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Essay: Management and leadership – similarities and differences

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Management and Leadership

Task 1:  [AC 1.1, 2.1]

Leadership and Management are on the same boat,  they are the anchor of the business , they are the two main vital personalities that running a business. As we already said they are on the same boat but they do not have the same duties and the same task.

What they have in common ?  There main aim is to driving the organisation to develop and succeed so they both have their main aim to make they company bigger .

There are  differences between leadership and management  ; as the dictionary give us the mining of these two word .

 Leadership is an action, a person influences others to accomplish an objective and directs the organisation in a way that makes it more cohesive and coherent. If you have the desire and willpower, you can become an effective leader. Good leaders are developing through a never ending process of self-study, education, training and experience. While leadership is learned, the skills and knowledge possess by the leaders can be influenced by his or hers attributes or traits such as beliefs, values, ethics and characters.

Leadership is focused on long-term goals because the decisions of leaders affect the future of business relationships and the whole organization. Leaders are aimed at bringing vision in order to motivate employees toward the set goals (Raducan & Raducan, 2014).  In addition, leadership can be explained as a synthesis, which is based on the outcomes of the previous analysis. Leaders have followers as the major goal of leaders is to lead others. Leadership means setting up new goals in order to improve organizational performance. Leadership principles are based on finding the proper strategies to inspire others (Hughes et al., 2009; Rost, 2011). Additionally, leaders prefer to build teams in order to apply their skills and experience encouraging collaboration (Moyles, 2006). Leaders can be characterized as heroes because they have the traits of personality that make them leaders, including adaptability, creativity, self-confidence, integrity and emotional control.

Managers are important group involved in business activity. We normally believe that managers are responsible for 'getting things done' usually through other people. When job roles are giving to us, our respective line managers normally help us in achieving this either through supervision or working together with us. The term manager may refer to a number of different people within a business. Some job titles include the word manager, such as personal manager. Other job holders may also be managers even though their titles do not say it. Managers act on behalf of the owners of a company which is leader. They are accountable for the activities of the company either to the director or shareholders, set objectives for the organisation; make sure the business achieves its objectives, by managing others and ensure that corporate values are maintained in dealing with other business, customers, employees and the general public. It is the act of getting people together to accomplish desired goals and objectives using available resources efficiently and effectively

            Management is based on short-term goals because managers are involved in making decisions regarding everyday activities, supervising subordinates and measuring performance. Moreover, management can be interpreted as an analysis which involves the procedures aimed at breaking something into parts. Managers have subordinates as their major goal is to manage work. Management means providing effective control over the group in order to organize the group’s performance toward the set based on the established values and principles (Raducan & Raducan, 2014).  Management principles are based on certain behavioral aspects that may be changed due to the changes in business environment and organizational culture (Rost, 2011).  Besides, the above mentioned facts, managers are aimed at inspiring staff member to perform their duties in a proper way, based on the established organizational goals (Moyles, 2006). The personality traits of a manager include openness, extraversion, conscientiousness and agreeableness.

            In conclusion, it is necessary to say that leadership and management are two important terms that have been widely discussed in the world of business. Leadership and management are interchangeable because their characteristics are interdependent. At the same time, they are not the same. Leadership differs from management in the following characteristics: personalities, focus, outcome, approach to tasks/objective, risk association, role in decision making and style and type of organization. In general, there are four major differences between the activities of leaders and managers. Leaders are focused on giving direction, offering inspiration, building teamwork, setting an example and gaining acceptance. Managers are focused on planning, organizing, coordinating and controlling practices. Leaders have followers and managers have subordinates.

Leadership an management have different approaches that has been used in based on environment ( timing-situation of the business)own preferences and employees needs.

Leadership has 7 styles  and they are:

.Lewin’s Leadership Styles (1930) with its three major styles of leadership:

  1.Autocratic leader

   2. Democratic leader

   3. Laissez-faire

.The Blake-Mouton Managerial Grid

.Path-Goal Theory

.Six Emotional Leadership Style and it is splits in six :







.Flamholtz and Randle’s Leadership Style Matrix knows as Leadership Style Matrix

.Transformational Leadership

.Specific Leadership Styles

 1.Bureaucratic Leadership

  2.Charismatic Leadership

  3.Servant Leadership

  4.Transactional Leadership

.Situational Leadership





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