Managing change in organization

Change is the law of nature. Those who change, survive; those who don’t perish. Change in some way is the necessary aspect of human life. One of the few things of real permanence is change.

ISO 9001:20008-Quality management system

This chapter describe about the ISO in general. It also describes about the requirement of ISO 9001:2008 in quality management system that related to preparing of tender document. It then explains the important of being accredited with the ISO 9001:2008 certification.

Information and knowledge management policy in CellTech

Developing an information and knowledge management policy working document for CellTech. Knowledge management policy is important for the organisation to reach their desire goal. There are large numbers of knowledge management policy available in the market with different framework, but choosing best framework that suits Organisation.

Management fashion

Organizations today operate in an environment characterized by hypercompetition (D’ Aveni, 1995). While organizations strive to survive the challenges of the niche market they operate, different environmental factors came into surface and have changed the way organizations perform their tasks.

Hospitality industry distributions

Hospitality industry usually uses different channels for the distributions including distribution through other properties through their own chain, joining hands with well organised marketing consultant, using third party for outsourcing on their behalf.