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Essay: The Indian Television Industry

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  • Subject area(s): Media essays
  • Reading time: 66 minutes
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  • Published: 11 December 2015*
  • Last Modified: 18 September 2024
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  • Words: 18,907 (approx)
  • Number of pages: 76 (approx)

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Executive Summary
The Indian Television Industry has been entertaining the people of India since long. From black white to colored programs, there has been a drastic change in the presentation and content of the programs that have been broadcasted. Reality TV comprises of extensive range of entertainment shows concerning actual people. It is catch-all category which is also known as factual TV. Nowadays, there are factual TV shows about all things. Satyamev Jayate is a tete-a-tete show that highlights the social trepidations and malpractices prevailing in the society with an intention to bring about transformation and awareness about social evils prevailing in the society. Female feticide, kid abuse, dowry, healthcare malpractices, domestic vehemence and discrimination against challenged people are some of the sensitive issues being covered by the show. This show is aimed towards bringing about change in the society by unearthing the subtle issues which were not talked about so far (Persistent 2013).
India’s issue with social problems and malpractices has been incessant. There are few organizations that are working towards these practices in the society. These social glitches make problematic, for the people, to achieve their full potential.
To understand the perception of Indian viewers regarding the representation of social issues in reality show Satyamev Jayate the present study has been undertaken. The study attempts to analyze social issues upraised by episodes of Satyamev Jayate in relation to category, style of narration as well as capability of pleasing the viewers. For the purpose of study, 100 viewers comprising of 50 males and 50 females from New Delhi have been chosen. Stratified Sampling was adopted and age, gender, educational qualification and income were the criteria which were adopted for the study. It was found that the show had created awareness among the people of the city in the real sense. It opened the eyes of the people by showing the deep insight of the problem and issues. However, it was found that the solutions and remedies provided by the show were not very practical and easy to adapt and hence more feasible solutions must be promotes through the show.
1.1 Background of the Study
1.1.1 An overview of the study comprising of the Indian Television Industry
Burgeoning channels and rich content has steered the Indian television Industry to an attractive growth phase. In 1991, there were only 5 channels in this sector which grew to 550 channels with about 600 million viewers being entertained by the programs telecasted. About 138 million families have access to Television and the number is expected to rise due to growth in reality shows and niche channels (Barathi et al. 2011).
The Indian Television Industry has been entertaining the people of India since long. From black and white to colored programs, there has been a drastic change in the presentation and content of the programs that have been broadcasted. In the present scenario, increasing technological upgradations like DTH, IPTV and digitalization has brought about more growth in this Industry. Entertainment and Media Industry in India is being dominated by Television, reaping a share of about 42 percent which is projected to increase additionally and stretch to 51 percent in the near future (PriceWaterHouseCoopers 2006). As per the report of IBEF (2015), the television industry is expected to rise tremendously in terms of revenue and grow up to 50 percent by 2018.
1.1.2 Brief explanation of the reality TV
The fundamental characteristic of reality television is that non- professional performers work as the foremost personalities of the television show. It is seen that millions of people are keen in watching the actual experiences of the layman which implies the worth of the common man. Through reality television, common man visualize that they too gain such prominence and could attain superstar status (Reiss & Wiltz 2004).
Reality TV comprises of extensive range of entertainment shows about actual people. It is catch-all category which is also known as factual TV. Nowadays, there are factual TV shows about all things. Right from the medicare to hairdressing to public and pets, these shows cover all the realms of life. An abundant faction might take a liking towards it, while others may loathe it. Many programs such as Big Boss, Khataron ke Khiladi etc. are aired on television which are gaining immense public response (Hill 2005).
1.1.3 Introduction of Satyamev Jayate
Satyamev Jayate is a tete a tete show that highlights the social trepidations and malpractices prevailing in the society with an intention to bring about transformation and awareness about social evils prevailing in the society. Female feticide, kid abuse, dowry, healthcare malpractices, domestic vehemence and discrimination against challenged people are some of the sensitive issues being covered by the show. This show is aimed towards bringing about change in the society by unearthing the subtle issues which were not talked about so far (Persistent 2013).
Aamir Khan, a dominant personality in the Indian Cinema and Television and the host of this show, publicly approached various complex issues faced by the society via this medium. Each issue is handled in a single show. In the episode titled as Marriage, various stories of brides who were being harassed for dowry were shown. Similarly in the show titled fighting rape, sexual violence against women was tackled by Aamir khan. Apart from these, social inequality, divorce cases and feudalism were also covered under this show (Roy 2014).
1.2 Problem Statement
Since time immemorial, India has been a victim of social problems and malpractices. There are few organizations which are working towards these practices in the society. These social problems makes problematic for the people to achieve their full potential. Child abuse, dowry, discrimination, and many other malpractices and issues are being faced by the people since ages. Child abuse is a pervasive problem in most of the developing countries. Children are forced to work for numerous reasons (Ministry Of Women And Child Development 2012). Moreover, dowry has led to augmentation of several socio-economic problems with very threatening corollaries. Bride burning, pestering and corporeal tormenting of newly married women has been rapidly increasing in the society (Singh 2013). Furthermore, rape case in India has flourished tremendously. There are various areas and issues prevailing in India which needs attention (Madan & Sinha 2013). To make people aware of the social problems and malpractices, the show Satyamev Jayate has been initiated. This show presents the evil practices prevailing in the society and the ways to combat them.
To understand the perception of Indian viewers regarding the representation of social issues in the reality show ‘Satyamev Jayate’, the present study has been undertaken. The study attempts to analyze social issues upraised by episodes of Satyamev Jayate in relation to category, style of narration as well as capability of pleasing the viewers. For the purpose of study, 100 viewers comprising of 50 males and 50 females from New Delhi have been chosen.
1.3 Aim and Objectives
The main aim of the study is to find out the impact of reality-based shows like Satyamev Jayate on the mind-set of people of India regarding the social issues raised by the show. Some of the research objectives that the study aims at are:
‘ To analyze and study the perceptions of Indian citizens regarding the special issues raised by reality based show Satyamev Jayate.
‘ To conduct a detailed content analysis of social issues raised by episodes of Satyamev Jayate in terms of genre, style of narration as well as potential of engaging the audience.
‘ To study and analyze the profile of the respondents selected for conducting the research.
1.4 Research Question
‘ Does the reality based show like Satyamev Jayate have impact on the people regarding social issues raised in every episode?
‘ Does the reality based shows have the potential of engaging the audience and raise awareness about social issues?
‘ How do television’s reality based shows create awareness amongst the people regarding social issues?
‘ What are the possible impacts of the reality based shows like Satyamev Jayate on the Indian citizens regarding the social issues raised in every episode?
‘ What impact that these shows have on the age of the Indians?
‘ What impact that these shows have on the gender of the people of India?
‘ What impact that these shows have on the social status of the Indians?
1.5 Purpose/Significance of Study
Television plays an important role in cultivating the values of pluralism and ethnic diversity among the people. It helps in the formulation of positive attitude towards. The role of television is quite important in forming positive attitudes towards social, traditional, and other clusters and in instructing satisfactory awareness of communal realism and multiethnic consciousness.
Moreover, this mass communication turns out to be an effective medium in the formation of unanimity and community perspective as it adjoins edutainment value to any idea that is being communicated. Nowadays, variety of reality TV shows are broadcasted on channels that have varying degree of impact on the mindset of viewers and is subjected to the way in which the sent message has been treated. Furthermore, these realism shows also have bearing on the lives of the people as they offer factual concern that exists in real situation. These shows come out with innovative ideas and interesting concepts that make them distinct from the regular shows. Reality shows touch the lives of millions of people especially youngsters as the characters and situations depicted in these shows are relevant to their day to day life (Frank 2003).
1.6 Research Scope
In the last decade, large numbers of reality shows have been aired by the Television Industry that have great impact on the lives of the people as they offer with interesting insights. These shows are gaining popularity as they are created by observing and understanding the perspective of viewers. This research is carried out with an intention to evaluate the view and opinions of the Indian citizens with respect to the reality based Television shows like Satyamev Jayate. Apart from this, the probable impact that these shows have on the mind-set of the people in relation to fetching about the sensitivity towards different social issues will also be examined.
1.7 Limitation
The study has been carried out with due exactness and meticulousness. However, there were some inevitable caveats in the study described as below:
‘ The inferences of the study have been drawn on the basis of perspective of 80 viewers of New Delhi which are too restricted for such an extensive study.
‘ This study is undertaken purely on reality shows and hence has no bearing on the other non-reality TV shows.
‘ The study has been carried out in New Delhi only thus, the study is limited from being universal in approach.
‘ The study is purely for academic purpose and hence time and resource are major constraints.
1.8 Chapterization Plan
To make the study at hand, more understandable and acceptable, the research report has been articulated into the following chapters:
i. Chapter 1: Introduction
Chapter one will highlight the background, aim and objectives and research questions of the study. The chapter presents the problem statement and elucidates the significance of the study. Apart from these, the researcher will put forth the limitations of the present research study.
ii. Chapter 2: Contextual Background
This next chapter is about contextual background. This chapter will form a platform for the main topic of the study. Through this chapter the scholar will clearly outlay the scope of the topic. This chapter will enlighten the reader with the introduction to the Indian Television and the scene of reality TV in India. It also attempts to illuminate the scenario of Infotainment in India with suitable examples. Apart from this, this chapter also talks about the Reality Show Satyamev Jayate and its impact on the people of India
iii. Chapter 3: Review Of Literature
This chapter is about review of literature. This chapter will offer the underpinning theories and topics that support the subject matter of the study. It also attempts to highlight the role of Infotainment and Eduatinment for development. Lastly, empirical studies done on the reality TV in India is presented followed by summary.
iv. Chapter 4: Research Methodology
This is chapter which will discuss about the research methodology adopted and research design of the dissertation under study. The chapter will pay emphasis on theoretical framework for the study, research design strategy, data collection design and procedures, Data collection means and protocols, data analysis procedures, verification of data accuracy, Limitations of the methodology, ethical contemplations of the study, and how trustworthiness of research facts and figures will be preserved followed by summary.
v. Chapter 5: Data Analysis
This chapter presents the data analysis of the primary data based on quantitative data analysis done through frequency analysis and cross tabulation by SPSS 19.0 software.
vi. Chapter 6: Findings, Conclusion and Recommendations
This chapter is about the conclusion and recommendations offered. Findings of primary and secondary research are used to draw the conclusions. And the deductions will be grounded on the objectives of the study. The recommendations will be constructed on the evaluation of data.
Chapter: 2 Contextual Background
2.1 Introduction to Indian Television and Indian Media
Indian Television Industry has been entertaining the people of India since last four decades. Initially, the transmission was black and white but now we can relish the pleasure in colors. Number of private Satellite Television channels has grown at a rapid pace. There were about 394 channels in 2009. Today, India claims to be the third biggest television market across the globe. Indian Television commerce in 2009 hoisted at US$ 5.65 billion recording a progress of 6.8% (Indian Mirror 2015).
