Among the most important changes facing the marketers for decades, both the audience and the media have become more fragmented. The variety and diversity of media has expanded rapidly whereas marketing communications have been based on more traditional forms of communication, such as television, radio, print and outdoor advertising. The number of channel and method for communicating with the masses in the consumer and audiences has increased significantly. Thus, companies need to pay an improtant budget to create well-plannedmarketing communication strategies that focus on direct marketing efforts, public relations campaigns, sponsorships and event management, Internet advertising, product placement, and messaging.
Internet Marketing allows for bi-directional communication with the consumer and companies and allows companies to understand their customers better than before. A communication with a lot of feedback allows for an accurate understanding of customer needs, and a good analysis of the price that the consumer will bear for the value of the product. It also reduces the cost of sales made by direct or indirect channels of companies.
Social media marketing is an important part of internet marketing. Companies bring their corporate identity to the forefront, strengthen their brand image or increase their sales by means of social media channels which are used frequently today. In addition to traditional marketing communication efforts, companies that also use social media marketing can reach consumers through the same social media channels at the same time. However, the coordination and consistency that must be provided between other communication efforts and marketing mix elements must also be provided between social media channels.
On this project social media marketing is investigated as the main topic. The project contains four parts which starting with information about marketing communication definition, planning and objectives.
Marketing communication tools are defined and catogorized one by one on the second part. On third part social media is mentioned as definition. And it is continued with social media marketing explanation with the implementation areas.
On the last part of this project it is studied that where Nokia is placed on social media. Firstly information of the company is provided and then, the companies accounts are investigated on social media platforms where company is mostly active.
Communication is a process of establishing commonness. The word of communication is derived from Latin word communis, which means common. It can also be defined as the process of transmission of thoughts between users or between organization and users. Wilbur Schram also defined it as “the process of establishing a Commonness or oneness of thought between a sender ans a receiver.”
Communication is a process of connecting a source and receiver. This process has three important components like message, source and destination. Rosenberg analysed it deeply and defined communication process with six basic elements. Below schema shows these elements as on the directions;
Figure 1 1 Communication Process
At the end of the nineteenth century the first apperence of ‘marketing’ idea is seen in the economics literature. In 1929 in the scientific management of Frederick Winslow Taylor it was developed as ‘merchandising and selling’.
In the American Association of Marketing and Advertising Professors provided an official definition in 1931 as:
all the business activities implicated in the flow of goods and service from producer to consumer, with the sole exception of activities that imply a change of form.
As the basic task of marketing is to identify the customer needs and meet them in most profitable manner. It is the way of companies to increase customer attention and interest with developing, pricing, promoting and distributing their products.
In 2004, the AMA announced a new definition of marketing:
Marketing is an organizational function and a set of processes for creating, communicating and delivering value to customers and for managing customer relationships in ways that benefit the organization and its stakeholders.
Marketing communications refers to the messages and related media used to communicate with a market. It can be defining as a process that sending messages from marketer to targeted receivers (market audience). It is important that the message is received as planned, accepted as intented and understood correctly. Marketing communication is, per literature review, defined as;
the management process through which the organization participates with various audiences
(Fill, C., 2005, p. 7)
the process of communication in marketing, which purpose is to create a favourable preference for brand, product, service or person
(Semenik, R. J., 2002, p. 7)
an effective process to provide information about products or ideas to the target audience
(Burnett, J. & Moriarty, S., 1998, p. 3)
Per schema 1, the elements can be defined as below on marketing communication;
The source is sender who sends the message.
An organisation can be considered as a sender. It is important that the sender (organisation) should have a direct target that want to be communicated and a correct purpose how it will reach the target. Signs are used on encoding process to send the message. These signs can be a word or sencentes, sounds or animation. The channel is the interface of sending the message to the target audience. It can be television, magazine, radio channel or a newspaper. Decoding is how the recivers accept and understand the signs and enterpret the sending message. Responses are how the receivers behave to the message. Receiver reacts and behaviour (responses) directly affect to the purchase. Feedback is the link from response to sender. It can be measured with performance measurement. The elements to measure the benefits may be sales record, purchase ratio and marketing research.
