Climate change increases pathogen concentration in natural water sources

The era of urbanisation and industrialisation have lead to the dramatic change in the climate of the planet Earth. The research on climate change and the associated health effects have been studied over a number of years, but the actual effect of climate change on public health is still not clear. The failure to predict … Read more

Climate Change and Its Impacts

 Climate change Climate change has changed the way of doing the business according to climate changes around the World. As we discuss about the rising greenhouse effect and temperature or continuously increasing consumption of fossil fuels due to which carbon gas emission is affecting climate badly for instance in Costa Rica the level of … Read more

Feasibility of Prefabricated Deep Energy Exterior Retrofitting in Existent Housing to Reach Net Zero Energy Levels

February 4, 2019 Abstract In an effort to achieve 2030 targets set by the Paris agreement, Canada is in desperate need to reduce its greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Residential housing accounts for 17% of Canada’s energy requirements and 16% of GHG emissions. Therefore, many are looking into greener alternatives to housing but with new constructions … Read more

Analysis of ‘Functional mismatch in a bumble bee pollination mutualism under climate change’

Abstract The purpose of this paper is to analyze the article; Functional mismatch in a bumble bee pollination mutualism under climate change, for the purpose of examining the authors’ writing style, experimental process/methodology, with the express goal to clarify the article for a variety of audiences, as well as determining the validity of the conclusions … Read more

Fighting Climate Change in South Florida: Understanding Impacts & Solutions for the Rising Sea Level Threat

 -Good Morning, ladies and gentlemen my name is Ellie Branson. -To what extent will climate change affect us all within the next century?(Slide 2) -Climate change refers to the change in global or regional climate patterns which is attributed to the increased level of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. -One local problem we face … Read more

Climate Change's Role in Conflict: Case Studies of Africa, Central Asia, Central America, and the Middle East

 Global climate change is a paramount threat to the world, its leaders and the citizens alike, affecting the planet in a multitude of obvious ways. Rising air temperatures are accompanied by other problems such as rising ocean temperatures, ocean acidification, the melting of polar ice caps, etc. All of these issues threaten the earth’s … Read more

Climate Change through Insurance: Causes and Effects Explored

 Introduction "Climate Change is no longer some far-off problem; it is happening here, it is happening now" – Barack Obama.(1) In recent times, the importance of the phrase 'Climate Change' has grown significantly. It represents the long term, large scale changes in the Earth's average temperature and weather patterns. There are beliefs that climate … Read more

Overview of solutions to CAPs in general / climate change in particular

1 Introduction Climate change is often considered to be one of the most pressing and difficult to solve problems of our time. Broadly speaking, there are two, sometimes competing, ways of combating climate change, namely through technological advances and behaviour change. Proponents of the belief that only technology can save the planet from a climate … Read more

Climate change, global warming and The Great Swindle

What is Global Warming? This term is complicated for there is no one codified definition. National Geographic defines Global Warming as the surge in greenhouse gases –which have increased due to mankind – which trap extra heat in Earth’s atmosphere. This warming has resulted in glaciers melting, sea levels rising, forests disappearing, and all while … Read more

How global climate change expresses itself now and how it will likely develop in the future

Global climate change is very likely the most socially underestimated, all the while most serious threat humankind is facing presently. The first aspects of climate change science were identified by scientists in the early 19th century, when the natural greenhouse effect was firstly put together. That humanly created emissions contributed to this natural effect was … Read more

Climate Change and Solutions Provided by the Current Online Media

At the present stage of its development, human civilization faces many new problems, one of which is climate change. As it is summarized in the book Choices for America in a Turbulent World: Strategic Rethink “ Today, atmospheric concentrations of greenhouse gases are 40 percent higher than at the start of the industrial revolution” (69). … Read more

Veganism is the solution to dramatically reduce global populations’ carbon footprint

Veganism is the solution to dramatically reduce global populations’ carbon footprint. In recent years, the topic of carbon foot printing has infiltrated the media and our daily news. One’s carbon footprint refers to the amount of greenhouse gases released into the atmosphere by an individual’s human activity: diet, fossil fuel and energy use. Eliminating or … Read more

Biodiesel as an alternative energy resource for petroleum products

Nowadays, climate change is giving a more serious impact to the world. Climate change is caused by greenhouse gases (GHG) that trap heat in the atmosphere, such as carbon dioxide (CO2) and nitrous oxide (NOx). CO2 dominated the global GHG emission by 81% in 2018 [1]. In Indonesia, the transportation sector became the second highest … Read more

Impact of climate change on the insurance industry

Climate change is recognised as one of the most important issues in today’s society (Mills 2009) and is a significant source of risk and uncertainty for the insurance industry (Rothwell et al. 2020) Despite the significance of this issue, several insurance companies fail to recognise the harsh impacts the industry will have to endure as … Read more

Climate change – impact on business/The Paris Agreement/China

Q1. How does climate change impact business? Provide at least three specific examples – be creative. They may be positive and/or negative Three major ways the climate change really influences a business is as follows: 1. Makes the working conditions harsh – When it is a really hot/cold day it makes the working conditions almost impossible … Read more

Does the Paris Agreement achieve its specified goals?

