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Essay: Industrial Pollution Monitoring System: A Wireless IoT Approach

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  • Subject area(s): Sample essays
  • Reading time: 12 minutes
  • Price: Free download
  • Published: 1 April 2019*
  • Last Modified: 23 July 2024
  • File format: Text
  • Words: 3,404 (approx)
  • Number of pages: 14 (approx)
  • Tags: Internet of Things (IoT) essays

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Due to current technological advances, the structure material for small and low cost sensors became theoretically and inexpensively practicable. Even though, Industrialization increase the degree of automation at the same time it increases the pollution by releasing the unwanted parameters in atmosphere especially in industrial areas.

So there should be a system to observe and assess the industrial pollution. Particular attention is given to factors which may affect human health and the health of the natural system itself.

Industrial monitor is the collection of information at different locations of industries and at regular intervals of time in order to provide the data which may be used to define current conditions. Due to the difficulty of parameter large variations are found between different industries.

Project Summary:

i. The main aim of industrial pollution monitoring system provides real time information about the level of air pollution in, as well as provides alerts in case of radical change in quality of air.

ii. This information can then be used by the authorities to take on time actions such as evacuating people or sending emergency response team.

iii. We can uses an air quality index to classify the various level of air pollution.  

iv. Air pollution is rising issue these days, it is compulsory to monitor air quality and keep it under control for healthier future and healthy living for all.

v. System uses air sensors to sense presence of injurious gases/compounds in the air and regular transmit data and report it to the online server over IOT.

vi. This allows to authorities to observe air pollution in different areas and take act again it.

Aim and objectives of project:

i. To create a tool this will monitor the quality of air of our atmosphere. Display the data on LCD.

ii. To build a robust system that can measure the industrial pollution and help to reduce it and to decrease human being interference in monitoring the industrial pollution to reduce pollution and provide a healthy environment for the workers to work in.

iii. To make the industrial pollution monitoring a wireless system. To protect the environment from industrial pollution.

iv. To build a robust system that evaluates the industrial pollution continuously and indicates when there is an increase in the emissions and takes action to control it using wireless technology that is IOT.

Brief literature review and Prior Art Search

Literature review

We are learnt from the literature review that transportable monitoring device can be designed and developed using solid state gas sensors and simultaneously information on the observed air pollution information can be disseminated in real time.

The concept of Internet of Things (IOT) is also emerging very fast where everything around us comes with an internet connectivity for monitoring and control. Monitoring the environmental

Parameters and initiating a control action from internet is also part of this concept. In our proposed work, we design an environment monitoring system, capable of monitoring and control of environmental parameters.

we focus on design of a low cost system that is capable of not only remotely monitoring the environment variables like temperature and industrial pollutants but also initiates some control action like switching devices ON/OFF from the internet.

Plan of Our Work:

• In first phase, we have looked after and studied the patents and research papers for  the project. We made different Canvas which includes Ideation Canvas, Empathy Canvas, Product Development and AEIOU Summary for better  understanding and development of our project and making it efficient and public friendly.

• In the remaining other phase, we would like to move forward with Hardware Implementation interfacing it with software algorithm.

Sr. no. July August September October Dec/Jan Feb

1 Analysis of Air polluted GAS

2 Study GAS sensors and parameters

3 Component finalization

4 Hardware preparation

5 Programming / testing

6 Implementation

Materials/Tools required:

List of component require:

Sr. no. Name of component Quantity


16×2 LCD Screen



Arduino Uno



Gas sensors



Wi-Fi module









Connecting wire



Power supply (battery)



Arduino is a software company which designs and manufacture open source hardware, open source software, and microcontroller-based kits for digital devices. This board provide set of digital and analog  I/O pins that can interface with other circuits. The board feature serial communication interfaces, including Universal Serial Bus (USB) on some models, for loading the program from computers. Programming of microcontroller is based on a programming language named Processing which supports languages like C and C++.


Microcontroller ATmega328

Operating Voltage  5V

Input Voltage (recommended) 7-12V

Input Voltage (limits)  6-20V

Digital I/O Pins 14 (of which 6 provide PWM output)

Analog Input Pins 6

DC Current per I/O Pin 40 mA

DC Current for 3.3V Pin  50 mA

Flash Memory  32 KB of which 0.5 KB used by

  Boot loader



Clock Speed 16 MHz


A 16 x 2 LCD display is very basic module and is very commonly used in various devices and circuits. A 16 x 2 LCD means it can display 16 characters per line and there are 2 such lines. This LCD has two registers namely, Command and Data. The command register stores the command instruction given to the LCD. The data register store the data displayed on the LCD.

