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Essay: Demographics, Personality, & Social Media Use Motives Linked to Problematic Social Media Use

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  • Subject area(s): Sample essays
  • Reading time: 6 minutes
  • Price: Free download
  • Published: 1 April 2019*
  • Last Modified: 23 July 2024
  • File format: Text
  • Words: 1,589 (approx)
  • Number of pages: 7 (approx)
  • Tags: Social media essays

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1. Abstract

a. Users have preferences to social media motives

i. Demographics and big five personality dimensions on social media use motives

ii.   Demographics and used motives on social media site preferences

iii.  Demographics, personality, popular social media sites and social media use motives on problematic social media use among university students (PSMU).

II. Sample Study

a. 1008 undergraduate students, aged between 17 and 32 years (M= 20.49, SD= 1.73; 60.5% women).

b. Social media questionnaire

i. Social Media Use Questionnaire, Social Media Usage Aims Scale, and Ten-Item Personality Inventory

c. Multiple linear and hierarchical regression analyses based on social media use motives

i. meeting new people and socializing

ii. expressing or presenting a more popular self

iii. passing time and entertainment were associated with problematic social media use

III. Preferred socials

a. Instagram, snapchat and Facebook reported higher scored of problematic social media use

i.  being female, introverted conscientiousness, agreeable, and neurotic were associated with PSMU

IV. Findings

a. Empirical evidence for uses and gratification theory due to findings that demonstrated:

i. different motives predict preference of different platforms

ii. different personality traits predict different motives

iii. different individual differences such as personality, preference of platform, and specific use motives predict PSMU.

V. Most visited Social Media Sites

a. Facebook

i. most popular and top visited site

ii. over 2 billion users by 2017

iii. actively used by 1.3 billion uses everyday

iv. present study

i. Hypothesis for the present study: Facebook use will be associated with maintaining existing relationships, expressing or presenting a more popular self, and entertainment, as well as informational and educational motives.

b. WhatsApp

i. Alternative to standard messaging

ii. meets communication needs of more than one billion people

iii. supports voice and video calling, sending/ receiving of many different types of media: text, photos videos, documents and locations

iv. provides ability to create stories as social media applications

v. present study

2. Hypothesis for present study: WhatsApp use will be associated with maintaining existing relationships as well as informational and educational motives.

c. Twitter

i. Currently 330 million active users per month

Ii. Present study:

3. Hypothesis for present study: Twitter use will be associated with meeting new people and socializing, expressing or presenting a more popular self, as well as informational and educational motives

d. Instagram

i. 800 million active users

ii.  allows users to take, filter, share photos, allows live broadcast and story creation with later added features.

iii. past study

i. different motivations: entertainment, convenience, self-expression, medium appeal, interpersonal interaction surveillance, documentation, coolness and creativity (Alhabash and Ma 2017; Sheldon and Bryant 2016)

iv. present study

4. Hypothesis for present study: If Instagram is used then it will be linked with expressing or presenting a more popular self, passing time entertainment, and task management motives.

e. Snapchat

i. More than 100 million users

ii. Third most popular SMS after Facebook and Instagram

iii. Past study

1. Different motives: entertainment, convenience, medium appeal, self- expression, modality, agency, interactivity, navigability and privacy.

iv. Present study

5. Hypothesis for present study: If snapchat use continued then it will be linked to maintaining existing relationships and expressing or presenting a more popular self.

f. YouTube

i. Ranked second of all websites visited on the Internet: ranked first for video sites.

ii. Allows users to interact with the site using methods: rating, video uploading, commenting and sharing.

iii. Active and passive participation

iv. Past study

i. Different motives: content creation and viewing, social gratification, relaxing entertainment, social interaction and information seeking

v. Present study

6. Hypothesis for present study: if YouTube use is continued then it will be link with passing time and task management, as well as entertainment, and informational and educational motives.

g. Google +

i. Difficult to compete with many popular social networking sites, and few research on google+.

7. Hypothesis for present study: if google + is used, then it will be linked with informational and educational motives.

VI. Uses and Gratifications

i. media use is goal-directed or motivated

ii. people used socials to satisfy their needs and desires

iii. social and psychological factors medicate media use

iv. media use and interpersonal communication are related

Types of gratification

a. Gratification sought: from using media

b. Gratification obtain: the needs satisfied by media use

I. Shaped by social, economic, cultural and political factors

v. present study

I. focuses on the seven different gratifications for social media and relationship with the selection of different social media sites and problematic media use (PSMU).

i. maintaining existing relationships

ii. meeting new people and socializing

iii. expressing or presenting more popular self

iv. passing time

v. entertainment

vi. as a task management tool

vii. information and educational motives

II.  PSMU in depth

a. Show controlled and compulsive behaviors

b. Can display symptoms related with chemical and other behavioral addictions: tolerance, salience, mood modification, withdrawal, conflict and relapse.

8. Hypothesis for present study: if motivations to popular social media sites associated with PSMU may predict student levels of PSMU, then the question is: does different social media sites uses are associated with PMSU examined?

