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Essay: Exploring World War I w/ Adolf Hitler, Mussolini, Stalin, FDR and More

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  • Subject area(s): Sample essays
  • Reading time: 7 minutes
  • Price: Free download
  • Published: 1 April 2019*
  • Last Modified: 23 July 2024
  • File format: Text
  • Words: 2,187 (approx)
  • Number of pages: 9 (approx)
  • Tags: World War I essays

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HW: Practices and Effects of WWI Terms & Notes

Core Knowledge

Useful Knowledge

Week 1-2: (10/29-11/9)

Adolf Hitler

Benito Mussolini

Joseph Stalin

Franklin Roosevelt

Hideki Tojo

Winston Churchill

Neville Chamberlain

Week 3-4: (11/12-11/26)











NA for this mini unit- will revisit in specific authoritarian state units

Step One: IDs

Directions: For each term in core knowledge, write a paragraph ID. You should include the date (unless noted as “no date needed”), the context or causes of this term, a definition/explanation of what this is, and why this term is important for understanding the practices and/or effects of WWI. This ID should be 4 sentences MAX.  It is recommended that you complete this before class.

The useful knowledge can be used in your definitions of the core knowledge, although you do not need to write out a paragraph for each individual term. You should recognize what they are and be able to talk about them.

Example (looked at in class; a solid if not amazing ID):  

Aaron Burr (1756-1836) was one of the Founding Fathers, including being an officer in the American Revolution and being vice president. He is significant for our study of Alexander Hamilton because he killed Hamilton in a duel after Hamilton spoke out against Burr when he was running for governor. (Source: Wikipedia)

You must also include any links or other sources you used. BE VERY CAREFUL TO PUT THIS IN YOUR OWN WORDS. A good practice is to use two sources to write your definitions, then revise them after class. You must include the links to your sources if digital and name the text if on paper. See the resources list at the end of this document for advice about where to find information.


ID Paragraph


Adolf Hitler

Adolf Hitler (1889-1945) was a German politician and was the chancellor in Germany. He was the dictator of Nazi Germany, he lead the holocaust. The holocaust took the life of millions people.


Benito Mussolini

Benito Mussolini (1883-1945) was an Italian dictator and Prime Minister of Italy. He formed the first Fascist Party in March 1919 to express his fascist views.


Joseph Stalin

Joseph Stalin (1878-1953) was the dictator of the Soviet Union. He wanted to modernize Russia, he did this by getting creating factories from land. This caused many people to starve to death.


Franklin Roosevelt

Franklin D Roosevelt (1882-1945) was the 32nd US President. During the four terms he served the Great Depression and WWII took place. FDR created the new deal program to restore prosperity to Americans after the Great Depression.


Hideki Tojo

Hideki Tojo (1884-1948) was a Japanese general and prime minister. He approved the attack on Pearl Harbor. The attack of pearl harbor lead to America’s entry into WWII.


Winston Churchill

Winston Churchill (1874-1965) was a British prime minister. He lead Britain succelfy through WWII. “He forged alliances with the United States and Soviet Union to defeat Nazi Germany in World War II.”


Neville Chamberlain

Neville Chamberlain (1869-1940) served as Prime Minister of the United Kingdom. He had a policy of appeasement against Nazi Germany. This was to avoid conflict.



Communism is a political theory leads a society in which all property is publicly owned and each person works and is paid according to their abilities and needs.



A Nazim is a person who is responsible for administration of cities, districts.


Liberalism is based on equality. Liberals believe the government is needed to protect citizens from harm. They also believe in liberty and equality.



Commitment to traditional values and ideas with opposition to change or innovation.



Fascism is a government lead by dictatorial power. The economy is against democracy.



Anarchism means there is no government to control the citizens in a state. People in the countries would work together



Libertarianism is a political philosophy with minimal interference from the government to citizens.



Totalitarianism is the opposite of Libertarianism. Citizens have no freedom, the government has all the control of people.



Authoritarianism is a political term where full obedience is given to the authorities in the countries and there is no personal freedom.



Socialism empowers people in countries to make decisions as a community.


Use the core terms, useful knowledge, and other ideas you learned in class to answer these questions, which match what Ms. Sparks, Mr. Simms, and IB will test you on. You may write paragraphs or make bulleted lists. These should expand on and connect what you have already done. It is recommended you complete this after class.

Step Two: Graphic Organizer

Political Leader


Goals and Ambitions



What happened?



Adolf Hitler

Some of the ideologies of Adolf Hitler, was that the Aryan people were more superior than the Jewish and Slavic races, Jewish people could not be citizens, he hated communism, and that germany should be economically sufficient and should have one of the strongest governments with complete power. Hitler believe in Nazism and Socialism.

Adolf Hitler's main goal was for Germany to rule over all other nations, by imperialism, and to expand eastward into other territories, and regain territories that had been closed through World War I

During Hitler’s rise there were a lot of assassinations taking place, and someone attempted to assassinate Hitler but they did not succeed. Not only did he have political obstacles, but he also had health issues. Hitler has Parkinson’s Disease, although he did not want to show it because it would have gone against his ideologies for the “Perfect German” and people would have quickly questioned his leadership.

Hitler managed to kill a mass number of jewish people, and also convince Germany that we was restoring it to the “right Germany.” Hitler also built up their army, and invaded many countries.

Benito Mussolini

Benito Mussolini originally believed in socialist party, but in 1914 he left their party to join the Fascist party. Mussolini promised the Italian people to bring back the Roman Empire, and to restore Italy back to itś previous greatness.  Italian fascist ideology emphasized the principles of social Darwinism which states that the “fittest race” is the most superior and will therefore survive. This gave Mussolini an excuse to ferociously expand territory and demonstrate the violent tendencies of a fascist regime.