Pin Diagram:


Pin description:





It is a hazardous gas detection apparatus for the family, the environment, suitable for ammonia, aromatic compounds, sulphur, benzene vapors, smoke and other gases harmful gas detection, gas-sensitive element test. Air quality sensor is for detecting a wide range of gases, including NH3, NOx, alcohol, benzene, smoke and CO2. Ideal for use in office or factory with simple drive and monitoring circuit.



A carbon monoxide detector for the Arduino-based DIY security system. The carbon monoxide detector is a semiconductor gas sensor tuned to detect carbon monoxide. It is in the same family of devices as the smoke detector sensor, measuring the change in surface conductivity of tin dioxide in the presence of carbon monoxide. This sensor has a high sensitivity and fast response time. The sensor's output is an analog resistance.



This sensor module utilizes an MQ-6 as the sensitive component and has a protection resistor and an adjustable resistor on board. The MQ-6 gas sensor is highly sensitive to LPG, iso-butane, and propane and less sensitive to alcohol, cooking fume and cigarette smoke. It could be used in gas leakage detecting equipments in Domestic and Industrial applications. The resistance of the

Sensitive component changes as the concentration of the target gas changes.



The MQ5 is used in gas leakage detecting equipments in consumer and industrial applications, this sensor is suitable for detecting LPG, natural gas and coal gas. The sensitivity can be adjusted by using the potentiometer.



Sensitive material of MQ-4 gas sensor is SnO2, which with lower conductivity in clean air. When the target combustible gas exist the sensors conductivity increases higher along with the gas concentration rising. MQ-4 gas sensor has high sensitivity to Natural gas, Methane and could be used to detect both Methane and Propane. The sensor could be used to detect different combustible gas especially Methane, it’s low cost and suitable for different application.



The analog gas sensor – MQ2 is used in gas leakage detecting equipments in consumer and industry markets, this sensor is suitable for detecting LPG, i-butane, Propane, Methane , Alcohol, Hydrogen and Smoke. It has a high sensitivity and fast response time and the sensitivity can be adjusted using the potentiometer.

Wi-Fi module:

ESP8266 serial ESP-01 WIFI Wireless Transceiver Module  

ESP-01 ESP-8266 is an ideal choice for hobbyist to start experimenting with IoT. The dimension of this module is 25mm x 15mm, with simple pin connections (standard 2×4 pin headers), using serial TX/RX to send and receive Ethernet buffers, and similarly, using serial commands to query and change configurations of the Wi-Fi module.

 ESP8266 ESP-01 Serial WIFI Transceiver Module is a cheap and easy way to connect to internet via WIFI to any microcontroller platforms like Arduino. You can use AT commands to connect to Wi-Fi networks and open TCP/IP connections(without need to have TCP/IP stack running in microcontroller).

 The module(ESP-01) can work with AT command when used with Arduino, USB to TTL adaptor (FTDI USB module is recommended). Additional power supply might be needed to power up the board. With GCC too chain and an SDK availability opportunity with ESP8266 as an IOT device is endless.

Connecting wires:

Components cost:

Sr no

Component name Cost


Arduino Uno



Wi-Fi module






16×2 LCD screen



Connecting wires



Gas sensor mq-135



Gas sensor mq-7



Gas sensor mq-6



Gas sensor mq-5



Gas sensor mq-4



Gas sensor mq-2








Empathy Mapping Canvas

 User:

 First of all, we had to choose the user, as our project is E tracking of polluted air, we choose air pollution control board, laboratory, and industry as our main user.

 Stakeholders:

 For stakeholders, we have to make the list of the people who interact with our user. Chemical production companies, Fertilizer Company, plastic manufacturing company, Cracker Company.

 Activities:

 For activities, we have to make the list of the activities that stakeholder’s do in their daily lives like inventing a new design for testing, quality checking..

 Story Boarding:

 In story boarding, we have to write two happy stories and two sad stories based on our user.

 First happy story was one person pass through the industrial area and that time gas leak aging entire area and that time pollution detection system can alert him and he will inform that company people and big incident can be stop at that time.

 Second happy story there was a school in industrial area and nearby industry has gas leakage problem but air pollution monitoring system in school so it will be alert to the school authority and all students placed to safe area.

 First sad story a gas leakage incident in India, considered the world’s most industrial disaster. It occurs at UCIL located at MP, over 50000 people exposed to methyl isocyanides gas and die.

 Second sad story was there company near tarapur atomic power station in maharashra, four people died due to a toxic gas leak at chemical factory.