Television has become an integral part in the lives of the Indians. In the rapid changing world, where people are keen in receiving information, Television has vital role to play as a dominant means of mass communication. People are highly benefitted by television as it imparts knowledge, news and entertainment of thousands of people across the globe. The way we elect our leaders, set communal policy, judge the suspect and view ourselves in relation to others has been changed dramatically by the television. This is possibly because television has complemented interpretation and interactive explanation as our basic means of tale telling and fiction transfer. About 54% of the population in India is within the reach of Television. Television, as a vehicle, can be tremendously active channel, intensely representing merchandise characteristics and convincingly elucidating their resultant benefits to the consumer. Also, it can histrionically depict operator and usage metaphors, brand persona and other intangibles (Khandai & Agrawal 2012).
After globalization, there has been phenomenal change in the Indian Television Industry. Before 90’s, Doordarshan was the only channel enjoyed by the people. Later, many entertainment channels entered in the Indian Television Industry to entertain the youths, children, old age, etc. of India. A complicit role was played by television in bringing the concept of globalization into the thoughts of Indians in the form of ‘Glocalization’. Signs of perfect globalization were shown by the Cable TV as they combined the concept of globalization with that of local contemplation. The Indian Television has made an intense impact on the lifestyle, behavior and outlook of the people (Devadasi& Ravi 2013).
In this section the scholar elaborated about the scenario of Indian Television Industry. In the next section reality TV in India and the scene of Reality TV in India will be presented.
2.2 Reality TV in India and the scene of reality TV in India
Reality TV has caught on as a novel approach of telling tales which is largely based half fiction. The creators of the television program generate a cosmos, organize the location, frame rules and then non-actors are put in it without a script. This in itself delivers the excitements for the so named play of realism. With the evolution of category of reality shows worldwide, realism was discovered to be too dreary. It became entertaining to produce and screenplay it by persuading the contestants to become expressive, perform in unfriendly ways and say offensive things to each other. It is certainly an accepted datum that ‘no realism performance can convey us genuineness; any performance of picture and bordering produces its own style of veracity in many dissimilar methods by aestheticizing it, emotionalizing moments, exaggerating exposures, concealment of evidence selectively or by permeating some instants with importance while disregarding others (Sinha 2012).
Indian Television has added a novel dimension to the media by the rising popularity of reality show. It is seen that most of the viewer prefer to watch reality based programme. An effort has been made by Mohapatra & Bohidar (2014) to discover the logic for viewing realism TV programme, the opinions and the circumstances depicted on these programme, and its fame aspects. The outcomes debated are on sorts of TV shows watched, ranking of most viewed realism programme and it acceptance.
Smith & Wood (2003) were of the view that in this constructed world reality shows prove their imaginary nature through demographics of performers. They are created judiciously in order to preserve misconception of the drama as well as to make the programme pleasurable for spectators.
Usha Rani (2010) examined the consequences of Reality TV shows on the society. These programmes have been noticed by the people universally and have prospered in cumulative spectators of Television. She was of the view that realism TV on actual marriages is advocating the domination of moneymaking marriages of governing order. These shows also overlook the desires of disregarded people as it overshadows the humble and significant weddings based on affection, trust and promise. It was found out that these programmes have redefined entertainment and Indian TV and are moreover a technique for the producers to make money and gain TAM ratings.
2.3 Infotainment in India
Traditional TV news channels and other programmes based on current affairs are dwindling in terms of viewer reach and thus needed to be reached to the public at large. These channels are facing challenges due to increase in evolution of infotainment. Infotainment is nothing but full of information and entertainment and which fills the gap between the traditional TV channels and programmes imparting information on happenings and events. There is a prevalent distress that this mounting inundation of infotainment is overpowering the enlightening function of TV, spinning the complete medium into sheer entertainment and so purposely lessening logical level of education (Stockwell 2004).
To attract more viewers, there is an increase focus on the localization of infotainment and lifestyle genre. However, due to research and diligence required in the infotainment, producers of the infotainment shows are finding it quite expensive to produce. “National Geographic is erecting on its trademark values of information, learning and investigation to concentrate on Infotainment. This channel entertain its spectators by providing a deep insight in the wild life'(Pinto 2013). Discovery channel, in order to enhance its brand name sold educational products to its customers along with launch of distinct infotainment channels. Before Discovery Channel entered India in 1995, Indian television industry was serving its viewers largely with daily soaps and programmes based on films. It was the Discovery Channel that played a pivotal and leading role in providing infotainment programmes pertaining to Environment, Natural world and Science & Technology to its spectators. After its launch, it soon got the response of millions of the viewers because of its innovative programs which broke the monotony of the viewers (Discovery Channel-Discovering India 2010)
Like other countries of the world, India also entered into offering infotainment to its viewers through various categories of programmes and shows. One of the popular TV reality show Satyamev Jayate provides infotainment to its viewers in a way that it gives insight into the major social issues such as female feticide, awareness about the toxic foods etc.(Roy 2014).
The explosion of news channels has inexorably honed rivalry among news networks. One of the reasons for the increasing tendency of the news channels towards infotainment is to get good ratings. These channels are showing their inclination towards mixing information with the entertainment and concentrating on stories alluring and entertaining the people exclusively about the stars, great personalities by socializing them (Thussu 2007). In India, Star Channel broadcast the show hosted by Amitabh Bachhan named as Kon Banega Crorepati. This show is a perfect example of infotainment as it not only entertain its viewers but also impart them with knowledge in the field of art, science, commerce, entertainment, history, wildlife, universe and what not.
2.4 The show Satyamev Jayate and its Impact
The show Satyamev Jayate attracted the involvement of media to a great extent. This show hosted by Amir Khan has shaken the whole world in real sense. According a publication by India Today (2013) Aamir Khan is known to be Mr. Perfectionist in Indian Cinema. He has been associated with Indian cinemas since 1973 when he first acted as a child artist. Since then his career graph has reached aspiring heights as from a mere child artist he became a much sought after mainstream actor. He has presently proved his direction skills in his directorial debut Taare Zameen Par which was based on disabilities and challenges faced by a child and has been able emotionally arouse each viewer. His production house ‘Aamir Khan’s Production’ found in the year 2001 has been accredited with a number of successful Hindi movies (Smith 2013).
Figure 1 Snapshot of movies produced by Aamir Khan’s Production House
Source: (Smith 2013)
Another success story of ‘Aamir Khan’s Production’ is the television show Satyamev Jayate which caught the attention of people of India at large across all genders, ages, castes, position, location and religion. Various issues, insights, malpractices and other useful information broadcasted in the show Satyamev Jayate have enlightened not only people of India but of the whole world. In India, such powerful impact of the television show was not ever witnessed by the media. This show has taken the outlooks and opinions of the people to new heights (Roy 2014).
Through this show, Aamir khan gained the faith and trust of the people. Satyamev Jayate informed the people about different institutions which were not known to them previously. Humanity Trust, Unique Home for Girls, Snehalaya, Himmat Mahila Samooh, Sarvodaya Trust are some of the institutions which came into light and people came to know about their presence in India through this show. Most of these institutions are created by valiant personalities with an aim to exterminate injustices and malpractices prevailing in the society (Roy 2014).
One of the positive aspects of this show was its ability to surpass many hindrances to which the modern day television industry is subjected to. Two of the major ones were communication in regional language and reaching the most remote areas of India where broadcasters failed to do otherwise. In an interview with MIPCOM in 2014, Aamir Khan stated that he agreed to do the show on being ensured that the program will be launched in various regional dialects (Singh 2014). Under this clause the entire Star network which owns a number of channels airing content in regional languages were also involved thus reaching and appealing the mass. To overcome the second hindrance, Star tied up with Doordarshan (national television channel) which has wider area coverage in comparison to any other broadcaster (Singh 2014). The alliance was to broadcast the show in localities where Star did not have any presence. The ultimate outcome was a viewership of 600 million out of a total 1.2 billion Indian population accredited to the show (Singh 2014). This added to mass awareness, huge positive impact and unbeatable success of the program.
The positive impact of this show was seen in Maharashtra with the increase in the female ratio. Initially the ratio was 840 females for 1000 males which became 900 females for 1000 males which was one of the biggest achievement of this show (Sinha 2014).
This show acquired an overwhelming response all across the globe. It also created enthusiasm among the people related to the issue of female feticide. The alarming information about the perception of the people regarding different sexes was also revealed by this show. This show also exposed the racket behind the determination of sex with the help of two journalists. This show evoke a terror among the people doing evil as there was a wave to prevent malicious activities all over India (IBNLive 2012).
One of the other outcomes are launch of clean and green initiative in Jodhpur through which city will be made free from garbage within a period of 18 months in the year 2014 (DNA Analysis 2014); . In the same year a crisis center for female rape victims named ‘Gauravi’ was established in Bhopal’s JP hospital (Madhukalya 2014). The centre will not only provide legal assistance to rape victims in India but will also help them to recover from trauma. The grand success of this program inspired by Satyamev Jayate is evident from the fact that on its launch day it answered approximately 100 calls from its toll free number (Aamir Khan Productions Pvt. Ltd n.d.).
To counter issues of alcohol abuse which is becoming prevalent in India, the show in one of its episodes drew attention of Indian audience. Through their show they aired about Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) along with its helpline numbers. It is an organization which helps alcoholics to recover from their addictions. The organization attended to approximately 1200 calls as soon as the number was aired on the show (Aamir Khan Productions Pvt. Ltd n.d.). Based on such overwhelming response, 18 new groups by AA were launched across India to help people (Aamir Khan Productions Pvt. Ltd n.d.).
A number of such similar other such responses were provoked through all the issues raised in the show.
Figure 2 Snapshot of some of the social causes raised through Satyamev Jayate
Source: (Aamir Khan Productions Pvt. Ltd n.d.)
Chapter: 3 Review of Literature
3.1 Introduction
This chapter will cover the literature review pertaining to the subject under study. The scholar will elucidate the media effects theory. This theory will encompass the 4 main media effects theory i.e. Cultivation theory, Social Action theory, Agenda setting theory and Media Dependency theory. The scholar has briefly described these theories explaining the impact of media on the individuals. Furthermore, the role of infotainment in development has been elaborated by the scholar. Infotainment has been criticized on the grounds that the content of the infotainment program sometimes exaggerate and leads to deceit people. Role of edutainment in the development is particularized further. Lastly empirical studies carried out on reality TV have been discussed.
