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Essay: IBM: Discovering their Story and Innovations in Cloud Computing

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  • Published: 27 July 2024*
  • Last Modified: 27 July 2024
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  • Words: 2,923 (approx)
  • Number of pages: 12 (approx)
  • Tags: Cloud Computing essays IBM essays

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The Organization background for IBM

International Business Machines Corporation (IBM) was incorporated on 16 June 1911 and founded by Thomas J.Watson and Charles RanlettFlint. IBM Company is a multinational technology and consulting organization. IBM being one of the leading technology organizations all over the world. The headquartered of IBM Company is in the Armonk, New York and United States. IBM Company has been done for everything from mainframes to personal computers and also greatly success in selling business computers. The company was started in 1911 in a small village in Endicott from United State and initially know as Computing Tabulate Recording Company (CTR) because of the merger of three different companies; Tabulating Machine company,  Computing Recording Company and International Time Recording Company, that gave rise to the current, tall standing IBM. Computing Tabulating Recording Company (CTR) was changed its name into IBM in the 1924.

As a company, IBM are start selling tools for helping by businesses investigation money and weight product. Research and development play an important role in IBM’S growth plan. This is creating design that change the standards of how IBM business proceed and continue to streamline work-flows. IBM company quickly realized that, how importance computer and IT for the company in simplifying organization, calculation, and collaboration for the company. It is necessary that to success in growing the business, IBM Company must knew what is the ability of network, have access to massive data storage and adaptable applications would be. The range of IBM technology platforms has already growing even since it establish a cloud computing services part in 2009. In which has developed strong ties with IBM in special gratitude to company. For example, Syntax to earning Premier Business Partner condition.Syntax have provide IBM partnership to acquire a strong managed services program reinforced around IBM world of the class technology.The syntax cloud computing is designing to the main IBM platforms and technology has be support for midden to large sized of the business status. For example for the service is business and infrastructure research, customize hardware configuration, system solutions and extensive application choices, syntax cloud computing reduce cost, improve operational efficiency in the business, also reduce the risk of the cloud computing.

IBM storage, power servers, virtualizations, workloads are all expertly optimized in the Syntax cloud. Cloud computing solutions include private, public and hybrid clouds for business use. Besides, this managed services also available from Syntax in order to help in the business plan, track, schedule, monitor and bill for products or services. Other, it provides virtual access to the networks and servers using platforms and IBM software within the Syntax infrastructure. In 2007, IBM started to develop a good strategy for cloud computing that announcing to planned and build cloud computing for enterprise client. These provides services to modify that need paying attention as spread in existing cloud computing environment. IBM declared a partnership with Google to encourage cloud computing in university in October 2007. In additional, IBM and Google Company provide a curriculum to teach students just about cloud computing and also they are donating hardware and mechanics.In April 2011, 80 percent for the five hundred Fortune companies are using IBM cloud computing and more than twenty million end user customer with client using their own software and services. For example, American Airlines, 7 Eleven, and Carfax. In 2011, IBM declared the IBM SmartCloud Framework and also IBM acquisition of SoftLayer to form an IBM Cloud Computing Services Status in 4 June 2013.

IBM cloud computing services have two mainly on IaaS and Paas technology. Whereas, there are three major area of the technology group together under the banner of the cloud computing such as Platform as a Service (PaaS), Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), and also Software as a Service (SaaS). SoftLayer is an IBM company adopted in 2013 that offer IaaS technology like spare metal and virtual servers. This is occasion others companies of the tools that which to build a cloud based digital for their customers.IBM started up its thirteen SoftLayer data center in ten months when company established a new data center such as Amsterdam.Amsterdam is a second data center located at the capital city of the Netherlands in the latest of April. IBM platform services modify the developers of software applications more faster than distribute their application and the company has meet up a partnered couple with other companies which have developed very specific systems for application architecture. There are two enterprise software developers is German-based SAP and Oracle of Santa Clara. Both of them provide their own application building services to IBM customers as part of the company Cloud Management Service match with PaaS technology.

Industry partnerships have been credibly important for IBM in terms of construction  a cloud computing platform in which famous with customers.Foreign partnership was recently renewed agreement in which IBM has been formed agreement with the Philippine Long Distance Telephone Corporation. The Philippine company has determined the company’s of the cloud computing services into geographically in different markets. IBM settle on a deal with Microsoft in middle of May in which should add that software developer’s family of NET language to IBM’s Bluemix platform for developing hybrid applications. The development of hybrid application had been designed to work with various software architectures for the widest application preparation possible.This may be an area of research and modification to focus on IBM. The company recently expose new services through the OpenStack cloud manager which will make it easier for software developers to distribute hybrid applications built in a public cloud computing such as operated by SoftLayer.

