United Nations is one of the organization that help all the countries together facing the threat around the world. United Nations is international organization whose members are from all countries in the world. The reason United Nation was established were to save the next generation from the war, reaffirm faith in human right, maintaining international peace and security, fostering social and economic development, protect the environment, provide humanitarian aid in case of famine, natural disaster and armed conflict, and to develop friendly relations among nations on principles of equal right and self-determination. This organization has been known since the world-war II. Secretary-General of United Nation is Ban Ki-Moon. He hold the responsibility to manage the organization so that United Nation will move smoothly and can perform their work well. He also responsible for the people around the world .He must take care of the countries and also the people. Through the management, they faced many obstacles and challenges around them. Human rights, humanitarian assistance, justice and international law, nuclear, chemical and conventional weapons disarmament, drug control, crime prevention, and counter-terrorism were some obstacle that United Nation faced. But the mange to handle it with the help of all the countries. They cooperates with each other in order to solve the problems. Therefore, secretary general must have good character that can lead the organization .Some of the qualities that secretary must have is responsible, leadership and communication and representation skills. There are many role that secretary general played during his management of the organization such as in administrative, peace-making, human resources and mediation. He plays a lot of role in solving the problem that happened since he was appointed as a secretary general. During his management of the United Nation, he promoting sustainability development, empowering women in the administrative, supporting countries facing crisis and problem, generating new momentum on disarmament, arms control and non-proliferation and strengthen the United Nations until it success. A lot of reformation that he make since his management. It is clearly shown when he empowering women in administrative. But Ban-Ki Moon trusted that power of women can bring success in the United States. He does not hesitated to give high position to women in the organization. Some people just think that women should be in home and unworthy to govern an organization. Their low thinking like this has been changed by Ban Ki-Moon since his administration. A lot of improvement we can see in the countries of United States. For example in Africa, United Nation member’s state give their help and support to Africa to solve their crisis during this few years.
The United Nations (UN) is an intergovernmental organization to promote int¬ernational co-operation .United Nation was replaced the ineffective ‘League of Nation’1(“United Nations,” 2016). United Nation was established on 24 October 1945 after World War II in order to prevent another such conflict .As we know, before this there is a war between the countries that can destroy the world and make innocent people been killed .So to protect the world, United Nation was created after the World War II. At its founding, the United Nation had 51 member states and there are now 193. The United Nations was born of the need to mediate the conflict in the international community through a negotiation process. The presence of World War II pushed the United Kingdom, the United States (US), and the Soviet Union to formulate United Nation Declaration in January 1942(“United Nations,” 2016). Declaration eventually followed by the formulation of the Charter of the United Nations at the conference in San Francisco, held 25 April 1945. The conference was chaired by US President Franklin Roosevelt, British Prime Minister Winston Churchill and Soviet leader Joseph Stalin(“BBC – WW2 People’s War – Timeline,” n.d.). Conference attended by 50 countries from different continents. The declaration was signed by 26 countries to press Germany, Italy, and Japan who became the war. The original members of the United Nations were France, the Republic of China, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, the United States of America , Argentina , Australia , Brazil ,Belarus, Belgium ,Bolivia ,Canada ,Chile ,Cuba ,Colombia , Costa Rica , Czechoslovakia ,Denmark, the Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Egypt, El Salvador , Ethiopia ,Greece, Guatemala ,Haiti ,Honduras ,India ,Iraq ,Iran ,Lebanon ,Liberia ,Luxembourg , Mexico, Netherlands ,New Zealand , Nicaragua , Norway , Panama , Paraguay ,Peru , Philippines , Poland, Saudi Arabia, South Africa , Syria , Turkey , Ukraine , Uruguay , Venezuela and Yugoslavia .Above are some of the United Nation original members(“United Nations,” 2016). Among the original members, 49 are still ¬United Nation members or had their memberships in the United Nation continued by a successor state ¬¬.The finances that earned by this United Nation is voluntarily contributed by its own member states .This organization was established to:
