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Essay: Compare US Impact from WWII & Vietnam War: Economic & Social Effects

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  • Subject area(s): Sample essays
  • Reading time: 6 minutes
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  • Published: 1 April 2019*
  • Last Modified: 23 July 2024
  • File format: Text
  • Words: 1,565 (approx)
  • Number of pages: 7 (approx)
  • Tags: World War II

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World war II and Vietnam war are wars that was participated by United States. Both wars occurred in two different generations. The beginning of World War II happened in Sept 1, 1939, which involved several nations including Germany, Japan, Italy, Britain, France, Australia, Canada, India, New Zealand, China and the United States of America. Due to Japan’s submission,  the World War II was concluded on September of 1945. After the conclusion of World war II, ten years later,  In November 1955, Vietnam War started. This war is about making Vietnam a communist country which results in conflict between North and South Vietnam. This conflict lasted until April of 1975. Both wars highly affected the United states. However, both wars had different impacts in the nation. Also, people viewed and responded to both wars differently which highly favored in World War II. Both wars transformed the United States to what it is now.

World War II

As mentioned above, World War II occurred in 1939 to 1945, the war is a result of conflict between the Allied and the Axis. The Allied groups are United States, Soviet Union, and Great Britain while the Axis are participated by Germany, Italy and Japan. It was the largest international battle in history. The outbreak of war occured due to colonization of Poland by German dictator Adolf Hitler. The United States of America began to involve in World War II after Japan launched an attack to US Navy base at Pearl Harbor in Hawaii. As result, the United states declared war against Japan the very next day. Both countries had engaged in several naval battles. The war ended in 1945 when Japan surrendered to United States after two Atomic Bombs were dropped in cities of Nagasaki and Hiroshima. World war II was thought to be the most deadliest war in history totalling 50-85 million fatalities.

Vietnam War

Vietnam War occured when a communist country, France, tried to occupy Vietnam. The country of Vietnam was divided into two areas, the North Vietnam which is communist-led and the anti-communist South Vietnam. The leader of South Vietnam Ho Chi Minh, is against the colonization and the implementation of communism. The South Vietnam troops along with the support of America troops fight against North Vietnam’s communist-led guerillas or called Viet Congs. The United States of American actively participated in the war, from sending 2000 American troops to approximately 536,000 in 1968. The American troops were killed because Viet Congs were skilled in battling in dark forest while American troops are not. Due to number of fatalities of American troops, President Nixon withdraw the American troops in order to slow the war.

Impact on Economy and Society

World War II

The US had an economically boost during the war. After being involved in the devastating effects of the Great Depression which happened 20 year after World War I. Having almost 25% of the American citizen being unemployed, World War II had bought prosperity for Americans. Factories had restocked and retooled to prepare and continue serving troops for the War. Industrial factories closed that was once used for consumer goods, fabrics and mechanical parts was opened and turned as Munition Factories where Military weapons, ammunition and other military equipments where made. Citizens was employed and the percentage of unemployed had dropped drastically, over 15% of the citizen was employed to support the war effort. As there are demand for men to join the military and move overseas. As stated in the US History II, “As in the previou war, the gap in the labor force created by departing soldiers meant opportunities for women. In particular, World War II led many to take jobs in defense plans and factories around the country” (Ch. 27.2) Traditionally, women are thought to be unfit to do "men's job". That time had changed, women are now hired and encouraged to participate and work in the factories to supply troops on the ground by working in Assembly lines inside the factory. Not only that, existing closed factories where re-opened, New plants, warehouses and factories were constructed for the sole purpose of steadily supporting the war that is happening overseas. I addition, As stated in the US History II,“Tens of thousands of women served in the war effort more directly. Approximately 350,000 joined in the military” (Chapter 27.2). During the war, the government had a propaganda called " to work or fight" which encourage civilians to contribute by working or enlisting. The general population of woking class society saw this as an opportunity to further better their livelihood, rise up after the Great Depression and secure their future generation as they often work longer hours at ends and were paid well working to support the armed forces and doing their duties as an American Citizen.

Vietnam War

Having won the second World War, US had the pride and moral throughout its troops and its citizen that they thought the Vietnam War will be easy for them to win. US government continued to wage war against the ever growing Communist ideas throughout Vietnam and neighboring countries. In an effort to eradicate communism in Vietnam, US stepped up to intervene the spreading of communist ideology throughout Vietnam. In order to combat the opposing allied country, China, US required great effort to fund military supplies for troops sent to Vietnam. However, unlike the Second World War, the nation's capacity to fund and produce product for troops was not there anymore which leads to imbalance in the nation's economy. Just like the Second World War, factories that was used to supply consumer goods was yet again converted to cater for the war. This, however, led to questioning of some government official as it may cause unsteady influx of economic growth and economic decline. In addition to a declining economic the US investment towards the war, mainly, the recruitment for troops via Draft and The use of US's fund that was sent overseas to further support the troops has no "returns" in the form of monetary or resource value to stabilize the US economy which create numerous problems for the US economy at the time. The move caused massive inflation for American Citizen as the Government action to recover for the fund lost supporting the War. Inflation caused the rise of interest rates and many more financial issues throughout the economy which leads to outrage and questioning of the middle-class American Citizens. Middle-Class American student rallied to boycott the Draft and the use of unnecessary chemical weapon (Kenner, 2005). Draft was later abolished and changed to an All-Volunteer Force. Having United States first lose in a war after decisive battles on previous Wars, it left it's troops and citizen in a traumatic state which led to mistrust in the Government. Question were raised on why the United States had to intervene and creating more conflict regarding the Cold War between communist countries. Question that was unanswered that left the society in disbelief for the United States Government and its policies.

Americans Response to Participation

Most Americans supported World War II as people are all out support for the country during war. As mentioned above, most men were sent off to fight in the war. Most people were very patriotic as well as very proud to support american military. Due to increased jobs availability and improving economy, most families were thought to have a stable lifestyle. Also, due to increased opportunities to improve their lifestyle such as more jobs and opportunities continue their education tremendously allowed Americans to put all their efforts in supporting American military troops. As evidence,  it is mentioned in US History II, “It is also called upon Americans to unite behind the war effort and give their money, their time, and their effort, as they sacrificed at home to assure success abroad” (Ch. 27.2).

In contrast to the patriotism and support of Americans to World War II, during Vietnam war, the atmosphere was completely different. Most Americans did not understand the purpose of participation of United States to Vietnam war which results in a very tense protest against American military troops. Most people did provide any support during the war and some even initiate violence. Unlike in World War II, Americans did not welcomed American troops warmly during their return back in the country. According to US History, “As a conflict were on and reports of brutalities increased, the antiwar movement grew in strength” (Ch. 30.3). President Nixon, took matters in his hand and initiated the process of Vietnamization. It is a process where American troops are slowly getting withdraw in Vietnam while still supporting the South Vietnam by supplying them with weaponry. In addition, US History II, “Their anger was heightened by the fact that a disproportionate number were fighting and dying in Vietnam” (Ch. 29.2). This is an evident that most American were angered and against the drafting of America troops.


US History II: Interactive Edition, v-2017.01.06, panOpen. Retrieved from


a Robert Kenner Films production for American Experience in association with Wisconsin

Public Television, Playtone, and the BBC ; producer/director, Robert Kenner ; story,

Allen Rucker and Paul Taylor ; telescript, Allen Rucker. The American Experience. Two

Days in October. [United States] :PBS Home Video, 2005.

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