Animal testing is a scientific experiment or test that is performed on living animals for assessing the effectiveness of new products and testing the human health. Animal testing helps to produce many vaccines and drugs. The many animals that are used for the researches are rats, mice, rabbits, hamsters, monkeys, and many more. The animals that are used for the experiments are usually bred for this purpose by the laboratory or in breeding facilities. Animal testing also causes pain and kills a lot of animals used during the research. Although, researchers have used animals for centuries medication should not be tested on animals because it harms them and causes animals to go into depression due to their treatment.
The animals that are used for testing have a chance they can become harmed. For instance, surgically removing an animal organ can deliberately cause damage to an animal. It may cause them to stress or go into depression. Animals are forced to undergo something that is most likely to cause them pain and suffering. In the article “Ethnical and Scientific Considerations Regrading Animal Testing and Research” Fresowsian stated, “In 1959 two authors published a book called The Principles of Humane Environmental Technique and it emphasized reduction, refinement, and replacement of animal use, and now they referee it to “the three Rs” ( Fredowsian, et al.1). The book The Principles of Humane Environmental Technique describes any change to established scientific procedures that will result in the replacement of animal’s refinement of techniques that will cause less harm towards animals. Fredowsian also stated, “The principle encouraged researchers to work to reduce the number of animals used in the experiments to the minimum considered necessary, refine or limit pain and distress to which animals with non-animal alternatives when possible” (Fredowsian, Hope, Becky, and Nancy 1). If the researchers followed the “three R’s”, it would cause less stress and depression in animals because the experiment is not used on animals as much.
Technology is huge in the world today, and it should be used to test medication, instead of using it on animals. Animals should not be used anymore because we have a variety of information. For instance, researchers have been doing animal testing for decades and there should be enough information on vaccines and drugs. Most animals are suffering for no reason because some of the items that are tested will never be used. Instead of using animals for testing, technology should take in place of it because technology cannot suffer, animals could. Even if the scientific experiment does not kill or damage an animal, it is a possibility that the experiment may end up being pointless in the end. For instance, if the medication does not work on humans, it was pointless to have an animal endure that kind of pain. Animals should not be the only method of research because animal data is not reliable for human health. Although, a lot of people argue that animals should be used in an experiment, they do not understand all the pain and suffering those animals have to go through.
Most people argue that animal testing should continue because it has contributed too many life-saving cured and treatments. For example, animal research treated many conditions such as brain cancer, brain injury, and many more conditions. They also believe that animals are good to use for research because they are similar to human being in many ways. For example, some animals have the same set of organs as humans. However, it should be less animal testing because it is cruel and inhumane to those innocent animals. Sun stated in the article, “The truth behind animal testing” she discusses, “Many people are against animal testing for medical and drug research, but she believes animal testing is necessary because there has been a lot of medical knowledge gained from the experiment (Sun 83). Although animal testing has helped the medical industry gain a lot of medical knowledge, the animals are still suffering and dying because of these testing’s. For instance, forcing animals to inhale toxic fumes can cause them to suffer. Most of the time, the chemicals overwhelm the animals and the chemicals cause them to go into depression. However, animal welfare plays a big part in the pain and suffering that animals have undergone.
Attitudes towards Animal welfare causes a lot of pain and suffering if the animal is not treated right. Animal welfare is how an animal is coping with the conditions in which it lives. For example, an animal is in good state if it is healthy or comfortable. The animal is in bad state if it is in pain or distress. Negative attitudes to animals are associated with less humane behavior towards the animal. The article “Free the animal? Investigating attitudes towards animal testing in Britain and the United States” did a study using Britain and American undergraduates that completed a battery of tests that measured attitudes towards animals. The author stated, “There were small but significant national difference on both factors. Americans were more positive about testing and less positive about animal welfare” (Swan and Viren 269). If animal welfare is less positive, animals should not be used to do any experiments until they become more positive. All animals should be protected by the Animal Welfare Act not just certain animals because it would cut back on a lot of pain and suffering animals have to undergo. Assuming that all animals are protected by The Animal Welfare Act, they would not be separated from their mothers.
Animal testing is cruel and should not be allowed. Most animals are separated from their mothers and subjected to isolation and stresses. The article “Ending a Cruel Legacy” discusses experiments in which Rhesus monkey infants are separated from their mothers. King argues, “Experiments that separate infant monkeys from their mothers cause profound and unnecessary suffering. They should be stopped” (King 12). Animals are just as important as humans because they experience pain just like humans do. Animals testing does not benefit the animals, it only benefits people, and it is not fair that animals have to go through this horrible experiment. It is cruel and torture, it should not be allowed. Animals feel pain and fear just as humans do. They should be able to be free and be able to protect their own lives, not be locked up in a cage at a laboratory. They are subjected to abuse and suffering when they are locked up in the laboratory. For instance, animal becomes stressed because they have no control over any aspect of life. It is deprivation and isolation, and it is not fair that animals have to undergo a horrible experiment, they should be free. They should not be forced to be torture. Researchers needs to align themselves with more progressive science.
Animal testing causes a lot of pain and suffering towards animals. Animal testing is cruel, and they have rights too. Animals are innocent and do not deserve been treated that way. If animal testing benefited animals, then it would not be so bad, but animal testing only benefits humans. Animals are forced to do experiments, and they should not have to be forced. There should be other methods available rather than using animals for the experiment. Non-animal testing methods should be used because it does not cause animal suffering and do offers people the hope of effective medical treatment. animal.