Home > Sociology essays > The Drug trade is destroying the younger generation

Essay: The Drug trade is destroying the younger generation

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  • Subject area(s): Sociology essays
  • Reading time: 8 minutes
  • Price: Free download
  • Published: 15 September 2019*
  • Last Modified: 22 July 2024
  • File format: Text
  • Words: 2,376 (approx)
  • Number of pages: 10 (approx)
  • Tags: Drugs essays

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In today's world, the drug trade plays, along with terrorism, the role of an instrument of international policy. With the help of drugs, you can:

— to destroy the younger generation, to corrupt whole peoples;

— create the chain of corruption in countries, which can then be used for coups and terrorist attacks;

— to provide for "self-supporting" rebel movements, bribing corrupt politicians and so on .d. etc.;

— you can change the vector of development of entire Nations, replacing the development of their economies, the development of drug production. (Afghanistan today, Cambodia-Kampuchea under Pol Pot)

To start with, one word – drugs politics. And quite a bit of "economy". That's why it's the world's evil cannot win. By the way, terrorism, which , well, cannot eradicate our Western partners, who control the world. Where the fight against terrorism are not the USA and their satellites, there is terrorism indeed successfully compete. An example is China, where the terrorists only in the Western-backed separatist Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous region and Tibet. Example – Russia, where terror in the Caucasus is almost eradicated, reduced to rare forays. Example – Syria, where it was our country with the Syrian army, put DAYS on the brink of destruction and "closure" of this American project.

But the United States fought a couple of decades with al-Qaeda, now planned to "fight" with the banned in Russia by the Islamic state the same, but no luck.

Center of drug trafficking in Europe is the US "bond steel" in Kosovo. Here bring drugs from Afghanistan, American military planes, after which the Albanian drug mafia delivers them in Europe.

However, why the drug trade flourishes? Did you ever wonder why the drug trade has flourished and continues to flourish in the modern world? In a world that the governments of developed countries literally stuffed with electronic surveillance. In a world that is tightly controlled by various special agencies and Supervisory authorities.

Is not it weird why cocaine in prodigious quantities continue to produce in South America? And it is close to the mighty neighbor of the United States, with its many-headed Hydra of special services! Why heroin production in the middle East is growing rapidly from year to year? Why opium, no fear, cultivated by peasants in the open gaze of all-seeing satellites plantations in South-East Asia? And why in Pakistan created an entire industrial Empire, plants that produce chemicals with the seemingly innocuous name of "precursors" needed to convert raw opium into a first-class heroin? Do the governments of these countries don't realize it? Or just pretend not to notice? To answer these questions, let's first make it clear who is the actual consumer? Who pays for the "high" and where are the fans of white powder? Logically, if there is demand, then the market will be a supply. And there will always be people adventurous temperament, the lust for money which far outweigh any fear of the most severe punishments. A Holy place is never empty. The evidence suggests that the main consumers of heroin is a highly developed European Union countries, and cocaine, respectively, citizens of the United States. The lion's share of drugs of all kinds purposefully implemented in the non-democracy countries.

What actually is democracy? In Europe and in the United States, all variegated, but respectable politicians screaming into microphones – drugs are bad! And not just yelling, like and do everything right, and even "Feng Shui." The laws make harsh. In the budgets amounts to an impressive lay to fight the bad guys…Trying to…well we contemplate the fruits of their labors. The fruit, unfortunately not. Solid fakes, but slogans. And nothing more. We can only state the fact that the promotion of healthy lifestyles in the Western media really is. But no

more. In addition, we can read or see performed by the popular TV news clips where the world's coolest secret services format the FBI neutralize another spit on democratic values, ''narcomafia''. And then what? Drug has fewer? No! Maybe drug addicts diminished? Again, no! It is strange, is not it? But even on the most complicated questions always have answers. Though not so deeply buried. Remove disposable glasses and look her in the face.

