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Essay: Reflection on my own skills and goals using Gibbs’ Reflective Cycle

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  • Subject area(s): Miscellaneous essays
  • Reading time: 5 minutes
  • Price: Free download
  • Published: 21 September 2019*
  • Last Modified: 2 September 2024
  • File format: Text
  • Words: 1,335 (approx)
  • Number of pages: 6 (approx)

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I. Introduction
In this report I am going to reflect on my own skills that helped me during my experiences using Gibbs’ (1998) Reflective Cycle. I will provide evidence of how I facilitated the completion of my goals as well as composing the action plan. Nevertheless, the reflection can be known as the capability to grow the understanding of specific concerns through critical observation and analysis to obtain awareness which can lead to increase self-esteem as well as gaining self-confidence, learning from own mistakes and behaviour, being self-aware and improving from the past (Jayatilleke and Mackie 2012).
II. Skills
1. Hard-working
One month before my final exam, I started to learn everything I have done in my last four years of high school. I was waking up every day at 5 a clock in the morning and I had to organise myself for a whole day of studying.  I had to study my first language, geography and history. At first, I was highly optimistic because I have prepared all four years for that moment. However, the anxiety showed when I was going through every chapter without any exception and every textbook that I did not even touch in more than a year. I realised that I forgot almost everything that I learned the last four years and I had to learn from the beginning.
The experience was extremely challenging for me ( Brookes.ac.uk 2018). I achieved my target to cover all my four years curriculum just in four weeks. At first, I regretted that I have to study the whole curriculum at the end of the semester, but lately when I accomplished my target I felt more confident for the exams, and I took high grades in my assessments. Then I realized my skill that I am quick leaner and a hard-working person which leaded me to a positive outcome. After discussing with my teachers, I recognise that I needed to improve my strategic skill to ensure that I will not put myself under the pressure in the coming years. In the following exams I will make it my goal and discuss with my tutors to develop an action plan.
2. Kind
It was my last day as a volunteer in orphanage. I spent time caring for or teaching young children who are living in residential care. I was overwhelmed seeing their happiness for small things. I felt sad because at the end of the day I had to say goodbye to them. In addition, I did not want to leave concerned I could have done more. Ulterior, I spoke with my team leader and suggested him that we should prepare a surprise party for all kids. My team leader agreed and the arrangement for the celebration was completed in less than an hour. The children could see movies, eat pizza and play some karaoke with the volunteers. The experience left a profound impression of myself and it has changed the way I felt about my life and human culture as a whole.  The experience went well and everyone had a pleasant moment.
I had a noticeable opportunity while volunteering as it helped me a lot to improve my communication and organizing skills. I could not have been happier with the way my time in orphanage turned out. In future, I will aim to develop self-love and self-esteem skills in order to be more cheerful about my life.
3. Leadership
During my summer holiday when I was working as a paid fundraiser for charity. I was in charge of a team of few fundraisers and my responsibility was to raise over 100 pounds for the elderly people living in my community. I managed to organise and motivate everyone as well as establishing a strong strategy to raise more than we needed. Initial, I felt very motivated and optimistic just because I could express myself and demonstrate that I can be a great leader. However, after the first day that went unfavourable for the cause I realised that we have to work harder, more seriously and more professionally to reach our target of 100 pounds.
Even though at the end of the campaign we did not manage to reach 100 pound we still managed to reach 92 pounds that could still help.
The first strategy did not work because it was structured incorrectly and we had to come with different approach. In the second session, every member of the team came up with an idea and we succeeded to create a better strategy of targeting the posh areas first as they were ready to donate for long term. The last strategy leaded us to success.
Taking into consideration every detail of that experience, I concluded that I should have paid more attention on being a good example, deciding where to focus efforts and setting direction instead of focusing to get the best out my workforce. Moreover, my leadership skill progressed from the start to the end in this experience of leading a team. I aspire to improve my leadership by getting involved in any opportunity to exercise authority and to gain responsibility. This will be my long-term task, because being just the person in charge of a group of people is not enough, I need evidence that my presence has an impact.
4. Problem solving
I worked one month as a customer advisor in Primark. My job was to solve customer’s problems while shopping or after purchasing an item. I used to deal with different tempers and personalities and different problems.
I remember one of my customers who purchased the wrong size of sweater for his wife and he wanted to change it but he lost his receipt. There for I helped him by locating the number from sweaters’ sticker in the shopping tracker software so we would be sure that he purchased the item from Primark while my other colleagues were not able to find the item.
Dealing with different peoples’ problems on daily basis made me confident in problem solving. Although it had some harsh consequences as many customers were rude and impatient which irritated me most of the time. However, eventually I learned to control my anger therefore I gained another skill. My problem solving, and confidence skills helped me in the academic life as well.
III. Action plan
Date: 19/10/2018
Summary of my current strengths, skills and qualities:
Leadership skill – used in assigning and delegating tasks well, setting deadlines and leading by good example (Target Jobs 2018).
Persistence and motivation – are the strengths I use to face setbacks, obstacles and failures without allowing them to dominate (Target Jobs 2018).
Listening skill – used in my advantage as well as paying attention to any essential new information.
Summary of what I need to work on, develop or improve:
Commercial awareness skill – understanding how a company works and what makes it grow or fail.
Time management skill – to be capable to prioritise and make judgements about what is urgent and what is important.
Memory skill – remembering information, expanding what I know and how I make connections.
My priorities:
Commercial awareness is an understanding of how the business and marketplace are performing at present as well as understanding the past which helps to predict future trends.
To increase my commercial awareness, I will read journals and industry magazine from no hour a week to 2 hours a week by 11th May 2019.
How will I know that I improved?
I will know by being able to demonstrate that I am aware of any typical patterns, for example how wider economic conditions tend to affect a particular industry.
IV. References:

  • Brookes.ac.uk. (2018). Using Gibbs: Example of reflective writing in a healthcare assignment – Oxford Brookes University [online] Available from: https://www.brookes.ac.uk/students/upgrade/study-skills/reflective-writing-using-gibbs/ [Accessed 20 Oct. 2018].
  • Jayatilleke, N. and Mackie, A. (2012) “Reflection As Part Of Continuous Professional Development For Public Health Professionals: A Literature Review”. Journal Of Public Health 35 (2), 308-312
  • TARGETjobs. (2018). What are the top 10 skills that’ll get you a job when you graduate? [online] Available from: https://targetjobs.co.uk/careers-advice/career-planning/273051-the-top-10-skills-thatll-get-you-a-job-when-you-graduate [Accessed 20 Oct. 2018].

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