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Essay: The Maximum Taste with Pepsi MAX: Zero Sugar

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  • Subject area(s): Sample essays
  • Reading time: 5 minutes
  • Price: Free download
  • Published: 1 April 2019*
  • Last Modified: 23 July 2024
  • File format: Text
  • Words: 1,452 (approx)
  • Number of pages: 6 (approx)
  • Tags: PepsiCo essays

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1. Introruction: Pepsi Max

The product that will be analysed and evaluated throughout this essay will be pepsico, in particular pepisco’s fast selling product pepsi max. Regular full sugar brands including Pepsi and Coke seem to be losing sales to their non-sugary counterparts including Pepsi Max, Coke Zero and Diet Coke. PepsiCo is a global consumer goods company primarily involved in production, marketing and sales of a variety of snacks, beverages and food products. Currently the company operates in destinations all around the world some of these being; America, Asia, Europe, Middle East and Africa. PepsiCo’s headquarters are based in New York. Pepsi max is on the market to provide consumers with the choice of in taking less calories and becoming healthier by consuming a zero sugar drink. Pepsi max has no sugar in it and is claimed to taste more like regular full sugar drinks than any diet drink on the market. Launched in 1993 Pepsi max had a one year trial in the UK. Following this and being a great success PepsiCo then launched the product to several international markets.  

2. Consumer behaviour theory

2.1 The decision making process

The decision making process is affected by a number of complex influences these can either be related to the specific individual or the external environment.  There are different stages within the decision making process, the first being problem recognition. This stage is where an individual decides there’s a problem and chooses to act upon or purchase a product to solve said problem. To link this in with Pepsi Max a consumer would recognise that they were thirsty therefore defining the problem. Following this stage would be the information search, where an individual observes what, how and where they will be able to solve their problem. Unwillingly individuals are constantly exposed to advertisements and promotions, during this stage it could have an influence on a consumer’s choice. Pepsi Max started a campaign named #livefornow where general individuals filmed themselves doing something unbelievable to relate to the fact it was unbelievable that Pepsi max could taste just as good as full sugar drinks. (see more in promotion section) this generated 43 million views on youtube for Pepsi max. Popularity and being the recent topic of social media will make Pepsi max a favourable choice for customers, even when there’s wide selection of offers (coke, fanta, sprite…)  The next process is Information evaluation, summing up why the individual should purchase the product. Factors being; price, ease of access or customer service. S

ubsequently decision is the next process. Finalisation of buying the product happens, paying at the checkout and consuming the product. As a result of Pepsi Max’s ease of access this is relatively simple to do. Finally there is the post purchase evaluation, the relationship with the individual and the marketing/ product doesn’t end after consumption. Individuals will always question whether a product met their standards, inevitably leading to repurchasing the product. This relies whether expectations have been met. (cite core text)  To relate to Pepsi max, consumers would have to agree with Pepsi’s grand claim of ‘maximum taste. Zero sugar’ during the post purchase evaluation a consumer could disagree and complain of dishonesty, therefore this would then taint Pepsi max’s reputation.  

There are different factors that influence an individual to purchase a product. These factors include; individual influences depending on the psychology and predispositions of a person. In relation to Pepsi Max this would be personal preference; if said individual like’s fizzy drinks or is looking for a less sugary alternative they would purchase a zero sugar Pepsi max product. Group influences are another factor in persuading a consumer to purchase a product, an individual would like to conform with society ie; drinking a popular product such as Pepsi Max. Another factor would be situational influences the ease of access to all products in the market. Pepsi Max appears to be sold in many local shops/ supermarket. Finally there is the influence of the marketing mix, each process of the marketing mix; product, place, price and promotion are there to manipulate consumers into urging and creating the ‘need’ for the product. For example; Pepsi max may campaigns.

2.2 Drive theory

In individual has different types of needs. Utilitarian is a practical need such as being hungry or thirsty. A theory of motivation would be drive theory, this shows biological needs, like an individual becoming thirsty, resulting in a unpleasant state of arousal and therefore providing motivation to reduce the tension caused by the arousal. (cite consumer behaviour) An individual in this state activates goal orientated behaviour. Consumers will want to relieve they’re cravings and therefore Pepsi Max because of the vibrant advertisements and logos will be able to catch the consumer when they are motivated to fulfil their cravings. For example wanting a fizzy drink. By dissolving the unpleasant state the individual can return to a balanced homeostasis.

3. Marketing mix analysis

3.1 Product

The anatomy of a product is a type of analysis that assesses the product according to the different benefits it offers. The first layer of the anatomy is the ‘core’, this is the heart of the product, the main reason the product exists and is on the market. Pepsi max exists to quench consumers thirsts. The reason it is produced is to fulfil customer’s wants and needs by providing a fizzy drink without all the sugar. Pepsi max provides a healthier alternative to full sugar drinks and is a strong contender against PepsiCo’s biggest rival coca cola with their product coke zero. The core layer of a product is important as this influences the consecutive layer. The second layer being the ‘tangible product’ this layer makes the product real. The flesh provided by the marketer; branding, packaging, design specifications, quality level and product features. This layer makes the product real. From 1993 when Pepsi max was released into the market there branding has been very specific. Pepsi max is a sugar free alternative therefore the company would like to emphasize this fact to attract consumer attention.  So consequently the main focus for their branding is to emphasise the max. The motto being ‘maximum taste, no sugar!’ To help draw consumer’s eyes to this, the Pepsi max logo is very simplistic being all black and the writing in colours, specifically the enlarged bright red of the ‘max’ making it difficult to ignore.  The layout is therefore recognisable to customers and the no sugar but same taste provides a USP as most low sugar brands cannot claim their product will taste the same.


The following layer is the augmented product, this layer focuses on making the product more attractive and providing more benefits by supplying add on extras. An example of this for Pepsi max would be the opportunity to enter competitions to win prizes. This add on doesn’t affect the original product but could make it more appealing to consumers and therefore they would be more willing to purchase the product.

Finally there is the potential product. This layer of the anatomy of a product looks to the future, focuses on the next generation. This layer is very important as the company would have to differentiate it from competition. In 2004 Pepsi max invested £11 million in a new lemon and lime flavour named pepsi max twist. (cite Branwell Johnson, 2004 file:///C:/Users/user1/AppData/Local/Microsoft/Windows/INetCache/IE/26UO6QX4/ContentServer%20(1).pdf) ) To keep consumers interested Pepsi max needs to adapt to a fast changing market. Consumer’s wants and needs are constantly changing, currently individuals are very health focused and therefore a fizzy drink free from sugar is incredibly appealing, but eventually these factors will change and consumers will become bored of the same product. Introducing new flavours is a great way to attract a wider range of customers and keep existing consumers interested. Pepsi added Pepsi Max Cherry to the range in June 2014

A product based classification is used to determine similar products that serve in the market. There are three different types; Non-durable, durable and service products. Pepsi max is a non-durable product, it can only be used once and is replaced frequently. Usually non durable products are low priced and this is true with Pepsi max. You can buy them from a variety of stores and supermarkets; (600ml bottle) tesco 89p, poundland £1 and Asda £1. (http://www.mysupermarket.co.uk/brands/pepsi_in_tesco.html) Pepsi max to consumers would be an in the moment impulse purchase to satisfy a customer’s craving. However because of the zero sugar a consumer would have taken some consideration to opt for the healthier one rather than a full fat option.

3.2 Price


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Essay Sauce, The Maximum Taste with Pepsi MAX: Zero Sugar. Available from:<https://www.essaysauce.com/sample-essays/2015-11-18-1447868438/> [Accessed 07-10-24].

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