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Essay: The Resurgence of Teen Movies through Netflix

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  • Subject area(s): Sample essays
  • Reading time: 11 minutes
  • Price: Free download
  • Published: 1 April 2019*
  • Last Modified: 23 July 2024
  • File format: Text
  • Words: 3,314 (approx)
  • Number of pages: 14 (approx)
  • Tags: Netflix essays

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English essay writing book

Assignment 1


Teen movies become slightly a rare breed

Particular movies make less money than its predecessors did

Netflix seems to be doing its best level to resurrect the genre

Programming towards teenage audience

Vice-president: in the on-demand world there isn’t a place where there's lots of great show and movies that are catering to that audience

Netflix original movies turkey in quality terms

As modern as possible in programming and in its actual application

Old films are filmed with a modern twist cause the teen movies begun to die, but it isn’t been a success

Big problems that teenagers face are presented that might not find a home in the big screen

Assignment 2


Teen Movies became a rare breed. Netflix seems to be doing its best level to resurrect the genre towards the teenage audience. The vice-president says that there is no catering to that audience. Netflix makes the movies modern in programming and in its application. They represent topics that could not find a place on the big screen, what the teenagers are facing.


The text is aimed for everyone who reads this paper

This text is a newspaper

The function of this text is to inform the reader

The conclusion of the text is that Netflix has a good solution for the limited amount of teenage movies

Assignment 3


The first and the last paragraph are about the problem and how it through reading the text is beginning to be solved. It goes about the limited movies for teengers and how Netflix is busy working for a solution.


Since  Time

For example  Enumeration  

But  Coordinating  

For instance  Consequence

And  Coordinating

Which  Relative Pronoun

That  Relative Pronoun

Lately  Time

While  Consequence

According to  Example

Through  Consequence

While  Consequence

Assignment 4




The information I'll collect will be filtered to the key of the articles. The important information will be organised in order to fulfil the oral examination and essay writing.

Exam task essay close-up page 27


The role of social Media in your life

Maybe you recognize it yourself, you don’t feel like dealing with your responsibilities, so you pick your phone up and start going to social media. Social media can replace time you would usually spend on your actual work, or you can use it when you do not have much concentration or you need some distraction. For most students it’s the fun choice to make when you compare it to learning for school. That's why many people believe that social media has a negative impact on human relationships. But do Facebook, Twitter and Instagram affect our relationships in real life?

Social media and the internet have definitely affected human relationships. Many people are too shy to take the first steps in a relationship and find if easier over the web “where everything is safe”. This easier way to break the ice between shy people, i find understandable but when a couple posts pictures they've made together, and sometimes get anxious for other peoples reactions on it, i find it s bit to much. It is like their feelings are based on what others think of them. My opinion about that is especially unpleasant cause i wonder why others have to know what your doing in you life? And do you really need that much attention?

It seems like the future is only going to get more active online. It would be a sad thing to think that we will literally forget how to greet someone while walking on the street. People will get so in to technology that they will almost become robots.

I hope that people will see that the technology can't replace being connected with people in person. With all the negative parts of social media, i think people must understand how dangerous it actually is and that your time is worth more than spending it on reading hate comments from someone you don’t really care about.

Writing essay close-up page 26


The internet is the third person

Imagine, your friend who lives overseas, who you used to only see when your were there in the country, is now using the internet for communication. Now you can talk with your friend through all kinds of tools, for example with Facebook, Twitter and Instagram or Snapchat. This way you do not have to travel far to communicate with your friend anymore. Wouldn't that be great?

The internet has made the world smaller by giving people the ability to connect in a long distance relationship. Through social media it is possible to connect with someone far away . Also, you can meet people you don’t know and make friends, and if you don’t like them you can just block then and you don't suffer from having to communicate with that person anymore. social media became a tool to say harsh things without feeling guilty about it.

But the internet also has a negative side where talking online causes you to meet with your friend less. There is also more abuse as a result of internet communication, cause there are bigger opportunities to make false identities and to pretend to be someone else. Also,  cyberbullying rates are increasing.

Eventually there are good and bad things to say about internet communication. The negative effects should be prevented. My opinion is to use the advantages of internet communication only in the most useful way, but as little as possible, so you wont get involved in the negative parts of internet communication.

Assignment 5

spearheaded speerpunt past

curtailed beknot past

received ontvangen past

resurrect herleven ps

geared afgestemd past

scripted scripted past

release vrijlating ps

breaking breken pc

maintaining behoud pc

thread draad ps

given gegeven vd

predictable voorspelbaar ps

tailored op maat gemaakt past

previewing previewen pc

resurrecting resurrecting pc

appealing aantrekkelijk pc

Assignment 6

Industrial Revolution and Internet

Industrial Revolution happened in the past century. It’s the Revolution of the technical development in the industry. Which kind of benefit did it bring to us?