The importance of planning could not be ignored on all process It helps management to analyze risks and the results of any action before taking desisions related with it. Companies always desire to have competitive advantage and profit during the marketing process. To achieve that communication process needs to be analized and planned in a well designed and in a manner that can be controlled on needed points. If the marketing communications are planned piecemeal, inordinate manner, even the predictable errors would cause big risks which effects directly time, progress and budget as well. Clearly defined time, expertise and human sources, carefully planned investments would help to minimized financial sources that brings profitability. Besides these benefits, if the communication strategy is determined incorrect, it can be interfered earlier during the planning process. This is an important benefit since it would prevent critical damages and losses.
Using lesson learnt from previous plans could be counted as remarkable benefit. Previous mistakes and successes are considered duri
ng the marketing communication plan which raising awareness of similar situations like failures or achievements. To do this,
The results of previus plans as successes, faults and deficiencies are needed to be evaluated objectively and methodically.
Marketing communication planning models are likely based on analysing situation, identifying objectives, developing and enhancing strategy, budgeting and controlling. Each model has its own effeciency and deficiency. In 1997, Cooper finds cyclical nature of planning and point out creativity importance. But as deficiency this method has not link with other communication planning methods through aggregation and coordination.
In 2002, Fill demonstrates that each segments are considered part by part but coordinated as whole plan. These key parts are highlighted as following;
• Context analysis
• Marketing objectives and positioning
• Marketing communications strategy
• Development of the promotional mix
• Implemetation
• Evaluating and monitoring performance
Besides in 1999 Kitchen mentions that it leads to see customer as target instead of partners and this sometimes may cause control loose. The important steps of success marketing communication plan are defining the target market needs, analysing the related market and identifing objectives of the market. Well-determined marketing methods and the communication media will take a role in benefit of plan in short and long period.
During the marketing communication planning process internal and external communications and their coordination is important as well. It helps to build a good team work and focus which brings efficient progress.
Below figüre shows the improtant elements for a model of marketing communication model:
Figure 1 2 Marketing Communication Model
Situation analysis is the initial step for a marketing communication plan to understand the current situation, to decide the position and to plan the components of the plan structure. The attention needs to be paid to decide the organization’s stakeholders to communicate. It is important to understand the whole organization with organization shema, group’s behaviors and opinions about the organization, budget behavior of organization, the brand, product and the culture, attitude and feedbacks about previous events, media choise. On the other hand, external environment requires to be researched. These can be competitor operations, suppliers’ actions, the innovations and social trends on marketing communications, legal changes and rights about the market. Even if it is initial step research and capturing information should be ongoing on each parts of marketing communication plan.
Objective setting needs to be followed organizational structure has been understood, related information has been gathered about the external environment. Objectives need to be concerned to answer the question of what will be reached by the communication. Objectives should be determined accomplishable, should show a specific target items for market share or outcome rates. As example objectives for an organisation, may include market share and position, awareness and loyalty.
Well-defined objectives can be got changed into special actions and operations for the organisation. They define direction and purpose to the marketing communication planning strategy. They can help determine and implement organisation’s priorities. They can give greater value to the responsibility and control of the marketing payments outline letting the organization to evaluate operations and return on investment.
Marketing objectives are targeted of marketing operations based around overall view ends, purposes. As said-about earlier, there are often wider points to be considered which act on the good outcome of operations including political issues, and in many examples, the financial position of the organization and its power to put down in writing resources to marketing designs and operations are related to wider market supply and demand balance. However, it should be known that failed marketing strategies bring major negative results and effects on organizations’s performance.
Unclear defined stataments cause poor objectives for an organization. Poor objectives do not have connections with customer values for different cultures. Organization is not aware of customers or stakeholders’perception for related product or organization and could not understand the current and future market environment situation clearly because of these poor objectives.
