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Essay: Impact of genetic engineering (society, environment, health)

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  • Subject area(s): Sociology essays
  • Reading time: 3 minutes
  • Price: Free download
  • Published: 15 October 2019*
  • Last Modified: 22 July 2024
  • File format: Text
  • Words: 687 (approx)
  • Number of pages: 3 (approx)
  • Tags: Gene editing essays

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Some ways in how it impacts society and the environment

It impacts society and the environment by allowing crops to be grow faster and potentially better as it can create more resistance to common forms of organism, impacting society in a good way as we can have food and crops being produced a lot quicker and more resilient to insects allowing there being more food as organism may not eat them as much, however this can also have a bad effect on society as more food grown faster creates more profit therefore business may not use environmentally friendly chemicals and they may not think of human safety as these crops may have a bad side effect on humans.. This impacts the environment quite badly as organism will need to adapt and certain organisms may have a lower population as they might not  be able to eat those crops.

Another impact that may occur is that animals could be genetically modified so that they have a reduced risks of getting  health issues, this will impact society as vets may not be as frequently visited however they may be visited more as we would not know the risks of genetically modifying genes until it happens we can only speculate. Messing with genes may create new sickness and bacteria. However modifying animals may also allow them to live longer meaning people who are close with their pets can have them for longer, but this may not happen, messing with genes may also modify the breed and/ or species and the behavior of that species/breed may be different in a positive or negative way. Genetically modifying animals may create a negative or positive impact on the environment as different species may eat different foods, which may be the same as another animal creating more competition for food water etc. New food chains will emerge which might reduce the numbers in certain spiciest. This may also present an ecological problem. New species may also create an imbalance in a ecology within a specific region. Stronger more resilient animals may be create and the effects of this animal and other new species may not be predicted hundred percent.

Another impact on society and the environment is if  humans used genetic engineering on them selves they would choose all the better characteristics which might reduce genetic diversity. This may also lead to different health condition or disease. Genetic engineering may create/allow unknown side effects or outcomes to occur this may affect society in more ways than one. It can also affect the environment as humans will most likely have very similar genes narrowing their capabilities. If we mess with genes it may potentially means that our evolutionary future will be in our hands however such power may be abused and if we constantly use same genes than other genes will with time disappear or be breeded out

How can genetic engineering affect human health

It can affect our health as messing with genes can create unknown side effects for e.g. It can create new bacteria and disease, new crops may affect human health as allergic reactions may occur because of certain genes, nutritional values may be enhanced which means we can get a higher and more even nutritional gain from a single crop however some genes may not be compatible allowing bacteria and disease to be created without us knowing which can affect human health. Different genes can act differently within its host which can have different outcomes on the consumer of that host or on the host themselves. Different  Terrorist groups or/and armies have the potential to create more powerful biological weaponry.

Such weaponry can be created to be resistant to medicines, they may even be created to target people who have certain genes present in their system. Genetic engineering led to human cloning and it may lead to other things as well which can have both positive and negative impacts on society and the environment. Genetic engineering can treat many forms of disease for e.g.  the “bubble boy” disease (Severe Combined Immunodeficiency), Cystic fibrosis and many others.

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Essay Sauce, Impact of genetic engineering (society, environment, health). Available from:<https://www.essaysauce.com/sociology-essays/2018-11-11-1541944882/> [Accessed 19-11-24].

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