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Essay: The Effects of Social Media on Trust in Relationships: To What Extent Does It Matter?

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  • Subject area(s): Sample essays
  • Reading time: 6 minutes
  • Price: Free download
  • Published: 1 April 2019*
  • Last Modified: 23 July 2024
  • File format: Text
  • Words: 1,628 (approx)
  • Number of pages: 7 (approx)
  • Tags: Social media essays

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The more our generation feeds into the usage of social media worldwide more and more people find a love interest online. If it is on a dating app such as Tinder, Christian-Mingle, and Instagram. The question that I will be asking is to what extent does social media affect the trust you have in your partner. Social media made its debut in the early 2000’s with the start of Myspace and Six Degrees. It is projected by the statistic portal by the year 2021 that over 3.2 billion people will be using at least one social networking site. This will affect the relationship that someone is in most likely. To avoid things like this most people should stir away from social networks if they don’t want to affect the time they spend with their partner. The importance of this topic is that the more time we spend online and not face to face it has a chance of ruining the trust you have in your partner or the amount of attention you give to them. An article done by a journalist Moore states that “On the other hand, social media may have “ruined dating,” in the sense that the courtship process can now occur almost entirely over the internet and decrease the incentive to make a commitment”. This shows that over half of the population may find there significant other online they may not actually be together for a long time they may lose interest in the relationship after a while. Many people may disagree to that finding love online is a good idea When social media didn't exist back in the 90’s people never had a stereotype to go off that a woman should look a certain way they weren't bashed they were mostly idealized for the sacrifices they made for their families.

whereas it’s a place to meet stalkers and someone who wants to hurt you which is why their gap in my research because most people are opposed to the idea.   ……………A study that was done in October of 2014 by Stanford found that over eighty-percent of people lie about their height, weight, age and overall looks on their online social networking. This is bad because if you were in a relationship online and it was the long distance you are going off what the person listed on their profile because you can’t see them in person.  In 2016 Cupp said “It's a place where trolls try to bait me into insignificant arguments and where conspiracy theorists call me” This is significant because on an everyday basis even people at the highest rankings in society go through these prejudice comments such as news anchors, politicians, and artist in the music world.  Women tend to claim that they weigh ten to fifteen pounds lighter than they actually weigh and men would lie about being taller about 2-4 inches. If you found out your partner was lying about some things on their profile would you look at them differently? Would you ask why did you say this if it wasn’t true? Most people will stay with the significant other, but a few people said it would alter their relationship completely because they were going based off what they read and not what they were being told and they want a tall man or a petite woman. Pickles a therapist found out through counseling that many people are found cheating online or wan there significant other to look like another person that they may have seen on Instagram. They also found that fewer people go on a date or spend time together couples usually are in the same vicinity but won’t speak a word because they are surfing the internet and not engaging into each other with conversations. Social media has affected this generation since we are known as the millennials were the transition group for things so social media is incorporated into our daily lives. We also have classes with only technology which is another example when you only have technology in class you aren’t associating with people face to face your only worried about the social media aspect. You are less likely to ask your teacher for help you will stay on your device and most likely won’t be doing school work you will be on a completely different site. This topic is important to society because we're in the point in time when we use social media for everything whether it’s to check grades or even the weather. So social media does a have a big impact on a relationship whether it be positive or negative towards it. When asked most people will gravitate toward finding a relationship online because they can learn a lot about a person faster. Others will post their significant other on their social networking pages to make them feel better about not spending as much time together or neglecting face to face contact with them. Their significant other will be more trusting in them because they are letting others know that they are in an exclusive relationship and that they plan to be together for the allotted amount of time.

 T……. This will help bridge the gap between my research and other peoples research because my research will hit the key aspects of social media and does it negatively or positively affect your relationship. If it does affect it is it based on how long the couple has been together. I believe that social media will have a positive effect on a couple whose been together longer than 3 months. Why because they will have more trust and more time spent together compared to a newly formed relationship when you’re getting the feel of the relationship and how your partner is. I strongly believe that my research will help support my hypothesis on my topic.



80 random high school level teenagers a mixture of gender, race, and age from different grades were asked to participate in this study. The youngest age ranged to 14 years of age and the eldest people in this study were 18 years of age. Both approvals from the institutional review board and informed consent were obtained prior to the beginning of the study for anyone who is younger than 18 years of age. The survey was conducted during school hours but was given at a random time, during random periods of time each participant had to declare if they were in an exclusive relationship or not. If they are not they were excluded from the survey. Once people who weren’t in an exclusive relationship my survey continued to ask what gender the person was, their age and what grade they were in. The participants' age and grade they are in playing a key component into seeing if they were spending more screen time with their phone instead of being with their partner. Also, the participant was assured that their information would be left confidential and that no one will know it was them included in this survey. When doing the survey, the participant had to answer a two-page survey with ten questions trying to understand the consistency of their relationship.  The participant had to list how many social media accounts they have and in mins how much time do they spend on a social media account on an everyday basis. Then I had to compare how long they were together to the amount of time they spend with each other in school and after school. If it had a correlation of how the trust affected the relationship.  ………For example, if a couple was together for seven months they rarely see each other in school their partner spends most of their time on social media in school because they maybe didn’t see their girlfriend. Once I found out how the usage of social media affected the relationship and if had affected the trust the relationship had. A simple analysis of the survey was done to see if the longer you are in the relationship the more trust you have in your partner or if it had no correlation at all. This survey helped understand if social media does, in fact, ruin the trust in a relationship. If participants answered that amount usage of social media affected their trust in their relationship, they were asked to elaborate on the reason as to why they feel as social media has been a big problem as to trust into their relationship. Once the amount of trust was incorporated into the trust they had they were asked how many social media accounts they have and how much time do they spend on their partner's page from each of these social media. If it was a substantially high number the trust in the relationship was mostly high but, if the partner didn’t spend an abundant amount of time on their partner's page they tended to not trust them as much because they were scrolling and looking onto another person’s page. However, there is a problem in that as well some people don’t spend any amount of time on their partner's page because they spend a lot of time with them in person or they have an adequate amount of trust for their partner.

    The methods for this survey are as followed select eighty random people evenly distributed by age range and grade range to get a better understanding of how many people are in a relationship and their social media account and usage. Once this was established they were asked to elaborate on a key concept if they trust their partner off of a basis that they see every day on social media or if they are unaffected.

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Essay Sauce, The Effects of Social Media on Trust in Relationships: To What Extent Does It Matter?. Available from:<https://www.essaysauce.com/sample-essays/2018-10-11-1539275716/> [Accessed 03-10-24].

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