Two type of services offer by IBM

Server Services

IBM provides server services to its subscribers. There are 4 server services, we are going cover only 3 main server services which includes Bare Metal Servers, Virtual Servers, and POWER8 Servers.

Bare Metal Servers

Bare Metal Servers is a server that called descriptive term for a computer server to separate it from modern forms of virtualization and cloud hosting. This server also called a single tenant physical server which mean only they taking the resources of the server and the server just belongs to subscribers and subscribers (you and you) only. The bare metal servers only has one subscribers on the server.

Besides that, single tenant physical server also allows subscriber to avoid the noisy neighbor effect which mean to define as a user to impacted the performance and constancy of others users within the same server.

Virtual Servers

It is a server that called to shares hardware and software resources with other operating system (OS), versus dedicated servers. The reason why is because the cost-effective and provide faster resource control, better control, and virtual server are popular in Web hosting environments. However, virtual servers also provided a higher degree of customization and can build the server that the users need. For instant, use sliders to build a virtual servers that the user needs, If need configure more details of the need they want, they can add extra storage, add control panels, firewalls and other.

POWER8 servers

POWER8 servers is a big data-intensive workloads in a Company. POWER8 servers also called is a family of super-scalar symmetric multiprocessors based on the Power Architecture and introduced in August 2013 at the Hot Chips conference. This server also can maintain increasing volume of data. While, it provides high performance computing and maintaining system speed. Companies can continue to feed their big data needs without experiencing system slowdown.

Storage Services

IBM provides subscribers with the following storage services that are Block Storage, File Storage, Object Storage, Backup and Mass Storage Servers. The services is aims to allow subscribers to store their data while make sure the integrity, security and redundancy. We are going to cover 3 main storage services which include Block Storage, File Storage and Object Storage.

Block Storage

This company has included block storage that called a storage typically used in storage area network (SAN) environments where the data is stored in volumes, and also referred as blocks. Block storage can customize performance and sizes up to 12TB. These block also acts as an individual hard drive and it configured by the storage administrator. It also controlled by the server-based operating system and generally accessed by 3 things which called Fibre Channel(FC), Fibre Channel over Ethernet(FCoE) or ISCSI protocols. Block storage works well for storing a variety of application such as file systems and databases.

File Storage

File-level or file-based storage, stores data in a organization structure. File storage can allows user to save or store their data into the files and folders and presented to both the system storing it and the system retrieving it in same format. File storage perform featuring simple, predefined and performance levels with simple per GB pricing ideal for most general purpose workloads.

Object Storage

Object Storage is a storage architecture that manage data as objects. There opposed to other storage architecture like file systems which manage data as a file hierarchy.

The object storage are distribute stand-alone services or integrate smooth with other IBM cloud computing which including analytic, compute and cognitive application. As an object storage, it can access the data to provide self-service portal for anywhere in all the world with APIs is called Application Program Interface. It also including Standard Regional Open Stack Swift and also Standard Cross Region S3.

Two type of business for IBM

Now a day, many companies will start to accept cloud computing in the future. The benefit of cloud computing are flexible costs, strong security, always-on availability, fast responded time and others. However, many companies are realizing the benefits of cloud computing as a new way to deliver and consume IT services.

The one of the type of business should adopt cloud computing is education sector. The examples of education sector are schools, universities, and other. Cloud computing can also be used by researchers in education sector, because it is a cost-effective way to share a large amount of computing resources among a huge number of users.

Cloud computing can build IT and services into the curriculum. The old-style computing system deliverable of both a curriculum and management network. This may give the impression of a private cloud. Microsoft (with its Office 365 service) and other vendors are starting to position their cloud offerings to schools, but there have a lot of problem. For example, Office 365 does not directive the teaching staff easy access to completed work uploaded by students. So that, cloud computing can solve this problem and also students can upload their homework or assignment to cloud and lecturer will access it. Lecturer also can upload the notes or resource to cloud and students can access it. Educators will not miss at this opportunity, but services like cloud computing have a role to play and should be considered.

Cloud computing is efficiency and convenience. Cloud computing can use in anywhere and the resource can be shared.  So applying cloud computing, education sector will guarantee that quality training is given to each student, class exhibitions and so on can be effectively kept up without stressing for their study.

