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Essay: Standing Up For Your Beliefs: Fahrenheit 451 and The Crucible

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Self-confidence, the key to standing up for your beliefs

Hans F. Hansen once said, “It takes nothing to join the crowd. It takes everything to stand alone.” In Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury, The Crucible by Arthur Miller, and “Happier” by Marshmello there is a common theme of isolation and honesty portrayed, leading towards the confidence to do what is right. One should listen to their heart and make decisions based on their own opinions, not what others do or say, because in the end those who really love them will support them no matter what, which betters one’s confidence.

The confidence to say what one believes is challenging, especially when faced with death. In The Crucible, John Proctor is faced with the option to confess to being involved with witchcraft, which he is not, or face death. In Salem, Massachusetts, many are accused of being involved with witchcraft, which results in serious consequences, such as death. John Proctor is one of many in Salem who is being accused of witchcraft, but he is truly innocent. He is given the option to confess that he is involved, or he will be hung publicly in front of the whole village. John knows that he is innocent, so he refuses to confess to something he has not done, “Because it is my name! Because I cannot have another in my life!” (Miller 207). John values his name and does not want to be known as something that he is not. He stays true to himself and does not risk his reputation because of what other people tell him. John Proctor and Abigail have an affair that John’s wife ends up finding out about later on. After this occurs, John Proctor recognizes that it was wrong, and he does not have any feelings for her, whereas Abigail is still deeply in love with him. She attempts to get with him in every way possible. Even though John says he does not have feelings for her, Abigail continues to go after him. No matter what others say, she still gives things a try and does not give up because she believes he truly loves her but does not want to confess it. If Abigail has a chance, she expresses her feelings for John, “I have a sense for heat…I know you, John. I know you. I cannot sleep for dreamin’; I cannot dream but I wake and walk about the house as though I’d find you comin’ through some door”(Miller 257). Deep within, Abigail feels a connection between the two of them, and she does not let anything interfere with her confession of her feelings. Throughout The Crucible, Abigail’s ultimate goal is to have John Proctor to herself. Even though John tells her that he does not feel nearly the same way as she does, does not make her any less optimistic or stop trying. Abigail continues to maintain the confidence to state her feelings even when John tells her they were never going to be together and John stands up for himself when he refuses to confess something he has not done. Confidence is the key to expressing oneself.

As challenging as it is for one to say what they believe, it is equally as challenging to stand up for one’s beliefs. In Fahrenheit 451, Guy Montag knows that it is against the law to own books, yet he continues to own them anyways. He keeps these books because he feels a deep connection with them. No matter what Beatty, the chief firefighter, says, Montag keeps the books because he feels that they contain useful information and he is not going to give them up because others tell him to. “The woman knelt among the books, touching the drenched leather and cardboard, reading the gift titles with her fingers while her eyes accused Montag. ‘You can’t ever have my books’, she said”(Bradbury 35). The woman has a connection with the books and stands up for what she believes in. The firefighters demand she give up the books, but she does not, causing her to be burned alive along with the things she loves. She does not make a decision she does not believe in just because she is told to, which shows how much courage and compassion this lady has. Montag is also a civilian who is not allowed to own books, especially since his job, as a firefighter, is to burn them. This, however, does not stop him because he believes books are powerful and exceptionally important.

“He kept moving his hand and dropping books, small ones, fairly large ones, yellow, red, green ones. When he was done he looked down upon some twenty books lying at his wife’s feet…..We can’t do anything. We can’t burn these” (Bradbury 63). Even though Beatty, his boss, gives him a long talk about why books should be burnt, Montag breaks the law and reveals his hidden stash of books. Montag believes books are valuable, and he does not listen to his boss’s words. The actions and words of others do not deter Montag’s actions and thoughts.

Loneliness and feeling different from everyone surrounding oneself are some of the worst feelings in the world. In the music video for the song “Happier”, the little girl is constantly isolated from the other kids her age because she is not like them. She looks and acts differently, so the other girls make fun of her. Instead of changing her appearance and personality because of what her fellow peers say, she stays true to herself and chooses to stand alone rather than be someone she is not. An example of this is when she is picked last for soccer because none of the girls want her on their team. She feels alone and has no friends, yet she continues to be herself and does not change just because she does not fit in. Another example of this is when she is at soccer pictures and she is told to smile, but when she does, everyone makes fun of her for her braces. Once she finally has the confidence to show her teeth, all the girls on the team laugh at her. This girl is unlike the other girls and has a grave feeling of isolation, but despite the hardships she has gone through, she is loved within her home. As soon as she walks in the door, she is immediately greeted by her dog who brings her happiness, comfort and is her companion when she is lonely. Even though she is different and does not act like the other girls her age, she has a dog who truly loves her despite her differences. This gives her the confidence to be herself and not change her actions just because of the hurtful words of others.

One gains the confidence to do or say what they believe from others, which spurs the expression of their true colors. It does not make sense to influence decisions based on someone else’s opinion just to please others, therefore, one should stand up for what they believe in. In different ways, the authors of Fahrenheit 451 and The Crucible and the director of the music video, “Happier”, show that it does not make sense to give up on something that one believes in. One should listen to their heart and show others who they are, not who they aspire to be.

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