Home > Sample essays > Responsible White Titanium Use for Global Security and Peace: Promote Medical Use in Political Posters

Essay: Responsible White Titanium Use for Global Security and Peace: Promote Medical Use in Political Posters

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  • Reading time: 13 minutes
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  • Published: 1 April 2019*
  • Last Modified: 11 September 2024
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  • Words: 3,817 (approx)
  • Number of pages: 16 (approx)

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The twenty-first century witnessed a drastic increase in civil, religious, and sectarian wars, as well as the spread of terrorism in the world leading to the advancement of the industrial design of innovative combat vehicles in the global arms industry. To manufacture light, fast, agile, flexible, and precise vehicles developers used pure white titanium because of its low density, high strength, and resistance to corrosion and rust as a stronger and lighter alternative to steel in the manufacturing of many parts of these military vehicles. Equipped with digital programs, they are the most valuable and accurate in aiming. On another hand, corporations raced to manufacture titanium made tools and human organs for the greater good of humanity.

Based on that, researchers formed the thesis of this study to explore the role of the image of military and medical products in political posters for achieving global security and peace. Hence delivering a comprehensive message to the international community; highlighting the logical argument against the use of this valuable metal in the arms industry, in favor of using it for the sake of humanity to achieve security and world peace.

Research problem identified three areas of design: military, medical, and graphic. Research methodology compared quantity and cost in dollars of titanium used in the production of two models: model (1) Abrams vehicles and model(2) knee implants.

Findings indicated the extent of which depleting military industry of titanium metal is needed. Graphic design portrays an important role of using medical images in promoting global security and peace.

Cite this Article: Dr. Da’ad Mufleh, Dr. Omran Hassan and Dr. Ra’Ed K. QaQish. Applying The Image of Titanium-Made Medical and Military Products in Political Posters for Achieving Security and World Peace, International Journal of Graphics and Multimedia, 7(1), 2016, pp. 01-13.

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Applying The Image of Titanium-Made Medical and Military Products in Political Posters for

Achieving Security and World Peace

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There are numerous treaties, conventions, and promises to spread security and global peace in a world suffering for decades from the terror of religious, sectarian, and economic wars that rob humanity of its basic right to security of life. The damage is further exasperated by the global arms industry’s products, particularly the combat vehicles designed for power, speed, and adaptability. The use of white titanium, which has low density, high strength, and resistance to rust, as a superior alternative to steel in the manufacturing of many parts of these military vehicles and the added feature of digital programs increase their value, speed and precision, thereby achieving their objective in a short time as marketed to war-waging countries.

In contrast, there are the medical device manufacturers that use pure white titanium to produce and improve replacement body parts to save millions of patients, injured, and disabled in the world for a better quality of life.

The aim of the responsible parties is to achieve global peace and security for the sake of humanity as declared in the United Nations Charter, Article 2:

 The Organization is based on the principle of the sovereign equality of all its Members.

 All Members shall settle their international disputes by peaceful means in such a manner that international peace and security, and justice, are not endangered.

 All Members shall refrain in their international relations from the threat or use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of any state, or in any other manner inconsistent with the purposes of the United Nations.


1. Researchers sought to expose the negative correlation of using white titanium in military design and the positive correlation in using it in medical design addressed through presenting a series of political posters.

2. Researchers rejected the idea of the political poster’s call to war.

3. Researchers emphasized the importance of political posters that promote global peace and security.


Research aims to identify:

1. The role of the political poster in promoting global peace and security

2. The role in employing images of titanium-made military produce (Abrams combat vehicle) in the political posters for promoting global peace and security

3. The role of employing images of titanium-made medical products (knee implants) in political posters for promoting global peace and security


Researchers faced a few limitations:

 The scarcity of studies, posters, and references on the peaceful role of political posters targeting the international community

 Difficulty of researching three different scientific areas: military design, medical design, and graphic design

 Difficulty to use information considered red line issues Thesis

Dr. Da’ad Mufleh, Dr. Omran Hassan and Dr. Ra’Ed K. QaQish

http://www.iaeme.com/IJGM.asp 3 editor@iaeme.com

Researchers presume that that the political image of titanium-made products has a role in promoting global peace and security

The Research Questions

Q1. Can the image of model (1( Abrams vehicle that is partially made from white titanium be used in political posters to promote global peace and security?