Now few people will remember the United States waged the war in 2001 against Afghanistan. Why is it that the White House took offense at the God-forsaken region? The more that America had a very close relationship with the Mujahideen in the period of geopolitical confrontation with the Soviet Union. Warmed dollar cocktails are the children of the mountains relentlessly partisan to the delight of the CIA, not allowing Soviet soldiers and local Communists quiet life up until the Soviet government decided to cover the Afghan project.

Friends, friends…when suddenly, kind of snuck up on 11 September 2001. Civil aircraft, in a strange way stolen no less "strange" terrorists destroy American skyscrapers. Thousands of dead. US citizens in shock! How can this be? Thousands of them are killed in broad daylight and the secret service can't protect them! And then follows a sharp turn in policy. The American establishment announces to the world: al-Qaeda created their accomplices

from the Afghan Taliban. Themselves as "Terry Taliban" not only as fiends and they need "watering". And "soaked"…so quickly! The much-vaunted Mujahideen somehow didn't like to fight without financial support. Without dollars machine guns and assault rifles didn't want to shoot. Anyway, not ice: hungry, cold, and pain! The result – the Taliban government gone, and justice is done. So, after we were told by the Western media?

But on the other side, somehow forgot to tell. That the Taliban came to power, ruthlessly destroy plantations of opium poppy. In 2000, the leader of the Taliban Mullah Omar declared poppy cultivation a matter displeasing to Allah. And the poppy has disappeared across the country. 99% of production has declined. But the magic began the war with the United States. The Taliban crushed the opium again "blossomed" lush buds. What has really happened? Cheap opium ceased to reach markets in Europe, Russia and Asia. This was the real reason the war started. Americans began to grind the Taliban from the air, and then "offered" to think carefully and reconsider the views of Allah. Those reviewed. Afghan farmers with a triple zeal began to sow opium poppy under the control of the Mujahideen. About cotton all together forgotten. Thus, the leaders of the Taliban deserve the right to life. Luxurious life by the standards of the wild edge.

Cheap Afghan opium, since 2001, poured turbulent flow to Asian markets, rapidly gaining their pretty sliding in this business, Myanmar and Laos. And from there, in the form of commodity of heroin, sailed to Western Europe, a market that is the primary producers of heroin. European governments well know all this. Know who and how carries drugs to Europe. Know distribution channels. Specific know the organizers and executors of these high-margin "business processes". But you don't want to antagonize them. They are silent. They want to rule on and so silent. But why so strong for the international drug traffickers? Why are they so afraid of the leaders of the strongest countries of the European Union?

Maybe they are not afraid of them, and their American partners? Fear multiplied by material gain, with the margin from which you will not be able to match any of the existing businesses. Isn't their main and strongest motive that explains everything?

Actually, there is nothing surprising in today's situation there. Long before the era of US dominance, the potential of the drug trade was appreciated by the subje
cts of her Majesty the British Queen. All probably remember the lessons of history told us about the East India trading company, the intrepid captains which plied the oceans and seas, ostensibly in order to surprise the Old world and exotic spices. Maybe they brought of course, but the main content was opium. Huckster from Albion quickly realized that it is possible to make money. A lot of money!

The Anglo-Saxons took advantage of the already well-established in North America technology. It turned out that the Indians were very susceptible to alcohol and instantly become slaves to the "green dragon". Drugged "fiery water", the Indian chief, suddenly pulled by the wind all their wealth and made stupid trades, is absolutely onerous conditions. Successful dissemination and promotion of alcohol among the Indian population allowed the conquerors to put full control of a vast territory and eventually become their sole masters, virtually exterminated the indigenous peoples. In China, the Anglo-Saxons acted similar methods. New "startup" was launched, but a place of "fire water" it took the opium. The British a lot of trouble in Imperial China the Smoking of opium became a major national holiday. It was developed with a huge dynamic. Opened thousands and thousands of opium where gaunt hard labor, people were able to forget and to escape from their problems in sweet Nirvana. Of course, not for free!

