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Essay: The dark side of social media

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  • Subject area(s): Media essays
  • Reading time: 6 minutes
  • Price: Free download
  • Published: 18 October 2022*
  • Last Modified: 24 August 2024
  • File format: Text
  • Words: 1,773 (approx)
  • Number of pages: 8 (approx)
  • Tags: Social media essays

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Social media has had a significant influence on how individuals connect in today’s world since the bulk of social conversations take place online. Social media has become one of the most used and popular communication sources and information-sharing platforms, attracting millions of users from all over the world. It is a part of life not only for the younger generation, but for everyone with a computer, tablet, or precious mobile phone. The computer science major community that cares about technology is involved with social media; this community should express how media has changed communication over the past decade with today’s corrupted algorithm and how it has affected human-to-human talks both in person and over a phone.

One of the most rapidly developing areas in history is computer science. It has only been around for a few decades, dating back to the early 1960s, yet it has grown into one of the world’s most important majors today. The science of computer technology, which was developed via the technological architecture of electrical engineering and the computational language of mathematics, has rewarded many with significant acclaim and financial benefit. Computers grew and improved to become a regular component of contemporary life and were originally intended as an organizational answer to the huge volumes of information held on nothing more than paper. Technology components are just the surface of the glacier. Programs and their development are at the center of most of computer science and two of the most important terms among the computer science community are algorithm and code. Brianna Flavin lists important terms and her article, “23 Computer Science Terms Every Aspiring Developer Should Know” mentions, “At a basic level, algorithms are simply specific procedures used to solve computational problems. As computing power and data capabilities have grown more sophisticated, so have the algorithms and the problems they intend to solve. For example, a shipping company may turn to an algorithm to help determine the optimal route for delivery drivers.” “Code refers to the string of commands or directions used by different programming languages in order to create, edit or manage computer programs or applications. Code is used by computers to determine which action should be taken, define parameters and more.” (Flavin, 2021) With these two phrases as the cornerstones of computer science, there is more to learn, solve, develop, and build in our community.

Social media boomed when Facebook was created in February 2004. MySpace was popular in its time, but the world needed a change. Ex-Harvard student, Mark Zuckerberg, released a ground-breaking platform in which we all know and love, Facebook. At the time, we didn’t see its forthcoming and how it would change communication forever. Once Facebook became mobile, people were fascinated by how they could hold the internet in their hands, having infinite answers to their questions. Its shape has deteriorated because of its expansion. The government has examined Facebook several times, and while numerous sources are safeguarding the company, many are spreading its secrets. Frances Haugen, a Facebook whistleblower, has worked at the company for over two years and has divulged several secrets that the rest of the world already knew about. The average user isn’t interested in learning more about the platforms they use or why they are so addictive. Every change that Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Snapchat have made has been for the advantage of the company’s income rather than the people. According to “The Facebook Papers: Documents reveal internal fury and dissent over site’s policies.” written by David Ingram, Olivia Solon, Brandy Zadrozny, and Cyrus Faviar, “A change to Facebook’s news feed in 2018 intended to bring friends and family members closer together in meaningful ways often had the opposite effect, internal researchers wrote. Posts spread more easily if they included outrage or misinformation, causing an online “social-civil war” abroad in places like Poland.” (Ingram et at., 2021) Because of politics, skewed perspectives, fake news, and sources, misinformation has never been at an all-time high. As society progresses into the technological era, communication and interactions have become more remote, and even though these big social media businesses frequently state how they want their platforms to unify people, it is accomplishing the reverse. Misinformation going around the world can make a stir in all forms of media, and hateful remarks can spread like a virus. Billionaires are unconcerned about people; all they care about is growing stronger and attracting new users to lend them money, as well as continuing to develop an algorithm that attracts the human mind with what they want to see.