Targeting is the next stage on marketing communication planning. Target group should be defined clearly. It can be decided on objective setting stage or as following stage. Targeting is a critical part of a successful marketing communications plan since it affects overall marketing strategy. Target group cannot be defined a group. There may be different groups to reach marketing strategy so each group should be decided carfully. Also, the current group will not be enough for success. The previous or future group should also be considerd during the targeting decisiton.
Positioning and message strategies are the next important stage. Positioning designates the perception on audience mind of an organization about its product, brand, actions or services. The investigation results with gathered information on situation analysis will help to develop positioning on this stage. It is important that to plan positioning as desired for different target groups. Even if they will be specific for different audience they need to be fit in organization image, overall strategy and objectives. Positioning strategy would help to develop message strategy. Same as positioning strategy planning, message statements need to be adapted differently for each target group but the overall message of the organization should be kept the same.
Method and media strategies refer to the decision of communication methods and the media which marketer use. Communication methods have many choises so the decision is important for an organization. Emotional or retional attraction, one to one or one to many communication, imagery based or information based are some types of communication methods. Approriate media choice and the well-decided methods combination lead successful strategy plan. Organisatios need to be more creative and innovative on this stage with the help of the modern-day resources because of concious consumers and competitive market.
Communication budget is planned ideally after objective setting, media and methods are decided. It is an important stage since if it is not planned clearly and realistic the planning process will be stuck on implementation stage. During budget setting if the resources would not compensate the needs of the plan the previous stages needs to be reviewed from objective settings.
Implementation is defined (Smith et al., 1997) with the 3M; men, money and minutes. This explains the importance of roles and responsilities, time planning and the budget setting. Implementation takes a significant role on marketing communication planning. Well-planned strategies may fail because of wrong implementation.
Measurement, evaluation and control are the last stage of a marketing communication plan. It is important that to measure desired aspects during the marketing planning process, after the implementation and when the results are obtained. These measurements need to be evaluated with taking reference the prespecified statements. Evaluation is needed not to have gab in the communication process as a two-way communication. Evaluation results are taken as data for control stage. Controlling is be
ing performed on two points of views. First one is to be sure if the plan is imp
lemented as designed, second one if the well-implemented plan gives results as expected and intented. Effectiveness is the most important result on controlling stage. The results on controlling stage are used as reference for the future marketing communication planning in an organization.
In marketing communication, there are many tools to produce awareness, to spread planned image and to support the trading for money attempt with respect to communication strategy. While there are great number of marketing communication tools, there are also great number of mixes for these tools. Based on marketing communication objectives, marketing communication tools are used to make stronger marketing messase and support sales cycle.
2.1. Sales and Sales Management
In the innovation literature, it was emphasized that a successful innovation should be requires clear marketing focus and better understanding the needs of the customers. Both marketing and sales are knowledgeable about customers and can contribute to the customer-focused innovation process. The studies confirm that salespeople contribute to the initial stages of innovation by representing the voice of the customer. Other researchers focus on the other side of the innovation process and show that salespeople contribute to the success of new products by introducing them to customers (Atuahene-Gima, 1997; Kauppila et al., 2010). For this reason, it can be say that sales play a key role on both sides of the innovation process.
According to LaForge in 2009, Sales can only perform strategic marketing activities when they have the skills to manage customer relationships and deliver superior customer value. Salespeople must become “customer-value agents” and change their professional identities from communication value to actively create common value with customers (Piercy & Rich, 2009).
Sales management is the coordination of people and resources in order to produce desired success in effective way. These long-term goals can be broad, but they usually increase sales volume, contribute to profits and grow steadily. To achieve these goals, sales managers have a wide range of responsibilities, including, but not limited to, demand / sales forecasts, quotation / goal setting, budgeting, organization, recruitment, training, compensation and evaluation of sales performance. At the end of the day, the most important role of sales management is not to manage sales but to manage sales people.
