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Essay: Advantages and disadvantages of social media

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  • Subject area(s): Media essays
  • Reading time: 4 minutes
  • Price: Free download
  • Published: 1 March 2022*
  • Last Modified: 31 July 2024
  • File format: Text
  • Words: 1,012 (approx)
  • Number of pages: 5 (approx)
  • Tags: Social media essays

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Social Media is a useful tool when used appropriately but have multiple issues when utilized too much in our society. Social Media is described as a milestone in communication between others. No matter where you are located in the world, social networking acts as a central hub of communication. But, with its many positives, there are many issues with it. It can be detrimental to one’s self. It has the ability to ruining personal relationships, and even have the ability to split a country apart all by perception. Social media has been the cause of many political and social issues many countries are facing this decade. And until we can fully understand the effects of social media, we need excessive moderation to reduce many negative impacts of this unique platform. Social media has been a viable resource when it comes to marketing techniques regardless of the specific audience. Social media identifies plenty of opportunities for marketing tactics for different companies, even targets for presidential campaigns.

Social networking single-handedly altered the result of many highs profiled political debates, local state and federal elections. Most notably, the United States presidential race, Obama vs McCain was when social media became an effective tool for future campaigns. Granted, social media was introduced long before, but the 2008 election was viewed as a catalyst of the new social networking era. During the campaign, Barack Obama’s campaign connected with 5 million supporters on 15 different social networks (Gupta-Carlson). With 2.5 million Facebook followers, 115,000 twitter followers, and 50 million views on YouTube, Obama’s campaign raised 640 million dollars (Gupta-Carlson). Social media was used as a stepping stone into a new generational demographic that has never been utilized until the 2008. This was ground-breaking. Simultaneously, social media has been a constant target of constant critiques, promotion of fake news, radically charged debates, along with other notable issues. With too much dependability on social networking, people tend to trust everything that appears on the site without attempting to verify the source. Topics such as these tend to ruin the exponent value of social media, unfortunately.

When relied on too heavy, Social Media has been a ‘scapegoat’ for a lot of young adults that have were cyberbullied. There have been many suicides due to social media. Although, social networking websites weren’t created to promote harassment and cyber-bullying. It became the outcome for individuals to misuse and promoted constant negativity. A survey was given to 2000 middle school children and reported that victims of cyberbullying were two times more likely to attempt suicide than those who were not (Luxton). Many factors point towards Social

Media usage (SMU) to an increased rate of mental diagnoses of people in the United States. Each year, approximately 7% and 18% of adults are affected by symptoms of anxiety and depression (Shensa). Frequent time utilizing social media websites are causing a massive spike in mental diagnoses in young adults. Research studies suggest that increased social media consumption leads to various negative online experiences, fewer in-person social interactions, and decreased ability to sustain attention (Shensa). Social media is reducing natural human interaction. People are no longer holding conversations with one another. People are no longer communicating in person. Instead, they are allowing technology to consume themselves.

SMU links to depression, anxiety, etc., too much SMU has the potential to affect relationships and marriages. Social media can foster positive environments, or harm them if people allow it. People say that frequent SMU does not cause effects on relationships. But, the research says another story. In 2014, Dr. Michelle Drouin conducted a study on 317 undergraduate students to examine their current/past relationships, marital satisfaction and the results were compelling. When researched, there were three uncertain outcomes from excessive social media usage while in an ongoing relationship. First, those are ready in troubled relationships often s social media more (Drouin). Second, excessive social media use in Facebook resulted in causing lower relationship satisfaction (Drouin). Third, is the easy access to past significant others (Drouin). With over 325 million people living within the United States, it is estimated three-fourths (71%) of Americans used social media giant Facebook and 45% of those individuals access it daily (Drouin). Along with many negative factors with social media, are plenty of positives. Social media has the ability to connect with millions of people with the drop of a hashtag # or geo-tagging a picture presents small businesses to compete against more substantial cooperation’s.

“Spending time on social networks could facilitate social discovery, meaning that consumers “discover” or “stumble upon” products through their connections with others” (Zhang).

The Social Media frenzy aids in massive revenue profits, unique marketing research, also can attract more customers regardless of where they are located. Online fashion retailer, Fashion Nova, started with five physical stores around the Los Angeles area. Fashion Nova utilized social media platforms Instagram and YouTube to promote their business to the masses. During the past five years, they have become a trademark in the fashion industry. Social media gives smaller businesses the same opportunities that larger companies have.

Social media can also be used as a buffer aid in desensitizing difficult culture topics in our society. It can often produce more diversity and better understanding one someone’s background. Former NFL Star Colin Kaepernick is a prime example of using social media to bring awareness to a cause. Many people (including military veterans) were behind him when he decided to kneel for a reason. He wanted people to understand why he kneeled and why he chose that platform to do so. But, social media transformed a peaceful protest into controversy. Millions of people stood behind Colin. Millions were furious.

Social media has the tools to make a significant impact on the world. But, if not used for the right reasons, it could be our own worst enemy. With proper moderation, it can be just fine. The issue is, no one knows how to fix it because they are attached themselves. Everyone wants to voice their opinions, and judge others. Without any fix, social media will continue to find more ways to be embedded into our society.


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Essay Sauce, Advantages and disadvantages of social media. Available from:<https://www.essaysauce.com/media-essays/advantages-and-disadvantages-of-social-media/> [Accessed 20-02-25].

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