The cloud guarantees that students, lecturer, and staff have access to basic data utilizing any gadget from anyplace. Both open and private foundations can use the cloud to take better managements, even as they work with fewer resources. These are a few important elements as they apply to education sector, cloud computing can provide efficiency and optimization. One of the reasons educational sector should distract to the cloud is to take advantage of cost-effective computing and storage. However, this is very important to select the right types of assets for the entity’s unique requirements and current setup to meet these goals. Cloud computing can give power to make decision to maintain greater authority and control. This is keep their projects on track for the most efficient and valuable solution.

Another element is cloud computing that can provide good security and privacy. Most of the cloud computing has particular security and privacy considerations must keep in mind when applying their solutions. Within the education sector, these can be formed by some factors. For example, school areas must consider the safety and privacy of their students when uploading information to the cloud.

IBM adopt cloud computing also have another type of businesses that is provides services to small businesses, such as retailer. Retail businesses now can see the potential of using cloud computing to their own advantages. The reason is clouds computing giving them chances to earn more profit, saving up their time and gain more customers.

By using cloud computing retail can reduce their cost in hardware. Next, it also allows retailer to use the world class infrastructure without the need of a large maintaining support team. Which mean retailer can earn more profit through online selling.  

Retailer can manage their businesses for flexibility because nowadays cloud computing allow user access their file from other devices or at anyplace and anytime. Now the file will not just have stuck on a single devices or server. Cloud computing also give the flexibility on inventory management. Inventory system can automatic update the quantity of the product which give retailer saving up their time.

Efficiency, retailer able to get the most up dated applications quickly without worrying about power requirement, underlying infrastructure costs, maintenance and storage consideration. If there is hardware failure it will lose the data because the data has been backup to cloud. Next, the employees no longer spent their time on managing the file or system. They can spent more time on making strategic business objective, by analysis competitor or sales development.   

Three important factors that the company should consider the best cloud provide.

The best of the worlds in cloud computing is hybrid cloud. With all about accessing data and application anytime, anywhere this is little wonder that cloud computing has generated so many interest. However, the proliferation of mobile devices have a high speed connections and data intensive applications have challenged many of organization to continue meet the demand and more computing power.

IBM allows companies to improve efficiency and do more then less. That are attractive to budget-conscious companies with limited IT staff and resources department. IBM company has been positioned as a new way to operate from accessing applications to storing massive volumes of data. That was allowing organization to use only the hardware capacity what they nee without any paying for idle computing resources.

IBM is the cloud computing model enables access to IT resources with re-engineering the entire infrastructure or any cases without having an infrastructure.Any new technology implementation, they are determining the right path to cloud adopting is dependent on an individual company’s specific needs and constraints.

In additional, the three important factor that IBM should consider the best cloud provided. The best cloud computing is Hybrid Cloud Model. The first important factor for IBM is understanding the the Hybrid Cloud Model. Cloud computing is a browser based interfaces that allow IT to be ordered and access almost immediately for end users. However, some using browser to access IT can change security plans and consideration.The hybrid cloud model blends element of both the private and the public cloud. In the simple expression, the hybrid cloud model is primarily a private cloud that allows an organization to tap into a public cloud when and where it makes sense. For large expression, all models of cloud computing provide security measures to keep track of the data and application secure. The hybrid cloud computing can provide higher level of security for sensitive data and instances which company are affected by industry or financial. And also IBM company has its share of administration in the mid-market. That allows companies to adjust the amount of computing power used based on their individual fluctuation in actual usage. In generally, adding public space to a company’s cloud model is very easier proposition than growing its private cloud to meet mounting needs.The hybrid model is more cost effective in providing world class computing power when available anytime and anywhere without huge budget

Second important factor for IBM is mixing and matching to meet security needs.The nature of a hybrid model requires that companies determine which data or applications occupy on the private cloud and which can reside on a public cloud. Some companies need to realize how much risk they are willing to suffer with their data and application. By the way, there are important to remember that the same factor apply to ensuring security whether it is cloud based or within a traditional IT infrastructure. The different in cloud model is external elements, and these element will be managed by the cloud service provider. Companies should also regard the level of customer support desired from the cloud provider. There have many benefit of the cloud can be realized if the operation and access is smooth.Companies also need suitable monitoring, governance and security tools to assist the process of accessing key application securely.

Last important factor for IBM is cloud computing on a smarter planet.IBM company face even budget and high demands for services they are thinking otherwise the IT infrastructure they will need to respond to market forces and the rate of business and society. All the sizes of the company are moving toward more accommodation capabilities like cloud computing to deliver new services with agility and high speed while reduces cost. The hybrid cloud model can provide cost effective computing computing that balances security, reliability and flexibility.

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