1. To save the next generation from the war.
2. Reaffirm faith in human rights.
3. Maintaining international peace and security.
4. Fostering social and economic development.
5. Protects the environment.
6. Providing humanitarian aid in cases of famine, natural disaster, and armed conflict.
7. To develop friendly relations among nations on principles of equal rights and self- determination.
The Secretary-General of the United Nations is the head of the United Nations Secretariat, one of the importance people of the United Nations. The Secretary-General also acts as the spokesperson and leader of the United Nations (“Ban Ki-moon,” 2016).The current Security General of the United Nation is Bang Ki Moon of South Korea .In order to achieve their objective ,United Nation have been facing many challenges in their organization such as :
1. Economic growth and sustainable development
2. International peace and security
3. Development of Africa
4. Human rights
5. Humanitarian assistance
6. Justice and international law
7. Nuclear, chemical and conventional weapons disarmament
8. Drug control, crime prevention, and counter-terrorism
To save the next generation from the war.
As we know before this United Nation has been established, people from all countries were fighting among them .A lot of innocent people including woman and children had been killed from this war. Bloodshed happened over the world are very sad and small children have to live in fear. They had to look and face the situation that they should not at their age.
Reaffirm faith in human rights.
Support for human rights has always been integral to the mission of the United Nations, embodied in both the UN Charter and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights(Aggarwal, 2014). Starting birth, humans have had rights that must be upheld and recognized everyone .Human right must be protected because now people are prohibited to be a slave to other people. So people have the right to give their opinion for what the best for them. They also have the right to choose their way of life.
Maintaining international peace and security.
To maintain international peace and security, United Nation has been established after the world -war II. They realized that war cannot bring anything good to the country and also themselves .They cannot live in peace, always fight with each other and every day their country have been bombed by enemies. They always live in fear. So with the United Nation it can bring international peace and security to the world.
Fostering social and economic development.
Fostering social in a simple word means a system that unites people from various countries were guided by their own ideologies that can form an identity and values and national spirit. When every human being from various countries cooperates with each other it automatically can lead to economic development. It will bring advantage to all the countries and also the netizen.
Protects the environment.
The use of biological weapons such as anthrax and chemical weapons such as nerve gas in war and many terrorist attacks is growing and becoming the latest threat to the world. The use of both types of these weapons much adverse effect on society and the world. And also, it can effects the environment. United Nation objectives are to protect the environment so that people can live in the green environment. Their health also can be protected from dangerous disease.
Providing humanitarian aid in cases of famine, natural disaster, and armed conflict.
As we can remember in 2011 earthquakes was happened at Tōhoku Japan. This is the most powerful earthquake ever to hit Japan known, and one of the strongest earthquakes in the world since the beginning of modern record keeping in 1900’s. This earthquake triggered giant tsunami waves that reached a height of 40.5 meters in Miyako, Iwate Prefecture in the Tohoku and struck inland as far as 10 km inland in the area of Sendai(“2011 Tōhoku earthquake and tsunami,” 2016).It moved Honshu 2.4 m eastwards and tilt of Earth on its axis by 10 cm to 25 cm.This tsunami caused a nuclear accident at complex Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant(“2011 Tōhoku earthquake and tsunami,” 2016). As one of the members of the United Nations, Japan has provided assistance in terms of food, improvement and other aid. From the helped, it slightly reduced the burden on the Japanese people that lived around that area.The same situation also happened in Indonesia, Africa and other countries.
To develop friendly relations among nations on principles of equal rights and self- determination.
Recalling that the peoples of the United Nations are determined to practice tolerance and live together in peace with one another as good neighbours. Bearing in mind the importance of maintaining and strengthening international peace founded upon freedom, equality, justice and respect for fundamental human rights and of developing friendly relations among nations irrespective of their political, economic and social systems or the levels of their development.(“Chapter I | United Nations,” n.d.)
Economic growth and sustainable development
United Nation has changed their idea to the sustainable development because of climate change issue. The Millennium Development Goals is a success way until now. The global extreme poverty rate has been continuing to decline at the low rate. More children finally can attend primary school or kindergarten. The most surprised are the death of the child has been dropped dramatically. About billions of people finally gained access to an improved drinking water source. They can drink a healthy water instead of pollution water. Disease like malaria, AIDS and tuberculosis can be reduced. It saved many people in the world. Plans are now being made within the United Nation system to ensure that sustainable development goals can be met, as well. At the Climate Summit in September 2014 at UN Headquarters in New York, global leaders from government, business, finance and civil society came together to announce bold commitments to eight action areas in the fight against climate change. Agreement about the universal climate has been signed in Paris. The agreement provides a pathway forward to limit temperature rise to well below 2 degrees, maybe even 1.5. Humanity may face a grim future if urgent action on climate change by the international community been ignored.(“Economic Growth and Sustainable Development | United Nations,” n.d.)