Q2. Can the image of model (2( knee implants that is partially made from white titanium be used in political posters to promote global peace and security?


The main objective was to identify the role of graphic design in applying the image of military products model (1) Abrams vehicle and the image of military products model (2) knee implants in political poster to achieve global security and peace. The researchers concentrated on:

1. 1. Studying the part played by political posters in times of war

2. 2. Investigating graphic design elements for the posters intended for the research: Abrams vehicle and knee implants

3. 3. Designing a number of posters opposing the use of titanium militarily and promoting its use medically for global peace and security


1. Political Poster

Large placard displaying a message to captures the attention through visuals that stand out in busy environments intended to alter the attitude and ideologies of people. Poster art continues to have a big impact on political events since 1919.

2. Knee Implants

A knee joint is the largest and strongest joint in the body. A healthy knee is capable of flexion and extension while injured knees need artificial replacement to function. Medical device manufacturers raced to produce 150 designs, the most recent of which are made of titanium and plastic and implanted as follows (Figure 1):

1. Femoral component: part of the titanium is attached to the end of the femur.

2. Tibial component: part of the titanium is attached to the tibia

3. Patellar component: a plastic piece is adjusted between the above components

Figure 1 Titanium-Made Knee Implant

Applying The Image of Titanium-Made Medical and Military Products in Political Posters for

Achieving Security and World Peace

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Figure 2 Abrams Tank

The metal parts are made from titanium or cobalt-chromium and the plastic part is made of ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene. Total knee implant weighs around 500 gm. Materials must comply to several standards: compatible to the body to avoid a rejection response, durable enough to withstand weight loads, flexible to function smoothly as intended, and capable to maintain the shape and sturdiness for long times (Figure 1).

3. Abrams Vehicle

The M1 Abrams Main Battle Tank (Figure 2) is made by General Dynamics Land Systems Division of USA. It is a third-generation battle tank produced in 1978 in the United States and designed for modern ground warfare. Abrams tanks are characterized by their speed and lightweight due to the usage of pure titanium for several of its parts, sophisticated composite armor, and separate ammunition compartment for crew safety. They weigh from 62 to 63 tons with additions (Table 1).

Table 2 Abrams Specifications


It is the responsibility of the United Nations Security Council to maintain international peace and security as declared in the UN Charter: “We the peoples of the





32.04 FT

32.25 FT

32.25 FT


12.0 FT

12.0 FT

12.0 FT


7.79 FT

8.0 FT

8.0 FT

Top Speed:

45.0 MPH

41.5 MPH

41.5 MPH



67.6 TONS

68.7 TONS


105 MM

120 MM

120 MM





Dr. Da’ad Mufleh, Dr. Omran Hassan and Dr. Ra’Ed K. QaQish

http://www.iaeme.com/IJGM.asp 5 editor@iaeme.com

United Nations determined to save succeeding generations from the scourge of war, which twice in our lifetime has brought untold sorrow to mankind.”

1. Political Posters and the Call to War

The industrial and technological advancement contributed largely to the growth and development of political poster art, its efficiency, and spread in Europe and worldwide, thereby directly impacting communities and altering their cultural and political perception and becoming a difficult force to counter by opposing ideas. Thus it is an important medium to shape political awareness. See figure 3 below for a political poster supporting the American war again the Nazis by an anonymous artist during World War II (WWII).

Figure 3 “YOUR METAL Keeps ’em shooting” 1491 -1491

Figure 4 “Right is Might, U.S. Army”

Another example of the use of tanks in political posters in the United States is a (38″ x 25″) advertising poster dated 1491, entitled “Right is Might, U.S. Army” by Stu-Grave (Figure 4).

Politics played a major role in altering intellectual trends, and poster art had a big effect and presence on every political event. The first political poster was designed in Russia in 1919 defending the republic, and during WWII, political posters had a major role in rallying against Hitler.

