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Essay: Improve Google Maps Quality: How SQA Helps Solving Problems

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  • Subject area(s): Sample essays
  • Reading time: 9 minutes
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  • Published: 1 April 2019*
  • Last Modified: 23 July 2024
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  • Words: 2,635 (approx)
  • Number of pages: 11 (approx)
  • Tags: Google essays

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Software Quality Assurance






Instructor: Sir Masroor Hussain

Project Title: Quality Analysis and Improvement of Google Map

Quality Analysis and Improvement of Google maps

Introduction to the topic:

In this Project we are discussing the overall info about Google maps includes their background, Introduction, implementation, previous and current issues and what is the role of SQA in the problems solution.

There are many web maps accessible on the web now a days. Every one of them have their own points of interest and disservices, some have less highlights and some have more, some are great in security and some are certainly not. In any case, we will talk about the most popular map all the time.

‘ Google maps:

The Google maps has their repute in the eye of the user. Google maps has previously struggled very much to improve themselves. But now a days they are very much stable than the other maps in the market. Although there are some more improvements required in the structure and the behavior also.

Targeted point:

Problems and their most suitable solutions or improvement

(Google Maps)

Introduction to the organization:

Google Maps is a web mapping administration created by Google. It offers satellite symbolism, road maps, 360 degrees including (Street View), ongoing activity conditions (Google Traffic), and course making arrangements for going by foot, auto, bike or open transportation.

Google Maps satellite view is a "top down’ see the greater part of the high-determination symbolism of urban communities is flying photography taken from flying machine flying at 800 to 1,500 feet (240 to 460 m). In 2012, Google revealed having more than 7,100 representatives and temporary workers straightforwardly working in mapping.


Above paragraph information is taken from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Google_Maps

Google Maps for mobile devices:

Google Maps is available as a mobile app for the Android and IOS mobile operating systems.

The Android app was first released in September 2008. Though the GPS-localization feature had been in testing on cellphones since 2007. In 2012 Google maps replace Apple mapping services.


‘ Security

‘ Privacy

‘ Stability

‘ User interface

‘ Web and mobile app

‘ Web standards support

‘ Bookmarks

‘ Offline maps

‘ Saved locations  

Previous/Current issues and problems in the Google maps:

1. Construction, Accidents, and Road closures:

Google Maps does not show on going constructions which are very useful now a days. Due to the working on Massive construction progressing day by day in Pakistan different cities the people faces many problems due to construction works. Having traffic jams and load of traffic on that road lead to hourly traffic jams on daily basis. People not only suffered during peak hours commonly office timing but also off peak hours in which the traffic is on normal flow.

‘ Construction site, many heavy machinery:

Similarly at construction site, many heavy machinery works day and night blocking that road. Google maps not seemed to be helpful at that cites. As the people visited there, they seemed to be trapped there construction and heavy machinery takes people valuable time. Most of the time heavy vehicles also trapped there taking the traffic jam into its peak.

‘ Traffic level and path:

Google maps only shows the traffic level on the roads as it shows the required path seemed to be red. Red path in google maps show the degree of traffic there. As the degree of traffic high there it red the path but didn’t guide the user about traffic jams or construction sites there. Most people thinks there must be some heavy traffic load there and most of the people avoid that path. Most common observation in people unfollow that path which is being red by google map. But it doesn’t give any reason behind that degree of traffic at path.

‘ Accident sites:

Google maps also doesn’t seemed to be cooperative at accident sites. In last November, several cars strikes one after one when there was intense fog. Google maps doesn’t give any info about the real time accidents. Crashes or any other mishap happened at that path or places.  Which after one leads to be Security lacks and leads people /user to the dangerous or life threating stage most of the people use to followed that path which likely speedy. Where they can run their engines on full swings. The people on rush ignore traffic signal as well as the traffic lights making their life on critical stage.

Whenever an accidents happens. The road is covered by many people, cars, and bicycles doing rescue work of their own. People leaves their car on road to save someone life. Many people parked their vehicles and then move on. In all general senses the traffic greatly effect by a major or minor accident take place on a busy road. We shall all obey traffic laws to minimize the traffic accidents.  In real time accident the user has to report the destination where actually it happens.

