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Essay: Rise of Intercultural Marriages: Malaysian Students Acceptance and Perception

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  • Subject area(s): Sample essays
  • Reading time: 8 minutes
  • Price: Free download
  • Published: 1 April 2019*
  • Last Modified: 3 October 2024
  • File format: Text
  • Words: 2,317 (approx)
  • Number of pages: 10 (approx)

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Over the past fifty years, there has been a rise in the intercultural marriages due to the increased level of social contact and the loosening on traditional social norms between people who come from different religion backgrounds and different races in South East Asia (Hassan & Benjamin, 1973; Djamour, 1965; Kuo & Hassan, 1976). Malaysia is a well-known for its cultural diversity. It was recorded in history that intercultural marriage has been practiced in Malaysia since the pre-colonial times. Even though there is a rise on the number of people who choose to marry a partner from the different culture group in the country, this practice is generally pictured as a troublesome and problematic specially in peninsular Malaysia. Thus, this paper argues on that the rate of student’s acceptance towards intercultural relationship and factors that influences the student’s perception regarding intercultural relationship. A simple survey was conducted by distributing questionnaire to get the student’s view on the rate of acceptance and the factors that influences their perception to the intercultural marriage/dating. We then will analyze mainly on the differences of religion and gender that contributes to the challenges. It was discovered that the problems aroused were not only originated from the spouses/couples themselves but they were triggered by various external factors.


Background of study

In this research paper, we decided to study on the factors that rate of student’s acceptance towards intercultural relationship and factors that influences the student’s perception regarding intercultural relationship. Intercultural marriage/dating is not something new but has been around over the period time. The practice of intercultural marriages in Malaysia is evident due to the existence of Peranakan communities where they were formed by long term of heavy assimilation process that took place between the non-native and native people of Malaysia in the 15th and 17th centuries. However, if the Peranakan communities were taken out of the context, the phenomenon of intercultural marriage/dating in Malaysia is under-studied and also under-documented by the government and scholars. As so, it can be said that the general view on intercultural marriage/dating in Malaysian society is mixed.

In the positive context, intercultural marriages are beneficial in contributing a better social cohesion among the society, especially, if the country is a multi-cultural country. Besides that, it also contributes to creating a new generation that are more open towards different culture backgrounds and also might have the tendency to produce descendants with extraordinary properties such as intelligence, emotions, beauty and also behavior (Tan, 2012; Zainon, 2005).

But then, the negative perception always over-shadows the positive view of intercultural marriage. It could be because of general stigma of different cultures. This resulted in that intercultural marriage is deemed to be problematic and troublesome (Minuddin, 2005; Zakaria, 2010; Jalil, 2010).

Malaysia is mainly consisted of Malay, Chinese, Indigenous, Indian and other races which makes intercultural marriages and dating to be common specially in this modern times (Pillay, 2014). However, it is more common to happen between Chinese and Indian and the others compared to the Malays, who are usually Muslims, due to the legal restrictions (Pillay, 2014).

Research Problem

Most of the research that have been conducted on the intercultural relationship is focused out in The United States of America. It usually focuses on the people’s reaction towards intercultural relationship; factors that influences the choice of intercultural relationship and the challenges in them (Troy, Smith, & Laurenceau, 2006). As so, there are very limited studies regarding this issue that have been conducted among the Asian countries specially from a student’s perception.

Research Questions

The purpose of this study is to investigate rate of student’s acceptance towards intercultural relationship and factors that influences the perception regarding intercultural relationship faced whereby it will be focused on the student’s perception towards intercultural relationship. This study will be analyzing on these research questions:

1) What are the rate of student’s acceptance towards intercultural relationship?

2) What are the factors that influences the students’ perceptions regarding intercultural relationship?

Research Objectives

The objectives of this study are:

1) To find out the students’ rate of acceptance regarding intercultural relationship.

2) To find out the factors that influences the students’ perceptions towards intercultural relationship.

By the end of this study, we will know the rate and factors that a student perceives from intercultural relationship.