3.2 Effects Theory
The collected works of mass media outcomes is commonly categorized as a three-stage development primarily incorporating a theory of sturdy effects tracked by a rejection of previous work and novel model of trifling effects tracked by yet additional rejection and a reawakening of sturdy effects. Media effects signify one of the primary thoughts of message exploration since its beginning. It is further stated that communication study is about effect (Neuman & Guggenheim 2011).
Scheufele & Tewksbury (2007) studied about the academic clarifications of bulletin outlining, setting of agenda, and grooming effects. They examined the relationship between the three models and what message these models convey about mass media effect. It was suggested by the scholars of mass media that the field surpassed sequence of patterns in the 20th century. Media effects were considerably intricate in nature than formerly presumed and hinge heavily on public’s standardized linkages and their discriminatory informational regimes, which strengthened prevailing approaches rather than transforming them. Second major paradigm shift was observed in 1970s on political communication. It was assumed that mass media had robust, long-term consequences on onlookers, based on the universal and in agreement with torrent of messages they presented to audiences.
Rubin (2002) suggested the psychological and functional views of the influence of media. Due consideration was paid to the emotional and practical roots of usages and fulfillments, the purposes and roles of the pattern, and the development of uses-and-gratifications investigation. The links between mass media usages and effects, focusing on audience action and media alignments, reliance and practical substitutes, and communal and emotional situations was addressed.
The cultivation theory of mass media proposes that a world of ideas and mental content is generated due to exposure to heavy television. This content is uniform and partial toward reality. Substantial television users are more like to be anomic, to have faith in in the ‘nastiness’ of the realm, to receive precise sex typecasts, and to panic likely misconduct persecution. The theory performs at cerebral content and attitudinal rank. It undertakes that our approaches are fictitious in the times we watch TV in the way in which the subject drifts ideologically. Our attitude changes with the change in content over time (MATEI 2012).
Social reasoning theory provides theoretical outline within which to examine the determining factor and psychosocial means through which figurative interaction impacts humanoid contemplation, affect and act. Interaction arrangements function through two ways. In the straight pathway, they encourage alterations by updating, allowing, inspiring, and controlling contestants. In the publicly facilitated way, media impacts connection members to communal linkages and public situations that deliver ordinary enticements and sustained modified direction, for anticipated modification(Bandura 2001).
Agenda setting function of mass media is the aptitude to influence intellectual alteration among people and to edifice their thoughtfulness. Media has the ability to structure issues for the public. Walter Lippmann was one of the prominent journalists of America to formalize the idea of agenda setting. Agenda setting has two levels, first one of which establish important general issues and the second determine the significant aspects of those issues (Littlejohn & Foss 2008).
The Media dependency theory of mass communication is moderately logical in nature. It envisages the relationship between media dependency and prominence and impact of media, but every individual utilize media in distinct manner. The theory states that media becomes imperative for an individual if he/she depend on it to fulfill his/her requirement. And thus media becomes the only source for getting information and in this case, agenda setting becomes easy (Joshi 2006).
3.3 Infotainment for Development
Infotainment which is combination of information and entertainment comprises of media content or shows that are aimed towards disseminating facts and information pertaining to significant current issues. These programs are created specifically to gain popularity among the viewers by entailing deep entertainment along of useful information. These programs are drenched with entertainment to entice the soul of audience and to allure them with the mesmerizing presentation of the show. These programs help in molding the attitude of the people in the society and bring about desired change by presenting the complex issues of every aspect of life in a very stimulating manner. They are highly influential as they have the capacity to help audience to set down their opinion (Narsimhamurthy 2014).
Through Infotainment shows, the host calls for live conversation for gathering information for verification of issues. These discussions may be in the form of debating outlook polls, organizing conversations, or focusing on potential resolutions. These shows give deep insight about the world and aids in taking political decisions. In India, most of the Television channels are striving to broadcast infotainment programs. Apart from these, even news report and bulletin are also presented in a way that it gives information along with entertainment (Narsimhamurthy 2014).
Graber (1994) carried out a study to understand the extent to which useful and essential political information is supplied and their content is exaggerated leading to dilution of the information to the viewers by the routine television news. It was found that the new producers frame their news in such a way that essential information pertaining to who, what, were and when are disseminated to them. The study revealed that both hypothetical and actual news are presented in the same way for the benefits of the viewers except the why and how questions are minutely changes to succor viewers in enlisting the evidences into a more evocative outlook.
Surette (2010) asserted that explosion of infotainment products led to an important change in crime and justice media. It is the marketing of amended, extremely configured data about the world in the entertaining broadcasting vehicles. Crime aptly fits in the infotainment demand for subject matter about actual events that can be conveyed in an entertaining fashion. Programs related to infotainment bung up the void between the entertainment and news descriptions in the people’s construction of contemporary specialized delinquency combatant. Police shows based on reality are type of infotainment shows that are of great interest among people as they aware them about the way to combat crime.
Gordon et al. (2012) advocated that serious information mixed with titillation and light content reach the viewers in better way. Infotainment is a conscious effort made by the producers of the show to make the interesting by making it entertaining and conveying serious issued which are vital for society. However, it was also argued by them that eagerness to reach the audience and entertain them is sometimes also done at the cost of accuracy. To combat this it was advocated that there must be some minimum standard and protocol for infotainment matter and it should do no harm to the sentiments and accuracy of the facts. Verde et al. (2014) were of the same view as of Gorden et al. (2012) regarding the protocol of infotainment content. They asserted that most of the times, the information provided along with entertainment are almost distorted and exaggerated. To make it appealing, the media of the infotainment programs often present the program in such a manner that is it difficult for the viewers to different between the reality and reconstruction of actuality by the media. The fusion of immense infotainment corporations unveil a collaboration between info know-hows and hypermedia, which syndicate entertainment and info, damaging the dissimilarities between these fields (Kellner 2003). Holden & Scrase (2006) gave Japanese perspective of Infotainment. With the advent of Infotainment, there is a shift in the operant lengthy creation towards a wholesome, mongrelized form of message. It was perceived as a profound shift in the oratorical methods sustaining and providing strength to Japanese communal philosophy.
Many authors have tried to unveil the negative aspect of Infotainment. Brants (1998) was also one of them. He was of the view that in USA and Europe, rivalry and commercialization among the broadcasting companies have led to demotion in the political information. They are presenting crisis in political communication on the entertainment patterns. Interconnection of Infotainment to the politics was also unearthed by Moy et al. (2005). They carried out a study to know the impact on the decision making of viewers if any political candidate makes a guest appearance on late night comedy show during elections. The effects on spectators watching late night amusement shows were analyzed in the study. Outcomes of the study specified that seeing radical infotainment can augment political commitment, however not for all subdivisions of the constituency and not at all times.
Anderson (2004) suspected that whether companies providing infotainment had only financial motive behind it or do they have some philosophical and party-political considerations behind it. He also advocated that infotainment can entice the spectators for only short duration. Moreover, he disregarded the fact that infotainment is beneficial for society and stated that it does not provide viewer with reasonable, composed and accountable information.
Subsequently in the 1990’s, the subject of infotainment and enduring knowledge has become progressively significant, particularly for the ageing people who signify a mounting fraction of today’s the general public. Such group of people demand to acquire more about everything innovative in the biosphere predominantly which is related to their job. On the contrary, some seniors need to mollify their communal and individual necessities who do not work anymore. There is also an urge among these elderly people to learn a lot without following any curriculum. To satisfy their need, Infotainment software are designed which would provide them with fundamental media skills (Hager et al. 2011).
Huff & Capell (2010) stated that it is evident after going through the Junk Foodstuff Newscast and News Manipulation statements about perception that commercial mass media are in some way providing the community worthy with their selection of news is both a misfortune and travesty. They are leading to more uninformed, unaware and unprepared electorate by providing distractions and distortions to the society. Though they are of the view that they entertain public with the stuff demanded by them but contrary to it, it was found under survey that public likes to be entertained but they prefer the news to present facts rather than showing conflicting news.
Hong Kong perspective of infotainment was presented by Lee (2002). The study carried out by him was related to the radio phone-in talk show. It was found that these shows can deliver forums for community discussion while others are of the opinion that that these shows are type of infotainment programs that dislocates thoughtful party-political journalism. A case study of talk radio in Hong Kong was carried out to argue that community forum and infotainment are not essentially nonconforming with each other. It was found that these shows provides party-political data to hearers and works as a forum for the community to disapprove the administration.
In the above section, the scholar mainly highlighted the presence of infotainment in society. Many studies were undertaken and it was seen that there is a great linkage between infotainment and politics. Infotainment plays an important role in entertaining the people along with providing with useful information that helps them in taking political decisions. Many a times, in order to grab the attention of people, media tries to provide unnecessary and misleading information. It is therefore observed that infotainment is more used as a technique to gain attraction and TRP then as a tool to provide factual information along with entertainment to the audience. In the next section, the scholar will throw light on the role of edutainment in the development.
3.4 Edutainment for Development
Edutainment is an inventive substitute to customary education. Edutainment may be defined as amusing TV shows and software of the computer which are basically meant for educating and imparting knowledge. These are the scholastic stuff that utilize entertainment and is being used thorough information knowhow. Immigrants and low educated adults can use the digital television edutainment as they are not capable to use the present educational programs. Interactive edutainment concentrates on building communicating instructive material that helps beginners as they involve in unacquainted doings and study about a fresh topic. It is seen that educational professionals opposes edutainment as escalating entertainment is considered problematic by them (Walld��n & Soronen 2004).
In the present era marketers are perceiving education as bitter medicine and that it becomes edible if it is provided with the sweet coating of sugar in the form of entertainment. They are keen selling educational products on the grounds that it will make you at ease while learning the concepts. Edutainment companies tries to provide education along with entertainment thinking that recipient is highly passive. This distorted outlook of marketers is opposed by Resnick (2004) as children learn more when they are active rather than passive. He was of the view that learning should be playful than learning along with entertainment provided by others i.e. edutainment.
Edutainment promote learning through entertainment and media based learning. It has been observed as an appealing methodology to enrich instructive result. One of the advantageous techniques to deliver practical and personalized instructive knowledge package are the playoffs which offer vibrant interface between customers and edutainment system. In this regard, an instructive tool was developed by Fieschi et al. (2004) to educate Type 1 diabetes patients.
Addis (2005) investigated the physiognomies of edutainment intake and analyzed how fresh expertise affects it. It was found that usage of innovative knowhow and expertise that rouse all the sanities of a person permits the re-design of the subject matter of the message, in relation to both instruction and entertainment. Interaction between the customers takes place in a new virtual environment with a message in a new form known as virtual edutainment environment. It is an environment where one or more customers undergo the re-designed note. Consumers are immersed in a deep experience of edutainment as they interact with each other with the help of multimedia tools.
