On June 16th, 1775, the Quartermaster Corps of the United States of America was established and is now the oldest logistic branch within the Army. Having been around since the Revolutionary War, it was originally called the Quartermaster Department but, in 1912, Congress agreed to rename it to what it is now. The Quartermaster Corps are responsible for supplying equipment and materials to support soldiers in the field to successfully carry out their mission. Unlike the other two logistic branches, Ordnance Corps and Transportation Corps, the Quartermaster Corps is in charge of a broader range of supplies that is necessary to each individual soldier. They mostly move general supplies such as hygiene products, as well as subsistence, petroleum, and water. Interestingly, in 1862 they assumed the responsibility to carry out all mortuary affairs.
Wherever a soldier is, it is important that their health is kept in check to be effective in any mission. That is why the Quartermaster Corps was created to ensure that those soldiers are kept healthy to fight. By supplying food, water, and hygiene products those health standards should be met. However, there are other factors that need to be maintained in order to keep a soldier alive and ready for a mission. The Quartermaster Corps must ensure that a soldiers’ equipment is also functioning correctly and their gear is maintained. We can see here that Quartermaster Corps values the lives of every soldier.
When training to be a quartermaster officer, it is important to successfully fulfill the Quartermaster Officer Basic Course and learn the vital skills of leadership. A quartermaster officer must know tactics that are useful in quartermaster missions as well as how to maintain all materials that are used on and off combat fields. They must understand what they need and anticipate what they will need later on. Being perceptive and knowing how to solve problems, multitask, and communicate are all valued attributes that a quartermaster officer will need for completing their mission. Making sure equipment, materials, and systems are available and functioning for missions can be a lot for just one person to handle, so a quartermaster officer must know how to prioritize their needs and make clear and concise decisions effectively.
The first general of the Quartermaster Corps was awarded to Thomas Mifflin by President George Washington. From his excellent leadership tactics in the Battle of Trenton and Princeton he gained recognition from congress that allowed him to receive his position from President George Washington. During those times, most of those who were in the Quartermaster Department were contracted workers and detailed soldiers that were not specialized in that field, which may have given General Mifflin the reputation of being dependent on other Generals. However, it is said that Major General Nathanael Greene, whom was the third Quartermaster General in the Revolutionary War, was much more tactical and effective than General Mifflin. Thus, the first depot system for the US Army is credited to General Greene. Another notable Quartermaster General is Brigadier General Thomas Sidney Jessup as he improved and organized the administrative system in the Quartermaster Corps. During 1818 to 1860, General Jessup continued to institute new and effective ways of managing quartermaster operations, ultimately giving him the name, the “Father of the Quartermaster Corps.” Lastly, in the Civil War, Major General Montgomery C. Meigs controlled the expansion of the Quartermaster Department that would have to support 900,000 soldiers. His efficient management skill emphasized the logistical importance that is needed in a time of war. As of June 10th, 2016, the current, 54th Quartermaster Brigadier General is Rodney D. Fogg.
One of the many things I found attractive of this branch Is the different areas I could specialize in. Specifically, I could specialize in field services, aerial delivery, and material and distribution managements. I could also be on field with other infantry units or I could be up in the air making sure supplies reach other soldiers. Since this branch has both a combat and non-combat feature that works during a time of peace or war, it shows how important and vital it is to the US Army. And as I want to be an essential component of the US Army, being a part of the Quartermaster Corps helps me envision that. Also, the sense of anticipation during planning and the ability to think logistically in terms of tactics is something I always wanted to learn and apply to my job. I spend a lot of my time planning and organizing, which are skills that I could effectively use in this branch. While watching the video, the Army Officers discussed the level of gratification they received from other soldiers and I’m an altruism junkie. I love to see when others are doing well and as a pre-med student, I’ve always wanted to help others. I believe that the Quartermaster Corps is one of the many branches that are very hands-on in this respect. As quartermaster officer, you serve the soldiers to support the overarching goal of victory for the United States Army.