The case was brought resourceful huckster fabulous profits, and the government of China's catastrophic problems. According to unofficial data the number of drug addicts in the 19th century reached 300 million people! It is not surprising that the leadership of China sounded the alarm, and forbade the English to trade of white powder. Of course, the Anglo-Saxons did not suit this situation, broke the bloody conflict. They have received in history the name "opium war" and ended in ignominious defeat for the Chinese army, and the drug trade forever remain the brightest jewel in the crown of the British Empire.

Time does not stand, still, our world is changing. In the 20th century in China was won by the followers of Mao. They are armed by Soviet money millions of Communist-minded peasants (which of course promised a bright future) and kicked the Anglo-Saxons out of their country. "Narcological" lost a huge market. But even in this difficult situation, the solution was found. Windfall profits from the owners of the international drug trade was not going to give up. They were still very deeply integrated into the power that naturally none of them publicized. Urgently needed new markets, and they were found. In the second half of the 20th century marketers of transnational corporations who are pretty adept at shaping the minds of consumers. Live in a rush, in what does not deny, consume more, enjoy! The psychology of consumption has become the main driving force in the development of markets. And the drug business very successfully blended into the new concept.

Nobody will know who exactly came up with the "cultural" and subsequent "sexual" revolution. The real names of those who hyped the hippie movement and made rock and roll trendy will forever remain "behind the scenes". But we know that overnight, generated huge consumer market of marijuana, cocaine and heroin. As from nowhere, appeared LSD. Young people in Europe and America as the team simultaneously rushed into the arms of drug dealers, trying to take everything from life, effortlessly achieving Nirvana and enlightenment.

Someone ably conducted all these processes. And that someone is well aware of – in rich America and old Europe you can earn on drugs many times more than in the same China.

Good judgment resourceful "businessmen" were justified. Millions of young people from developed countries have become their slaves. Few who managed to return to the "real world". The fate of addicts never interested the owners of "drug trafficking". They were only interested in profit. And replaced the dead souls came the other. This is a "conveyor of death", trade which brings a mind-boggling amount of money. So many of them that you can pay off not only from officials and police, but even the devils in Hell.

But why mighty and all-knowing intelligence agencies do not want to solve this problem? Why the US President does not give a command to end the lawlessness? After all, degrades his own people, and jeopardizing the future of his own country! Did he and his European partners do not care, and no one is aware of the extent of the danger? Here is a very good reason: Drug trafficking is only possible because of its "roof" at the "top". Without the support of the denunciation of the power of persons, drug trafficking would have been destroyed with the help of the security services, the police and the army. But this team they, alas, will not do.

For powerful people, drug trafficking is not only an opportunity of swargarohini, but one of the ways of influence on demographic processes. Over the last 12 years the world population increased by 1 billion people. And virtual food for them not yet invented and probably not come up. The same problem with overcrowding will sooner or later be solved. The use of drugs also is one of the soft but effective tools of influence. Drug trafficking is an undeclared war against the common people. Their nationality in a global world does not

matter. The era of unbridled consumption of resources is coming to an end, and the extra mouths useless.

For Western intelligence agencies, the drug trade is also very profitable. For them it is primarily "black cash", which can be spent on any needs. And don't need to ask Congress or the European Parliament's money on another "orange" revolution. There is something to "roll out" of future receivers of al-Qaeda and ISIS. With the help of money from drugs can "rock" the situation in any country to arm the opposition, bribed politicians and police, to organize a revolt in the army. That's why the CIA and FBI will never seriously fight against drug trafficking.

Finally, the above described processes directly affect us. We are all aware that one of the strategic objectives of the international drug markets of the CIS countries and especially Russia. We do not underestimate this global danger. Russia has made a huge breakthrough in foreign policy, taking an independent position, meeting our state and national interests. In relation to drug trafficking, we need to take the same firm stand and give battle to the geopolitical competitors. We need a healthy and intelligent children. They are our future. Future without drugs.

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