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Essay: MaximizeBrand Awareness on Social Media Networks

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  • Subject area(s): Sample essays
  • Reading time: 5 minutes
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  • Published: 1 April 2019*
  • File format: Text
  • Words: 1,384 (approx)
  • Number of pages: 6 (approx)
  • Tags: Social media essays

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Amin Dakdouk

English 1101

Professor Dawn Garcia

M/W 8:30-9:45

13 November 2018

Do We Try to Present a False Version of Ourselves in Social Networks?

Social media is a source of communication and access into a person's life. People might share photos, conversations, thoughts and more. A great amount of people that post on social media tend to do so for no more than to show off. They claim to have or even live a certain way that to seem cool. The way social media has formed individuals is fairly frightening. Understanding that being who you are is what is important, not what others expect you to be. It is not about how much money we have to spend on clothes, cars or other luxurious items.  Nowadays, there is a scarce amount of individuals that are presenting a true version of who they are.

Social media has turned into such a negative direction. We are focused on the amount of followers, likes, shares etc.  We live in a scary time where individuals hide behind their phones in hopes of “likes”. We tend to turn away from the real world and devor more of our focus towards popularity, regardless if it’s true or false things that occur. Nowadays it is almost impossible to even know who to trust. Anyone can make a fake account claiming to be someone that you know in real life. We need to stop trusting that technology is safe for us because social media claims to protect us. For example,   Facebook it is the most used social network with more that 1,5 billion of users (Acar). Facebook does help to fix this problem because there is not more personal interactions that reflect more naturally occurring conversations. In a way, all of our habits define the person that we are.

 Now, having social media in our lives, we tend to forget about who we truly are outside of the internet. People have a hard time defining themselves, finding true friends, and living life to the fullest without having that connection to the internet. If we went back at least fifteen years, it is safe to assume that social media had little to no impact on individuals identity and status. Before nobody was depending on social media. In the times we live in now, social media is a very important part of our lives. Society now it is too comfortable with how things are that most would not even know how to live without social networking.

  As the internet gross we become more known to people and we gain a sense of false reality  prominence in our lives. Due to the growth of the internet our actions online now start to represent us in the real world. Research shows that adults are spending almost twice as much time online  as  in 2008. Nowadays the time adults spend online is consisted more of social media than anything else “at 30%” . Now when you are being observed for a long time it is really hard to be fake online as for reality TV show actors. Deliberate deception and image management are relatively straightforward during short-term interactions, such as job interviews, first dates and dinner parties. We all have a window for displaying the bright side of our personality and adhering to social etiquette, but what happens when a great portion of our lives is being broadcasted?

The business benefits of effective social media use include: Brand awareness – Compelling and relevant content will grab the attention of potential customers and increase brand visibility. See branding: the basics. Brand reputation, you can respond instantly to industry developments and be seen as ‘thought leader’ or expert in your field. This can improve how your business is seen by your audience. Financially savvy, it very well may be a lot less expensive than conventional publicizing and limited time exercises. The expenses of keeping up an online networking nearness are negligible. On the off chance that you put resources into paid publicizing, you can spend to such an extent or as meager as your financial plan permits. Site activity Social substance can support movement to your site. This can prompt expanded online transformations, for example, deals and leads. Assessment, it is anything but difficult to quantify how much site activity you get from online life. You can set up following to decide what number of offers are created by paid social publicizing. Client cooperation, you can convey enhanced client benefit and react viably to input. Positive input is open and can be influential to other potential clients. Negative criticism features zones where you can move forward.

Target crowd – Customers can discover you through the web-based social networking stages they utilize most. You can keep up a nearness on specific interpersonal organizations that are in accordance with your intended interest group. For instance, on the off chance that you are focusing on youngsters you could contact them through Snapchat. In the event that you are looking for business clients, LinkedIn might be the best channel. See internet based life stages. Brand unwaveringly – You can assemble associations with your clients through internet based life. This can help increment faithfulness and backing.

Individuals occupied with informal communication might do as such as an individual or a business try. The individuals who connect on informal community destinations as an individual undertaking communicate by utilizing different types of media to talk about their lives and interests. The most prevalent informal organizations for this kind of natural connection incorporate Facebook, Google+ and Twitter. In spite of the fact that these and other interpersonal organizations might be utilized for business purposes – particularly advertising – informal organizations exist particularly for big business long range interpersonal communication. Famous venture informal community stages incorporate Socialcast and Yammer. Preferably, workers who are entrusted with partaking on interpersonal organizations are furnished with an internet based life arrangement so there is no vagueness about what administration considers to be satisfactory utilize.

Assets – You should submit assets to dealing with your internet based life nearness, reacting to criticism and creating new substance. This can incorporate contracting and preparing staff, putting resources into paid promoting and paying for the expenses of making video or picture content. Assessment – While it is anything but difficult to evaluate the arrival on-interest as far as online deals created by web based life promoting – there are some less substantial advantages. It very well may be difficult to quantify and put a money related an incentive on the brand mindfulness and notoriety that web based life can bring. It's hard to realize how web-based social networking impacts deals in-store. Inadequate utilize – Social media can be utilized ineffectually. For instance, utilizing the system to push for deals without connecting with clients, or neglecting to react to negative input – may harm your notoriety.

As a frequent user of social media I have found it to go in a negative direction due to the fact that people are not always who they appear to be. Recently I started to notice that people that I thought I knew pretty well convey themselves as a completely different person virtually. I have noticed that people feel obligated to meet certain societal standards and have no limits in how much they will conform. Most of the people in social media have a defined personality that it is always “updating”.

Work Cited

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Daryl. “Social Media Is Not Real Life, But That's Not the Problem.” The Everygirl, The  

  Everygirl, 18 Apr. 2017,  theeverygirl.com/social-media-is-not-real-life-but-thats-not-the-


Deutsch, Bob. “Why Everyone and Everything on Social Media Is Fake.” Entrepreneur, 19 Apr.

  2018, www.entrepreneur.com/article/311421.

Dirkx, Laurie. “In Pursuit of a Perfect Photo .” 2018

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Migrator. “Advantages and Disadvantages of Using Social Media.” Nibusinessinfo.co.uk, 15

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Sarner, Moya. “The Age of Envy .” 9 Oct. 2018.

Wann, Liz. “The False Reality of Social Media.” Desiring God, 5 Nov. 2018,


“What Is Social Network? – Definition from WhatIs.com.” SearchCIO,   


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