Internet has an huge impact on humankind, since the Industrial Revolution. The technology makes it possible to communicate with each other from far away. Someone who lives in Australia is in good reach with someone who lives in the United Kingdom. With the coming of webcams and microphones you can meet with someone even though you didn’t make an appointment to meet with each other in a cafe. The social media has many opportunities to run into someone you actually would be too shy to approach. Like whatsapp calls and viber voice calls where you can see the person through your phone.

My opinion is that with Internet we as humans have many benefits using it. For example, calling an appointment with a doctor who can come to your house because you're alone and can't move. In conclusion, nowadays you can’t really be functional if you’re not integrated in the technology.

Assignment 7

A long and healthy life?

People wants to live longer, but how can they achieve this difficult task where there is no magic drink that can help you out? I’ll give my points in favor of and against this article.

Old people can be good for the candy and too much personal care such as when your by your grandmother, but she isn’t able to do so anymore that there are also negative points to this subject. Such as who will care for the old ones when they aren't able to take care for themselves anymore? And where will the money come from when they aren't working anymore? The pension fund wont be able to ta care of all these people financially. Also, longer living is a meaning for being more on this earth and having approximately more trash what can damage the environment. Living longer means being more on the financial care other people have to carry.

But i can understand that living longer can make you do more things and good and smart, intelligent people have a better opportunity to serve the world longer.

At last, my conclusion is that living longer can bring positive or negative consequences. Even though it is still not sure how many people will reach this age living.

Assignment 8

The boring history subject

You may know your school subject yet quite well. Like the most students you don’t like school because of the boring classes you have to take. But what are the positive and the negative parts of history in school?

Studying can be very productive because you can get to a very high position in this community. Learning new things is good for your brain development and for your general knowledge about things in life. Knowing things from the past can improve your abilities of fitting in the society. Cause many scholars say that you can’t understand the present without the knowledge about the past. How everything in this society was created and the history of how countries are being governed can be informative because we all have to life in a certain community with rules, and if you understand why some rules were made you can follow them easier.

The negative part of learning history is that not all you learn you can use in your daily life. Like what date it was when some tsar entered an area or how people used to be scared of the elites with big power. It can be very uninteresting for students to listen to something there is no use about.

In conclusion, the good part of history in school is that you can act better in the community you are in and the negative part is that you won’t use the knowledge you get in your daily life.

Assignment 9

The fat population grows

The growing number of overweight people is putting a strain on the health care system in an effort to deal with the health issues involved. How should we take care of this ever growing problem?

Being too fat is of course not the best thing to be, it can cause so much diseases and health problems you rather want to avoid. You are not able anymore to do so many things and to actually enjoy life. An solution might be to inform people and especially the younger generation about the negative part of eating too much of the delicious candy you might eat every day. The kids nowadays are approximately too fat and confront many sugar diseases which are bad for the whole mankind. Many disease are new and don’t have the good cure yet what can actually cost lifes.

Also, the assortment of what you can eat is really bad nowadays. For example, mcDonalds and KFC are not the best options to dine out. In every corner you can find some fast food bars where the food is processed and not healthy. The food doesn’t suffice the needed vitamins and minerals for our body. This is an example of the bad state of our community where appetite is more important than your health.

After all, people should really be more informed about the dangerous consequences of being overweight and eating too much of unhealthy food. And especially our kids should know more about the danger of food, cause they are our future.

Assignment 10

Complete the grid


Hinglish is a hybrid of English and South Asian languages

Where is it used?

It is used in Asia and in the UK

Some examples & the meaning

Badmash = A dishonest or unprincipled man.

Airdash = Travel to a destination by air at short notice.

Timepass = The action or fact of passing the time, typically in an aimless or unproductive way.

Who uses it?

It’s used on the Indian sub-continent and also in British Asian families.

Where do the words often come from?

The words come from the English language which are blended with the language of Punjabi, Urdu and Hindi

Influence of media?

In south Asia there is for example Times of India, where words from Hinglish are used.

What does the arrival of Hinglish show?

The arrival of Hinglish shows us a reflection of the rise of the Indian sub-continent as an economic power-house.

Answer to the questions

A hybrid language is a mixed language deriving from several languages simultaneously.

That means that words of a language are “borrowed” and that the borrowed words are used in their own language. And those “borrowed” words get their own twist from influences of that country.

The queen’s Hinglish is a dictionary of the hybrid language, who has been gathered by Baljinder Mahal.

A linguistic magpie might be used to describe someone who collect lots of bit of different languages.

Balti means bucket in India. insultingly refers to some evocatively archaic phrases, as in this case the word stepney.

Bangalore means to send overseas, as in call centres. It refers to this phrase "Brand India has shaken, stirred and otherwise Bangalored the world's consciousness”.