VII. “Big Five” Personality Characteristics

i. Agreeableness, conscientious, extraversion, neuroticism and openness to experience

ii. Past study

a. Neurotic

i. users are inclined to engage in self-disclosure

ii. involved in others’ responses to their selfies

iii. spend more time on FB

b. Extraverted

i. social for gratifications of meeting new people and socializing,

ii.  informational and educational gratifications and task management

iii. likely to high more photos and selfies.

iv. have higher number of online friends and tend to demonstrate higher self-disclosure

c. Agreeableness

i. users use social media to positively relate with gratifications of maintaining existing relationships

ii. information and informational and educational gratifications

iii. to negatively relate with expressing/ presenting a more popular self and entertainment gratification

iv. involved in others and own shared content with “likes” and comments

d. Conscientious

i. Gratifications of maintaining existing relationships

ii. Tend to involve others’ responses to their selfies

e. Openness to Experience

i.  negatively associated with showing oneself as being more popular on FB

ii. selfie-related interaction with others

iii. share more info about themselves on social media

VIII. Present Study

a. individual motivation to use social media sites = problematic factor

1. the relationship between social media usage and PMSU

2. motivation underlying of each site may be different because majority of research to date concentrate on Facebook use.

b. Important factors

1. The use of both social media use

2. Determine which use motives and gratifications lead to PSMU

VIII. Method

a. Participants and Procedure

i. 68 students (44% women; M= 20.84 years, SD= 3.76).

ii. second phase of 1008 students btw 17 and 32 years ( M= 20.49, SD= 1.73)

iii. all participants gave consent and participated voluntarily/ anonymously

VIIII. Measures

a. Demographics

i. participants were asked about gender, age, daily internet use time, dailt mobile phone use time, and social media sites/ apps they mostly used

ii. asked to choose three from the seven social media sites (WhatsApp, Instagram, YouTube, Facebook, snapchat, google+ and twitter)

b. Social Media Use Questionnaire

 i. to assess students’ level of problematic social media use.

  ii. Confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) with main sample (N=1008)

 iii. present study: .87

c. Social Media Usage Aims Scale

i. comprises 30 items on a five-point scale, examining 7 sub factors:

1. maintaining existing relationships

2. meeting new people and socialzing

3. making, expressing, or presenting a more popular oneself

4. passing time

5. as a task tool management

6. for entertainment

7. for informational and educational purposes

ii. present study: .89, .76, .72, .64, and .81

X. Ten-Item Personality Inventory

i. comprises big five personality dimensions

ii. each dimension has two items on a 5-point Likert scale

iii. dimensions were reported btw .70 and .89

iv. highest scored dimension= dominant personality trait for the individual

XI. Statistical Analysis

i. present study uses descriptive stats, regression analysis and confirmatory factor analysis

XII. Results

a. descriptibe statistics show 14% use the internet less than 2 hours daily and 44% had used the internet more than 4 hours daily.

b. 13% used mobile phones less than 2 hours daily and 51% uses mobile phone more than 4 hours daily.

c. Table 1: social media platforms of N=1008:

i. WhatsApp – 92%

ii. Instagram- 79%

iii. YouTube- 78%

iv. Facebook- 55%

v. snapchat- 37%

vi. google+- 37%

vii. twitter-  32%

d. Table 2: Mean scores, SD and max-min scores on variable of social media use (N=1008)

i. maintains existing relationship (MER) and regression model explained 4% of MER

ii. making, expressing, or presenting a more popular self (MEPO) and age and consciousness explained 1%

iii. passing time (PT) was a use motive by young and neurotic explained 3%

iv. being female and extravert was used for task management tool

v. young and extraverted students used social media for entertainment explained the 2%

vi. IAE of 4%

XIII. Discussion/ Conclusion

a. females use SMS to maintain existing relationships, manage tasks, and informational/ educational gratification

i. prefers snapchat and google +

b. men use social media for meeting new people and socializing

i. prefers Facebook and YouTube

c. age

i. being young was more related to social media use motives as a tssk management tool and IAE.

ii. higher use of snapchat

iii. different generations participated in study

d. personality traits

i. extraversion mostly using for MER and managing tasks

a. high number of actual friends

b. post more updates and selfies

ii. introverts: use social media problematically

a. engages in more PSMU

i. low self-esteem

ii. higher loneliness

iii. conscientiousness

a. lower scores of SM gratification of expressing or presenting a more popular self

b. less organized unambitious, emotionally driver and inconsistent.

c. presents a more successful superior and better person of themselves; they create a fake persona

i. self-promotion may result in excessive and PSMU

iv. neuroticism


ii. gratifications of passing time

iii. use social media as a distraction from real life

v. openness to experience

i. MER

ii. iae

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Essay Sauce, Demographics, Personality, & Social Media Use Motives Linked to Problematic Social Media Use. Available from:<https://www.essaysauce.com/sample-essays/2018-11-23-1542932547/> [Accessed 03-10-24].

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