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Essay: Stop the War on Obesity: Fast Food Is a Leading Cause of Obesity

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  • Subject area(s): Sample essays
  • Reading time: 5 minutes
  • Price: Free download
  • Published: 1 April 2019*
  • Last Modified: 3 October 2024
  • File format: Text
  • Words: 1,193 (approx)
  • Number of pages: 5 (approx)

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Obesity is on the warpath in America today. It does not care about age, gender, or social status.  Greatly impacting our nation everyone is vulnerable to the effects of obesity.  In today’s fast-paced super-sized world we live in fast food is among the leading causes of obesity.  As Americans continue to spend billions of dollars on fast food each year it’s no wonder obesity has become a national epidemic.  Not only does obesity effect the obese person, it takes a toll on our economy and society.  Before we can put an end to this epidemic we must first learn how obesity effects the American population and what role fast food play in obesity.   

According to the CDC obesity rates has more than doubled since 1980.  The CDC states that approximately 17% or 12.7million kids aged 2-19 years are obese or overweight.  According to these stats one of every three American kids today are considered to be overweight or obese. The rate is higher in the black and Latino communities. No matter what gender, race, socioeconomic status, or geographic location an obese child belongs to they are prone to health problems.  Condition such as high cholesterol, high blood pressure, and type 2 diabetes which was previously only seen in adults is prevalent among obese children.  Health issues are not the only challenges that obese kids have to face.  Often they must deal with psychological and emotional challenges as well.  Obese kids often lack self-confidence and may become depressed. They often develop eating disorders and have to deal with anxiety issues. Childhood obesity can also interfere with social development and create the opportunity for the child to become a victim of bullying at school.  Although obesity rates in children is less than half that of adults many children are still at risk of developing adult obesity if something isn’t done.

According to the CDC greater than one-third of all adults in the U.S. are obese which equals 34.9% or 78.6 million.  These rates are higher in African American and Hispanic males with lower incomes.  Obese adults have to face many health issues.  These issues include chronic diseases such as heart and kidney failure, asthma, and pain.  Adults that suffer with obesity often develop diabetes and have increased mortality rates.  Obese adults also struggle with social and psychological issues such as depression and anxiety.  The CDC estimated the annual medical cost of obesity in the U.S. was $147 million in 2008, with obese people paying $1,429 more than those of normal weight.

It’s no denying the fact that fast food is among the top causes of obesity in American children as well as adults.  These foods contains large amounts of salt, sugar, and fats.  These preservatives have been added to the food to enhance the taste and maximize the self-life of foods. Not only do these additives change the taste of food but they also reward the pleasure center of the brain. Therefore the body becomes additive to these bad foods.  The body goes through the exact same symptoms and thought process as someone who is addicted to cocaine (Gunnars).   This is why Americans tend to over-indulge in these types of food.  The additive properties of these food are only one bad aspect about them. These foods are often so processed and refined that we as consumers will never know all that goes into them.  Just think about it have you ever seen a square fish or grayish colored beef?  In the face of this epidemic it is imperative that Americans become aware of what they are putting in their bodies.

In today’s busy society many areas are highly concentrated with fast food restaurants.  With the multitude of restaurants along with the quick service makes fast food a choice of convenience for many people.  Fast food offers a lower price option compared to that of pricier health food making it easily obtainable for people of lower socioeconomic backgrounds. This can potentially put the low income at risk of obesity.  In addition to the convenience and affordably of fast food there is also many restaurants in or near school zones. It is very common for students to skip nutritional meals containing fruits and vegetables in favor of fast food meals when fast food is so readily available.  Based on a study among ninth-graders attending school with a fast food restaurant within a tenth of a mile the obesity rate increased by 5.2 percent. (Currie, Stefano, Enrico, Moretti, Vikram)

In light of the huge profits of fast food restaurants and the increasing obesity rate of American people, it is impossible to deny the link between fast food and obesity.  In spite of Americans consuming large amounts of unhealthy over processed prepackages foods fast food remains the leading cause of obesity.  It’s a proven fact that many Americans are plagued by obesity.  The rampant spread of obesity in our nation not only affects the obese person but the entire society feels its affects.  Huge burdens are placed on the economy through rising healthcare cost. In 2006 approximately 10 percent of all medical cost was spent on obesity-related treatments.  Treatment of obesity related illness is estimated to cost between $147 and $210 billion annually. The government was forced to pay about $61.8 billion out of the $147 billion through the Medicare and Medicaid programs. (Trust for the America’s Health and Robert Wood Johnson Foundation) Obese people spend 42 percent more in healthcare related expenses than those of healthy weight.  Between 2001 and 2005, the total costs for children with obesity-related hospitalization increased from $125.9 million to 237.6 million.  Childhood obesity accounted for $14.1 billion in direct costs. (Trust for America’s health and Robert Wood Johnson Foundation)

It’s apparent that obesity has waged a war on our society.  To combat the effects of obesity changes must be made on all levels of our society. Schools can ban the sale of soda and unhealthy snacks on campus, opt for healthier lunch, and provide food education classes.  The government can place taxes on certain bad foods, limit the amount of fast food restaurants in an area, and not allow fast food restaurants to open in school zones.  Parents can teach kids about healthier food choices and provide healthier options at mealtime. Children can choose fresh fruits instead of sugary snack. In addition to limiting access to fast food, healthy foods should be made more accessible to all Americans. Though of these simple changes obesity rates in America could be potentially be lowered.  Obesity is a national epidemic that impacts all levels of society. As a nation we must rise up and take a stand to control obesity in America.


CDC. “Prevalence of Childhood Obesity in the United States.  2011-2012. Web.

Currie, Janet. Stefano, Della Vigna. Enrico, Moratti. and Vikram, Pathania. “The Effect of Fast Food Restaurants on Obesity and Weight Gain.” American Economic Journal, Economic Policy, 2(3):32-63. 2010. Web

Gunnars, Keis. “Food Addiction- A Serious Problem With a Simple Solution.” Authority Nutrition, July 2015. Web

Lets move.gov. “Learn the Facts”. Web. March 2015

Trust for America’s Health, and Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. “ Fast Facts: Economic Costs of Obesity.” F as in Fat. Trust for America’s Health and Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, 2014. Web

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