The discussion about political posters warrants the mention of the rise of advertisements during World War I (WWI) to raise funds, recruit soldiers, and mobilize people to volunteer, increase productivity and oppose the enemies. Posters emerged as a powerful advertising medium during and after WWII. They became

Applying The Image of Titanium-Made Medical and Military Products in Political Posters for

Achieving Security and World Peace

http://www.iaeme.com/IJGM.asp 6 editor@iaeme.com

known as ideological or political posters because of their contexts that intended to boost the morale and spirit of sacrifice, and promote issues of freedom, patriotism, and work.

Figure 5 Image of the First Tank Invented in England with Chinese Text

This type of art had a significant effect in revolutions in most countries around the world.

The first appearance of a tank in a political poster appeared in 1916 showing an image of an old tank with Chinese text explaining the purpose of the tank (Figure 5), year of invention, and role in the “European war.” The British were the first to introduce tanks during WWI as a means to break the deadlock of the trench warfare on the Western Front. They were used in the battle of Sommes in France in September of 1916. These early models had limited mobility and suffered By the end of WWI, Britain, France, Germany, Russia, and the United States used tanks in their armies. The Chinese text on the poster, written for the layman clarifies that the wooden several mechanical faults but they heralded a revolution in land warfare enclosures were no match for this vehicle.

Dr. Da’ad Mufleh, Dr. Omran Hassan and Dr. Ra’Ed K. QaQish

http://www.iaeme.com/IJGM.asp 7 editor@iaeme.com

The text further explains that machine guns are built inside and the outside of the tank is protected by an outer shell of steel. The soldier can sit inside the vehicle while attacking the enemy and moving freely as intended by the inventor. Since the battlefields are rugged with a complicated network of trenches, the vehicle is equipped with circular rubber wheels unlike the ordinary known as “centipede wheels” referring to the centipede insect, which has several legs, thus “several wheels.”

Since that time, the military device started developing and benefited from the use of light-weight and durable white titanium, which was discovered in 1791. It was first applied in the early 1932 and in large quantities to reinforce tanks and military vehicles.

The reasons behind using titanium in manufacturing Abrams military vehicles were increasing anti-armor threats necessitating advanced armor protection, which contributed to extra vehicle weight. This weight would have been detrimental to the transportability and maneuverability of the tanks.

The Army has a need to reduce the weight of its ground combat systems for air transportability, lower footprint, and quick deployment without sacrificing either structural performance or ballistic protection Titanium alloys offer good structural and ballistic properties. Ti- Al- is the current alloy of choice for the structural and appliqu armor. The Army is using titanium alloys selectively to reduce the weight of its vehicles. More widespread use of titanium for ground combat systems has been limited by the cost of titanium. To increase the use of titanium in ground combat systems, the Army has evaluated single melt titanium using electron-beam (EB) cold-hearth and Plasma-Arc Melting (PAM) as opposed to the current double-melt titanium alloys in an effort to reduce the raw material cost. This presentation will provide more recent applications to ground combat systems such as Light-Weight Howitzer, Crusader, and transition of some of the technology to Future Combat System (FCS).

In response to ever-increasing anti armor threats, ground combat vehicle’s weight has increased by 15-20 percent over the past decade as increased armor protection is required. For example, the M1 Abrams main battle tank has increased the weight from 54 tonnes to nearly 64 tonnes, and if this trend continues , the vehicle weight may increase by 2000 a level that will drastically affect transportability, potable-bridge-crossing, capability, and maneuverability …Titanium alloys offer many advantages.” (Montgomery, Wells, Roopchand, and Ogilvy, “Low-Cost Titanium Armors for Combat ehicles,” 5-47)

Richard Harshman, CEO of Allegheny Technologies Inc. (ATI) identifies performance, payload, and protection as the drivers to use titanium in military applications. Performance marked by the speed, mobility, maneuverability, and compatibility with composites; payload defined by the capacity and fuel efficiency; and protection determined by enhanced

These features led manufacturing countries to spend millions of dollars to improve the design of Abrams vehicles using pure white titanium in the production of many of its parts to start reaping the lives of thousands of people, disabling their movement resulting in more destruction and faster killing and thousands of injured (Table 3).

