Emotion Recognition Based On Eeg Signal
Emotions play a vital role in human communication. Emotions can be conveyed in different ways verbally, facial recognition and gestures and by different tones
In this section you’ll find free example science essays to inspire your own work. One of our biggest essay categories, our science section includes essays on physics, chemistry, botany, biology, palaeontology, genetics, geology and more. Find more science essays here. We also have a separate section for zoology essays.
Emotions play a vital role in human communication. Emotions can be conveyed in different ways verbally, facial recognition and gestures and by different tones
INTRODUCTION Cola beverages contain phosphoric acid, citric acid and carbonic acid. Phosphoric acid, citric acid, and carbonic acid are the example of polyprotic acids contained in Cola beverages. Polyprotic acid is an acid which contains more than one hydrogen ion per acid molecule. The acid ionizes with a separate ionization constant for each step which … Read more
Identification of organisms has become important to preserve species because of increasing habitat destruction. We know very less about diversity of plants and animals that are living on earth. There is estimation of 5 to 50 million plants and animal species out of which less than 2 million have been identified. Yearly rate of extinction … Read more
Abstract The purpose of this paper is to analyze the article; Functional mismatch in a bumble bee pollination mutualism under climate change, for the purpose of examining the authors’ writing style, experimental process/methodology, with the express goal to clarify the article for a variety of audiences, as well as determining the validity of the conclusions … Read more
Abstract: Nature exhibits many surprising behaviors which have always attracted researchers towards them. One such behavior is of social insects which is known as ‘Swarm Intelligence’. The roots of swarm intelligence are deeply embedded in the study of self-organized behaviors in insects. These natural swarm intelligent systems have many features for example labor division, foraging … Read more
Neural network and its classification Conventionally, the word Neural Network used to refer to a set of connections or route of biological neurons. Currently, this word is frequently used to refers to ANN (Artificial Neural Networks), which are tranquil of nodes or artificial neurons. Thus this term has two different usages: Figure Biological neural networks … Read more
Throughout the past century, animal testing has had a critical role in advancing medical research, hence providing an improved quality of life and wellbeing. Despite this, the issue of animal testing is a very topical one with many ethical issues associated with it. Our society would not have the advance medicine we have today if … Read more
Animal testing is a cruel, archaic means of testing for medicines, cosmetics, or any other platform to be then used on humans. There is a single U.S. law that governs the use of the millions of animals captive in laboratories. The Animal Welfare Act (AWA), allows hundreds of innocent animals, across dozens of species, to … Read more
There are many controversial topics argued in the today’s world. People will always have different opinions on different views of widely discussed issues in the United States. The views of animal testing are one of the many widely controversial opinions that people debate about. Scientists have been using animals for testing since 500 BC (Background…). … Read more
Over decades, the debate of animals being used for testing and experimentation to determine the safety of products has become heated. Society has drastically opposing sensitivity, opinion, and perception toward animals. On one side, many recognize and know animals to be companions. Some religions, such as Hinduism, even go as far as hosting festivals to … Read more
Over decades, the debate of animals being used for testing and experimentation to determine the safety of products has become heated. Society has drastically opposing sensitivity, opinion, and perception toward animals. On one side, many recognize and know animals to be companions. Some religions, such as Hinduism, even go as far as hosting festivals to … Read more
I. Introduction The Oregon National Primate Research Center (ONPRC) aims to understand, promote, and improve human health worldwide through the study of nonhuman primate (NHP) models, or in layman’s terms, monkeys. The ONPRC has a division solely focused on Reproductive and Developmental Sciences, who use the monkeys to study and someday prevent issues with human … Read more
Arguments for & against use of laboratory animals, refinement/reduction/replacement techniques and ethical standards.
Introduction Scientific research is essential to solve problems and gain knowledge of both physical and theoretical aspects of the humans, wildlife, the planet, and the universe. The use of animals within scientific research has been custom since 3rd or 4th BC, documented in Ancient Greece from researchers such as the renowned Aristotle (https://www.nature.com/articles/3302371). In 1999, … Read more
Animal testing is a scientific experiment or test that is performed on living animals for assessing the effectiveness of new products and testing the human health. Animal testing helps to produce many vaccines and drugs. The many animals that are used for the researches are rats, mice, rabbits, hamsters, monkeys, and many more. The animals … Read more
Coming up with a good science essay requires critical analysis of several elements in writing since scientific arguments are different from other disciplines.