In the last few decades, the notion of integration of education and entertainment has been widely observed. These terms are when referred in terms to learning and entertainment turns out to be learning by fun and edutainment. Rapeepisarn et al. (2006) carried out a study to evaluate the resemblances and dissimilarities between the two terms. It was found that entertainment activity for learning is used by both learn by fun and edutainment. Edutainment bank on technology and computer games while learn by fun has wide scope in fun action. Individually, they are operative teaching approach in as well as outside the educational institutions.
University of Texas at San Antonio in (Heidelberg 2008) defined edutainment as, ‘Edutainment is the entertaining delivery of educational content. It means creating a seamless presentation that draws people to the message without hitting them over the head with the lesson.’ Moreover, it is amalgamation of two rages that direct and edify all the people across the globe. He also stated edutainment as Junction where both entertainment and education industry come together to educate the people covering large number of people as compared to schools and other educational institutions. With the help of edutainment, lawmakers can direct know-hows to the underserved and those who are unable to access them at home.
Okigbo & Eribo (2004) stated that one of the greatest communication revolutions of 20th century is edutainment. Edutainment policy in growth of communication repeals the unnecessary opposition in almost mass broadcasting matter. It is a procedure involving deliberately scheming and executing a broadcasting note to both amuse and teach the viewers in order to enhance their knowledge and expertise pertaining to educational issue. This also changes their behavior and creates a favorable attitude.
Pan et al. (2010) advocated that learning should not always be with the fun and hence edutainment according to them is a debatable notion. It was believed by the supporters and neutral commentators that games and other edutainment programs can be cherished as educational and teaching approaches if they are expended and employed correctly. To improve and increase the interaction between user and mechanical objects, a number of robotic edifice sets for edutainment application has been designed. There is no doubt in the fact that edutainment has been utilized for facilitating learning through entertainment. In the edutainment games, the intervention of teacher is not required. Edutainment robotics creates an intellectual bond between enlightening intentions and materialistic knowledge, inspiring in the scholars, at diverse stages, the attainment of new expertise in an occupying situation.
(Ma et al. (2011) emphasized that edutainment was shaped to outline a precise relevance of thoughtful games. Edutainment augments the importance of sports by integrating educational skills to convey informative content, present tutoring in a less taxing way than customary approaches and facilitate pupils to relish the educational development and upsurge their attentiveness in subject. Moreover, edutainment settings take benefit of pupil’s technical talents to integrate striking characteristics that assist the educational development. Prensky (2001) in Ma et al. (2011) stated that one of the problems with edutainment is that there is more of entertainment and less education.
In a report by the body of research regarding the evolving and instructive value of computer games for kids, drawing standards was proposed for instructive and edutainment mainframe games. It was claimed that a typical instructive tagging method is required to support parentages and educators with choosing computer games. To identify foundational theories for the design and assessment of games a further research can be conducted was recommended in the study. Lastly, it was also argued that instructors need both tutoring and motivation to build the aplomb needed to instruct the use of computer game.
Singhal & Howard (2003) stated that edutainment is internationally regarded as one of the most powerful tool instructive technique. Edutainment has the ability to simulate positive approach and conduct through creatures with which the spectators connect. These creatures play an important part in the lives of the spectators who encounter lifespan message vicariously. In South Africa, children have been taught to effectively deal with the serious issues like AIDS/HIV. Soul Buddyz edutainment tool has been used for this purpose whose fun filled message became highly popular in contributing to the health and developmental process of the South African Kids. This helped a lot in influencing the approach and conduct of the kids and children of all types irrespective of their race and language learned a lot from Soul Buddyz.
Singhal & Rogers (2012) were of the view that the idea behind edutainment is to combine both entertainment and education in order to derive benefit of both. They also highlighted the potential of entertainment media to teach the community about various societal snags such as prevention of HIV, family planning, maternal and child health, equality among men and women, development of child etc. However, the potential of edutainment has not been realized fully as the policy makers of the nation, media experts and intercontinental donor organizations in both developing and developed nations have not given due consideration to it. With the help of edutainment, developmental problems prevailing all over the world can be well addressed by developing pragmatic media strategies that charm audience.
In the above section the scholar underlined the concept of edutainment. It is the combination of education and entertainment. Many scholars were of the view that while grasping the knowledge the mind should be active while in edutainment the mind of the recipient remains passive. Hence edutainment has been criticized on various grounds along with the notion that the potential of edutainment has not been fully realized. The next section will cover the empirical studies on reality TV shows and the impact of reality TV in India.
3.5 Empirical Studies on Reality TV and its impact in India
There has been phenomenal rise in the popularity of reality TV in United Kingdom. Reality programs such as Popstars and Pop Idol have gained attention of the people in UK. Holmes (2004) explored the significance of contemplating how reality TV calls for a more in-depth commitment with prevailing acute and academic concepts if the form is to withstand long-term theoretical investigation. For this purpose, the concept of stardom was studied with respect to the British episodes of Pop Idols.
Reiss & Wiltz (2004)assessed the charm of reality TV by enquiring 239 grownups to scale themselves on to each of 16 rudimentary intentions using the Reiss Profile standardized instrument and to grade how much they viewed and relished various reality television programs. It was found that people who viewed reality shows had above-average characteristic motivation to experience conceited and, to a slighter degree, justified, sociable, free of ethics, safe, and quixotic, as equated with huge normative samples. The result revealed that people desire television programs that arouse the spirits they inherently treasure the most, which is subjected to eccentricity.
Crockett et al. (2007) carried out an empirical study to study the perception of the patients who have undergone cosmetic surgery for the first time. They examined the role played by reality TV in framing their decision regarding the risk and benefits of the cosmetic surgery. For this purpose, 42 patients were surveyed to know about the demographics, their television watching pattern and their own evaluation about the plastic surgery. The impact of reality show on their decision to undergo plastic surgery was evaluated along with their view on how they feel about the reality of the show. Based on program viewing intensity, the patients were grouped. It was found that under high intensity viewers, 57% of the patient fall which when compared with low intensity viewers have more knowledge about the plastic surgery and believe these shows to be parallel to real life.
Monk-Turner et al. (2007) carried out a study to inspect the interpretation of sex and ethnic group in the USA realism television show COPS. 51 crime squad constables detaining 60 culprits were content evaluated into four groups including ethnic group (of both constable and culprit), sex (of both constable and culprit), US Uniform Crime Report (UCR) type crime (type I or type II), as well as the exact type of misconduct portrayed. About 92% of the constables were the white males and 62% of the culprits were non-white males. The black culprits were found to be guilty of robbery or larceny or criminalities involving drugs. On the contrary the white culprits were found guilty of domestic violence and offence related to alcohol. It was argued that broadcasting imageries portrayed in COPS are inconsistent with UCR official crime data and emphasize typecasts and fables about the type of misconduct in the United States.
Michelle (2009) decontextualizes important outcomes from latest studies of realism TV viewers in light of perceptions depicted from across the broader arena. This study examines virtual audience reactions to an explicit incident that happened in the course of the 2006 reality game program, Rock Star: Supernova spread over the Composite Multi-dimensional Model as its theoretical outline. The scholar also pursue to validate how we might change away from the customary emphasis on specification of group and arrangement to identify and initiate to philosophies wider endurances in the nature of spectators commitment that may continue beyond the conversion to new, mixed, and progressively collaborative media layouts.
Wahab (2010) endeavors to outline the growth of locally created realism TV shows and to judge this fact within the perspective of the Malaysian TV business and surrounded by the course of globalization. The analysis pursues to discover the beliefs and truth of the novel genus.
Elizabeth (2011) carried out a study to understand the impact on reality TV on the civic behavior of the audience. The wisdom of effectiveness and outlook of the audience towards voting was analyzed in the study. The behavior and attitude of the people change a lot a after their participation in the reality show. It was found that participants of the age 18-25 were more likely to contribute in virtual polls majorly for reality TV program.
In a study carried out by Domoff et al. (2012), 59 individuals were examined to analyze the impact of The Biggest loser reality show on the weight bias of the participants. The show was about to depict the overweight individuals and their fight in shedding their weight. While the television is supposed to strengthen plumpness labels and add to weight disgrace, it is not yet identified whether weight shedding realism shows have any consequence on heaviness prejudice. Either experimental or control condition were randomly assigned to the participants and level of heaviness prejudice were calculated by the Implicit Associations Test (IAT), the Obese Person Trait Survey (OPTS), and the Anti-fat Attitudes scale (AFA) at reference point and subsequent the episode watching. It was found that anti-fat outlooks upsurge after momentary disclosure to weight-shedding realism television.
Raducanu & Gatica-Perez (2012) addressed the problem of new facet of social media from the viewpoint of non-verbal conduct grounded investigation of competitive conventions. The Apprentice reality show was used for the study featuring rivalry faced by well-paid commercial job. The investigation was concentrated on two jobs concerning an individual’s character in a conference: foreseeing the one with the uppermost rank, and foreseeing the sacked applicants. Non-verbal audio cues were used for carrying out the study. Promising results were obtained from the examination of full term of the program.
In order to capture and retain the charm of the audience, almost all types of entertainment television channels regardless of its earthly existence seems to be essentially reliant on Reality Shows. The definition of reality program has drastically changed in the competition to attain TRP ratings. These programs which initially started as quiz competition now come in various format with an intention to entertain the audience. Reality shows seems to make huge income by way of either giving a stage for celebrities to advertise their effort or by tricking the emotive quotient of the spectator through scripted acts. A quicker look at the ‘programs’ that are being broadcasted divulges that, these programs are not only framed, established and organized on a copied western idea but are additionally interpreted to match the financial plan and mechanical obtainability of the provincial channel (Malur et al. 2014).
Most of the reality shows broadcasted on television have become controversial and in the present scenario, the Indian Television Industry is full of realism programs. The viewpoints of the people differ from the way they perceive and relate with the show. The impact of these shows on the audience has increased tremendously with the increase in number of shows that are been telecasted. These programs have great influence on the children. Though they are made keeping in view the adult audience, they are extensively misleading the kids. The planning and plotting to win the show is been watched by the children which leaves a bad impression. Moreover, viewing these shows might have an undesirable impression on them and they can imitate the acts of ferocity, false credentials, deceitfulness, fraudulency, mistreating, and discarding their own parents, relatives and friends (Narang 2012).
Subramaniam & Tiwari (2014) carried out a study to evaluate the impact of reality show on the male and female audience. It was found that innovativeness and entertainment are valued the most in reality TV and these have huge influence on the audience. It was further advocated that the vulgarity and slang used in the shows should be discarded if the organizer of the show wants to sustain in the industry.
Talking about the psychological impact of watching reality show, Sapra (2014) stated that rivalries, romances, suspiciousness, intemperance, alcoholism, Sex demand, impulsivity are often shown on the reality TV. These shows play with the sensations of the people. Physical relations are openly exposed in reality shows and many program of overseas origin display phases and sensation of pregnant women through actual gestation cases. And hence create wrong impression and glamorization of pregnancy among adolescents.
