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Essay: Prevent Type 2 Diabetes: Exercise, Nutrition and Positive Attitude

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  • Subject area(s): Sample essays
  • Reading time: 5 minutes
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  • Published: 1 April 2019*
  • Last Modified: 23 July 2024
  • File format: Text
  • Words: 1,314 (approx)
  • Number of pages: 6 (approx)
  • Tags: Diabetes essays

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In the past 20 years, Type 2 diabetes has been prevalent in the United States (Eckel , Kahn, Ferranni, Goldfine, Nathan, Schwartz, and Smith, 201, p.1425).  Diabetes is one of the most relevant health concerns in the U.S. Diabetes causes high rates of obesity, which may become part of a family’s history, and it can cause effects for later generations. According to

Amuta, Crosslin, Goodman, and Barry (2016), children and siblings may share up to 50% of their DNA with each other and their parents, while grandparents may share up to 25% of the genes. In other words, diabetes may be inherited depending on their family history. For instance, people who do not eat fruit and vegetables often have a higher chance to have Type 2 diabetes. This means that they do not receive adequate nutritional benefits. Proper and healthy nutrition can lower risks of diabetes. Nutrition is also a good behavior to protect people against Type 2 diabetes. Most studies explain how to prevent and manage Type 2 diabetes in adults. In the present day, people are more aware and knowledgeable about diseases and their causes and effects. Most of their awareness and knowledge comes from the media, media became more accessible and rich with medical information not like five years ago. You can search any symptoms, causes, ways to prevent or anything about any disease you will find some information for sure Diabetes can affect different ethnicities in different ways. “Diabetes affects approximately 2.5 million Hispanic/Latino American adults” (Hu, Wallace, and Tesh, 2010, p.71). This study also reveals how diabetes is the fifth leading cause of death among Hispanics in the United States. However, diabetes also causes cardiovascular disease and affects regular bodily functions. My review will examine literature regarding adults and factors to prevent Type 2 diabetes including physical activity or exercise, nutrition, and motivators for a positive attitude.

Physical Activity or exercise

Signal, Kenny, Wasserman, Castaneda -Sceppa, and White (2006) found in his research that physical activity is a factor used to prevent Type 2 diabetes. Signal et al. (2006) studied how physical activity causes lower subsequent cardiovascular health risks. Between the ages of 21 to 60, adults have moderate exercise habits like walking (Signal, Kenny, Wasserman, Castaneda -Sceppa, and White, 2006, p.1435).  For instance, people spend per week exercising for 130 minutes for men and 148 minutes for women (Signal at el. 2006). Similarly, Hu, Wallace, and Tesh (2010) reported from his discovering’s that physical activity for 150 minutes each week is recommended by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) (p.72). In other words, Hu et al. (2010) studied how exercising enhances health related quality of life (QOL). Exercise also has a relationship with adults involved in nonsmoking, physical activity in free time, and eating healthy foods. However, adults in the U.S. may still suffer from diabetes. LaMonte, Blair, and Church (2005) discovered that higher levels of physical activity and cardiorespiratory fitness protected adults against death from cardiovascular disease in people with diabetes. Moreover, exercise is a way to motivate and monitor weight control in the long term. Also, physical activities with good nutrition systems may lead to a healthier body. Exercising in groups can also encourage and motivate patients. According to Korkiakangas, Alahuhta, Keina ̈nen-Kiukaanniemi, Taanila, Laitinen  (2010), there is also a big benefit from exercising together with patients who can share their knowledge and experience to increase the motivation for a healthier lifestyle. Amuta at el (2016) stated “that only 50% of college students meet physical activity guidelines of at least 150 minutes of moderate exercise per week set forth by the government” (p.397). All sources agreed on exercising is very important for a healthier body and can prevent Type 2 diabetes. Exercising allow people to control their weights. In addition, nutrition plays an important role in preventing Type 2 diabetes. People who consume green vegetables and fruit lower the risk of Type 2 diabetes.  Also, eating healthy food is a good behavior for the body.