Significance of Research Topic

The reason we are conducting this study is to provide an insight on the student’s perception towards intercultural relationship. Besides that, the knowledge collected from this study can be used in assisting students who seek help if they are having an intercultural relationship. This research also can contribute to any other current studies on intercultural marriage and dating as well as to be used as reference in intercultural topics.

Literature Review

Intercultural Relationship

Intercultural Relationship is the term used to categorize the relationship that occurs between people who come from different backgrounds (Ross, 2004). This differences could be either or combination of religion, nationality and ethnics (Ross, 2004). Even though it is quite new in social acceptance concept, intercultural marriage and dating has been increasing over the time.

In preparation for this study, some reviews on the already existing research studies that are related to intercultural relationship were done. It was found that most of the studies were carried out by classifying the participants by their gender, race, religion and age (Field, Kimuna, & Straus, 2013; Levin, Taylor, & Caudle, 2007; Ross, 2004; Wang, Kao, & Joyner, 2004). Besides that, there also quite a number of studies that were carried out to experiment on the factors that contributed and motivated people to engage in an intercultural relationship (Wang, Kao, & Joyner, 2004; Wu, Chen, & Greenberg, 2014).  


Individuals who practice intercultural marriage tend to be discriminated upon by their family members (Wang, Kao, & Joyner, 2004). It is clear that most members of a particular ethnic favor marriages within their own group. (Field, Kimuna, & Straus, 2013). They stated that parental approval is the more challenging issue when partaking an intercultural relationship. Furthermore, their studies observed that same race couples are supported more by their families compared to the latter. According to Levin, Taylor, and Caudle (2007) it is also suggested that parental approval is essential in choosing a partner. The study acknowledged that there exists a positive correlated relationship between parental influences over dating and probability of intercultural relationships among students. In Field, Sitawa, and Kimuna (2013)’s research, research showed that students are more keen to being neglected parental support for intercultural relationships. Students tend to not date outside their race or even approve interracial relationships due to parental objections.  


Besides that, research discovered that individuals who practice intercultural dating are claimed to have lower levels of societal approval towards their relationships as compared to those who have dated within their ethnic groups (Wang, Kao, & Joyner, 2004). Furthermore, it is also highlighted that majority of intercultural couples often received stares, negative feedback and accusation in public areas. Troy, Lewis-smith, & Laurenceau (2006) research claimed that individuals who commit in intercultural marriage would have a diminished social network as compared to before. As a result of societal pressure, both members of the interracial marriage tend to shy away from the public.  (Wang, Kao, & Joyner, 2004; Wu, Chen, & Greenberg, 2014). The authors also suggested that there exists a positive relation between societal approval and the longevity of the relationship. Intercultural couples are required to overcome and face public harassment in the form of evaluative, unfavorable and prejudiced actions from the public in order to sustain the relationship. This is because it is revealed that negative attitudes towards interracial relationships from different ethnicity groups results in a psychological and emotional obstacle for interracial communication, further reinforcing a racially laminated society (Bratter, & Eschbach, 2005).


Even though changes in the law and cultural environment has been made, numerous brawl had continued when it comes to different races or ethnicity. Romantic intercultural relationship still upsets the society where color line remained strong (Field, Kimuna & Straus, 2013). It has been reported that students in Black universities conveyed a less positive attribute towards colored relationships. It has also been said that attitudes towards intercultural relationships diverse by race. On the other hand, a study by Herman and Campbell (2012) showed a definite hierarchy dating system that corresponded to the history of racism in United States. In their research, they discovered that many of their participants were not too fond of dating Blacks and were more interested in dating Whites, Asians and also Latinos. Based on the research, they have studied the judgment Black men were given. The duo, Herman and Campbell (2012), indicated that interviewers saw dark-skinned Black women as less attractive compared to those who have fairer complex in Black women.