Many a times it is seen that reality TV leaves a devastating impact on the audience. The sex and romance shown on the shows proves detrimental to the Indian culture. On the contrary, the participants on the musical and cookery shows groom themselves and improve their personality and receive recognition among the community. These shows immensely change the lifestyle and living standard of common man by giving them acknowledgment. These shows have psychological impact on the participating kids when they are being judged and given remarks on their performance. One of the prime reason to watch these shows is emotional dramatization which has become USP of the realism programs (Malur et al. 2014).
In the above section, the scholar emphasized on the various empirical studies carried out on Reality TV. The impact of reality TV on the audience was also analyzed. It was found that these shows play with the emotions of the audience and their main aim to gain TRP rating rather than to entertain their audience. Moreover, the vulgarity and obscenity shown in these programs diminish the values of the society and is proving detrimental to the teenagers of the country.
3.6 Summary
Media plays vital role in the life of people. There is variety of forms in which the media information reaches to the people. Television, books, magazines, newspaper etc. are the various media organization which is obliging in disseminating protuberant information to the individuals. Ideas dispersed through mass media interact and compete for acceptance. Effects on media can be seen in the various aspects of the life of people. People depend on media to satisfy their various want and urge and to grow as intellectual human being (Folkerts 2006).
Infotainment plays an important role in shaping the behavior and attitude of the people. The civic behavior of the people and their political engagement is largely influenced by infotainment (Moy et al. 2005). People enjoy receiving information along with entertainment. As compared to traditional teaching material, edutainment material can be effortlessly loomed. People requiring extension studies and under educated adults can reap the benefits of edutainment material. In the near future, the educational material accompanied by edutainment will be added to the existing entertainment program to promote knowledge of audience.
With the increase in growth of electronic media, the shows entailing reality are increasing day by day. Every next channel is broadcasting reality show to entertain audience to gain TRP rating. People enjoy the shows as they relate themselves with the characters of the program. Moreover, these shows have both the negative and positive aspects. While shows like Satyamev Jayate on one hand motivate the people to fight against evil, other reality show like Big Boss sometimes telecast obscenity which is having bad impact on the society. Media should entertain the audience but the culture and values of the society should be kept in priority while broadcasting such programs.
4.1 Introduction to the chapter
The methodology embraced for the research study is being elucidated in this chapter. The methodology of the study is the foundation that describes the advancement of the research. Research methodology is an organized technique to resolve a problem. Primarily, the systems by which researchers go about their job of outlining, explicating and visualizing evidences are called research methodology. It is the investigation of methodologies by which data and info is assimilated (Degu & Yigzaw 2006). Hence, while articulating the approach, the researcher endeavors to craft a framework in agreement with the intentions and purposes of the study. The methodology authorizes the scholar to undertake study in such a manner so that they are proficient to authenticate the research based intentions and goals for the purpose of realizing resolutions to research interrogations (Kothari 2004). Ellis & Levy (2008) asserted in (Ellis & Levy 2009) that academic research leads with the documentation of a strongly concentrated, literature reinforced difficult.
The suitability of the methodology mainly impacts the quality of the study and the judgment of the inferences. In the subsequent sections, the researcher illuminates the research design strategy chosen for the study and also unveils an authentication of picking it. Data collection design and the suitable sampling plan will be covered in the section tracked by design strategy. Analysis of data is just as vital as that of the progression of collection of data. And so, the scholar has informed about data investigation measures and techniques which encompass usage of diagrams, tables, method of analysis, the software that is been used and also about other procedures. The procedures are abundantly clarified associated with the recommended standards and practices (Smith 2012). Additionally, the course that is executed for analysis of data analysis is expansively elucidated. Besides, clarification about data substantiation and meticulousness, restrictions of research methodology is also highlighted.
4.2 Research design strategy
A research design offers an all-inclusive sketch of the research with the aid of which, the researcher implements his primary study competently.The research design helps in determining the approaches and system of data collection and also displays the style in which the accumulated data shall be assessed and arithmetical tools hired for the same (Creswell 2013). Research design was expounded by Beri (2007) as ‘the plan, structure and strategy of investigation conceived so as to obtain answers to research questions and to control variance’. Additionally, the research design will aid to discover the tools or the devices that would be utilized for research strategy for the rationale of evaluating the data (Pedler 2012). The development and conclusion of research grounded investigations are established by the design of the research study commenced. (Maxwell 2012) stated that a design in which all the components work in harmony and aid in successful and efficient functioning of the project is considered to be good.
The section has also clarified about the mixed methodology design. For the purpose of secondary research, literature review has been done and both qualitative and quantitative data collection for primary research has been conducted. In order to fill the gap of secondary research study, primary research study has also been conducted.
4.3 Research Methods
Research design methods can be classified in three categories namely exploratory, descriptive and explanatory research design. On the basis of problem at hand, the scholar choose the type of design to be adopted (Beri 2007). In the exploratory research design, the stress is given on the exhuming of philosophies and visions. The design should be adequately supple to integrate different characteristics of the phenomena (Kothari 2004). On the other hand, descriptive design perceptibly sketches what is that the researcher wishes to ascertain and to set up apposite and specific means for calculating it. They are deemed to be stiff and entails a well-defined explanation of who, what, when, where and how the study is going to be structured (Mohan 2007). Finally, the explanatory or causal research design is appropriate for studies where the researcher endeavors to create a cause and effect relationship between the variables under consideration and where research is classified according to the objectives in which the scholar attempt to clarify why and how there is relationship between two variables (Andrew et al. 2011)
The research design adopted for the study at hand is explorative in nature. This is because the study endeavors to expound the impact of reality shows Satyamev Jayate on creating the social awareness among the people. The study also entails influence of the show on the age, gender and social status of the people.
4.4 Research Approach
Research approach gives direction to the investigation. It recommends the techniques to the scholar as to how the purposes of the study can be achieved optimally. Different researchers have categorized research approaches into 2 broad categories: Deductive and inductive. Deductive approach is appropriate for the study when the scholar is determined to observe the hypothetical models. This approach begins with a assumption and with the help of the study the supposition gets substantiated (Singh, 2008). This methodology is assumed when the scholar is keen to endeavor a theory testing procedure. Consequently, the stress is more on causality as inferential arguments are established through primary data.
On the contrary, the inductive approach is connected predominantly with the course of beginning of development of new theory from the accessible data. Henceforth, the inductive approach is differentiated to be as theory founding methodology. The inductive approach backs up to contract the array of the study as the research progresses so that the examination is capable to rest on to a groundbreaking theory. Moreover, this approach helps in contemplating on novel form of incidences from an assorted viewpoints (Saunders et al. 2009). For the purpose of the study, the scholar has agreed on deductive approach as this form of methodology is well-matched with the requirement of the study.
4.5 Research Strategy
The research strategy can be well specified as the streamlined strategy for the resolution of problem stranded on the objectives and purposes of the study and the tools and process used for gathering of data and investigation (Bergh & Ketchen 2009). The research strategy is about brushing up the available data and testing the supposition. The scholar chose to organize a primary study that embraces quantitative study for the purpose of data collection. For the purpose of collection of quantitative data, the research strategy approved was conducting survey amongst the viewers of New Delhi. The scholar embraced a well-defined and clear-cut data assortment process and therefore questionnaire were served to the respondents for the purpose of quantitative data collection. Accordingly, the research strategy has been completely intended for the purpose of comprehending the requirements of the research objectives and examinations.
4.6 Data collection procedures
Data collection is the crucial process of any study as it simplifies to envisage for relevant data that can resolve the anxieties under research study and comprehend the research objectives (Babbie 2010). Hence, scholars are needed to approve that the procedure of data collection process is assumed in a way where treasured and precise data is collected which support the promotion of research work. One of the significant features for this is the sampling plan. Majority of the study involves use of samples so that the study professor is adept to manage the research study in a well-organized and inexpensive manner and is able to finish within definite time period.
Data Type (Primary and Secondary Data)
Typically, there are there are two kinds of data that is basically gathered for the intent of any study. These are primary data and secondary data. Primary data which is gathered for the entirely for the purpose of the study is the most reliable and honest data study (Pawar 2004).
Primary Data: In this research study, the collection of quantitative data will be performed by surveying 50 male viewers and 50 females viewers of New Delhi. A well-structured questionnaire is prepared for the purpose. The survey has been conducted in New Delhi which is the case city. The questionnaire to be formed will be close-ended grounded on research questions communicated before and well-structured in relation to laddering and deep probing type.
Secondary Data: The secondary research is classically assumed to gather data from secondary research locations that assist in performing as an effective sustenance scheme while determining the deductions from examination of primary data. For this specific research study, the scholar has taken assistance of report articles, hunted abundant descriptive portals, weekly issues and books written by various authors.
4.7 Sampling Plan
It is difficult to study entire populace for the purpose of study. Therefore, technique of sampling is adopted. Sampling is a process through which a subsection of the comprehensive tangled populace of the research is considered and the consequences are generalized for the whole population (Lim & Ting 2012). Sampling is expansively executed as most of the researchers meet with the time and resources limitations. Classically, there are two types of sampling techniques suitable for research study: probability and non-probability sampling (Babbie, 2013). In probability sampling, every constituent of the populace has an alike probability of being nominated for the sample while in non-probability sampling, such probability of alike probability is absent and chances of assortment of each component of the populace is not uniform (Pride & Ferrell 2004). The scholar adopted Random, stratified sampling method will be employed for this study to have respondents from different backgrounds based on age, gender and social status and questionnaires were filled in the field. The target respondents will be the 80 viewers of New Delhi comprising of 40 male and 40 females.
4.8 Data Analysis procedures (analysis method, statistical tools and techniques, software used)
The exploration of quantitative data can be accomplished only by the usage of tabulations and arithmetical study. As quantitative data can be scientifically collected and appraised, the deductions from such evidences are certain and can be candidly explained through diagrams and tables.
The questionnaires gathered are judiciously checked if they were completely filled or not after the collection of data. After then, the statistics was transferred onto an exercise sheet and tested again for any imprecisions. After assembling, rudimentary inspection and statistical tools like SPSS and MS Excel were applied for appraising the data. Frequency and percentage analysis was applied to the data for the purpose of expressive analysis.
4.9 Verifying Data Accuracy
According to (Kothari 2012), ‘although it is often overlooked, verifying of data accuracy is indeed an important aspect of data collection and analysis in a research’. However, McGrath (1995) asserted that ‘data verification should be conducted on data collection’. Both the rationality and dependability of the data has been verified for the perseverance of study.
4.10 Validity
Validity of data is fundamental to any research. If the data enclosed in investigation is invalid then it is futile (Cohen et al. 2007). Internal validity, external validity and constructive validity are the three main types of validity. For the data validity of the study, it was established that the data is reliable. The primary data for the study was gathered by the researcher himself and assessed.