International peace and security.
Maintaining international peace and security, United Nation makes all its work more effective and efficient because by keeping the peace, the organization can finally focus on solving the global issues, instead of resolving conflicts among the people in this world. Unfortunately, recent peace and security challenges in areas force the organization to limit its presence have tested its ability to maintain the peace. Place that United Nation presence it has come under attack. The UN try to maintain international peace and security in a world where security threats now become more complicated. Although the organization has more success but it also faced a challenge that makes them unsuccessful. Hundred thousand of people have died around the world as conflict have recently mounted. UN as a relatively soft target has been the victim of attacks resulting in the tragic loss of life. With the complicated installation and growing cost of handling the crisis situation, the imperative of conflict prevention is higher than before. In order to prevent its conflict, United Nation faces challenged regarding the best way to engage with sometimes amorphous movements or fractured armed groups and how to ensure inclusive (“International Peace and Security | United Nations,” n.d.)
Development of Africa
The decolonization of Africa was a priority for the UN during the middle of the twentieth century. United /nation work hard to strengthen Africa through Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). With the completion of the Millennium Development Goals, the United Nation is now with the help Africa framing a development path to a more sustainable future. United Nation cooperates with the African Union including New Partnership for Africa’s Development (NEPAD) and the regional economic communities who developed the African Agenda 2063.To help Africa to achieve their goal which is to develop their country to more sustainable, institutional support has been provided by United Nation to High-level Committee of African Heads of State and Government. More sustainable development goal, especially to the development of the same position of Africa. To increase collaboration and strengthen coherence in delivering system-wide support to Africa, coordination support has been provided through the interdepartmental task force on African and the Regional Coordination Mechanism. Day by day United Nation continues to support the effort to make African live in peace and security support. Implementation of Human Rights Strategy for Africa and improvement of electoral management and monitoring always viewed by the United Nation. Making Africa more peaceful and secure and take care human right will help to create an environment in which development can evolve in the form of sustainable development. Africa can then build on the progress it has made in implementing the MDGs. They can improve the lives of its people by taking care of their human right.(“Development of Africa | United Nations,” n.d.)
Human rights
Respect for human rights is a main purpose of the United Nations and it’s define identity as an organization for people around the world. It was a first step in implementing the “Human Rights up Front” action plan. On November 2013, secretary general has renewed the commitment of Secretariat of United Nation, agency, fund and program to uphold the responsibilities that were given to them .It was given by Charter of United Nations, the Security Council and the General Assembly when there are threats of serious and massive human rights.(“Human Rights | United Nations,” n.d.)
Humanitarian assistance
Nowadays, a number of people affected by the humanitarian crisis has been slowly increasing day by day. United Nation and its member continue looking forward to humanitarian needs and emergencies from conflict or global challenges such as climate changes and environmental degradation. The UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) tried to bring together humanitarian actors to ensure a coherent response to emergencies. They mobilizing and coordinating effective and principled humanitarian action and facilitating sustainable solutions. As we can see the past year several deplorable humanitarian benchmarks. Over 76 million peoples from 31 countries needed help or assistance from others. Over 51 million of people were displaced by conflict. It was the highest number since the World War II. In 2014 there were more than 400 natural disasters which led to the loss of over 17,000 humans and it cost around $82 billion in damages. UN classification for the most severe large –scale humanitarian crises is called Level 3.It was dominated by six level 3 emergencies and Ebola crisis.
(“Humanitarian Assistance | United Nations,” n.d.)
Justice and international law
Due to the international peace and security, economic and social progress and development, and respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms, United Nation continuously focus on the justice and international law around the world. One of the missions of the United Nation is to uphold the rule of law at the national and international level. Respect the rule of law is basic core to achieve peacefulness after the various conflict for the effective protection of human right. To strengthen the rule of law, General Assembly and the Security Council play essential roles in supporting the Member States.(“Justice and International Law | United Nations,” n.d.)