That is also a hybrid of English. It is used in parts of the United States where people shift seamlessly between Spanish and English.

This means that more and more languages consist of loanwords. So there are languages that catch words from other languages, to form themselves new words for their own languages.

These are people who say that you can only be the master of one language and that you shouldn’t try to cross two languages.


Indian parents want their children to go to a school where lessons are taught in English. But why the English language? The answer is that India has no truly national language of its own. India now claims to be the world’s second-largest English speaking country. This means that English is now, more than ever, an essential passport to white-collar jobs.

And why Hinglish? Hinglish is an authentically Indian hybrid. But the trouble with Hinglish is that it can cause havoc when clear and precise communication is required, whether on taxi ride or in more serious situations like hospitals and law-courts. The people in India still need better quality, standardised English teaching if they want to access the global knowledge economy.


350 million people speak Hinglish in India. But what is Hinglish now? Very simple, Hinglish is a hybrid of English and South Asian languages. But why is Hinglish not the lingua franca of India? Is that because of the fact that people think that Hinglish is a supplement to the English language? Or is it because they want to access the global knowledge economy?

As we know, India has no truly national language of its own. And India claims to be the world’s second-largest English speaking country. And nowadays, the English language is a very important language. English is the main language in the economy and in the trade world.

In India a lot of people prefer the use of Hinglish. Because Hinglish retains the own identity of the people in India and their culture comes back in this language. The Indian culture is a very important aspect in India. That’s why they prefer Hinglish and it is also easier for them to pronounce the words. This is because it is a mixture of Asian languages and English.

Now is it still the question do “English or Hinglish”? They both know advantages and both are aware of their disadvantages. So is Hinglish something characteristic of India. But at the same time, you get much further with English in the world Economy.

But why are there still parents who want their children to go to a school where lessons are taught in English? I think that’s because of the fact you get much further in the world with the English language. It is widely used in business, trade, tourism etc. So the young people in India need to learn to control the English language if they want to access the global knowledge economy.

Essay Assignment (with Asmae)

The myth of Atlantis

One of the world’s greatest mysteries, is the mystery of the lost island Atlantis. According to Plato, Atlantis is an Utopia which is made up of concentric islands linked by a canal. Its founders were people who were half god and half human. But when Atlantis became like the world we live in now, with abuse of power, corruption and greed, god Zeus decided to make this earthly paradise disappear into the sea. Many geologists have been searching for Atlantis, but could not find records of it anywhere else in the world. There are still a lot of people who belief that Atlantis has existed. Is Atlantis a myth, or a fact based on evidence?

Plato learned of the lost civilization of Atlantis from a traveler named Solon. Plato said that Solon visited Egypt, where he learned about Atlantis from priests at the Temple of Sais. Plato got this information indirect from Solon, which means that the deliverer of this story could change the story and give wrong information about it. Solon could also give wrong information to this deliverer, he could accidentally mix up stories because he travels a lot. Even if this story would be true, Plato has given insufficient information about the location of Atlantis. There were a lot of ideas where this location could be, but it could not be confirmed by geologists on the worlds map. Because of these doubts, some people don’t believe that Atlantis existed.

On the other hand, there are people who believe that Atlantis has existed. There are even some scientist who believe this, based on one specific evidence. After the last ice age ended about 15,000 years ago, the world began to warm up. After thousands of years of global warming, the temperatures plummeted and then rose again rapidly 1200 years later. This event is called the Younger Dryas. At the beginning and end of the Younger Dryas, the rapid climate change wreaked havoc on our world. This event ended in approximately 9600 BC which is the same time that Plato said Atlantis was destroyed. This means that Atlantis could have existed and that the evidence of Atlantis being real is discovered.

From this we can conclude that Atlantis does exist. The people who believe in the existence of Atlantis have based their beliefs on actual evidence. A great part of the existence and the location of Atlantis still stays a mystery. All in all I think that the future can change everything because of the new evidence that will be discovered by scientists using the most recent technology. But for know Atlantis is a beautiful topic for mythbusters.

Sample essay

Stress, stress and stress

Many people find it difficult to talk about their feelings. They are to shy and there depends on what people think about them. Therefore people will be more careful about how they express themselves. How can we make people be more open about their inner?

It is important to speak with someone you can trust, whom you can tell all your worries. When suffering from stress it’s vital to seek help. Stress can reduce your abilities to work properly, for example a lack of concentration, low motivation and fatigue.

Also, in companies, stress in work at can lead to low productivity which has a negative effect on the companies.

Remember, accepting help and support is not a sign of weakness.

In conclusion, stress is something negative and must be prevented. You have to talk about your feelings and express them. Find someone who is your best mate and speak with them about all your problems, cause you will feel much better.

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