2.2. Advertising
Advertising can be counted as one of promotional marketing communication tools. Frequently advertising is wrongly understood that it contains and represent all promotional operation while in real it is a communication choice. It is needed that it should be clearly understandable as much as. Advertisement that are purposely designed to look like being open to public observation, for example, are needed to keep statements giving credit that they are advertising. Also, adversiting and sales pormotions are needed to distinguish on occasion. Even if they are working well got mixed together and effective as integrated distinctions are still needed at the same time.
The increased and full of changes on advertising today are making less troubling that question for which decision is hard. For some events advertising is the in the middle of focus where other connections touching points are used to support those advertising messages. It can be exampled that where, advertisements are in a consumer-focused communication plan designed to give an event message and direct ticket buyers to website addresses and where ticket sales are offered through competitors through commercial partners and through advertisements. On the other hand, advertising can be used as a support method in business-to-business plans where commercial advertising is structured to support recruitment of sponsors and direct marketing ways such as personal follow-up calls are made. The purpose of advertising implemetation, a valuable part of a marketing communication approach, is an open advertising that can be used to reach both consumer and business markets.
Pickton and Broderick (2001) bring forward that the main benefits of advertising are increasingly selective, reaching mass as target mass and achieving this with lower costs. For this reason, they point out that reaching the right mass is both effective and useful. They also argue that it is useful in brand maintenance and controversial brand development and that brand awareness will increase. Shimp (1997) also acknowledges that advertising is crucial for the defense of existing brands while advocating for new brands to be marketed and successful for success. Getz (1997) believes that advertising will create awareness of an activity and that existing awareness will increase and this will increase the demand. Pickton and Broderick (2001) emphasize that advertising is perverse and perceived by many users as strong in sales, while advertising does not generally acknowledge that customers are effective in encouraging such actions. This perception seems to be the case in the event industry, which is widely used as a cheaper option for the submission of the event content and sales information of class-specific advertising.
2.3. Sales Promotion
As a communication tool, the sales promotion has a supplementary position in the marketing communication and offers many activities that can be used with other forms of communication. Boone and Kurtz (2002) define this as a series of marketing activities that perform the same role, not personal sales, advertising, or publicity; to increase the efficiency of consumer purchasing and distribution. In this manner, sales promotion can be an external activity with end users and mediators; at the same time an entity may have an internal activity with its own sales team (Smith and Taylor, 2004).
Shimp (1997) discloses sales promotional activities as communications that support purchase or other operations by changing comprehend value or price strategy of product sale. Pickton and Broderick (2001) support this and impress on that a significant part of the sales promotion has the role of motivating non-promoting non-purchasing behaviors, although it may drive to money off, free bonuses. In one sense, Shimp (1997) argues that sales promotions that cause prise and value change, are the only action to make temporary changes, but Laspadakis (1999) supports that they are not necessarily in the short run. Although it can happen in a short time, it does not mean that it is a short-term impact of the effects. The sales promotion accordingly has a communication role to play in improving the long-term interests of a brand. These events may also occur in the industry. For example, Getz (1997) suggests that sales promotions aim to add value to a purchase or participation, and thus may encourage first or repeated event visits. For this reason, a one-time promotion to participate in an event can make participation more attractive and, with a satisfying experience, can develop experience, branding and re-engagement.
2.4. Direct Marketing
Direct marketing supports personalized communication and provide direct response methods to build successful relationship based marketing strategies. Any communication tool can be used to p
romote a direct response, but direct marketing is different than targeting establishable people. When cust
omer contacts are monitored through a direct marketing database, organizations are better equipped to see customers as individuals and recognize them as new hopes, to recapitulate or present to loyal customers. Hence there is a natural harmony between direct marketing and relationship marketing (Tapp, 2000). In fact, although the total marketing effort has been successful in increasing sales and funding, the extensive and uniqueness of this driver’s increasing direct marketing techniques in season ticket subscriptions is increasing (Arnold and Tapp, 2003).