4.11 Reliability
As defined by Rubin & Babbie (2010), ‘ Reliability concerns the amount of random error in a measure and measurement consistency. It refers to the likelihood that a given measurement procedure will yield the same description of a given phenomenon if that measurement is repeated.’ Reliability of the research study needs to be guaranteed by the scholar as it licenses the scholar to portray imperative inferences that are in line with necessities of the investigation.
4.12 Limitations of the methodology
The study has been carried out with due precision and thoroughness. However, there were some inescapable stipulations in the study described as below:
‘ The implications of the study have been sketched on the basis of perception of 80 audiences of New Delhi which are too constrained for such wide-ranging study.
‘ This study is undertaken solely on reality shows and hence has no relevance to other non-reality TV shows.
‘ The study has been undertaken in New Delhi only thus, the study is restricted from being unanimous in approach.
‘ The study is purely for theoretical purpose and hence time and means are major constrictions.
4.13 Ethical Issues
The research will comprise subsequent ethical contemplations:
1. No falsification of primary and secondary data will be done.
2. No prejudice of the researcher will be involved.
3. Respondents will not be forced to contribute.
4. Respondents will be told the unpretentious objectives of research.
Chapter: 5 Data Presentation and Analysis
5.1 Introduction
The data analysis section of the research would instigate with descriptive analysis of the demographic profile of the respondents. This facilitated the researcher in highlighting the characteristics of research group and also helps in adjudging the frequency or proportion of the same population. In the next segment, the researcher will descriptively analyze the impact of reality show (Satyamev Jayate) on the viewers based on the frequency and cross tabulation analysis.
5.2 Descriptive Analysis of Demographic Profile of the Respondents
5.2.1 Demographic Profile of the respondents
This section highlights the results demographic characteristics of the respondents involved in the study based on the frequency analysis done through SPSS. The characteristics include, age, gender, educational qualification and income. Age and Gender of the Respondents
Data Presentation
Age Frequency Percent
15 -25 years 25 25
26-40 years 30 30
41-55 years 25 25
>56 years 20 20
Total 100 100
Table 1: Age of the Respondents
Figure 3: Age of the respondents
Data Analysis:
The frequencies showcased in above table and chart shows that nearly 30% of the respondents who watch Reality Show Stayamev Jayate are of the age group 26-40 years and 25 % were of 15-25 years and 41-55 years each. This shows that mostly youngsters and middle age people are viewer of reality show Satyamev Jayate. Gender of the Respondents
Data Presentation
Gender Frequency Percent
Male 50 50.0
Female 50 50.0
Total 100 100.0
Table 2: Gender of the Respondents
Figure 4: Gender of the Respondents
Data Analysis
The frequencies showcased in above table and chart shows that nearly equal percentage of male and female watch the reality show Satyamev Jayate. This shows that both males and females are interested in watching the social issues shown in Satyamev Jayate. Education of the respondents
Data Presentation
Education Frequency Percent
Below High School 10 10.0
High School 10 10.0
Secondary 10 10.0
Graduate 35 35.0
Post Graduate 35 35.0
Total 100 100.0
Table 3: Education of the Respondents
Figure 5: Education of the Respondents
Data Analysis
The frequencies showcased in above table and chart shows that nearly 35% of each graduates and post graduates watch the reality show Satyamev Jayate. Whereas as about an equal percentage of people having educational qualification below high school, high school and secondary respectively are the viewers of reality show. It can be deduced from the above analysis that qualified people may be keener in knowing the social issues prevailing in the society. Income of the respondents
Data Presentation
Income Frequency Percent
< 10,000 p.m. 15 15.0
10,001 ‘ 25,000 p.m. 20 20.0
25,001 ‘ 40,000 p.m. 20 20.0
40,001 ‘ 55,000 p.m. 20 20.0
> 55,001 p.m. 25 25.0
Total 100 100.0
Table 4: Income of the Respondents
Figure 6: Income of the Respondents
Data Analysis
The frequencies showcased in above table and chart shows that nearly 25% of the people who watch the reality show Satyamev Jayate are having income of more than Rs. 55,001 per month. Whereas as about an equal percentage of people who watch Satyamev Jayate have income falling between Rs.25,001- Rs.40,000 per month and Rs.40,001- Rs.55,000 per month respectively. Though the results shows that financially stable people are more interested in watching show, from the above analysis, it can be deduced that money does not matter and almost all the people earning differently per month are having are interested in watching the reality show Satyamev Jayate.
5.2.2 Inferential Analysis Do you find social issues based reality shows on television engaging and thought provoking?
Data Presentation
Do you find social issues based reality shows on television engaging and thought provoking Frequency Percent
Strongly Agree 70 70.0
Agree 20 20.0
Neutral 5 5.0
Disagree 3 3.0
Strongly Disagree 2 2.0
Total 100 100.0
Table 5: Do you find social issues based reality shows on television engaging and thought provoking
Figure 7: Do you find social issues based reality shows on television engaging and thought provoking
Data Analysis
The frequencies showcased in above table and chart shows that nearly 70% of the respondents strongly agree that social issues based reality shows on television engaging and thought provoking. However, only 2% of the respondents strongly disagree for the same. This may indicate that most of the respondents think that social awareness are created by reality shows and it may provoke the population of India.
Cross Tabulation Analysis
Data Presentation
Table 6: Cross Tabulation of Age, Gender, Education Qualification and Income
Data Analysis
Cross Tabulation Analysis shows that 19%, 20% and 18% of the respondents falling under the age group 15-25 years, 26-40 years and 41-50 years respectively strongly agree that social issues based reality shows on television engaging and thought provoking. This may indicate that majorly youngsters and middle aged people think that people find reality shows appealing and thought provoking if they raise and show some social issues on them. The above table also indicates that 26% of the graduates and 25% of the post graduates strongly agree that social issues based reality shows on television engaging and thought provoking while 39% of the females as compared to 31% of the males think that social issues based reality shows on television engaging and thought provoking. This may indicate that majorly qualified females relate with the social issues broadcasted on reality television. The table also points that only 9% of the respondents having income below Rs.10, 000 are keen in reality shows displaying social issues. This may highlight that majorly middle and upper income group people find that such shows can bring change in the society. Do these types of shows have any influence on your personal beliefs and attitude?
Data Presentation
Do these types of shows have any influence on your personal beliefs and attitude? Frequency Percent
Strongly Agree 65 65.0
Agree 25 25.0
Neutral 5 5.0
Disagree 3 3.0
Strongly Disagree 2 2.0
Total 100 100.0
Table 7: Do these types of shows have any influence on your personal beliefs and attitude?
Figure 8: Do these types of shows have any influence on your personal beliefs and attitude?
Data Analysis
This question was asked to know about the influence of reality shows on the personal beliefs and attitudes of the respondents. The frequency showcased in the above table and graph shows that about 65% of the respondents strongly agree and 25% of the respondents agree to the fact that these shows have stimulated their beliefs and attitudes. This can be deduced from the above analysis that most of the respondents might feel that these shows left a great impact on their individual behavior and outlook towards the social issues prevailing in the society.
Cross Tabulation Analysis
Data Presentation
Table 8Cross Tabulation of Age, Gender, Education Qualification and Income
Data Analysis
Cross tabulation Analysis showcased in the above table shows that only 11% of the respondents falling in the age group of 56 years and above perceive that these shows do not have any impact on their personal belief and attitude. This might show that majorly youngsters and middle age people are highly motivated by the show and their attitude towards social evils prevailing in the society have altered by watching this shows. About 35% of the females strongly agree that their beliefs have changed after watching this show which may indicate that this show have shattered the women by showing the malevolent practices existing in the society. The above cross tabulation also reveals that about 23% of the post graduates think that their attitude have changes after watching this show which may indicate that still most of the uneducated and less qualified people have more ignorance pertaining to social issues. About 9 % of the respondents having monthly income less that Rs.10, 000 strongly agree that they are not influenced by these shows. This may indicate that still low income group people have unawareness about the evils existing in the society. Have any of these shows brought about behavioral change for good in you?
Data Presentation
Have any of these shows brought about behavioural change for good in you? Frequency Percent
Strongly Agree 60 60.0
Agree 30 30.0
Neutral 5 5.0
Disagree 3 3.0
Strongly Disagree 2 2.0
Total 100 100.0
Table 9: Have any of these shows brought about behavioral change for good in you?
Figure 9: Have any of these shows brought about behavioral change for good in you?
Data Analysis
The frequency showcased in the above table and graph shows that nearly 60% of the respondents strongly agree and 30% of the respondents agree to the fact that reality shows by showing social issues have brought behavioral changes for good in them. This may indicate that people have understood the impact of social issues and have altered their behavior for the betterment of the society.
Cross Tabulation Analysis
Data Presentation
Table 10: Cross Tabulation of Age, Gender, Education Qualification and Income
Data Analysis
Cross Tabulation Analysis reveals that about 17% and 21% of the respondents falling in the age group of 15-25 years and 26-40 years respectively strongly agree that these shows have brought behavioral change for good in them. This may indicate that this show have not influenced the elderly and old age people in making change in their behavior. About 32% of the females as compared to 28% of the males strongly agree that their behavior has been changed for the betterment of the society. This may indicate that males are resist when it comes to make a change in their behavior. About 23% of the graduated and 17% of the post graduates strongly believe that this show has made a change in their behavior and nearly all the people whatever may be their income have strongly agreed to the fact their behavior has changed for good by watching these reality shows. This may indicate that education has lot of impact on the people and majorly educated people can realize the prevailing malicious practices in the society and the importance of their own initiative to eradicate the same. Have such reality shows enhanced your awareness levels?
Data Presentation
Have such reality shows enhanced your awareness levels? Frequency Percent
Strongly Agree 80 80.0
Agree 15 15.0
Neutral 1 1.0
Disagree 2 2.0
Strongly Disagree 2 2.0
Total 100 100.0
Table 11: Have such reality shows enhanced your awareness levels?
Figure 10: Have such reality shows enhanced your awareness levels?
Data Analysis
The frequency showcased in the above table and graph shows that about 80% of the respondents strongly agree and 15 % of the respondents agree to the fact that these reality shows have enhanced their awareness level to a great extent. This may indicate that prior to telecast of these reality shows based on social issues, most the respondents were not aware about the various societal problems.