Nuclear, chemical and conventional weapons disarmament.
Arms restrictions and disarmament has been discussed and negotiated at the United Nations during this few years. This had caused the weapons agreements, conventions, and resolutions that lead to international action on nuclear weapons and conventional disarmament. In 2013 used of Arms Trade Treaty marked a turning point in the international community’s efforts to regulate the trade in conventional weapons. The uncontrolled conflict has strengthened trade, nurtured regional instability, conspiring with violations of the Security Council arms embargo and weaken attempt to promote socio-economic development. Training, technical and legal assistance and other capacity-building measures have been continues provided by Office for Disarmament Affairs of the Secretariat and its three regional centre to improve the control of small arms and light weapons, combat the spread of illicit arms and promote the effective enforcement of Security Council Resolution 1540 (2004).It is to prevent the spread of weapons of mass destruction to non-State actors. Main priorities for the Organization is to eliminate the nuclear weapon and other weapons of destruction and nuclear non-proliferation. Therefore, the Organization is still promoting a Middle East zone free of nuclear weapons and all other weapons of mass destruction.(“Nuclear, Chemical and Conventional Weapons Disarmament | United Nations,” n.d.)
Drug control, crime prevention, and counter-terrorism
Drug trafficking, organized crime and terrorism are difficult issues to confront. In 2014, UN’s Victims of Terrorism support Portal has been launched. It was dedicated to specific individuals around the world who had been attacked, injured, traumatized or lost their lives during the terrorist attacks. UN member state continuously increasing theirs coordinating efforts to combat terrorism and continue the work norm setting their laws through General Assembly. Besides, UN Counter-Terrorism Committee is working to enhance the ability of United Nations member states to avoid terrorist acts both within their borders and across regions. UN Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) is providing technical assistance to member countries.(“Drug Control, Crime Prevention and Counter-terrorism | United Nations,” n.d.)
The UN Charter described the secretary-general broadly as the “chief administrative officer(“The Role of the UN Secretary-General – Council on Foreign Relations,” n.d.). Secretary-generals usually come from countries considered small- to medium-sized neutral powers, are career diplomats, and serve no more than two five-year terms. Secretary General of United Nation now is Ban Ki-moon. He is the eighth secretary-general. He was born in the Republic of Korea on 13 June 1944.Mr. Ban Ki-moon of the Republic of Korea, who took office on 1 January 2007.
He was alumni of Seoul National University, Harvard University and so one. When he was been selected as Secretary-General of United Nations, he was his country’s Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade. Our Secretary-General can speak several languages such as English, French and Korean. He was married to Madam Yoo Soon Taek and have been endowed one son, two daughters and four grandchildren(“Secretary General Ban Ki-moon – Biography,” n.d.). Since 2007, Mrs. Ban has fully give her attention to women’s and children’s health, including autism, the elimination of violence against women, and the campaign to prevent mother-to-child transmission of HIV/AIDS(“Secretary General Ban Ki-moon – Biography,” n.d.). Secretary-General is also Chairman of the United Nations System Chief Executives Board for Coordination (CEB), which brings together the Executive Heads of all UN funds, programs and specialized agencies twice a year in order to continue coordination and cooperation in the whole range of number of substantive issues and management. Mr. Ban Ki-Moon said as he grew up in war and during that period he was seeing United Nation has helped his country a lot to recover and rebuild. It was the greatest experienced that pursued him to further his career in public service. He was determined to see the organization deliver peaceful, development and human right to the world. Mr. Ban Ki-Moon has shown his credibility in many areas such as:
• Promoting sustainable development.(“Stanford talk by UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon | Stanford News Release,” 2013)
• Empowering women.
The Secretary-General pressed successfully for the creation of United Nations Women, a major new agency that consolidates the UN’s work in this area(“Secretary General Ban Ki-moon – Biography,” n.d.). He also advocates “Unite to End Violence against Women” campaign and the establishment of a new Special Representative on Sexual Violence in Conflict(“Secretary General Ban Ki-moon – Biography,” n.d.). Besides, he also increased the number of women in senior management position until it reaching the highest level in organization’s history.
