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Essay: Uncle Tom’s Cabin: 19th Century Bestseller Shines Light on Slavery Oppression

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  • Subject area(s): Sample essays
  • Reading time: 5 minutes
  • Price: Free download
  • Published: 1 April 2019*
  • Last Modified: 23 July 2024
  • File format: Text
  • Words: 1,441 (approx)
  • Number of pages: 6 (approx)
  • Tags: Slavery essays

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Imagine a book so great that it was once considered the second bestselling book of the 19th century after the Bible. A book so powerful that it was able to influence and stir a movement and different attitudes among different groups of people in the 19th century. Uncle Tom’s Cabin is a book that is said to have laid the ground work for the Civil War later in the 19th century. Slavery was on its peak during this period and the minority races were facing a difficult time in the country in the hands and mercies of the superior white folks. The reality and severity of slavery is brought out in the book through the characters and especially Uncle Tom. Harriet Beecher Stowe, a teacher and a known active abolitionist is the author of the renowned bestselling book Uncle Tom’s Cabin back in the 19th century. The book is an anti-slavery novel that was published in the 19th Century that sheds light on the attitudes towards slavery and especially on the Black American population. The book clearly depicts the severity and dehumanizing conditions that the African Americans were subjected to by their white masters while also asserting that agape love or Christian love is powerful enough to overcome evils and destructive attitudes like slavery and hate among people. The power of print media and books is clearly brought out by the book. Writing should therefore be preserved, and more people should take up the responsibility of tackling the issues in the society through the art of writing.

Uncle Tom’s Cabin is a story that is set in Kentucky, which is in the southern part of the country. In the 19th century, slavery was it its peak in the southern areas where most rich white land owners resided. African Americans were there taken as slaves to work as manual laborers in the large cash crop farms. The manual labor was needed for the labor-intensive cash crops such as rice, cotton and tobacco by selfish masters who were after large economic returns with low cost labor. The story revolves around Uncle Tom, who was held as a slave together with his family by one Arthur Shelby, who is a farm owner. Tom and his family are among the many slaves that Mr. Arthur owns and who works for him in his farm. Arthur later sells Uncle Tom and Harry; the son of one of his maids in order to settle his debts and save his farm. Tom’s encounters in New Orleans also have a significance to the plot of the story. Here we see his interaction with St Clare, his new owner. This brings out the different perspectives of slavery and black slaves among the rich white farmers. The scene in New Orleans is also significant because we are introduced to the theme of Christianity. This is significant because back in the 19th century, when slavery was at its peak, the white farm owners used Christianity and the Bible to the slaves as a way of controlling the masses and ensuring that the slaves did what they were told in fear of being punished by God.

The impact of Uncle Tom’s Cabin was profound throughout the country. It is said that the book laid the ground work for the Civil war. The book is an anti-slave novel that helped open people’s eyes to the reality and severity of slavery back in the 19th Century and the oppression and prejudice that the African Americans faced in the hands of the white masters. It also shed light on the complicity among the black Americans to take charge of their lives and destiny. Throughout the book, we see Uncle Tom being a devout Christian and how he remains rooted in his belief even in times of hardship. Tom uses Christianity to give his fellow slaves hope and to encourage them to escape. The impact of this is seen when more black people took on Christianity in the 19th century and used it as a channel to spread peace and hope.

The plot of the book starts in Kentucky where we meet Arthur Shelby and his wife who are slave and farm owners. They have a very good relationship with their slaves including Uncle Tom, Eliza and her son Harry. However due to the unsettled and accumulated debts, they are forced to sell two of their slaves in order to settle their debts and save their farm. They therefore sell Uncle Tom and Harry although they are not happy about it due to the good relationship they had built amongst them. Eva, who is Harry’s mother overhears this and decides to run away with her son at night. Tom is later sold and placed on a riverboat where he meets a young girl named Eva and the two quickly and easily become friends. They become even closer due to their shared Christian beliefs. Later, Eva’s father, Augustine St. Clare, buys Tom as his slave.

In New Orleans, Tom lives with St Clare and Eva for two years. Here we also meet Ophelia who is St Clare’s cousin and they have a moment when they discuss the dynamics of slavery with Ophelia arguing that slavery is prejudiced mostly against the black people. St Clare however does not agree and later goes on to buy Topsy a black slave and instructs Ophelia to educate him just so that he can prove a point. Eva then falls very ill and before she dies, she experiences a revelation about heaven which she shares with Tom, Ophelia, St Clare and the people around her. The impact of her vision is then later felt as it encourages them to resolve and take charge of their lives. St Clare promises to let Tom free and Ophelia promises to change her attitude towards black people.

Unfortunately, St Clare dies before he is able to fulfill his promise to the free Uncle Tom and thus his wife takes over. She sells him to a ruthless plantain owner, Simon Legree, in an auction who takes him to his farm in rural Louisiana where Tom meets the rest of the slaves. Here, Tom is mistreated and abused by Simon who tries to break him to give up on his belief and faith in Christianity. Tom however stays strong amidst adversary and hardship. He also meets Cassy another one of Simon’s slaves whom he encourages to escape. She later succeeds to escape together with Emmeline. When Tom later refuses to tell Simon where Sassy has escaped to, Simon orders that Tom be beaten to death. Even during his death, Tom remained devoted to his belief in Christianity.

Emmeline, Cassy and Eliza, who is Harry’s sister, are able to escape and gain their freedom. They get on a boat to Canada where Cassy realizes that Eliza is her long lost daughter. They are then finally reunited as a family and they travel to Liberia, the African Nation for former African Slaves. They are reminded to uphold and respect Tom’s resilience, sacrifice and his belief and Christianity.

Uncle Tom’s cabin perfectly shows the different aspects of slavery back in the 19th century; how some slave owners were actually considerate and human while others in other areas where cruel and exploited the black slaves. It also clearly brings out the role of Christianity in the society especially among the slaves back in the 19th century.  The characters are well realized with the use of speech, dialogue and effective narration. The book therefore provides and contributes majorly to the historical understanding of the readers. However, the book also has a couple of shortcomings like the heavy grammar and literature used in the book which may pose as a challenge to readers with minimal to no literary levels. The complexity of the language used makes it not viable to all.

Uncle Tom’s Cabin seeks to explain that vices and atrocities such as slavery, hate, and violence can be overcome by the teachings and beliefs of Christianity. In the book, we see Eva’s vision of heaven influence a change of heart of those around her including St Clare, a slave owner. We also Tom able to give hope to his fellow slaves using through his faith. The book seeks to show that Christianity can help overcome any issues and barriers and bring people together. This is still relevant in the modern day where there are still issues such as racism, prejudice but Christianity is one of the major religions and tools that is used in preaching peace and encouraging cohesion.

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Essay Sauce, Uncle Tom’s Cabin: 19th Century Bestseller Shines Light on Slavery Oppression. Available from:<https://www.essaysauce.com/sample-essays/2018-11-26-1543200729/> [Accessed 07-10-24].

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