Cross Tabulation Analysis
Table 12: Cross Tabulation of Age, Gender, Education Qualification and Income
Data Analysis
Cross Tabulation Analysis reveals that about 23% and 22 % of the respondents of the age group 26-40 years and 40-55 years respectively strongly agree that their awareness levels have increased after watching these shows. This may indicate that these shows that deeply elaborated and showed the issues to make people aware of the reality. About 42% of the males as compared to 38% of the females strongly agree that these shows have enhanced their awareness level. This may indicate that male respondents were unaware of the social issues and these shows have opened their eyes and attitude towards evils prevailing in society. About 30% of the graduated and 23% of the post graduates strongly agree that their awareness level have increased by watching these shows. This may indicate that less educate people are still unaware about the issues. Almost all the people whatever income they are having strongly agreed that these shows have increased their awareness levels. This may indicate that all the respondents whether poor or rich are enriched in their knowledge by the reality prevailing in the society. Do you think that such shows are better than the sitcoms?
Data Presentation
Do you think that such shows are better than the sitcoms? Frequency Percent
Strongly Agree 60 60.0
Agree 30 30.0
Neutral 5 5.0
Disagree 3 3.0
Strongly Disagree 2 2.0
Total 100 100.0
Table 13: Do you think that such shows are better than the sitcoms?
Figure 11: Do you think that such shows are better than the sitcoms?
Data Analysis
The frequency showcased in the above table and graph indicates that about 60% of the respondents strongly agree and 30% of the respondents agree to the fact that these shows are better than sitcoms. This may indicate that people are interested in watching these reality shows and want to know about the social evils prevailing and ruining the society.
Cross Tabulation Analysis
Table 14: Cross Tabulation of Age, Gender, Education Qualification and Income
Data Analysis
Cross tabulation Analysis of the above data shows that about 17% and 21% of the respondents falling in the age group of 15-25 years and 26-40 years respectively think that these shows are better than sitcoms which may indicate that middle and old age people are more interested in comedy and sitcoms than these reality shows. About 32% of the females as compared to 28% of the males strongly feel that these shows are better than sitcoms which may indicate that females find these shows more interesting than males. About 23% of the graduates and 17% of the post graduates feel that these shows are better than sitcoms which may indicate that mostly highly educated people prefer these reality shows based on social issues over sitcoms. About 16% of the people having income above Rs. 56,000 per month thinks that these shows are better than sitcoms which may indicate that middle class people and poor people prefer more recreational amusement shows. Were you aware of the issues prior to those raised in Satyamev Jayate?
Data Analysis
Were you aware of the issues prior to those raised in Satyamev Jayate? Frequency Percent
Strongly Agree 10 10.0
Agree 15 15.0
Neutral 5 5.0
Disagree 40 40.0
Strongly Disagree 30 30.0
Total 100 100.0
Table 15: Were you aware of the issues prior to those raised in Satyamev Jayate?
Figure 12: Were you aware of the issues prior to those raised in Satyamev Jayate?
Data Analysis
The frequency showcased in the above table and graph shows that about 40% of the respondents disagree and 30% of the respondents strongly disagree to the fact that they were aware of the issues prior to those raised in Satyamev Jayate. This may indicate that most of the respondents were not aware of the social issues in depth and after watching these shows they got to know about the deep insight of the evil practices.
Cross Tabulation Analysis
Data Presentation
Table 16: Cross Tabulation of Age, Gender, Education Qualification and Income
Data Analysis
Cross Tabulation Analysis of the above data shows that about 13% and 12% of the respondents falling in the age group of 26-40 years and 41-55 years disagree that they were aware of the issues prior to those raised in Satyamev Jayate. This may indicate that this show has enlightened the knowledge of middle aged people of the society. About 24% of the females as compared to 16% of the males disagree that they were aware of the issues prior to those raised in Satyamev Jayate. This may indicate that more females lacked the deep knowledge of the social issues of the society. About 14% of the post graduates disagreed to be aware of the issues prior to those raised in Satyamev Jayate. This may indicate that after watching Satyamev Jayate, most of the post graduates came to know about the in depth reasons for discrepancies in society. The cross tabulation analysis also indicated that apart from lower income group people who are 3%, almost an equal percentage of other income group people strongly disagree that they were aware of the issues prior to those raised in Satyamev Jayate. This may indicate that lower income group people were highly unaware of the societal issues and discrepancies. Do you feel that issues raised are explored in depth in Satyamev Jayate?
Data Presentation
Do you feel that issues raised are explored in depth in Satyamev Jayate? Frequency Percent
Strongly Agree 65 65.0
Agree 25 25.0
Neutral 5 5.0
Disagree 3 3.0
Strongly Disagree 2 2.0
Total 100 100.0
Table 17: Do you feel that issues raised are explored in depth in SatyamevJayate?
Figure 13: Do you feel that issues raised are explored in depth in Satyamev Jayate?
Data Analysis
The frequency showcased in the above table and graph shows that about 65% of the respondents strongly agree and 25% of the respondents agree to the fact that issues are explored in depth in Satyamev Jayate. This may indicate that most of the respondents feel that this show has properly exhibited that evils of the society and they got indepth knowledge and awareness about the issues of the society.
Cross Tabulation Analysis
Data Presentation
Table 18: Cross Tabulation of Age, Gender, Educational Qualification and Income
Data Analysis
Cross Tabulation Analysis of the above data shows that about 21% and 18% of the respondents falling in the age group of 41-55 years and 15-25 years strongly agree that issues raised are explored in depth in Satyamev Jayate. This may indicate that this show has left an impression in the minds of both youth and middle age people of the society by unleashing the evils prevalent in the society. About 35% of the females as compared to 30% of the males strongly agree that issues raised are explored in depth in Satyamev Jayate. This may indicate that more females felt that they got in-depth knowledge of the social issues after watching this show. About 21% of the graduates and 23% of the post graduates strongly agreed that issues raised are explored in depth in Satyamev Jayate. This may indicate that after watching Satyamev Jayate, most of the post graduates came to know about the in depth knowledge of the issues of the society. The cross tabulation analysis also indicated that except the lower income group people which are only 9%, almost an equal percentage of other income group people strongly agreed that that issues raised are explored in depth in Satyamev Jayate. This may indicate that all the middle and high income group people found this show to be interesting and eye opener. Do you feel that the solutions given in SatyamevJayate are practical and easy to adopt?
Data Presentation
Do you feel that the solutions given in SatyamevJayate are practical and easy to adopt? Frequency Percent
Strongly Agree 5 5.0
Agree 10 10.0
Neutral 10 10.0
Disagree 40 40.0
Strongly Disagree 35 35.0
Total 100 100.0
Table 19: Do you feel that the solutions given in Satyamev Jayate are practical and easy to adopt?
Figure 14: Do you feel that the solutions given in Satyamev Jayate are practical and easy to adopt?
Data Analysis
The frequency showcased in the above table and graph shows that about 40% of the respondents disagree and 35% of the respondents strongly disagree to the fact that the solutions given in Satyamev Jayate are practical and easy to adopt. This may indicate that most of the respondents feel that the remedies and solutions provided by the show are practically hard to be applied and adopted.
Cross Tabulation Analysis
Data Presentation
Table 20: Cross Tabulation of Age, Gender, Educational Qualification and Income
Data Analysis
Cross Tabulation Analysis of the above data shows that about 10% , 9% and 9% of the respondents falling in the age group of 41-55 years and 15-25 years and 26-40 years respectively strongly disagree that the solutions given in Satyamev Jayate are practical and easy to adopt. This may indicate that along with younsters, middle age people also think that it is difficult to implement the remedies provided by the show in eradicating the social evils. About 19% of the females as compared to 16% of the males strongly disagree that the solutions given in Satyamev Jayate are practical and easy to adopt. This may indicate that more of females feel that the solutions provided by the show to prevent social evils are not feasible. About 13% of the post graduates and 12% of the graduates strongly disagreed that the solutions given in Satyamev Jayate are practical and easy to adopt. This may indicate that the educated youth of the society knows that it is not that easy to eradicate the evils of the society by the solutions provided by the show. The cross tabulation analysis also indicated that 10% of the respondents having income Rs.40, 000- Rs.55, 000 per month strongly disagree that the solutions given in Satyamev Jayate are practical and easy to adopt. This may indicate that all the middle income group people better know about the complexity of the social issues and may find the solutions provided by the show to be unpractical and infeasible. Did you relate yourself with to any of the issues raised in the show?
Data Presentation
Did you relate yourself with to any of the issues raised in the show? Frequency Percent
Strongly Agree 80 80.0
Agree 15 15.0
Neutral 1 1.0
Disagree 2 2.0
Strongly Disagree 2 2.0
Total 100 100.0
Table 21: Did you relate yourself with to any of the issues raised in the show?
Figure 15: Did you relate yourself with to any of the issues raised in the show?
Data Analysis
The frequency showcased in the above table and graph shows that about 80% of the respondents strongly agree and 15% of the respondents agree to the fact that they relate themselves with to any of the issues raised in the show. This may indicate that most of the respondents have faced one or other social evils telecasted on the show in their life.
Cross Tabulation Analysis
Data Presentation
Table 22: Cross Tabulation of Age, Gender, Educational Qualification and Income
Data Analysis
Cross Tabulation Analysis of the above data shows that about 22% and 23% of the respondents falling in the age group of 41-55 years and 26-40 years respectively strongly agree that they relate themselves with to any of the issues raised in the show. This may indicate that middle age people have faced the social issues in their life. About 38% of the females as compared to 42% of the males strongly agree that they relate themselves with to any of the issues raised in the show. This may indicate that more of the male respondents have survived through the evil practices of the society. About 23% of the post graduates and 30% of the graduates strongly agreed that they relate themselves with to any of the issues raised in the show. This may indicate that the educated youth of the society may have faced social disparity in the form of reservation or corruption. The cross tabulation analysis also indicated that 21% of the respondents having income Rs.56, 000 and above per month strongly agree that they relate themselves with to any of the issues raised in the show. This may indicate that these high income group people may have faced rough phases of life because of social issues existing in the society in reaching to the position where they are today. Can you see the impact of Satyamev Jayate among people around you?
Data Presentation
Can you see the impact of Satyamev Jayate among people around you? Frequency Percent
Strongly Agree 10 10.0
Agree 15 15.0
Neutral 5 5.0
Disagree 40 40.0
Strongly Disagree 30 30.0
Total 100 100.0
Table 23: Can you see the impact of Satyamev Jayate among people around you?
Figure 16: Can you see the impact of Satyamev Jayate among people around you?
Data Analysis
The frequency showcased in the above table and graph shows that about 40% of the respondents disagree and 30% of the respondents strongly disagree to the fact that they saw the impact of Satyamev Jayate among people around them. This may indicate that most of the respondents feels that despite of telecasting and showing the people the reality of social issues prevailing in the society, they still find malpractices going on in the society and no action and initiatives is being taken on individual front.