Direct marketing communication can be defined as any communication that is personally received and provides an individualized response. For this reason, there are many media options that can be used to deliver a direct marketing message such as direct mail, e-mail, SMS, personal selling, brochure submission, telemarketing. However, direct marketing is simply a means beyond a delivery as a strategic communication tool. This allows customers to be acquired and retained through the collection, analysis and use of individual customer information. Therefore, the customer database is located at the center of any successful direct marketing campaign and the use of direct response and personal contact provides the feedback to increase the depth of the information contained in the database. For this reason, from the client’s point of view, direct marketing can self-identify and improve effectiveness and be refined so much when used. The main and common used examples for direct marketing can be listed as direct mail, e-mail, telesales, personel sales, mobile marketing.
2.5. Public Relations and Publicity
Public Relation is defined by Black (1993) is planned to create good intentions and mutual understanding between an organization and its publics. Jefkins and Yadin (1998) found it appropriate to create understanding through knowledge. Therefore, PR can be described as a two-way process.
Organizations can give information, but it is also necessary to get a response for PR to get success. Parties, people or groups are directly influenced an organization’s performance. Thus, organisations should be aware of all parts under the auspices of them. These are the stakeholders of the event and can be called target groups, which can be defined as priority targets. Communication with each of these publics should be carefully adapted to affect a change in the public opinion. A traditional goal is to change perceptions from the poor to the good, and from good to good at the same time. For instance, even when perception is well accepted, it must be continuous and possibly improved. However, since the perception of this is personally derived, it is difficult to determine exactly what a more favorable conception is. It is necessary to see certain situations in a positive way, for example, situations related to human suffering. Therefore, a more reliable role for PR is to influence changes in opinion through dissemination of information to better understand the information (Jefkins and Yadin, 1998). Another common aspect of the field of public relations is concerned only with press relations. PR also can be defined as an enterprise, financial, marketing, community and internal activity. The primary role for the event PR is to change the ideas of these different parties and the organization that affect the success.
Public relation focuses on reputation, and therefore external perception. It does not care how an organization perceives itself, but it concerns about how the target groups perceive it. For this reason, an organization should emphasize why PR is a two-sided process by determining the perception of change in opinion. It must be part of an integrated strategy for communication that has widespread and consistent themes in every form of communication. In this sense, PR can be supported and supported through advertising, direct marketing, sales promotions, and personal sales (Pickton and Broderick, 2001; Yeshin, 1998; Fill, 2002).
As most of them are established, this is not always an easy process in practice, as Clow and Baack (2004) think there are separate PR and marketing departments, because their PR role is only interested in out of marketing communication. This is not a problem for many small organization organizations. For instance, it is common for the same people to play more than one role, but this does not necessarily mean that marketing communication is being well implemented. PR has two important roles. One of is it promotes marketing activities as promotions, and in fact the event is an important promotional tool for marketing mix and marketing makes it easier to create (Jobber, 1998).
On the other hand, non-promotional information is also an instrument for spreading mass media (Jefkins and Yadin, 1998). PR for events has a much broader role in supporting marketing pressures. All these organizations, which are considered to be an important factor in the successful implementation of the event, extend to managing communication with groups and individuals (Yeshin, 1998; Pickton and Broderick, 2001; Fill, 2002). Piercy (2000) refers to Public Relations (PR) as the creation and subsequent care of images related to different publics. These may include communication with local pressure groups, community leaders, financial institutions, and providing information or feedback on activity participants.
2.6. Sponsorship
The development of sponsorship programs is a way to manage events more effectively. For example, sponsors who achieve their goals are more likely to renew their relationship with an activity, and renewal is a cheaper option than replacing it. A strategic approach based on targeted recruitment is also a way to manage events more effectively. Finding right and appropriate sponsorship is very important to ve effective in marketing communication. There are sponsors take advantages of event communication. So, it can be noted that sponsorship ‘fit’ is primarily concerned with reciprocal target markets. At the same time, there is also the capacity of a sponsor to participate comfortably in the same sponsorship program as the others. At the end, it is concerned with the ongoing development of a relationship and an activity and a foundation that provides a mutual benefit to the sponsor. It seems that a targeting process involving research to identify potential sponsors requires the development of event rights that meet needs and the tailoring of tailored relationships and reorganization for advanced relationships and adaptation to ongoing evaluation allowing feedback.
