Home > Sample essays > Machiavelli and Rousseau’s Relationship Between Virtue and Fate: Philosophical Challenges Examined

Essay: Machiavelli and Rousseau’s Relationship Between Virtue and Fate: Philosophical Challenges Examined

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  • Subject area(s): Sample essays
  • Reading time: 6 minutes
  • Price: Free download
  • Published: 1 April 2019*
  • Last Modified: 23 July 2024
  • File format: Text
  • Words: 1,520 (approx)
  • Number of pages: 7 (approx)
  • Tags: Niccolo Machiavelli essays

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Paste your essay in here…1. The relationship between the Virtu and fate is one of the exciting Philosophical challenges posed by Machiavelli. Even though, Machiavelli did not anticipate to present a very comprehensive philosophy that might elaborate on human action and failure; somehow he was just making observations grounded on his own experience and maybe, for this reason, his description is full of contradictions. Machiavelli uses fate to refer to all the situations in which human beings are not able to control and for that reason he thought that the two work together. Therefore, according to Machiavelli's, there is a relationship between virtue and fate. Whereby, righteousness refers to the human energy or accomplishment that stands in disapproval to fortune. Although Machiavelli's utilization of the concept does not disregard the notion of goodness or righteous behavior, it does not indeed involve it either. Virtu is a force, skills or capability that is directed towards the accomplishment of a particular goal.Even lawbreakers like Agathocles or ruthless leaders like the Severus can possess virtue, Machiavelli at times seems to say that virtue might defeat fortune if it is appropriately used. Machiavelli therefore, believes that the relationship between the two, for instance, in his proclamation that virtue can be wasted if there is no chance, and opportunity is then wasted if there is no virtue. Machiavelli indicates that there is a cooperation among the two forces that is they cannot function independently. It might not be easy to cancel out the impact of changing the fortune thoroughly, but by the decisive action, it is possible to get ready for the changes and to alleviate their adverse effects.

2. Rousseau's believes that our human affairs are conducted due to the different way we started, grew up as a community and how we live hence impact on our reasoning. Therefore, having possessions or property are more influenced by our rational thinking and logic, and such generalities might also create inequalities because some rich people have it all, whereas some poor people who have nothing and want rich people's things. So if nobody were using their reason, then there would be no arguments regarding personal items because nothing would be possessed by anyone. In other words, the human being uses reason to think most of the time, and that is why other people are not able to acquire resources like others. On the other hand, Hobbes believes that reason dictates that a prime mover could have set the world in motion. However, individual’s power of reasoning is incapable of illustrating this nature of prime mover. Therefore reasoning help human being to maintain peace in all their affairs and this can be done through the universal religion that is grounded in the truths of philosophy. Both Hobbes and Rousseau believe that reason plays a very critical role in human affairs about the nature. In a way that particular natural laws will dictate on how the community will leave in peace. Therefore, being rational in thinking and reasoning will assist people to seek the truth to get rid of fear in their daily affairs. Additionally, every human being is born to utilize whatever available to protect their own lives, as well as refrain from actions that may harm their personal lives. And such situations only takes place if people reason so that they can conduct their affairs in a more organized manner.

3. The excerpt by Thomas Hobbes saying, this is more than consent or concord; "it is a real unity of them all, in the same person." The multitude that is referred here is about the commonwealth, in the Latin language, it is called CIVITAS. This is one of the generation of the Leviathan or rather to speak more clearly of that mortal god, in that under the worldly god we owe our peace and defense. For by this power, given him by all kind of men in the commonwealth. He has utilized more authority and power given to him to oppress other people. Despite the fact, with such force, an individual is capable of ensuring there are peace and justice to the people. Conversely, Hobbes is explaining how nature has made people equal both in mind and body. By that, a man can be found to manifest himself stronger than the other either bodily or on how an individual thinks. When both are counted together their difference is not considerable. Such cases account for the sovereign power, in a way that a man makes his followers submit to themselves, the government and upon refusal, they can be destroyed either by war or giving out one's life.The other way to achieve sovereign power is when men agree by themselves to submit to a particular person or assembly of people, voluntarily on self-confidence that they will be protected against all other harmful things that may destroy their lives. Such point makes by Hobbes are very critical as they impact on people's lives regarding equality in power and how it can be accomplished. Also, it proves how the human being cannot do the same because most of the people are always in competition for the integrity and dignity, which causes hatred and envy and then war amongst people.

4. Rousseau quote means that the reason for civilization is as a result of the enlightened project. Therefore, coherent civilization progress is accomplished at the expense of morality. There is the existence of the inverse connection between the cultural and the moral development. The way of life of people does generate more learning, extravagance, and sophistication, on the other hand, luxury and knowledge and Erudition can impact on the moral decay of society. Furthermore, the primary basis of our moral degradation is on how people reason. The origin of sin by humankind before their reasoning capacity was awakened, humans were just human beings, mostly introvert, satisfying their needs efficiently by collecting from their instances surrounding. But by the unexplainable, unexpected occurrence reasoning was awakened and immediately it is stimulated it erupted a Pandora's Box of challenges upon the nation, changing human nature to the situation that a person can no longer return to their happy and original circumstances. As the philosophes were signaling the achievement of reason in the whole world, Rousseau wanted to illustrate that, all the continuous advancement has been in presence, so various process toward the accomplishment of a person desires  and in fact on the way to deterioration  of the species. Immediately, human being reason was awakened and realized their nascent situation and make them feel unsatisfied. So most of them started to create improvement, such developments culminating the most amazingly in the agricultural and the metallurgical uprising. Doubtfully, such revolts improved the human beings material a lot, but such improvement has destroyed the species. It is nature and development that have civilized most people and as well as ruined them. And the ruin took several forms either economically, socially or politically which in other way led to the surplus of wealth.  In turn led to the need for the property rights. Which later made human beings more competitive and led them to view each other as enemies. Physically, as individuals became so wealthier, they adored more comforts and luxury. But such pleasure caused physical degradation.

5. The post-daylight saving time is just one-way standardized time zone oppress you, is more related to the Rousseau's view of freedom from need, which makes insightful and the revolutionary component of the Rousseau's philosophy. Rousseau stated that a current man enslavement to his or her own needs was accountable for all the types of social ills, from being exploited and dominated by others to adverse self-esteem and oppression. Such view is relevant to the post whereby time is used to command people's attention and imposing of orders in their lives. Hence the capacity to set it and deciding how people utilize it is a basis of great authority. Furthermore, when clocks are fixed in the 19th century in British factories, most of the workforces protested that their managers falsely set the clocks to move ahead during morning hours and at night to squash a lot of labor force on that particular day. Also, manual workers Thompson who is a historian realized that it was scarce for people to carry their watches as managers used that to oppress the people hence lack the freedom to express themselves freely (Hagen). Furthermore, the introduction of daylight saving time is regarded as innocuous, a kind of harassment and an annoying remnant of an earlier stage. That is imposed on people by the technocrat hence denying them freedom. However, it was make known  to resolve challenges established by the changes from the local astral time to the typical clock time, as most of the hours of daylight was reduced in winter and a lot of productive activities were locked into the nightmare times(Hagen). This relates to the Rousseau's view of freedom that a human being is psychologically and spiritually free because they are not enslaved to any needs that relate to the modern society.

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