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Essay: Impact of Covid-19 on the poor and vulnerable

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  • Subject area(s): Sociology essays
  • Reading time: 4 minutes
  • Price: Free download
  • Published: 17 February 2022*
  • Last Modified: 22 July 2024
  • File format: Text
  • Words: 1,125 (approx)
  • Number of pages: 5 (approx)
  • Tags: Essays on Coronavirus

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Despite the pandemic crisis spreading in any parts of the Philippines, the strict health protocol implemented by the government to any parts of the nation. In an effort to contain the spread of the virus, the government has imposed strict quarantine measures and other restrictions, starting in Manila and quickly expanding to other areas. The huge impact of COVID 19 that affects many businesses and can cause many workers to lose their jobs. The impact on those surviving on daily wages and informal sources of income has been particularly severe. However, the Philippine government introduced a large-scale social protection program while placing the country on strict community quarantine. With the Bayanihan to Heal as One Act (Bayanihan Law), the government provided emergency subsidies under the Social Amelioration Program or SAP for the poor and vulnerable households and the safety net program which is the 4Ps – Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program but it is not enough for a family to save the assistance for their daily needs that is why many strategies have been created like selling any products through online. By this time of crisis, poverty will not decrease because of the pandemic.

As an act of empathy and charity, various individuals, groups of people, and organizations started community pantries all around the country. As of April 2021, these acts continue to grow as it becomes successful. However, it does not mean that it is free from any injustice. There are still others who hoard so much that there is nothing left for people behind them. The effects of poverty are evident on this one as Filipinos’ have a mindset of lack – lack of wealth, lack of access to necessities, lack of access to basic human rights, lack of attention from the government, and more. Health does not only include physical health, but the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic caused a detrimental effect on everyone’s mental health. With poor mental health comes poor judgment and decision making. It is not unusual to act selfishly for the sake of your own health, therefore people commit acts of injustice (such as hoarding free foods or items).

Government programs such as the Social Amelioration Program, 4Ps, and the Bayanihan Law are effective measures in providing financial assistance to the people, however, the poor and vulnerable need mental health assistance as much as they need access to basic health services amid the COVID-19 pandemic. While the government programs mentioned beforehand aid the physical needs of the people (funds to buy food, medicines, personal protection, and more), they also need mental and emotional support as people complain about the consequences of unceasing community quarantine and increase in COVID-19 cases such as depression, triggered anxiety and panic attacks, and more. This is the best time for the Church to step in by offering words of comfort, especially to the Christian community. Since our emotions affect our mental and physical state, acts of kindness, compassion, and charity create a significant impact in boosting the people’s morale as well as influence those who share the same purpose (community pantry is a perfect example).

Individuals, groups, or organizations may hold a regular online event, television programs, or radio programs targeting those with poor mental health or those who suffered from depression and anxiety due to the pandemic. It is also a form of charity event wherein psychologists, spiritual teachers, and religious leaders can join and offer their services for free. This way, it can reach audiences in all societal levels.

Government agencies can also disseminate health advisories and information through television and radio programs, and informative commercials. These are technologies readily accessible to the poor. This way, they will regularly be informed on what to do and how to do during this pandemic. KonsultaMD is a subscription-based telehealth service that offers 24/7 access to licensed Filipino doctors that provides medical assessment over the phone. It has partnered with Globe Telecom, Inc., one of the major telecommunications companies in the country. Since the pandemic kept us away from one another, this telehealth service is another great way of offering medical services to people. Although the best way to diagnose a person is through physical examination, this service does not fall short in providing basic health information to the people. This will not only provide jobs to Filipinos’ while in the middle of pandemic, but people do not need to risk their lives going to clinics or hospitals just to get a diagnosis, especially now that these places are jammed with possible COVID-19 patients, both symptomatic and asymptomatic. However, this is only available to those who have access to cellphones and can pay a P15 subscription every week (for Globe Prepaid). Despite it being one of the best ways to gain access to medical services, it still creates a boundary between the privileged and the underprivileged. While access to basic phones and smartphones are very easy nowadays, there are those who are illiterate and do not understand how technology works. Especially those who are in far-flung areas, their other enemy is access to telecommunication services since there are still areas out of reach by the telecommunication companies in the country (such as no network signal due to the absence of telecom towers). Medical professionals can choose an alternative way in providing services to the underprivileged through television and radio programs. Although it cannot diagnose symptoms for a specific person, giving a general idea of a health issue will still help others, especially the uninformed.

Strengthening government’s resource assistance programs to lower chances of corruption and misuse of public resources is the only sure way to ensure social justice and just distribution of resources. Although its financial assistance programs are still in effect today and are serving millions of Filipinos, health assistance should also be prioritized. Although PhilHealth covers all Filipinos in assisting with COVID-19 expenses, preventive measures should also be implemented by the government such as regularly providing protective equipment and medicines. The government should encourage large corporations to donate in kind in lieu of imposing high tax. This way, it can minimize the government’s workload in aiding the people and promote humanitarian assistance by corporations and foundations.

Community pantries should be encouraged more, especially in areas not easily accessible by the public but where the poor and most vulnerable reside. Not only will it promote charity and compassion for the poor, but unity will be essentially formed as more people are encouraged to donate what they can give for the needy. When the poor have access to food and other necessities, it will positively affect their health, both physical and mental. Therefore, it is very important to distribute resources justly so that everyone will benefit from it thereby affecting everyone’s health.


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Essay Sauce, Impact of Covid-19 on the poor and vulnerable. Available from:<https://www.essaysauce.com/sociology-essays/impact-of-covid-19-on-the-poor-and-vulnerable/> [Accessed 07-10-24].

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