Cross Tabulation Analysis
Data Presentation
Table 24: Cross Tabulation of Age, Gender, Educational Qualification and Income
Data Analysis
Cross Tabulation Analysis of the above data shows that about 12% and 13% of the respondents falling in the age group of 41-55 years and 26-40 years respectively disagree that they saw the impact of Satyamev Jayate among people around them. This may indicate that middle age people have not noticed that this show has not succeeded in eradicating social evils to a great extent. About 24% of the females as compared to 16% of the males disagree that they saw the impact of Satyamev Jayate among people around them. This may indicate that females in the society are still experiencing dowry and female feticide. About 14% of the post graduates and 11% of the graduates disagreed that they saw the impact of Satyamev Jayate among people around them. This may indicate that the educated youth of the society may have faced problems in acquiring jobs and admission in the colleges due to reservation quota and corruption. The cross tabulation analysis also indicated that leaving lower income group people, almost all other income group people have roughly an equal percentage who disagree that they saw the impact of Satyamev Jayate among people around them. This may indicate that all the income group people may have noticed social issues existing in the society. Do you think programs like Satyamev Jayate should continue to be aired?
Data Presentation
Do you think programs like Satyamev Jayate should continue to be aired? Frequency Percent
Strongly Agree 80 80.0
Agree 15 15.0
Neutral 1 1.0
Disagree 2 2.0
Strongly Disagree 2 2.0
Total 100 100.0
Table 25: Do you think programs like Satyamev Jayate should continue to be aired?
Figure 17: Do you think programs like Satyamev Jayate should continue to be aired?
Data Analysis
The frequency showcased in the above table and graph shows that about 80% of the respondents strongly agree and 15% of the respondents agree that programs like Satyamev Jayate should continue to be aired. This may indicate that most of the respondents feel that by telecasting such type of shows, more people can be made aware of the societal issues and this may help to eradicate the same.
Cross Tabulation Analysis
Data Presentation
Table 26: Cross tabulation of Age, Gender, Educational Qualification and Income
Data Analysis
Cross Tabulation Analysis of the above data shows that about 22% and 23% of the respondents falling in the age group of 41-55 years and 26-40 years respectively strongly agree that that programs like Satyamev Jayate should continue to be aired. This may indicate that middle age people think that through this show, the youth of India can be made aware and inspired to take initiatives to remove such disparity from the society. About 38% of the females as compared to 42% of the males strongly agree that that programs like Satyamev Jayate should continue to be aired. This may indicate that male respondents feel that this show could help to prevent corruption which a biggest hurdle in their progress. About 23% of the post graduates and 13% of the graduates strongly agreed that that programs like Satyamev Jayate should continue to be aired. This may indicate that the educated youth of the society are keen in knowing the evil malpractices prevailing in the society. The cross tabulation analysis also indicated that leaving lower income group people, almost all other income group people have more or less equal percentage who strongly agree that that programs like Satyamev Jayate should continue to be aired. This may indicate that all the income group people may like to watch the show and know about the social issues.
Chapter: 6 Findings, Conclusion and Recommendations
6.1 Introduction
The research study was conducted to understand the perception of consumers about representation of social issues on talk show (Satyamev Jayate). A quantitative analysis was done to determine the opinion of the consumers about broadcasting of reality show such as Satyamev Jayate in which focus is mainly on social issues. The case show is the reality show Satyamev Jayate.
This is the concluding chapter and it stresses the key findings of the study and abridges the research with inferences and commendations for enhancing the impact of such reality show on the audience of India based on the drawings of both the primary and secondary study.
6.2 Conclusions
6.2.1 Objective 1: To analyze and study the perceptions of Indian citizens regarding the special issues raised by reality based show Satyamev Jayate.
Findings from Secondary Study:
The television show Satyamev Jayate caught the attention of people of India at large across all genders, ages, castes, position, location and religion. Various issues, insights, malpractices and other useful information broadcasted in the show Satyamev Jayate have enlightened not only people of India but of the whole world. In India, such powerful impact of the television show was not ever witnessed by the media. This show has taken the outlooks and opinions of the people to new heights (Roy 2014).Through this show, Aamir khan gained the faith and trust of the people. Satyamev Jayate informed the people about different institutions which were not known to them previously. Most of these institutions are created by valiant personalities with an aim to exterminate injustices and malpractices prevailing in the society (Roy 2014).
Gaps Identified: What is the contribution of Satyamev Jayate on the knowledge and awareness of different sections of the society?
Findings from Primary Study: Findings from the primary study revealed that this show has made a great change in the attitudes and beliefs of the people. After watching the show, there were behavioral changes in the individuals. Many of the respondents agreed that this type of reality shows are better than sitcoms. It was also disclosed that people accepted that their awareness level was increased after watching this show. Many of the respondents were not knowing about the social issues in-depth. But through Satyamev Jayate, people got deep insight into the social evils prevailing in the society.
6.2.2 Objective 2: To conduct a detailed content analysis of social issues raised by episodes of Satyamev Jayate in terms of genre, style of narration as well as potential of engaging the audience.
Findings from Secondary Study: Findings from the secondary study showed that the positive impact of this show was seen in Maharashtra with the increase in the female ratio. Initially the ratio was 840 females for 1000 males which became 900 females for 1000 males which was one of the biggest achievement of this show (Sinha 2014).This show also exposed the racket behind the determination of sex with the help of two journalists. This show evoke a terror among the people doing evil as there was a wave to prevent malicious activities all over India (IBNLive 2012). One of the other outcomes are launch of clean and green initiative in Jodhpur through which city will be made free from garbage within a period of 18 months in the year 2014 (DNA Analysis 2014); . In the same year a crisis center for female rape victims named ‘Gauravi’ was established in Bhopal’s JP hospital (Madhukalya 2014). To counter issues of alcohol abuse which is becoming prevalent in India, the show in one of its episodes drew attention of Indian audience. Through their show they aired about Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) along with its helpline numbers. It is an organization which helps alcoholics to recover from their addictions.
Gaps Identified: What is perception of the individuals on the feasibility and applicability of the solutions and remedies provided by the show?
Findings from Primary Study:
Findings from the primary study shows that most of the shows telecasted on Satyamev Jayate were engaging and thought provoking. Many of the issues were not known to the people prior to those raised in Satyamev Jayate. People also thought that such programs should be continued to be aired as they cannot see a significant impact of the show on the society. However, many of them found that the solutions and remedies provided by the show are not easy to adopt and implement.
6.2.3 Objective 3: To study and analyze the profile of the respondents selected for conducting the research.
Findings from Secondary Study
Findings from the secondary study show that both edutainment and infotainment had great impact on the society. The traditional TV news channels and other programs based on current affairs are dwindling in terms of viewer reach and thus needed to be reached to the public at large. These channels are facing challenges due to increase in evolution of infotainment. There is a prevalent distress that this mounting inundation of infotainment is overpowering the enlightening function of TV, spinning the complete medium into sheer entertainment and so purposely lessening logical level of education (Stockwell 2004). To attract more viewers, there is an increase focus on the localization of infotainment and lifestyle genre. Like other countries of the world, India also entered into offering infotainment to its viewers through various categories of programmes and shows. One of the popular TV reality show Satyamev Jayate provides infotainment to its viewers in a way that it gives insight into the major social issues such as female feticide, awareness about the toxic foods etc.(Roy 2014). Edutainment may be defined as amusing TV shows and software of the computer which are basically meant for educating and imparting knowledge. These are the scholastic stuff that utilize entertainment and is being used thorough information knowhow. Okigbo & Eribo (2004) stated that one of the greatest communication revolutions of 20th century is edutainment. It is a procedure involving deliberately scheming and executing a broadcasting note to both amuse and teach the viewers in order to enhance their knowledge and expertise pertaining to educational issue.
Gaps Identified: How different was the influence of Satyamev Jayate on the age, gender, educational qualification and income of the respondents under study?
Findings from Primary Study: Findings from the primary study shows that Satyamev Jayate had greater impact on the youngsters and middle age people. It was also found that most of the respondents related them with the issues telecasted on the show. However, it was also unveiled that elderly people would prefer sitcoms to reality shows like Satyamev Jayate. This may show that this show lacks in edutainment which is demanded by the elderly audience of New Delhi. The study also showed that this show is watched by almost all the audience of the city irrespective of their income.
6.3 Recommendations
Based on the study, following recommendations can be made:
‘ Cinemascope: Gram Panchayats can host special shows to make people aware in the villages.
‘ Road Shows: Roadshows can be organized so that more and more people can be made aware of the show and social issues existing in the society.
‘ Syllabus of Students: The syllabus of students should include a book on social issues so that children can be encouraged to eradicate malpractices from the society and become responsible citizen.
‘ Monthly Magazine: A monthly magazine should be published about the current social issues and ways to eradicate them.
‘ Recognition: Awards and recognition must be introduced who take steps to prevent evils existing in society at various levels.
‘ Daily Soap: Episodes should be telecasted in the form of daily soap in the form of stories rather than talk show so that it becomes more entertaining for the elderly people.
‘ Feasible solutions: Public opinions must be called off to eradicate the evils of the society. Different opinions must be welcomed to find a feasible and practical solution to the problem.
6.4 Summary
The study explored the perception of the respondents of New Delhi city on the representation of social issues in the talk show Satyamev Jayate. It was found that the show had created awareness among the people of the city in the real sense. It opened the eyes of the people by showing the deep insight of the problem and issues. However, it was found that the solutions and remedies provided by the show was not practical and easy to adapt and hence more feasible solutions must be promotes through the show.
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Chapter: 7 Questionnaire
Demographic Profile
1. 15 -25 years
2. 26-40 years
3. 41-55 years
4. > 56 years
1. Male
2. Female
Educational Qualification
1. Below high school
2. High school
3. Secondary
4. Graduate
5. Post Graduate
1. < 10,000 p.m.
2. 10,001 ‘ 25,000 p.m.
3. 25,001 ‘ 40,000 p.m.
4. 40,001 ‘ 55,000 p.m.
5. > 55,001 p.m.
Reality Shows and Social Issues
What affects your of answer, rate on the scale of 1-5 with 1= strongly agree, 2= agree, 3= neutral, 4= disagree and 5= strongly disagree
Parameters 1 2 3 4 5
Do you find social issues based reality shows on television engaging and thought provoking?
Do these types of shows have any influence on your personal beliefs and attitude?
Have any of these shows brought about behavioral change for good in you?
Have such reality shows enhanced your awareness levels?
Do you think that such shows are better than the sitcoms?
Satyamev Jayate
What affects your of answer, rate on the scale of 1-5 with 1= strongly agree, 2= agree, 3= neutral, 4= disagree and 5= strongly disagree
Parameters 1 2 3 4 5
Were you aware of the issues prior to those raised in Satyamev Jayate?
Do you feel that issues raised are explored in depth in SatyamevJayate?
Do you feel that the solutions given in SatyamevJayate are practical and easy to adopt?
Did you relate yourself with to any of the issues raised in the show?
Can you see the impact of Satyamev Jayate among people around you?
Do you think programs like Satyamev Jayate should continue to be aired?

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