This study was planned to examine the Segi student’s rate of acceptance and the factors that influences their perceptions regarding intercultural relationship. The research method that was used is the quantitative method. Quantitative research is designed to measure or count variables, as suggested by Du Plooy (2009). This design is usually used to demonstrate, predict and explain quantities, degrees and relationships and also to simplify from a sample to the target or achievable population by collecting numerical information (Treadwell, 2014). In simpler words, it means that converting words into numbers (Vogt, 2011).

The method used for the quantitative research was by conducting survey questionnaire. Surveys are an effective method especially for those studies that aims to get participant’s opinion and beliefs (Sapsford, (2006). In addition to that, Krosnick and Presser (2010) also suggested that surveys are one of the method which is popularly used because of its convenience of usage, efficiency and adaptability. As the perks of technology advancement, this study was conducted through online survey questionnaires as it much less time consuming and also less costly (Bulmer, 2004).

Both close-ended and open-ended questions were used in this questionnaire so it can meet the research objectives. There are three sections in the questionnaire. The first section of the survey is designed to carry close-ended questions to gain information on the participant’s demographic background such as age, sex, religion, race, nationality and their majors. The second part of the questionnaire consists of the rate of the acceptance towards intercultural relationship. The last part of the questionnaire focuses on the factors that influences the participant’s perceptions towards intercultural relationship which are narrowed down to race, family, and society influence.

The questions for section two and three are designed in likert scale form. Participants were asked to pinpoint their rate of acceptance towards the statements as well as the option on giving reasons for their choice.


For this study, the targeted group of students are from Segi University American Degree Program. As for the sample size, we decided on that 20 participant should be enough. Besides that, all of the 20 participants are randomly selected in order to eliminate any kind of biasness and errors that could lead to flawed results. Since we distributed the survey by using Google Form on our college portal via Facebook, all respondents are anonymous, which helped to counter the biasness effect.

Data analysis

Data analysis primarily includes all of the process of observing, cleaning, reviewing, converting and implying all the showed data with the objective of constructive data, proposing conclusions and lastly providing decision-making (Bell, 2010). All the raw data that were collected from the survey will be observed, recorded, analyzed and lastly interpreted. Data analysis is done so that all the data collected can be easily understood by reader’s and meets the objective of the research paper (Bulmer, 2004).

For this study, all the variables that were collected from the questionnaires are grouped and analyzed in the form of descriptive statistics. Descriptive statistics will help to explain, illustrate or even sum-ups data into a much simpler form either by percentage statistics or by simple graphic analysis (Socialresearchmethods.net, 2015). Lastly, all these findings are then discussed in detailed and backed-up with the participant’s descriptive reasoning.

Study Limitations and Recommendations

In any research paper, study limitations are a common thing.  As so, there were some significant study limitations to the data used for this study. Firstly, the initial amount of sample size that was proposed was 50 Segi students who are pursuing the American Degree Program. However, due to the limited time of the study and also the semester which was already coming to an end, where it could be said that it was the student’s peak time on preparation for finals and rushing on assignments, the sample size had to be reduced to 30 participants only. As a result of minimizing the sample size, the reliability of the results collected were affected a bit. Another factor was that, since the study was structured to be a small scale research, the sample size of the study was not eligible to include the whole Segi student’s perception regarding Intercultural Relationship. In order to counter this, the recommendation that can be recommended is that to use a larger sample size so that any sampling error and defects in the respondents’ answers can be minimized.

The next limitation is that, the study only limits the factors to be only three which are Race, Society and Family. More areas should be covered in order to obtain a more accurate results. An example would be the factor of religion limitations.

The last limitation is that the way the survey was constructed. As known, the survey questionnaire consisted of likert char, close-ended questions, and open-ended questions. In each of the likert scale statements, respondents were asked to provide reasons for their choice. However, there were some respondents who neglected from answering and also abused this section by randomly answering irrelevant things. This had caused a lot of trouble in data collecting and grouping. Thus, a better alternative would be that, in future, researchers change the survey questionnaires into interviews. This will ease the researches work to collect data right on the spot which are more detailed and also screening of the data can be done quickly to avoid any irrelevant answers especially for open-ended questions.

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