Ideation Canvas

 People:

• When we started exploring our project we had many people in mind like:

 Workers

 Industries

 visitors

 hospitals

 officers

 Cold storages

 Activities:

 Then we have to make the list of all the activities:

 Air pollution control

 Air quality management plant

 Air quality monitoring

 Situation/ Context/ Location:

 In this part, we have to make the list of situations or a problem arises in day-to-day life of these people. Some of the situation were:

 IN industrial area

 Walking on Road

 Gas leckageing

 Props/ Possible Solution:

 Then we have to find their possible solutions according to our point of view, which were:

 Monitoring of Air quality

 Pollution control

Product Development Canvas

 Purpose:

 The purpose of this project is to have an efficient way of monitoring the polluted air and a real time monitoring of it.

 People:

 People associated with it are the common citizen of the city which people living nearby industry.

 Product Experience:

 Proper and clean method of monitoring air quality in time.

 Proper feedback or complaint to the concerned authorities.

 Product Function:

 This Product monitors the air pollution  and sends the details to the central server of it.

 Automatically detects the air waste and informed.

 Product Features:

 If  heavy air pollution detect then a notification is sent to the air pollution control board.

 Components:

 Components used are LCD, Arduino Uno, gas sensors, Wi-Fi module, batteries, buzzer, connecting wires.

 Customer Revalidation:

  Feedback should be fast Complaint should be reacted upon fast

 Reject, Redesign, And Retain:

 As our project was voted user friendly not much functions are rejected but working in night should be well and connection with the central server should be good.

AEIOU Summary

 Activities are goal-directed sets of actions—paths towards things people want to accomplish. What are the modes people work in, and the specific activities and processes they go through? In activity framework, there are two blocks. One block is General impression/Observation and second is Element, Features and special notes. This block says that which activity are performed in domain

 Environments: This includes that particular area where activities take place. The character and function of the space, of each individual's spaces, and of shared spaces.

 Interactions: This includes interactions between a person and someone or something else; they are the building blocks of activities. About the nature of routine and interactions between people, between people and objects in their environment.

 Objects: These are building blocks of the environment, key elements sometimes put to complex uses (thus changing their function, meaning and context). What are the objects and devices people have in their environments and how do they relate to their activities.

 Users: Those people whose behaviors, preferences, and needs are being observed. Who are they? What are their roles and relationships? What are their values?


Block diagram:


Flow Chart:


Chapter 4:

     Advantages, Application and Future Scope

Advantages over the Conventional approach:

 Real Time monitoring of air quality.

 Sensors are easily available.

 Simple, compact & easy to handle.

 Quality of air can be check indoor as well as outdoor

 Visual output

 Continuous update of change in percentage of quality.


• The GAS sensor may give different values in different environments like rainy, cloudy, fog, snow.


 Air pollution monitoring covering all major areas:

 Industrial area.

 Roadside pollution monitoring.

 Schools, buildings, parks and other recreation areas.

 Indoor air quality monitoring.

 To make this data available to the common man.

Future Scope:

• We can monitor and store more parameters like Humidity, PH of soil, pressure, by replacing the level sensing module by temperature sensor or respective sensor.

• We can store this data to a memory location using memory IC or a memory card.

• We can draw graphs of variations in these parameters using computer.


Summary of Results:

The system to monitor the air of atmosphere using Arduino microcontroller, IOT Technology is proposed to improve class of air. With the use of IOT technology enhances the procedure of monitoring various aspects of environment such as air quality monitoring concern. Here the using of gas sensor gives the sense of different type of dangerous gas and Arduino is the heart of this project which controls the entire process. Wi-fi module connects the whole process to internet and LCD is used for the visual Output.




References :

[1] Abdullah Kadri, Elias Yaacoub, Mohammed Mushtaha, And

Adnan Abu-Dayya “Wireless Sensor Network For Real-Time

Air Pollution Monitoring” IEEE Forum On Strategic

Technology -2013.

[2] Tudose, D. Ş., Pătraşcu, N., Voinescu, A., Tataroiu, R., and Ţăpuş, N. , “Mobile Sensors in Air Pollution Measurement.”, in Positioning

Navigation and Communication (WPNC), IEEE , pp. 166-170, 7 Apr 2011.