After a murder or plan accidents, the site is closed for the suspects. In Pakistan on many occasions many roads are blocked or they are sealed after some major incidence or terrorist attack. The area is cordon off and the basic investigation are done by security personals and until unless after the area is clear off the path remains closed for public transportation. Google maps does not guided us in these kind of situation where on user is being use the app accidentally or surprisingly went there where it is actually happening in Pakistan. In such circumferences of emergency when your security forces are in action in somewhere where actually some operation is going on or with some reason the area is cordon off user must be guided by google maps not to take that path.

‘ Road closures:

We all know about the VIP culture of Pakistan as some guest arrived. Like sometimes many of the important roads i.e. mall road and jail roads in Lahore are totally banned and are off for ordinary public traffic. It was near seemed now a days when two of the international teams has visited Lahore Pakistan for international cricket matches. They were given VIP protocols. All the Mall road and Jail road even small relatives link road were also shutdown from general purpose traffic. They were diverted into different path. In that case google maps still show the path are available as they are shut down for any mean of the traffic for the VIP moments. Moreover whenever VIP moments take place the specific roads are closed making traffic to divert into different streams.

Sometimes roads are also being closed by the protestors. They came off in more blocking the road and after that the whole traffic are shifted into diverges into different path. It’s a real time type of things. Many of the main road are covered by the protestors and it remain blocks for days and months.

2. Google Maps weather layer is strangely disappointing:

Google isn't notwithstanding using the greater part of Weather.com's information. On the off chance that you need more than a four-day gauge, or hour-by-hour information, you should tap on a connection that takes you to Weather.com. We are holding up to hear once again from Google for a remark on its climate objectives.

Moreover, the new layer is to somehow helpful, but it does not compete with the apps already available in market. It doesn't appear like an intense exertion, and it pales by the abundance of climate applications and locales officially accessible.

In most of the cases, the fog and climate of the specific location or points dramatically changes. Like in Lahore some areas got rainfall where ease in same city there is no rainfall and weather there seemed to be sunny in summer.

Another big issue is fog. Sometimes the fog immensely increase within an hour .moreover the app shows thunderstorm due to the part location of the satellite while seemed to be thunderstorm but isn’t even rain at all. Well in the Pakistan in summer we also struggles with muddy winds present in southern Punjab region. The climate dramatically changes with fast moving muddy breezes making user not to see anything.

The new climate layer on Google Maps, propelled today, shows current temperatures and conditions in urban communities and towns around the globe. Clicking or tapping on the climate symbol for a specific city opens an information window showing current moistness, wind conditions and an estimate for the following four days. You can change the units of wind speed (mph or km/h) and temperature (F/C), and empower mists to be shown. The climate information is given by Weather.com. Cloud satellite symbolism for this layer, initially just included on Google Earth, is provided by the U.S. Maritime Research Lab.

3. Slow Map Loading:

Another issue with Google Maps is caused due to the ‘browser add-ons’ or ‘turned off’ features. Some of the users had experience this problems as a form of slow loading time of map. The root of this cause is also due to the use of odder version of the site and most commonly cause OF problems is demonstrated as by, having previous versions of the website in the browser cache. In order to save time what actually browser do is that browser makes attempt to run/load the older/previous versions of Google Maps instead of loading the site directly. Website updates may cause problems with this attempt and slow down the entire site loading process. Site updates may cause issues with this endeavor and back off the whole site stacking process.

4. Voice navigation and commands:

Voice navigation and commands has language barrier. They are only in English. Spoke person has to use English. A person that does not know English or he/she speaks other language has to learn all commands.

5. Accuracy:

One of the common issue is accuracy. The accurate location. Sometimes a shows variation from the actual location. Once in a while Google Maps may experience difficulty finding where you are found. In the event that the GPS area of your blue spot on the guide is off base or the blue dab isn't appearing.

6. Fake companies and address:

Nearby organizations on Google Maps aren't generally as neighborhood as they appear. A huge number of counterfeit postings are added to Google Maps each month, coordinating perusing movement towards deceitful plans, finds a group of analysts at Google and the University of San Diego, California.