The goals of Benito Mussolini, was to enetinall create a empire out of Italy, by creating a political philosophy, fascism, where he proposed to end political corruption  expand the roman empire, by taking land from northern africa, by colonizing libya, and then ethiopia.

While ruling he faced the tension between the Vatican and the Government of the Italian state. Mussolini also figured that if he were to become Catholic he would also gain the support of the Italian Catholics, so he did become Catholic.

Benito was able to convince the Italian people he would restore it to its prime “the roman era.” He also convinced them that they needed to do almost anything to be the fittest race.

Hideki Tojo

Hideki Tojo believed in Militarism and Expansionism. Although he had a lot in common with the fascist party, he also had his own way of thinking. Tojo was an emperor, and in Japan he is seen as a God therefore everyone would do what he said and would sacrifice their own lives for him. Tojo hoped that Japan would expand tremendously and will become one of the top global powers. With that being said he was willing to risk as many lives to achieve his goal.

He hoped that Japan would become one of the leading global powers, and expansion.

One of the Obstacles that Tojo faced was extremely bad economic problems. With this being said, they believe that the more land they took over means that there would be more raw materials for them. Tojo believed that with the new materials and land they could build more and trade more which would restore their economic state.

Hideki Tojo was the prime minister of Japan, and united the bombing of Pearl Harbor, which later resulted in the destruction of two Japanese cities, and an immense amount of Japanese people to be murdered. Hideki Tojo baligubadle that Germany's reasoning for war was ‘pure”, and they sided with the germans, and italy. After the war, Hideki Tojo was convicted of being  war criminal, and faced with execution, after being in jail for two years. The influence that Hideki Tojo had on war, was that he ignited the bombing of the the Pearl harbor, which caused the United states to join in World War II.

Neville Chamberlain

Neville Chamberlain was apart of the Conservative Party, when he began to mount to more power he started focusing on improving the lives of working class citizens. Instead of being aggressive, he decided to only fight when needed to so he would compromise with Hitler to prevent war.

He wanted to improve the lives of current factory workers, and any other working class jobs.

Neville Chamberlain was seen as a weak leader, because he tried to please Hitler to prevent war. So he was placed under appeasement, and Winston took over.

Chamberlain held a good composer, and tried not to go into war until necessary, but this was a part of his downfall.

Winston Churchill

In his early political life, he was a mostly left liberal man. As he began to gain more power and the interest of the public he quickly began to become more conservative. He was in charge of bringing more help to those who needed it in the working class and the unemployed people. He was also an Imperialist who believed that the Parliament was supreme and was willing to sacrifice everything to protect the royal family.

In WWII he wanted to defeat Adolf Hitler, preserve the British Empire and keep Stalin out of Europe. He defeated Hitler, lost the British Empire and could not keep Stalin out of Europe.

Winston faced many obstacles during this era, he was facing his pre-diagnosed dyslexia and this affected his speech writing skills. He also faced ADHD, as a leader he tried to promote the possibility of overcoming these disease.

He fought for the right of the workers, and led Britain to a victorious win in WW2. Winston also helped children suffering with ADHD and dyslexia.

Franklin D. Roosevelt

Franklin D. Roosevelt believe in many ideologies, and his opinion on each changed many times. For example; He would defend Wilsonian Internationalism, but then he would demonize the League of Nations to gain support from William Hearst who supported the isolationist party.

He wanted to lead the isolated United States to a victorious war against the Nazi Germany.

During this era, the United States were also going through it’s own economic crisis. He was not only trying to convince the government to allow him to engage in war, but to also provide security for this American people through their time of hardship.

He game America hope after the Great Depression and he also led them into a war after the bombing of Pearl Harbor.

Joseph Stalin

Stalin believed in Stalinism which is a regime that was surrounded in terror and totalitarianism.  Stalinism consisted of Communist and Stalin’s own ideas. Karl Marx and Stalin both shared many ideas of how to make Russia more powerful and great again. Many of Stalin’s ideas were surrounded by extreme military use and brutal mass killings.

Joseph Stalin's goals and ambitions for the Soviet Union was that they would have so much power that they would be able to make other nations around the world communist as well, and to

He faced other competition while trying to gain support from the Russians.

He led Russia into war, despite their economic problems. He also used their military to kill a lot of civilians and military men. Stalin believed in militarism a lot.


Hodder (IB Textbook), Authoritarian States (live in your teacher’s rooms)

CrashCourse World History and World History II

Rubric: Knowledge & Understanding (Based on IB Essay Rubric)

1 & 2

Little knowledge of the world history topic is present.

1: Inappropriate or inadequate use of terminology.

2: Limited use of terminology appropriate to the subject.


Knowledge of the world history topic is demonstrated, but lacks accuracy.

There is a superficial understanding of historical context.

Basic use of terminology appropriate to the subject.


Knowledge of the world history topic is mostly accurate.

Events are generally placed in their historical context.

An ability to express knowledge and understanding in terminology specific to the subject.


Knowledge of the world history topic is accurate.

Events are placed in their historical context

There is some understanding of historical concepts.

A sound knowledge & understanding of the subject using subject-specific terminology.

6 & 7

Knowledge of the world history topic is detailed and clear.  

6: Consistent use of appropriate terminology.

7: A precise use of terminology which is specific to the subject.

Events are placed in their historical context

There is a clear understanding of historical concepts.

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Essay Sauce, Exploring World War I w/ Adolf Hitler, Mussolini, Stalin, FDR and More. Available from:<https://www.essaysauce.com/sample-essays/2018-11-28-1543420923/> [Accessed 19-12-24].

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