However, the steps involved in writing scientific essay is more or less like other paper works involving stages such as planning, thorough research and analysis, making an outline, actual writing, conclusion and work-editing. There are myriads of challenges facing writers in this sector due to the high demands in a scientific paper. Science writing should generally honor accomplishments of science (Roach & Folger, 2011). In this regard, arguments in science should largely be based on facts and data hence it is a requirement that science essay-writers should embrace research work and have multiple facts at hand. This paper, therefore, gives an analysis of various strategies in writing a comprehensive science essay which makes a difference in scientific reasoning. It discusses the various steps in writing and what is essential in each stage. It is an informative paper aimed at improving writing skills in science which is currently running out of professionals.
The most critical point in science essays is the planning stage. It is where ideas are generated and the entire outlook of a paper is decided. Moreover, the topic of discussion is also narrowed down in this stage. Given a general topic, researcher should concentrate on the key words in the topic. They are general words from which ideas are generated (Tan, 2001). Planning requires and understanding of the research question in details. A writer should be able to break down a question into several parts and come up with sub-parts that collectively address research question comprehensively. Most importantly, planning should be an advanced course of action, meaning it should take its own special time.
Learning how to write a science essay involves a lot of research and analysis. Research involves finding relevant sources of information on which basic facts are argued out. This can be done in the library or on the internet. Internet, specifically, has wide range of information but some can be irrelevant. However, it is easier to explore internet sources than going through books and articles. Moreover, there are online scientific journals which provide comprehensive information about current issues in the world of science. Researchers should, therefore, differentiate between relevant and immaterial sources of information to reduce the risks associated with producing irrelevant scripts (Betts et al., 2005).
Analysis, on the other hand, is putting together the various sources plus information there in, to gain understanding of real context of writing. It further involves getting an assurance that the materials at hand are enough to cover all areas required in research paper. Above all, analysis should enable a writer make some sense out of the sources before beginning actual writing.
This is not as technical as the previous stages, but still involves a broad analysis of what researcher needs to cover. Most essays have three basic sections; introduction, body and conclusion. However, writer is at liberty to choose his own outlook depending on his ability to organize thoughts well. If a writer has difficulty in recapping what he analyzed in the research stage, it is important then to organize an outline prior to beginning actual writing. There are no basic rules regarding outlines of scientific essays, it all depends on how logical ideas can be presented.
It is the main interest in scientific writing since arguments and facts are presented in the actual writing. There are varieties of issues to consider when writing an essay. First, it is at this stage that basic points in an essay are introduced. This implies that writer should be able to present an argument logically and reach a conclusion too (Betts et al., 2005). This is for purposes of organization and producing a well-written essay. It should, therefore, have a logical progress in which facts are presented in the right order. Moreover, in writing, it is important to support all key ideas with relevant data. Studies presented in science writing should not just be cited, but rather, a brief description of its key findings should be given. Science also requires that all nonobvious statements be accompanied by proper references.
In addition, writing should aim at producing a myriad of possibilities and go ahead to perform tests to prove them. The best criteria is rejecting impossible hypotheses rather than accepting real ones. It is the basis of elimination in scientific research and always based on facts. This is a step aimed at accepting or rejecting various hypotheses in science based on quality proofs (Betts et al., 2005). Moreover, science essays should be critical. The facts in each statement should be carefully examined and vague ideas should not be presented at all. In a case where a writer cannot comprehend certain statements, it is important to follow up with a good research. It is in this stage that proper citations and referencing are decided and used. Writers should be familiar with the four basic writing styles; APA, MLA, Chicago and Harvard. Lastly, writing should be concise, meaning, avoiding use of general statements. Most importantly, technical terminologies not familiar to common psychologists should be avoided or accompanied by their definition.
This stage also involves critical thinking and is not merely a brief summary of points illustrated in an essay. The focus should be broadened at the end of an essay, and use an appropriate last sentence which gives readers/scientists something to ponder about. In addition, it is in the conclusion that writer warns readers about consequences of ignoring scientific findings if it touches on the contemporary society.
It involves cross-checking a piece of work to ensure there are no unnecessary mistakes. The most effective program for editing is grammarly which proof reads and points out mistakes for writer to correct. All grammar mistakes are corrected at this stage and it improves quality of writing.
In conclusion, science essay writing is more challenging compared to writing on other subjects. Science requires a deeper analysis and understanding of facts and does not deal with writer’s opinions. It is important, therefore, to do a lot of research prior to beginning writing in this field and have quality facts at hand. Above all, planning of a science paper is the major determinant of success in writing.
Betts, K., Farquharson, K., & Seitz, A. (2005). Writing Essays and Research Reports in the Social Sciences.Australia: Cengage Learning Australia.
Roach, M., Folger, T., ed. (2011). The Best American Science and Nature Writing 2011: The Best American Series. New York: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt.
Tan, Lyn. (2001). Home Help in Essay Writing. Carlton South Vic, Australia: Curriculum Press.
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