For instance, a fraudster may list a locksmiths at an area on Google Maps when they don't really have premises there. At the point when a potential client calls the telephone number recorded, they are put through to a focal call focus that contracts unaccredited contractual workers to do tasks everywhere. Regularly the client winds up being constrained into paying more than the first cited cost.

To break down the extent of this mishandle, the gathering took a gander at more than 100,000 postings that the Google Maps group had distinguished as harsh between June 2014 and September 2015. The false postings regularly had a place with administrations like locksmiths, handymen and circuit testers etc.


7. Comparison between Waze and google map:

Clients of the Waze application caution each other of up and coming car collisions, speed traps, rerouted activity, and different disturbances out and about. The weighty application keeps on developing: In 2016, it propelled the Beacons route program, which alarms drivers to forthcoming ways out in places famous for GPS blackouts, similar to burrows; it propelled Transport SDK, empowering clients to switch amongst Waze and other transportation applications (Waze joined forces with taxicab applications Lyft, 99 Taxis, and Cabify); it denoted the 100th accomplice in its Connected Citizens program, which gives progress ahead of time and continuous reports on civil government-announced development, accidents, and street terminations; and it started a Waze Carpool highlight to energize ridesharing in San Francisco. In time for the world's most mainstream occasion, the Olympics, held in 2016 of every one of the planet's most activity tested cities, Rio de Janeiro, Waze presented wrongdoing hazard cautions that secured goals and focuses on the way. Waze is likewise sparing lives with cautions intended to keep grown-ups from unintentionally deserting youngsters in hot autos

How your topic is related to the organization and its problems:


In the first section in which we had introduce what actually our topic is ‘Quality analysis and improvements in google maps’.

For better quality analysis first of all we had introduce that what is actually the organization is. After introduce to google maps which is basically under discussion we had highlighted its core components and which are listed. For quality analysis the team had work upon different sources to find out what actually user are facing problems regarding the google maps. The biggest problem were accuracy and missing of some essential components to be add by the organization.

For the betterment and improvement of the product the problems are being heighted with comparison to the other app availed in market. WAZE that we had giving a comparison but google maps and it. Has some of vital functionality and some of its component include the live accidents reports are the major difference.

So that is how our topic quality analysis and improvement in google maps after removal of some defects and above listed problem quality can be enhanced.

Relevance role of SQA in the problem solution:

Software quality assurance is the process of ensuring the quality of software that it meets the required it meet the desired quality measures. Software Quality Assurance is implemented in various types of software models.

SQA is used in software testing, rather than checking the quality after completion. SQA processes, test for quality in each phase of development until the software is complete. The software development moves to the next phase if the current phase of software is compiled with required quality standards. SQA works on one more standards that help in building software quality guidelines and implementation strategies.

 These include ISO 9000 and capability maturity model CMM.

In this project we use CMMI model.

SQA role in the organization going for CMMI assessment has various responsibilities. SQA depends on the overall strength of the organization and number of people involved with process implementation. SQA is the mainly responsible for the quality initiative in the CMMI organization and is responsible for conducting many associated process improvement activities in the organization.

Different activities of SQA in this project problems solution according to CMMI model are as follows:

‘ Process improvement planning.

‘ Conducting audits of product, project and services.

‘ Development, updating and modification of CMMI complaints quality management system.

‘ Conducting training according to their roles.

‘ Training to project team members on core activities like project management, estimation, reviews, etc.

‘ Preparation for documentation and training.

‘ Maintaining the quality of the system as per the specification

‘ Defect Reduction

‘ Direct fault detection and removal without executing the project scenario.

‘ Testing the project for Failure observation and bug removal.

‘ Risk identification

‘ Defect tracking techniques and methods. Software fault tolerance. Concluding remarks and maintaining reports.

Software quality can be quantified into two major groups:

Software function quality: it basically shows how well a software product conforms to the basic design, based on functional requirements.

Software structural quality: It reflects on how well the project meets the non-functional requirement such as usability, accessibility and security that helps in proper the delivery of the requirement. 0

Software tester faces a great deal of pressure to get their product during the released under budget and time. So the developers and testers need to take every opportunity to effectively manage the quality of their products or risks. To maintain the quality of the software the QA managers need to able to gauge the effectiveness of their organization.

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