The process does not stop the signing of a suitable sponsor. The development of this relationship is important, so that the increased expectations of both sides can be met. This is supported with using sponsorship rights. When a sponsor uses their rights with integrated marketing communications, it provides a level of communication that not only complements but also complements or exceeds the messages that the event plans and budget for itself. The resulting mutual benefit is a sponsor that succeeds in better fulfilling the sponsorship needs and an event that provides a more effective and effective communication experience.
2.7. Exhibition
Exhibition is one of the most effective marketing tool to market products and services. They offer maximum opportunities in a single place for a limited time. The exhibitions produce a large number of opportunities and offer a wide variety of new impressions and inspirations. Moreover, an industry facilitates change and collaboration that leads to visions and projects that can provide a new turn.
The exhibition brings people together so that participants interview face to face and can exchange ideas
. They have find area to share their experiences and
emotions that develops personal relationships. This builds trust among business partners. Live communication also feeds a sense of community within an industry. The exhibitions make it possible to offer a special product presentation: the opportunity to touch, feels, test and play with new items gives a very emotional and different approach. Emotional staging of innovations triggers excitement and can significantly affect the success of a product placement.
The exhibitions serve the widest range of business development functions and are a particularly cost-effective tool. Attracting new customers helps to increase the image, profile and popularity of a company or product, analyze competitive position and increase competitiveness. They can also be market research tools, helping to test products on the market, reach new markets and increase turnover. That is perfect platform for communication, finding new partners or finding staff.
2.8. Packaging
Packaging is a critical tool in marketing communication is often underestimated by companies. Packaging has two functions that protecting and maintaining the product; and being an interface to sell the product to the consumers. The product brand associated with the packaging also represents the company distributing the product. Good packaging requires research on the external environment, including target markets, the retail environment, social and technological developments. Consumers buy the image and value of it. Large packaging suppliers are following the consumer trends and technological developments, aware that packaging is the “silent sales force”.
Packaging is more than a functional coating. Packaging plays an important role in the relationship between producer and consumer. In addition to packing, preserving and protecting, it also gives messages to the consumers about the innovative and sustainable character of the company. In marketing and business activities, packaging can be used much more effectively for securing sustainability gains and for information on sustainability and social responsibility behavior.
Packaging brings the products to the hands of consumers. It is tangible and can be handled. The interaction with the packaging usually effects the purchase decision. Well-made products strengthen brand value in consumers’ minds. Makes the brand more attractive than all other competitors; It is a critical factor when there are not many differences between products. Thus, it raises the value of the product.
2.9. Merchandising
In the words, merchandising means that products are offered for sale and are displayed to show customers interest to make a purchase. When customer comes to a product stand, marketing your business and marketing your products is not over. When goods are exhibited properly, creatively and attractively, sales will increase and customers will have positive ideas to bring them back. Investigations by International Purchase Advertising found that 75% of purchasing decisions were made in the store. This is an indication of how Merchantising is improtant as a marketing tool.
Stores that had better exterior and area encourage customers to walk in and look around. The design should cover their eyes and encourage them to check the merchandize. In-store imagery can show previous or ongoing campaigns on TV, either printed or online. When a customer sees something familiar, they have instant recall and promotion activity and product features and benefits. Store communication helps customers to get more information about the various features of the product, like how it is used, and existing offers if available. Indicators can encourage a customer to enter a store and certain products. They help to influence purchasing decisions. Internal and external appearance can distinguish a store or product from its competitor’s product. A study conducted by the US Department of Energy has found that sales are higher when consumers have the option to buy the product correctly at the point of advertising. [1]
Point of purchase plays a very important role in sales that has been mentioned on Harvard Business Review, the impulse of purchasing behavior is significantly increases on point of purchase (POP). [2] The growing prevalence of POP led to significant research around the design, and it showed how a company affected brand image and how it affected sales. Color, form, font and shapes play an essential role and should be considered carefully.