One of the most hotly debated topics globally is global warming, also known as climate change. This biologists and environmentalists’ main concern today, as humanity’s effect on the earth is becoming more severe and irreversible. Today’s task for environmentalists and eco-activists is to involve as many people as possible in the conscientious use of dangerous … Read more

Global warming and emissions from animal agriculture

What percent of global greenhouse emissions can be attributed to animal agriculture? Enough to definitively deem animal agriculture as the biggest contributor of climate change. The greenhouse gases produced by both livestock and their byproducts make up fifty-one percent of all global greenhouse emissions. Accumulatively, the animal agriculture industry is responsible for climate change and … Read more

Greenhouse Gases & Their Impact

 Climate is defined as an expected weather, and climate change is when certain changes occur in the climate. Climate of a particular surrounding varies every now and then, depending upon then times scale and geographical scales. Different activities can cause climate changes. Many changes start to take place on Earth when the climate is … Read more

Sun powered cities

The Global risk of environmental change is not any more about reports of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change or the viability of atmosphere science. Its results are genuine and unmistakable. Therefore, there is a reestablished feeling of direness about how to react and an opportunity, however concise, to make basic inquiries about nothing new … Read more

Action to Help Fight Global Warming

 Weston Mitchell Mrs. Spoor Honors English IV 6 November, 2018 Make Glaciers Great Again… Climate Change Is Fake News Climate change has had many obvious effects on the world. Many scientists in the past predicted multiple effects that are now occurring in the world today. Some examples are the loss of sea ice, more … Read more

Climate change and Christianity

Climate change is no hoax, conspiracy theory, or myth. It is real and happening now. Mounting scientific evidence proves that global temperatures are rising at an alarming rate, and there is no natural cause behind it. The average global temperature has risen by 1.7 degrees Fahrenheit since the 20th century. Glaciers are melting and sea … Read more

Future Implications of Background Climate Change on Glacial-Interglacial Timescales

 FUTURE IMPLICATIONS OF BACKGROUND CLIMATE CHANGE Causes of Climate Change on Glacial-Interglacial Timescales Introduction to Climate The Earth’s climate is a dynamic and variable quantity. The term ‘climate’ commonly refers to the mean and variability of temperature, precipitation and wind over a period of time. The evolution of the climate system is influenced by … Read more

Bolsonaro’s Impact on Brazil’s Role in Climate Change Negotiations

 Since the adoption of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) Brazil has played an important role in climate change negotiations and an important role in mitigating climate change. Brazil has been a crucial role with regards to deforestation as they are home to one of the biggest carbon sinks, the Amazon … Read more

Climate Change: Exploring the Worldwide Phenomenon Affecting Everyone’s Future

A worldwide phenomenon. Our generation is facing the biggest environmental challenge. As our planet is one degree Celsius warmer than pre-industrial levels. Climate change refers to an increase in global average temperatures but coined from researchers to include the effects of this increase of this temperature. The increase in global average temperatures and has been … Read more

Evaluating the Realist & Marxist Challenges of Climate Change: A Comparative Critique

 This essay will be a comparative critique of the two articles written by Foster, Bellamy and Clark titled "Ecological imperialism: The curse of capitalism."  and Nordas and Gleditsch ‘Climate Change and Conflict’, Climate change refers to the shifting in weather patterns as well as temperatures. Over the 20th and 21st century significant upsurge in … Read more

Brazil’s Environmental Movements Combatting Climate Change & Urgent Issues

The environmental movements in Brazil that fight for sustainability are actively combatting urgent issues that are intertwined with climate change. The abuse of illegal mining which originates from the conquistadores that were stealing the resources has created a system where the abandoned mines leave debris that puts toxins in the land and the water of … Read more

How Changes in Climate are Impacting Social Development in West Africa

 Kevin Zajac 10/28/17 ANT_103 Climate Change – West Africa Climate change has of late become a major talk in many quarters. There are different views that have been directed towards climate change on the developments of societies. To some, climate change limits the ability of societies to develop while to others, societies have the … Read more

Tackle Climate Change: Tesla’s Plan for a Greener Future

Climate change is one of the leading factors that affect our globe today. It’s a controversial subject in the modern world; despite scientific research proving the fate of humanity within the next decade, there has been poor public and political responses to the subject. Industries and business accept that climate change is real, but are … Read more

Analyzing Climate Change Implications in the Syrian Drought​: Fertile Crescent & Science Perspectives

 Analyzing “Climate Change in the Fertile Crescent and Implications of the Recent Syrian Drought” Through a Scientific Perspective As the name implies, the article covers recent climate change in the Fertile Crescent—more specifically, the drought in Syria. Utilizing a variety of maps related to precipitation and climate, the authors not only analyze the causes … Read more

Air Pollution & Global Warming: Causes & Effects on Human and Environment

Air pollution remains as one of the most monumental problems that our world is experiencing today. Going back since the time of the Industrial Revolution, the utilization of production lines and overwhelming work has presented numerous unwelcome gases and substances to the environments atmosphere and a considerable amount of the present industries keep on compounding … Read more

Political Giants’ Role in Climate Change Doubt: Exploring 150 Years of Evidence

 Climate Change Have you recently been listening to the heated debates regarding climate change? Why does society suddenly seem to care so much about our planet's climate? And why have no changes been enacted? That answer lies in something much greater than a lack of knowledge or resources to solve this issue. In fact … Read more

How AI could help with climate change

We’ve all heard it. Our earth is changing. The International Panel of Climate Change (2007, 2013) found in recent studies that “an increase of CO2 decreases the radiative cooling of the troposphere.” The use of fossil fuels worsen the natural greenhouse effect. This effect, also called global warming, warms the earth, makes ice glaciers melt, … Read more