Applying The Image of Titanium-Made Medical and Military Products in Political Posters for

Achieving Security and World Peace

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Table 3 Military Vehicle’s Lightweight Alternatives

2. Titanium Usage for Human Needs

Early usage of titanium-made manufactured body parts appeared in a propaganda political poster calling for war in 1917. It showed a disabled veteran with a prosthetic arm using a scythe to harvest wheat. The text announces the National War Relief Exhibition in Pozsony for promoting recruitment and donations to military products and supporting the army (Figure 6). At that time, everything was committed to war including the disabled veteran who was exploited to publicize the war instead of peace and security for him and humanity. The poster was created by Pal Sujan, a famous artist whose work was widely displayed in the Austro-Hungarian Empire.

Figure 6 National War Relief Exhibition Poster by Pal Sujan, Slovakia

Abrams M2A2 Main Battle Tank Weight (Kg)

Weight Saved

Replacement components RhA Steel




Turret Blow-off Panels 311




Gunner’s Primary sight GPS cover 227




NBC cover 168




Engine top cover 498




Turret pivot rack 160




Commander’s hatch 80




Commander s independent thermal viewer 146




Total 1590




Dr. Da’ad Mufleh, Dr. Omran Hassan and Dr. Ra’Ed K. QaQish

http://www.iaeme.com/IJGM.asp 9 editor@iaeme.com

Pure white titanium is used for many human needs to ensure a comfortable, healthy, economic, and technologically-advanced life:

1. Owing to its strength and to inertness to seawater as well as its substantial ore deposits in Russia, it was the principal material used in the construction of many advanced submarines.

2. Titanium tetrachloride (TIC14), a colorless liquid, is to make smoke screens and skywriting.

3. In addition to being a very important pigment, titanium dioxide is also used in sunscreens due to resistance to UV.

4. Because it is considered to be physiologically inert, the metal is used in replacement implants such as hip ball and sockets and to make medical equipment and in pipe/tank lining in food processing. Since titanium is non–ferromagnetic, patients with titanium implants can be safely examined with magnetic resonance imaging (convenient for long –term implants).

5. Titanium is also used for the surgical instruments used in image-guided surgery.

6. Its inertness and ability to be attractively colored makes it a popular metal for use in piercing.

7. Titanium has the unusual ability to osseointegrate, enabling use dental implants. This ability is also exploited by some orthopedic implants. Orthopedic applications also take advantage of titanium lower modulus of elasticity to more closely match the modulus of the bone that such devices are intended to repair .As a result, skeletal loads are more evenly shared between bone and implant leading to lower incidence of bone degradation from stress shielding and peirprosthetic bone fractures which occur at the boundaries of orthopedic implants which act as stress risers. However, titanium alloys stiffness is still more than twice that of bone, eventually leading to joint degradation. (Benha Faculty of Science, August 28, 2012)

Various fields benefited from pure titanium to rescue the lives of many from disabilities and deliver improved services to humanity.

In a complicated and fast-changing world, recognized by thinkers and scientists as the era of scientific reason and experience, graphic design achieves a remarkable development. It strives within the cultural fence that provides the environment for work, invention, and creativity.

Graphic design is considered one of the expression tools for contemporary issues, in particular security and global peace, making it optimal for advocating the use of titanium in medicine rather than war through a series of posters. The subject revolves around matters related to serving humanity and opposing conflicts and wars while emphasizing the importance of producing medical joints for the sake of thousands of patients and victims of disasters and wars.

The design of the posters reflects symbolic meanings and aesthetic values and emerges through lines that intertwine to form the shapes of the military vehicles and medical joints. This dynamism of movement releases elements while constricting others in a lucid and vibrant manner. The configuration born out of the dialogue of shapes, set against white spaces that enhance its energy and expression, clearly shows the beauty and graphic techniques used. Researchers used Adobe Illustrator CS5 to design the posters intended for the research.