• Supporting countries facing crisis and instability.(“Secretary General Ban Ki-moon – Biography,” n.d.)
• Generating new momentum on disarmament, arms control and non-proliferation.
Through the five-point plan, has given secretary general to rejuvenate the disarmament agenda. It efforts to break the deadlock at the Conference on Disarmament and renewed attention to nuclear safety and security in the aftermath of the tragedy at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant(“Secretary General Ban Ki-moon – Biography,” n.d.)
• Strengthen the United Nations.
Secretary General of United Nation introduced new measures aimed at making this organization more transparent, effective and efficient. Heightened financial disclosure requirement, compacts with senior managers, harmonization of business practices and conditions of service, the adoption of International Public Sector Accounting Standards and continued investment in information technology and staff development are some of the measures. (“Secretary General Ban Ki-moon – Biography,” n.d.)
In administrative secretary general take its responsibility to view the United Secretariat (an international staff working in duty stations around the world – carries out the diverse day to day work of the Organization) which handles United Nations operations, including research, translation, and media relations(“The Role of the UN Secretary-General – Council on Foreign Relations,” n.d.). The Secretary-General of the United Nations is the head of the United Nations Secretariat. Our secretary general, Ban Ki-Moon also work as a spoke person and leader of United Nations. He is the head of the United Nations Secretariat. Each secretary-general handled his administrative responsibilities differently. Maybe the ways of organizing its strategy and so on. If the administrative is going well and smoothly, the development of the country will increase year by year. So, public citizen in that country will get benefit from the development.
Human resource
Recruitment under-secretary for about fifty UN positions, including heads of funds such as UNICEF (an agency of the United Nations established in 1946 to help governments especially in developing countries and to improve the health and education of children and their mothers) and UNDP (United Nations Development Program) falls under the jurisdiction Secretary General(“The Role of the UN Secretary-General,” n.d.). An important aspect of the recruitment process involves persuading of members to fill vacancies. Then secretary general will negotiate with the Security Council and the General Assembly to ensure wide regional representation. A person who in charges in human resource must be a responsible person. So he is the want that will take care of people in each of the countries. So the citizen will get their right as the citizen.
Secretary General also bears the responsibility to overseeing the peacekeeping missions. He is responsible for keeping the world peaceful and always in security. Although the General Assembly or the Security Council may start or initiate peacekeeping, operational controls are located at the Secretariat. Secretary General is the person that will keep peaceful in each of the countries. Without peaceful, people will live in misery. So if the Secretary General full fill responsibility as a leader, I am sure their country will live in peaceful and public citizen will live happily.
Secretary-General of UN will immediately play their role between parties if conflict arises. Secretary-General uses its liberty and equality as a head of global organization to avoid and stop the spread of the conflict. Examples of UN leaders taking on mediation roles in the past include Hammarskjöld’s promotion of an armistice between Israel and Arab states and Javier Perez de Cuellar’s negotiation of a ceasefire to end the Iraq-Iran War(“The Role of the UN Secretary-General,” n.d.)
The leader is someone that do the right thing and make people do the right thing too. Leadership is a very important quality that must have in Secretary General. It is to determine the efficiency of the Secretariat. Once you declared yourself as a leader, you must have this characteristic. Leadership is importance because without leadership, the organization cannot be organized smoothly. They might be some conflict or problem in the organization. Dwight D. Eisenhower said that “leadership is the art of getting someone else to do something you want done because he wants to do it”. As we know in this organization there are many religions so leader responsible for bringing out the peace between people even different religion. That is what leader should do, not only managing the structure of the organization but also take care of their people.
Communications and representation skills
Secretary General must have a skill to communicate well in various languages. This is because when its country having a conflict, Secretary-General must represent the country to solve the problem. So communication is very important, not only for Secretary General but also us as the netizen. Secretary General must at least know his member’s states language. So if there is a general meeting, the communication will go well and smoothly.
Secretary must responsible for himself and also their people. He must take care of the human right even it seems difficult. All people in the world depend on him to bring peaceful in the countries. Secretary General cannot be selfish for example just take care of himself and ignores his people. As a Secretary General or leader that represent the countries, responsibility is very important because without responsibility each country cannot develop to the highest level.
Essay: The United Nations
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