophical and theological aspects. The philosophical definition is a view of the world consisting of two fundamental principles, including mind and matter or good and evil. The theological definition a view of the world in which it is ruled by two opposing forces, including good … Read more

Symbolism, verbal and situational irony in The Masque Of The Red Death (Poe)

Edgar Allen Poe’s fictional short story, “The Masque Of The Red Death” opens with a lurid depiction of a world stricken with abominable plague. The character, Prince Prospero, believes that hiding in his sublime castle will prevent death from ever reaching him, unaware that this will cause his demise. Poe’s short story conveys the realistic … Read more

Edgar Allen Poe’s Annabel Lee, the epitome of attributes of Romanticism

Two of the of the defining characteristics of romantic poetry are the use of strong emotions and an interest in youth. Published in 1849, just a few months before his death and only two years after the death of his beloved wife, Virginia Eliza Clemm Poe, Edgar Allen Poe’s “Annabel Lee” is the epitome of … Read more

Poe’s The Fall of the House of Usher – symbolism reflecting the narrator’s psychological state

In Edgar Allen Poe’s The Fall of the House of Usher, originally published in 1839, has conflict with which character is actually insane. Throughout the text we presume that Roderick the narrators friend is the insane one and that the narrator has came to his friends aid. As we read further into the story we … Read more

Diction, allusions, and symbolism in Poe’s The Tell-Tale Heart and The Raven

Edgar Allen Poe introduces several literary terms throughout his works “The Raven” and “The Tell-Tale Heart” to connect the reader with the characters, setting, tone, and mood. Poe’s masterful use of diction, allusions, and symbolism throughout “The Tell-Tale Heart” and “The Raven” creates an eerie and frantic mood. Poe’s diction and connotative language are used … Read more

Edgar Allen Poe’s Symbolism of Death in “The Fall of the House of Usher”

Death is defined as, “The termination or extinction of something” (American Heritage Dictionary). Edgar Allen Poe uses this description in “The Fall of the House of Usher” in different ways. Poe’s intention when writing “The Fall of the House of Usher” was not to present a moral, lesson, or truth to the reader; he was … Read more

The Raven – Edgar Allen Poe

Death within the realm of poetry has always been seen as beautiful, yet no poet has undertaken this topic more deftly than Edgar Allan Poe. Poe’s interpretation of poetry is that all poems should be a “rhythmical creation of beauty”. To Poe, sadness and gloom are both traits of a beautifully tragic story. Specifically, there … Read more

Family isolation in The Fall of the House of Usher

Noble persons and families should not be isolated because that makes them prone to downfall. Poe’s short story ‘The Fall of the House of Usher’ describes a very famous family in the field of art. That is music, painting literature among others. Despite being so successful in the field of art, the family is so … Read more

Sir Arthur Conan Doyle: Imperialism, Race, Disease, Victorian Women, and Edgar Allen Poe

Sir Arthur Conan Doyle: Imperialism, Race, Disease, Victorian Women, and Edgar Allen Poe Sir Arthur Conan Doyle was one of the most prolific British writers at the the turn of the 20th century. He opened up new doors in the literature world by introducing his detective genre stories, with the Sherlock Holmes stories taking the helm. … Read more

Cask of amontillado by Edgar Allan Poe

Exposition Background: . The exposition of the story begins when Montresor (the narrator) is introduced and starts talking about his hard history together with Fortunato (the victim) . Montresor claims that Fortunato has wounded him a “thousands” times. Montresor never complains until one day. Fortunato goes way to far according to Montresor because he insulted … Read more

The Cask of Amontillado by Edgar Allan Poe

In The Cask of Amontillado by Edgar Allan Poe, Fortunato is secretly planning revenge on a apparent friend. In the beginning Montresor seems friendly with Fortunato, but deep down he feels nothing but hatred for him. Could Montresor have a feeling of repulsion that only Montresor understands? Both of these men are wealthy, yet both … Read more

Edgar Allan Poe

Edgar Allan Poe was one of the most prolific writers in American history and his most famous poem, The Raven, has been the subject of much debate by many critics, both friend and foe alike. This poem would be what immortalized Poe in the literary world. Weather scholar or blue collar man, the poem has … Read more

About Edgar Allan Poe

Edgar Allan Poe was a legendary writer who changed literature for the better, despite struggling through a difficult life, he managed to write some of the best literary pieces of his time, some still renowned to this today. Although he wrote during the Romanticism movement, his work did not begin to be fully appreciated until the latter part of the 19th century, and he was recognized even later in the United States. Although the direct influence of his writing is unclear, his passion for literature was a prominent piece of all different stages of his life.