TERI. 2015. Air Pollution and Health. Discussion Paper by The Energy and Resources Institute: New Delhi by Rinki Jain (Associate Fellow,

TERI), KarnikaPalwa (Research Associate, TERI)


i. Periodic Progress Reports (PPR)

ii. Patent Search & Analysis Reports (PSAR)

iii. Design Engineering Canvas Report

iv. Gas sensors Datasheets

Periodic Progress Reports (PPR)


Student Name Parmar Pratikkumar Muljibhai

Enrollment No 150013111001

Department Electronics & Communication  Engineering

Mobile No 7572821007

Discipline BE

Email dom25p@gmail.com

Semester Semester 7

PPR Details

Periodic Progress Report : First  PPR

Project : Industrial waste air pollution monitoring system

Status : Reviewed

1. What Progress you have made in the Project ?

 In this days span I fill my team approval request on GTU PMMS Portal. With this I also staring the develop and get some idea for my project at user side. Now I start the data collection for my project.

2. What challenge you have faced ?

During develop of my project I face some problem in various GAS detecting sensors availability and there accurate datasheet. But now it is solved.

 3. What support you need ?

  Currently I did not need any support.

4. Which literature you have referred ?

For sensors data collection,  (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gas_detector). And some research paper find for literature and for knowledge. And attach here also.


Student Name Parmar Pratikkumar Muljibhai

Enrollment No 150013111001

Department Electronics & Communication  Engineering

Mobile No 7572821007

Discipline BE

Email dom25p@gmail.com

Semester Semester 7

PPR Details

Periodic Progess Report : Second PPR

 Project :Industrial waste air pollution monitoring system

Status :Reviewed

1. What Progress you have made in the Project ?

As in last week I collect the GAS sensors datasheet for my project so in this week that task is completed & I made a rich database from it. Based on this data I made basic circuit design idea and working on it.

2. What challenge you have faced ?

In this week I dont face any challenge. But I learn how to sensors sense the different types of GAS and how it works.

 3. What support you need ?

Currently I did not need any support.

4. Which literature you have referred ?

 I referred some website for understanding how GAS sensors sense and real time monitoring . After that I refer how to interface sensors with ardunio microcontroller.


Student Name Parmar Pratikkumar Muljibhai

Enrollment No 150013111001

Department Electronics & Communication  Engineering

Mobile No 7572821007

Discipline BE

Email dom25p@gmail.com

Semester Semester 7

PPR Details

Periodic Progess Report : Third PPR

Project : Industrial waste air pollution monitoring system

Status : Reviewed

1. What Progress you have made in the Project ?

 In this time span I made much progress in project. I complete the information of all type GAS SENSORS. I made information, specification and features of GAS SENSORS ( REPORT & DATASHEET).

2. What challenge you have faced ?

 we have to face this time less challenge but some things are like as challenge that is we decide learn some learning material for interface sensors with arduino (coding).

3. What support you need ?

 we need a place suggestion where we can monitor or check harmful gas level to perform our experiment on sensors.

4. Which literature you have referred ?



Student Name Parmar Pratikkumar Muljibhai

Enrollment No 150013111001

Department Electronics & Communication  Engineering

Mobile No 7572821007

Discipline BE

Email dom25p@gmail.com

Semester Semester 7

PPR Details

Periodic Progess Report : Forth PPR

Project : Industrial waste air pollution monitoring system

Status : Reviewed

1. What Progress you have made in the Project ?

In this time span I do some PMMS activities like Canvas. I also do the projects activities like I complete the collection component data sheet and components and project related programming and coding.

2. What challenge you have faced ?

 I face some challenge when I implement the codeing in programming and getting some issues but it is solved by My external Guide I also find some solution using google.

3. What support you need ?

  Currently I dont need any support

4. Which literature you have referred ?

 I refer the websites https://circuitdigest.com http://ieeexplore.ieee.org

Patent Search and Analysis Report (PSAR):

Application No

Title of invention



Networked air quality monitoring

Poor indoor air quality has a negative impact, short-term and long-term, on the health and productivity of those at home, work, and school.  Telemonitoring of indoor air quality can improve healthcare and control these costs.


Combined air and water pollution control system A bioaquatic air pollution control system which combines both water and air pollution controls into one system. The pollution control system includes an exhaust connected between a source of polluted air and a source of waste fluid.  The treated fluid is then recirculated past the exhaust to entrain more pollutants from the source of polluted air for filtering.

US 08/351,189

Device for controlling air pollution A principal object of this invention is therefore to control pollution in a predetermined space, such as in vehicles moving on the road, and in kitchens, rooms, polluted industrial areas, and the like, reducing the pollution to desired limits.

US 09/779,379

Air quality monitoring systems and methods The air monitoring system of the invention may be a portable or installed system, or may have one or more permanently installed components and one or more portable components. The air monitoring system includes an air monitoring unit.  The central unit logs the sensor data and communicates the data to the user through a direct local interface or through the Internet.

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