Do you ever ask yourself about killing or taking someone’s life? What about a small life who could not say anything in such decision? Or what about someone who is small that they are considered as unimportant?
I guess that those are questions you never ask yourself about. Those 3 questions symbolize a topic that many people are talking about today, which is abortion.
Abortion is a big issue today for some people, while there are those who think it is wrong and other who thinks it is right.
Today there are 2 groups of people those who call themselves pro-choice and those who call themselves pro-life.
Pro-choice people mean that abortion should be legalized, where the Pro-life people mean that unborn children are human from the beginning when you get pregnant.
According to statistics, there are about 30,5 million abortions this year.
Many people think that abortion is murdering and that every child who is being aborted is priceless. According to them, you would not know that the last aborted child maybe could have changed the world. He or she could have been the new Steve Jobs or the new Gandhi.
But what is abortion? Abortion is basically a word that means ‘ending of a pregnancy’ so it does result in a birth of a child, but it is not important how you say it, abortion is overall about taking a life.
Abortion is when the pregnancy is removed from the womb, either by taking pills, which is calling medical abortion, or by surgery, which is calling surgical abortion here is the pregnancy removed from the womb.
You can also get a spontaneity abortion, which is when the children can survive in the womb and die, but this is considering by the woman’s age
But why do women get an abortion? There are numerous reasons why they get an abortion. The most typical result is when they do not use protection as a condom or pills. Some of the other reasons are when the women get raped or known that her child has medical problems.
If we look on some other countries about abortion, so are there different opinions about abortion. In the United States is it legal to get an abortion no matter what, but in Ireland abortion is only allowed if the women are raped or if her pregnancy is dangerous for her.
In the United States there are about 89.000 women who are sexual assault each year. Some of those women’s are forced to carry the baby of that man who attacked and raped her. This result that, she give birth to a baby, who will remind her about that day she got raped.
My opinion about abortion is that is should be legal in every country. I cannot see what the big issue about abortion is, while there in some countries are children who are getting born every day for example Africa.
Abortion should be something people have their own opinion and chose about without people who are against it.
If you are a couple, friends with benefits, someone who got raped or someone else you should have the chose to get an abortion and not be forced to carry a baby if you do not want to have it. There are also women who get pregnant by an accident and should have the same rights like everybody else.
I also think that there are bigger issues we should be thinking about instead of abortion.
But in the end it is up to you and me to decide what is wrong and what is right and how the future should be.
Essay: Abortion should be legal in every country
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- Subject area(s): Philosophy essays
- Reading time: 3 minutes
- Price: Free download
- Published: 27 July 2024*
- Last Modified: 27 July 2024
- File format: Text
- Words: 605 (approx)
- Number of pages: 3 (approx)
- Tags: Abortion essays
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