The story of the this literary luminary began almost as sad as it ended. In Boston during 1809, Poe was born to parents who were both actors, so it was seemingly destined that he would become a storyteller of some sort (Prida). In 1810 his father left and by 1811 his mother had passed away, leading Poe to be taken in to the home of his assumed godfather and his wife, John and Frances Allen (“Edgar”). The Allens lived in and around England, Scotland, and London and so Poe went to a boarding school near London and was able to learn French as well as begin his writing career (Prida). The Allens moved back to the United States in 1920 and Poe was able to continue his schooling at the University of Virginia (Sova). This is where Poe’s unfortunate tendencies first started to have effects on his life. After his first year of enrollment at this school, John Allen demanded that Edgar withdraw from the school due to the fact that he had been gambling and drinking instead of going to class, not to mention he acquired quite a bit of gambling debt (Prida). This conflicted added to the already strained relationship of Poe and his unofficially adopted father (Prida). Nearly a year after he left school Poe self-published his first work of literature called Tamerlane and Other Poems, which is a short collection of poems (‘Edgar”). However, shortly after, “Poverty forced him to join the army under the name of Edgar A. Perry, but, on the death of Poe’s foster mother, John Allan purchased his release from the army and helped him get an appointment to the U.S. Military Academy at West Point” (“Edgar”). During that same year, Poe published his another collection of poems, which were called Al Aaraaf, Tamerlane, and Minor Poems. Less than a year later Poe was happily kicked out of West Point for missing tons of role calls and classes (Prida). Poe then released his third set of poems, titled no other than, Poems, “which contained an early version of the later classic, ‘To Helen’” (Prida). This lead into the start to his career in literary jobs.

Poe’s struggle with poverty did not stop him from seeking out and working in jobs that primarily involved writing. His first true writing job was at Philadelphia Saturday Courier only a year after moved into the household of his future wife and 13-year-old second cousin Virginia Clemm (Prida). After winning a writing contest, “Poe gained his first professional post in 1835, as assistant editor at the Southern Literary Messenger in Richmond.” (Prida). Edgar manager to get temporarily fired from this post from drinking on the job, and, “drinking was in fact to be the bane of his life” (“Edgar”).

Between his struggle with finding work and the ever present worry for his wife’s health, Poe’s drinking habits began to worsen and worsen. Once, he had the chance to have a meeting with members of the John tyler administration, however on the day of the meeting he was sick, presumably hungover, and that opportunity was gone forever (Prida). After the death of Virginia Poe’s alcoholism reached dangerous new levels, although he released a surprising amount of work between the time of her death and the time of his (Sova). Poe died of an then unknown cause, which is now thought to be either drinking or heart failure, in Baltimore in the year 1849 (“Edgar”). Despite his massive success in the literary category, Poe’s alcoholism caused a massive damper on his life.

Poe wrote during the time period of literary Romanticism, which had a few defining characteristics, some of which were omnipresent through his writings (Magistrale). Some of these main qualities include, but are not limited to, focuses on nature, emotion, beauty, imagination, rejection of industrialization, free thinking, and supernatural unknowns (Richards). An example of supernatural exploration was included in one of his early poems, mentioned earlier, titled Al Aaraaf, which is about possible happenings in the afterlife (Poe). Another instance of Literary Romanticism is Poe’s writing was in one his earlier works that later became a classic titled “To Helen.” In this poem Poe writes primary of the pure beauty of the woman named Helen (Poe). These are just a few of his many literary pieces that include the characteristics of Romanticism

Arguably one of Poe’s greatest impacts on literature was his creation of the first detective story. In series of stories that quickly became novel length, “The Murders in the Rue Morgue,” “The Mystery of Marie Roget,” and “The Purloined Letter” all followed C. Auguste Dupin, who was a French detective fabricated by Poe himself (“Detective”). In each of these tales Poe introduced the four main components of a basic detective story which are: “(1) the seemingly perfect crime; (2) the wrongly accused suspect at whom circumstantial evidence points; (3) the bungling of dim-witted police; (4) the greater powers of observation and superior mind of the detective; and (5) the startling and unexpected denouement, in which the detective reveals how the identity of the culprit was ascertained” (“Detective”). Although he may not of known it at the time, Poe created a whole new sub-genre of literature by writing those stories.

A Truly amazing author, Poe had shaped writing for the better, despite his awful life, he has given many reader the true join of reading his works.