With all the outlooks of social media being addictive and corrupting, there have been instances where it has improved the quality of life and communication between others. University of the People conducted research, and according to their blog, “How Has Social Media Affected Communication: Facts that Surprise!”, it stated, “One of the positive effects of social media is the ability to get an intimate view of other cultures and places. With social media, especially on Instagram, users can see what others are doing around the world. People are exposed to travel ideas, new cultures, and ways of life unlike before.” As stated, many connect with others around the world and until now, it has not been possible with the lack of knowledge and technology a few decades ago. Some say it’s a blessing to be able to share interests with not only your classmates and family, but with cultural people in different cities and countries. However, further study has revealed that alarming data about cyberbullying, melancholy, misunderstanding, and fake news continue to emerge day after day. With behind-the-scenes news outlets, social media events, and YouTube videos, networking isn’t what it appears to be. It all follows a script that hides the publisher or author’s identity on the internet. An article published by Christian V. Baccarella, “Social media? It’s serious! Understanding the dark side of social media”, quotes, “The motivation for trolling is not to stimulate thought-provoking discussions but to sow discord on the Internet and get a rise out of people simply for the amusement of the troll. Trolling usually happens in online forums, YouTube comments, or on Reddit, but it can also happen in organizational contexts.” (Baccarella., et al., 2018) Considering this, trolling remains the leading cause of sorrow and misleading information. Users become glued to viewing what other people have to say, and if the audience is young, it might instill information in their heads, leaving their viewpoint in a void.

Despite social media connecting others around the world, such as messaging and sharing, Prado briefly explains that digital media and electronic technology are becoming more than just tools; they’re becoming a way of thinking, appearing, and liking. The rising popularity of electronic communication over in-person conversation should alarm observers for a variety of reasons, the most important of which is what such communication leaves out, such as nonverbal emotion, nuance, and embodiment. The role in human experience for the unorthodox, inventive, intangible, unexpected, indirect, incalculable, and non-preordained is diminishing as the desire for e-communication grows. (Prado 105) It has been to my knowledge that in-person communication is “diminishing” and has been for a while. Facebook introducing the world of connecting has dragged down a plethora of differentiated people who love to connect with others outside of the digital world. Having human connection improves our minds and emotions because seeing facial expressions, watching hand movements, paying attention to the eye, are all ways of communicating heart to heart. Unfortunately, technology is only going to grow, and no man or woman can stop its “rising popularity.” The desire to learn and invent is not only a blessing, but a worry to the world because change will have horrifying consequences.

Social media has so many dimensions, it’s easy to understand why it’s become a source of amusement and a primary mean of communication for some, prompting businesses to try to cash in on the frenzy. University of the People conducted research, and according to their blog, “How Has Social Media Affected Communication: Facts that Surprise!”, it stated, “Around 3 billion people use social media today, which means that 40% of the world uses social media for communication. It’s no surprise that this widespread use has social media effects on communication. 11% of adults reported preferring staying home on Facebook than going out on the weekend. Communication is affected in ways such as personal expression, our expectations of others, and the way companies communicate with customers.” (How Has Social Media Affected Communication, 2021) According to recent research, the world quickly adapted to the rise of social media, with over half of the population now using it in some way. It all links to communication, whether it’s business communication, dating applications, or speaking with students at your school. As Penn State researcher, Katie Bohn explains, when speaking with someone face to face, you might pick up on nonverbal cues such as smiles, arm crossing, and body alignment to help you communicate. According to the survey, individuals have learned to compensate for the loss of face-to-face engagement on social media by talking online. Katie highlighted Bu Zhong’s book, “Social Media Communication: Trends and Theories,” in which he shares that when chatting with a stranger through a computer, people are more likely to ask direct questions and provide more information about themselves than when engaging face to face. Although uncertainty decreases more slowly when speaking online, this strategy is nonetheless effective. (Bohn, 2021) As our brain adapts to new communication practices, it becomes a strategy for us to use with other people. While in-person communication tends to be more awkward or uncomfortable, it provides a feeling of sureness when sharing conversations, feeling like no one is putting on a “mask”.

The “dark side” of social media has troubled a plethora of computer science communities, while more importantly corrupting our world. Expressing its effective change in communication resulted in numerous negative instances and a handful of known statistics raising an eyebrow too many people. Social media has the potential to trigger national and worldwide issues, and, in many instances, social media slows interpersonal growth and fosters selfishness. Even if the user is not impacted mentally by media platforms, they are nonetheless at risk. Nobody is safe from the unwanted consequences of social media, such as identity theft, stalkers, and hackers. Hoaxes and incorrect information may quickly spread thanks to social media.

Before culture is destroyed, people must modify their damaging social media habits. Fast, simple access to knowledge, which is meant to be good to society, has the opposite effect.


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