Home > Sample essays > The Impact of Social Media on E-commerce: A Comparison Analysis of Traditional and Social Media Marketing

Essay: The Impact of Social Media on E-commerce: A Comparison Analysis of Traditional and Social Media Marketing

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  • Subject area(s): Sample essays
  • Reading time: 3 minutes
  • Price: Free download
  • Published: 1 February 2018*
  • Last Modified: 23 July 2024
  • File format: Text
  • Words: 799 (approx)
  • Number of pages: 4 (approx)
  • Tags: Social media essays

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Internet marketing also known as online advertising or digital marketing is a consumer base technology and an act of advertisement and marketing through which the use of web technology and email, are being used to make direct sales transactions via Electronic Commerce.

It offers marketers the prospects and opportunities to generate leads that would help with channels of communication which in turn leads to better visibility. These transactions can also be done using the traditional channels of communication such as radio, television, newspaper, journal, and other means.

Therefore, research will examine the impact of social media e-commerce context and to ascertain the extent medium have influence on the users purchase intention, and to compare and contrast traditional and social media marketing and through data collection, we analyze the research model. Conclusively, at the end, findings will suggest some implications and recommendations for researchers and practitioners.

1.0 Introduction

One channels of marketing on the web that is getting more attractions from the businesses and marketers, to even students, academics and the likes are the social media marketing (SMM). Reason for that is we observed a lot of businesses and markets successes had strived over the years and heading towards making a world one small social global market day-by-day. A situation where the users make use of social interactions, conversations, information sharing and exchange of market ideas to get more prospecting clients and to influence customers purchasing intents.

As social media continues to gainer more popularity and wider acceptance, the marketers are busy searching for a firm foundation to base their strategic decisions on how to employ social media interface in engaging and influencing their customers (Hoffman and Novak, 2012).

1.1 Problems Statement

There is also lack of limited knowledge on the SMM, and research is minimal.  Also how to manage and integrate social media technologies into overall business in order to achieved desired goals is still being a major challenge, couple with the issue of data privacy breach which is a security threat.

1.2 Purpose of Study

Analysis of the statistical evolutionary trends of electronic commerce in the context of social media market.

1.3 Aims

To examine the impact of social media in the current e-commerce trends.

1.4 Objective

After comparison analysis, then to ascertain to what extent this favorable medium have an influences on the users purchase intents.

1.4 Significance of Study

Influence of internet marketing in addition to raising level of user’s to issues of security and data privacy inherent in SMM.

1.5 Research Questions

What are the impacts of social media over an e-commerce business that would leads to proper coordination and integration toward achieving the target result

2.0 Literature Review

2.1 Background of Social Media

Social Media refers to coming together of multiple people from different locations spread all over the world purposely for social interaction and coordination in order to create an enabling environment for information sharing and exchange of ideas in virtual communities and networks (Ahlqyist el al., 2008). This type of communication is called one-to-many communication method, a process whereby a group of internet based applications that are built based on ideological and technological foundation of web 2.0 are allowed to create and exchange user generated contents (Kaplan and Haenlein, 2010). Social media marketing strategies also follows the same process of user-generated content where users based on mobile and web-based technologies tends to create a highly interactive platforms through which web users have a robust interactive session such as; sharing, discussion session, modification of user generated content, this would broadened users appeal to new technological techniques and promote face-to-face engagement platform session (Moran el al., 2011).

Social media is gathering momentum among marketers and businessmen alike, this is because they used social network sites techniques to distribute their business contents, which in turn leads to significant increase in their revenue growth.

Social media provides an enabling environment platform that ease customers interactions, enhance the prospects interaction session, this would also increase brand awareness online, and also help marketers and businessmen achieved desired target goals set to achieved.

Social media tools are categorised based on their functionality, into various groups. These groups include blogs, message boards, podcasts, micro blogs, bookmarks, networks, communities, and wikis. A few prominent examples of social media applications and their use are listed below:  

2.2 How SMM evolves, influences customers purchase intents

According to Statistical media analysis made in 2013, billions of people have access to social media network which 700 million users access Facebook from gadget devices,  while about 500 million users access Twitter, 130 million used instagram in 2013. Currently, social media consume much time of world population. Analysis show that 23% of Facebook users check their account more times every day, there are also a total of 1,000 comments per second in Twitter platform media, while having over 5 million pictures and videos being shared in 24 hours over Instagram platform (Noor Azuan Hashim, el al, 2016).

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Essay Sauce, The Impact of Social Media on E-commerce: A Comparison Analysis of Traditional and Social Media Marketing. Available from:<https://www.essaysauce.com/sample-essays/2016-4-19-1461068450/> [Accessed 03-10-24].

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