Color helps to attract attention and at the same time creates a general impression. Research shows people reacting to different colors in specific ways. For example, colors like red may attract attention, but when mixed with yellow-green tones, they trigger a feeling of happiness. There are other aspects of screen design that play an important role. For example, increase focus on an element that surrounds gaps, or bright backgrounds can cause an item to appear larger than it actually is.
2.10. E-Marketing
E-marketing communication has been categorized as traditional communication methods. The Internet offers different tools for mass advertising. For example, e-mail, direct marketing, exponential growth in the use of electronic tools offers cheaper methods, and the media and increased sophistication guarantee the need for a separate and specific discussion.
The ability of the electronic media to interact and precisely target is a relatively low cost that causes it to grow against the traditional media. However, when e-communications devices are used in addition to conventional methods for providing additional contact points, a coherent enhanced message will be obtained and the greatest benefit will emerge. The value of each tool is used in this way to create greater synergy and efficiency.
An event organization’s website can offer many functions for many different target groups. It can be a source of information for employees, investors, sponsors and researchers as well as current and future customers. The website can communicate about the organization and product offerings in an interactive way that allows the Internet user to select the type of information they want to access and, if necessary, to create a dialogue between the organization and the user. The simplest counterpart on the website can be an online version of the brochures.
2.11. Corporate Identity
Corporate identity defines the right entity of a brand or company, in other words corporate identity is the definition of a brand. Just as each citizen’s identity card has its own identity, which similarly identifies each brand from other local and imported brands. In 1995 Balmer defined corporate identity as a reflection of what the company is. In 1998 Gray and Balmer have formed the definition as unique characteristics of an organisation.
On the other hand Fill (1998) defines corporate identity as kind of clues that stakeholders can iidentify the organization. And Ind states that the corporate identity is formed by company’s history, beliefs and philosophy, ownership, people, leaders’ personalities, ethical and cultural values and strategies. In recent times the description “the essence of the company and its unique qualities: philosophy, values, history, strategy, business, and communication” (Berrone et al., 2007, 37, cf Bendixen and Abratt 2007, 70). A strong corporate identity enable these companies to benefit from corporate identity, to build better relationships with investors and the media, to improve ways of communicating better with employees, to effectively manage government affairs (Argenti, 1998). A clear and skillfully communicated corporate identity helps to
gain trust existing and potential customers, and it is the basis for
significantly increasing your market share.
The “social” part refers to the interaction of people with sharing informating to people or area they prefer and get information from people and area they prefer. The “media” part refers to a tool of communication. It can be tv, magazines, radio, internet and more with the new technologies.
Social media is a phenomenon aimed at producing content, sharing information, enhancing interaction and awareness on the Web by means of different communication channels in the direction of commercial and individual purposes. Social media allows people to easily share and reach masses over the Internet without having to learn any code structure and software. Social media can be defined a web-based communication tools that allow people to communication each other by sharing data, video, photos and getting the same as well.
In our time, social media takes an important place in people’s lifestyle from communication; electronic sends post, education or marketing in almost every business. Social networking is playing a full of force part in making great change groups of people’s way of living. Social media help people can easily make connection with each other with its tools. Since their coming out, the social networking areas like Facebook and Twitter have become key instruments for taking or spreading news, and newspapers writers and their organizations actions. People regularly visit these sites in a daily basis. In literature review social media has been deifned as:
Social media are technologies that facilitate social interaction, make possible
collaboration, and enable deliberation across stakeholders”
(Bryer and Zavatarro, 2011)
Today blogs, wikis, live casting tools, media for audio, photo and video sharing tools and social network platforms are included to these technologies.
Social media can be defined as easily and widely accessible electronic tool, which is transparent and interactive form public relation. It is started with the revolution of Web. Broadcasting media was not able to be ased by personal/prival subscriber to share/broadcast their opinion, thoughts or information. Figure 3.1 shows that how people could communicate and reach strangers before the social media invention.