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Essay: How did Donald Trump make use of social media to his advantage?

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Since the rise of the Internet, Apple, Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, YouTube and Entertainment we have seen a drastic change on how we live and communicate in this new Era. The greed of the industry to pitch ideas, beliefs and new ways of thinking into our society are what rocked the foundation of America and our world! Pop Culture and the rise of Social Media have destroyed our essence and values.  It’s has completely taken over our lives. We are living in uncharted territories where filters are added to fool our own perception.

Take a look at how we use and engage with Social Media. Our daily needs to check on Facebook and Instagram. The urge to let people know things like where we are, what we are eating, where we are vacationing, etc.… The need and validation to check how many people have seen our posts or how many likes we are getting. Social Media has created a generation of narcissism, need of validation, over exposure and sharing on our intimate life and lifestyles.

The rise of the biggest Con artist of our times was in fact created by Pop Culture / Social Media. He was already an entertainment phenomenon all on his own. Public adore him not knowing his true self. He used his fame and stardom to reach the hearts of the American public and took plenty of advantage at what no other Candidate / President has ever done. Manipulated every Social Media outlet to his advantage. And, it worked!

How did Donald Trump make use of social media to his advantage?

America created a monster and its one common denominator with his rise is associated with Pop Culture. I blame Social Media for his rise to the Presidency. It played a powerful role during his campaigning. He received more airtime than any candidate in American history.

Americans fell for the biggest Con artist of our times. The reality TV star somehow became our President. #notmine

Social Media is complicit in the triumph to Donald Trump into power, into our lives and into the Presidency.  Donald Trump before entering Elections was a tabloid king, and he used his wealth and stardom power to reach millions of Americans through his celebrity status. The growth on his Social Media platform was undeniable. He became obsessed with himself and the public’s feedback.  He became larger than life. Pop Culture made him a super star; made him relevant, again.

He took advantage of the technology like no other candidate. He ran a campaign full on broken promises, rhetoric, hate and discrimination. People bought all of this.  Public also fed on all his hate. All of his insanity was displayed on every Social Media outlet worldwide. TV, Internet, Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, you name it. His name was getting attention and traction all over the world…and it worked. His Twitter account was the thread connection he had with the world and he definitely knew how to use it to his advantage. Every word, every Tweet was read and reposted millions of times. Mostly to mock at him but regardless of the situation he was being acknowledged for better or worse.

With one Tweet he was able to reach millions in seconds. His campaigns were broadcast live on YouTube and Facebook; they were stream on Right side websites. He had a huge reach with the American public. Donald Trump fed on his ego and popularity on these platforms.

Facebook and Twitter itself were spending so much time focusing on him. Whether was a fake story or inadequate story the public was really engaged. All of these also gave him much power to fight back on every jab he received. Twitter became his ring. He laid out there everything he had on his mind or the little he had! The more rotten he got his polls got higher in ratings. He allowed in his rallies to mock the disable, to boo his opponents, encouraged to beat whoever didn’t agree with his views all while being broadcast live.

How will this fake news propaganda change the perception of Americans?

Social Media was the biggest influence ever on any candidacy. We had so much to deal with at every corner. Either fake or true it was there. Donald Trump also created the Rise of  “Fake News” He fought every social channel and outlet that said anything about him or his campaign. Not only the rise of fake news was unprecedented but also the nasty division of political parties and the people were so cut throat more than ever before. He made the public distrust news outlets. He made his people become deplorable and disrespectful. Gave permission to his followers to hate and offend right in the open.

This fake news propaganda established by Donald Trump has created a gap in the minds of people. You have Fox news reporting news that aren’t true and the viewers believe all they see or hear. In the other hand you have CNN and people do believe as well. I’m kind of biased on this subject. I’m not 100% sure what to believe anymore. Of course I engaged on social media and most of the articles I read are on Facebook. We are living in a new cycle of life where our trust has been shaken and it has become hard to believe what’s true or not true.

There is so much corruption on our media outlets right now. We relied on the media to tell the truth about our candidates and they failed us big time. They should have made an extreme effort to educate us about who Donald Trump really was. It was their responsibility to report the truth. Their responsibility is to dig deep and expose the truth. Media failed to discredit him because they were afraid to report truth and lose ratings!? People now believe whatever they want to believe. The hate and fights on Social Media are endless and I don’t really think it will ever end.

This President can go hopefully soon rather than later but human beings already crossed the line…not sure how as civilians could ever recover from everything that has been said or done. How do you trust your neighbor? How do you trust whoever sits right next to you at the movies? We are really walking on thin ice. Most people don’t want to engage in any political conversation due to the significant lash out they could receive.

Why did Donald Trump supporters not care about electing a celebrity and disregard the fact that he was not qualified for the job?

The public loved him before he was a candidate.  Now, the public loves him as a President. I heard on the news as I was writing this paper that 99% of people who voted for him still stand by him. This is so hard to believe after every repulsive thing he has done or said as of today. His voters believe he can make America successful just as he made himself Successful.  The public loved his rough edges; agreed with his relentless truth and bashing regardless the outcome; they liked his villain personality.

Donald Trump played America in such a genius way. I mean the guy is President! He touched the hearts of the most vulnerable people. He tackle and said things no other candidate has ever done.  People wanted a fresh change from politics, a change from the corruption of Wall Street, good business deals. That’s how he started the uproar of his followers. Add to that all the hate and racism he brought up to light racism we thought was a thing of the past. Donald brought up all the hate and racism. I guess this was only dormant; it was a matter of time to be awoken.  This guy had free reign to do and say whatever came out of his mouth without any hesitation. He mistreated and flat out lied and people still stood by his side.  There was nothing that he could say that would disappoint his voters. They fed off of everything he said and did he.

In conclusion, I understand that the public was tired of past leaders; the way things have been handle. The public wanted a change and he knew exactly what buttons to press. He opened up about how he would tackle immigration; terrorism and how he would drain “The Swamp” and you got yourself a President.

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