Amute at el (2016) discovered that only about 5% of college students eat 5 or more servings of fruits and vegetables a day (p.396). LaMonte, Blair, and Church (2005) physical activities with good nutrition systems may lead to a healthier body. Hu at el. (2010) studied how other factors contribute to Type 2 diabetes like improper nutrition, physical inactivity, and obesity. These factors are also related to the quality of life (QOL) and health-related QOL among Hispanics with Type-2 diabetes. This study also indicated that many Hispanic Americans consume excessive quantities regarding carbohydrates and fat, and do not meet mentioned nutrient intake and dietary instructions. The authors determined that the amount of poorer dietary health is a predictor concerning reduced QOL among older adults. Although, diet is a vital indicator concerning QOL, it is also beneficial for older adults. All sources support the importance of nutrition to help people to prevent Type 2 diabetes and obese. Besides exercise and diet, motivators also encourage people to improve their QOL and overall health when living with Type 2 diabetes.

Motivators for a positive attitude

Korkiakangas, Alahuhta, Husman, Keina ̈nen-Kiukaanniemi Taanila and Laitinen (2010), making exercise fun for people motivates them to exercise. For example, “Outdoor activities and nature, exercise facilities in one’s own residential environment, and the company of a pet all added enjoyment to exercise” (Korkiakangas at el., 2010, p.64). Additionally, people who have support from friends and family are more encouraged to exercise. This builds shared healthy habits, which helps with weight control. (include how motivators influence/encourage diet). Hessler, Fisher, Naranjo, & Masharani (2011) stated that in African American have differences in making families. Family support is important because some patients independent on partners in finances, practical matters, and health matters. Also, “43% of younger patients reported that at least half of the time conflicts around diabetes went unresolved, compared to only 21% of patients middle-aged and only 6% of older adults.” ( Hessler at el., 2011, p.540). Norris, Lau, Smith, Schmid, and Engelgan (2002) indicated people to encourage education of Type 2 diabetes annually. There are benefits of education how to prevent Type 2 diabetes optimize metabolic control, prevent acid and chronic complications, optimize life. Norris at el. (2002) found that more contact between educator and patient helps to reduce GHB by 1 %. Other positive outcomes from the study were dietary compliance, skill performance, metabolic control, psychological outcomes, and weight loss.  While these were positive outcomes, more studies need to be done with contact time in order to find more information. These sources consistent with motivations for patients to know more about Type 2 diabetes.

Extending pervious knowledge  

In addition, to the previous researches they have discovered that physical activities or exercise, nutrition, and motivators of positive attitude are great help in preventing Type 2 diabetes. From my experience since I have a family with a history of diabetes, I can add a method that I think will also increase awareness and precautions to help prevent Type 2 diabetes among patients and their families. It is used in my country (Saudi Arabia) is to start a program in hospitals where families with history of Type 2 diabetes are focused in. these programs are going to educate and motivate the patients or their families on many levels. For example, they teach how to use insulin needles by themselves and how many times do they need to take it daily? How much is the daily dose? which exercises are useful, what food they can eat, and show them a motivating ways to deal with Type 2 diabetes as family.  

Purpose Statement

In the present day its easier to educate people about methods of Type 2 diabetes precautions and that is my purpose of this study is to examine techniques to prevent diabetes of adult in the workplace and at home. Some studies indicate that the present understanding of the factors of Type 2 diabetes on health in adult is inadequate. This study will provide knowledge about the lifestyle and prevention methods of diabetes.

Research Question

1- What do people do in order to prevent Type 2 diabetes?

2- Do people know how obesity effects diabetes?

3- How do people who take care themselves feel physically?

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Essay Sauce, Prevent Type 2 Diabetes: Exercise, Nutrition and Positive Attitude. Available from:<https://www.essaysauce.com/sample-essays/2017-3-5-1488681562/> [Accessed 06-10-24].

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