Applying The Image of Titanium-Made Medical and Military Products in Political Posters for

Achieving Security and World Peace

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The study above shows that:

1. Graphic design employed all the tools and means to call to war evident during the WWI and WWII.

2. Graphic design did not present a constructive vision to call for security and peace through exposing the medical side of war injuries, sick, and disabled people.

3. The first and second posters highlight the dangers of military machines by opposing the use of metal in their production on the account of human basic needs for these metals. Researchers explored Abrams tank and its effect on claiming thousands of innocent lives. They used three colors: black for the lower part representing sadness and destruction, white representing victims of war, and red representing death and barbarism by that machine in various wars.

Researchers adopted the slogan “One Goal” reflecting the main objective for this machine to kill and destroy, and they used “Titanium for Killing Humanity” (Figure 7) for the titanium metal that is used in arming and protecting one tank. Researchers argued the first question on whether it is possible to employ the image of military products, Abrams model, to expose the ugliness of using this military device that is claiming the lives of people.

Figure 7 “One Goal!” Sized A3-300pt

Figure 8 Outstanding Traits but More Devastation and Killing. Size A3-300 pt-2105

The eighth poster explored the extensive use of this military device confronted by a large number of victims as a symbol of the huge titanium quantities used in these machines that could be used instead for the good of many victims that suffer war

Dr. Da’ad Mufleh, Dr. Omran Hassan and Dr. Ra’Ed K. QaQish

http://www.iaeme.com/IJGM.asp 11 editor@iaeme.com

horrors. They used the slogan “Outstanding Traits but more Devastation and Killing” (Figure 8).

4. The ninth and tenth political posters included a symbolic call to address the human medical for the use of titanium in the production of medical joints to aid humans, patients and war victims. Researchers highlighted the value of the metal for humanity and employing it symbolically through the shape of a knee implant set against a halo for emphasis, using the slogan “Titanium for Human Knee Implants.”

Figure 9Titanium for Human Knee Implants. Size :A3 – 300 pt – 2015

Figure 10Titanium for Peace. A3-300pt-2015

5. The eleventh poster advocates using titanium for peace and opposing war. The researchers used a tank model in the upper part of the poster with crossing lines to signify opposition and using titanium at the same time as an important metal for global peace and security of humanity.

Through the eleventh political poster, researchers expressed total refusal of wars and called for attending to human health globally by using topography and images in an artistic composition under the slogan “Billions Equal Increasing Tanks Speed or Creating Walking Human Beings.” Researchers concentrated on the billions of dollars spent on the military industry research compared to the meager attention given to knee implants.

Researchers linked the machine to typography to express their rejection of this deadly machine. They used white as the hope of achieving security and peace and red representing the danger of wars on human lives and global security and peace

Applying The Image of Titanium-Made Medical and Military Products in Political Posters for

Achieving Security and World Peace

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Figure 11 Billions Equal Increasing Tanks Speed or Creating Walking Human Beings. Size : A3-300 pt-2015

Figure 12 Titanium Tanks vs. Titanium for Knee Implants. A3-300pt-2015

6. The twelfth poster shows the number of potential titanium-made knee plants bypassed for the sake of Abrams tanks. Researchers calculated that:

 One Abrams tank has 1117 Kgs of pure titanium

 One artificial knee implant has approximately 0.420 Kgs of pure titanium

 The titanium in one tank produces approximately 2660 knee implants (1117/0.420=2660)

 The number of tanks produces till 2014 are 8,800 Abrams tanks

 8,800 x 2660 = 21,841,600 knee implants

 The titanium metal used in the production of tank could have been used to cure 21,841,600 patients in need of knee implants, a more important goal than the armament race among the nations.

 If we multiply the average cost of one knee implant at $1500 by the total number of potential knee implants ($1500 x 21,841,600 = $32,762,400,000)


Researchers recommend the following:

1. World leaders to concentrate their attention to the medical side, especially in areas that help invalids pursue a peaceful life and to stop using an important metal as the titanium in the armament race.

2. Graphic design to portray the important role of using medical images in promoting global security and peace for humanity.

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