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Essay: Hershey Sustainability Case Study – Shared Goodness

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1.) Messaging:

Hershey’s overall message or theme in their 2017 corporate social responsibility report was to share goodness.  This was Hershey’s sixth corporate social responsibility report, where they are trying to build on the company’s legacy of doing good through this major message of sharing goodness in all ways.  Hershey’s has always been a purpose driven company even dating back to its beginning in the 1890s. Now, Hershey looks to continue to bring purpose, joy, and responsibility to the world and build on their founder Milton Hershey’s mission through their shared goodness promise. This shared goodness mission can be broken up into four key parts: shared futures, shared business, shared planet, and shared communities.

The first key part of the promise is the shared futures. Hershey’s is committed to helping children become successful across the world. Hershey’s also strives to improve nutrition for children across the world.  Milton S. Hershey once said “it isn’t what you leave your children, but how you leave them.” Their goal for this section is to nourish one million minds by 2020. The second key part of the promise is the shared business aspect.  Hershey’s is focused on sustainable sourcing their goods and products, being transparent, as well as having purpose driven brands and partnerships. Hershey’s goal is to grow as a company through purpose and sustainable and transparent practices.  The third key part of the promise is the shared planet aspect.  Hershey’s is striving to reduce their environmental impact by reducing their greenhouse gas emissions, waste, packaging, and water use.  Hershey’s is also addressing the climate change that is going on in the world, especially in their cocoa communities.  The final key part of the promise is the shared communities aspect.  Hershey’s plans on doing this by investing in the areas where they live and work.  Hershey’s also wants employees be engaged in the communities, and for the company as a whole to volunteer.

Overall, the Hershey Company’s corporate social responsibility report is very good.  There is a clear mission that can be seen on the first page, that is broken up into a four pronged approach.  The report is very thorough, and gives good data to back their goals.  Hershey’s CSR report also does a good job of making the report very colorful and entertaining to the reader by mixing in pictures, and infographics about what the company is doing.  The report also does a good job of saying some of the problems the Hershey Company faces today throughout the world, and also how the company plans to grow as a whole in the future through sustainable and responsible practices.

2.) Content Analysis:

The actual content and structure of the report is very thorough and entertaining for the reader.  The first and second page of the report are a title page which clearly states Hershey’s mission and a page on their shared goodness promise which is the main part of the report. The next page is a table of contents that clearly details each part of the report.  The first section from pages four to ten gives a background on Hershey, what Hershey is proud of, challenges Hershey faces, a discussion with CEO Michele Buck, and how they share goodness across their value chain, and finally their promise. The next four parts are about each key part of the promise: shared futures, shared business, shared planet, and shared communities.  The final part of the report talks about the remarkable within Hershey, and they finish it with a review of what they covered.  The report was very clear and easy to go through.

I believe Hershey is doing a good job of fulfilling their promise so far.  Hershey’s shared futures part is happening through Hershey providing their snack Vivi to children of West Africa.  This has helped over 50,000 children in West Africa get a nutritious snack that helps them focus in school (page 12).  Hershey is also helping in India where they are supplying a midday meal for the kids with their partnership with Annamrita.  Through this partnership, Hershey has provided over 7,000 people in Maharashtra with fuel (page 12).  Hershey also still has the Milton Hershey School which has over 2,000 students.  These are only a few of the many examples of Hershey’s success in helping the future generations learn and grow.

Hershey’s shared business component has been successful so far through labeling all products except Krave and multi-product assortments with SmartLabels.  Hershey has also supported 54,000 farmers through their Learn to Grow programs (page 22).  Hershey has also partnered with the “Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and World Cocoa Foundation” (Page 22). This partnership allows Hershey to improve cocoa farmer’s food security.  Hershey’s shared planet component has also been successful so far through cutting their greenhouse gas emissions by 2.7% (Page 39).  Hershey has also reduced their packaging waste by 19 million pounds, and helped plant over 130,000 trees in Kentucky, Florida, and Virginia.

For the final key component, shared communities, Hershey has been successful so far through donating over $11 million in cash and over $8 million in products (page 44).  The Hershey Company employees have also volunteered over 130,000 hours.  Finally, Hershey’s has helped raise $1.8 million through their Season of Giving campaign (Page 44).

In terms of the structure and style of Hershey’s CSR report, it is very creative and entertaining. Hershey’s uses different sections to help navigate through their four pronged promise of sharing goodness.  These sections have many photos and informative graphics that help show their success, and their goals going forward.  Throughout the report, Hershey tells many stories of their company partnerships and successes in sharing the goodness over the years.  Hershey’s also does a good job of recognizing some of the great partners and people that have helped and continue to help along the journey.

3.) Sustainability Guidelines:

Hershey’s Corporate Sustainability report has followed the GRI standards. “In 2016, we used the GRI Reporting Principles to conduct a comprehensive review of the environmental, social, governance and economic topics that are most relevant to both us and our stakeholders. This work gave us a list of issues that we could analyze” ( Page 59).  Some of the GRI standards that Hershey’s touches on and strives/work for include ingredients and transparency, supply chain sourcing, food safety, labor conditions and standards, employee engagement, waste, packaging, corporate philanthropy, and many more.  Even though Hershey does not also state that it follows SASB standards, I believe that Hershey also touches upon some of those such as material sourcing and efficiency, waste management, employee health and safety, and business ethics.

4.) External Validation:

Hershey does not really do external assurance by other firms.  They have not gotten their report verified by other firms, but may work towards that in the future. Hershey’s has received many rewards for being one of the best places to work, one of the most powerful brands, one of the most green companies, and one of the most diverse companies from organizations such as Forbes, Newsweek, Dow Jones, DiversityINC, etc.

5.) Recommendations:

I believe one area in which Hershey could do a better job is promoting and leading a health initiative.  Even though most of Hershey’s products are not necessarily healthy, Hershey could still do a better job of fighting against obesity and promoting moderation and healthy habits.  Through promoting healthy habits and exercise throughout the day, Hershey can help the United States cut down on obesity and grow their brand awareness as a whole. This will also lead to a ton of good publicity and Hershey continuing to share their promise to share the goodness.


Hershey’s CSR Report 2017


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Essay Sauce, Hershey Sustainability Case Study – Shared Goodness. Available from:<https://www.essaysauce.com/management-essays/2018-12-10-1544418067/> [Accessed 08-07-24].

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