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Essay: Marrybrown restaurant chain analysis

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  • Subject area(s): Management essays
  • Reading time: 4 minutes
  • Price: Free download
  • Published: 15 November 2019*
  • Last Modified: 2 September 2024
  • File format: Text
  • Words: 910 (approx)
  • Number of pages: 4 (approx)

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 “To be a national restaurant company of most admired brand – through the power of our people and our culture”.

Core values and mission

• Passion for our brand

• Food Quality and Safety

• Continuous Improvement and Innovation

• Care & Respect and Personal Accountability

• Excellence in Customer Service

• High Standards in Personnel Growth and Development through Consistent Training

• Excellence through High Q.S.C.V


Marrybrown is the 1st Malaysia Fast Food Franchise. To satisfy their customers demand, Marrybrown produce variety of food products such as Nasi Marrybrown, Crispy Chicken, Speciality Wrap, finger foods, Delicious Satay Burger, fun fries, Fish ‘n’ Chips, Mee Kari, Porridge, salads, a range beverages and desserts. Next, Marrybrown has high customer loyalty and most of their customers are Islamic consumer because Marrybrown is a halal fast food restaurant chain and they provide highest quality foods those fullfill halal standards. In Malaysia, Marrybrown has more than 130 quick-serving restaurants and Marrybrown has at least 350 international restaurants. Marrybrown is rapidly expanding globally; they want to explore their company to global market especially Asian countries because Asian country population have more than 500 million people.


Process and Capacity Design

Process Strategy

Process strategy is an organization’s approach to transform raw materials into goods and services. The objective is to establish a process which can produce products to meets customer demands within other managerial constraints and cost. The process that had been selected will give a long-term effect on the flexibility and efficiency of production, cost and quality of the goods. There are four type of process strategic which is process focus, repetitive focus, product focus and mass customization.

Marrybrown Company use repetitive focus as their process strategic. Repetitive focus (modular) is devoted to making repetitive process and modular products. It is long runs and a standardized product from modules. Modules are parts or components of a product previously prepared, usually in continuous process. The repetitive process is a classic assembly line and product-oriented production process that use modules. It has structure and thus repetitive focus is less flexibility than process-focused facility but is more efficient. Marrybrown restaurant combine meat, sauce, cheese, tomatoes and onions assemble to make up a quasi-custom product – cheeseburger that require by customers. This repetitive focus is efficient and helps Marrybrown Company increase production to meet the demand of customers.

Besides, Marrybrown’s process and capacity design is centralize on efficiency for cost-minimization which supports the company’s strategies. This strategic decision of operations management focuses on the ways to maintain process efficiency and sufficient capacity to fullfill market demand. Marrybrown use the production line method to maximize efficiency and capacity utilization.

To make sure the process design can move smoothly, Marrybrown Company use the flowchart as their tool to make sense of what will happens in the process. Flowchart is a drawing or schematic of the movement of material, product, or people. It can help analysis, understanding and communicated of a process. The below shown the way Marrybrown restaurant corporate and service their customer.

Marrybrown Process Flow Chart

Inventory Management

The objective of inventory management is to strike a balance between customer service and inventory investment. Inventory management is very important for all company because its can help firm can reduce costs by reducing inventory. Inventory can be serving several functions that add flexibility to a firm’s operations which is to provide a selection of goods for potential customer demand and to separate the firm from fluctuations in that demand. The next functions of inventory is to de couple various parts of the production process and to take advantage of quantity discounts because the more the firm buy from supplier, may helping firms reduce the cost of goods. The fourth function is to hedge against inflation and upward price change.

The strategic decision of Marrybrown is to minimize inventory costs as well as supporting restaurant operations. Marrybrown Company doesn’t directly sell raw material and ingredients to their restaurants while the local and regional intermediaries and distributors will coordinate with Marrybrown’s restaurant managers to manage their own inventory.

1.1 Type of Inventory

Marrybrown has 3 types of inventory which are raw material inventory, work-in-process (WIP) inventory and inventory and finished-goods inventory.

a) Raw material inventory

Raw material inventory usually has been purchased but have yet to enter the manufacturing process. Raw material is dividing into two subcategories, which are direct materials and indirect materials. Direct materials are the materials that incorporated into the final product while indirect materials are materials that aren’t incorporated into the final product, but used on the production process. The raw materials that Marrybrown Company used are chicken, fish, potato and etc.

b) Work-in-process (WIP) inventory

Work-in-process inventory is products or raw materials that have undergone some change but have yet to become finished products. WIP exists because of the time it takes for a produce to be made; it called cycle time. During the production of Chicken burger, Crispy Chicken, Speciality Wrap and etc, Marrybrown Company will add key raw materials which would make the burger become delicious. For example, when customer made order, the worker will combine the raw materials such as vegetable, bread, sauces, chicken and cheese. Then, this will become the finished goods.

c) Finished-goods inventory

Finished-goods inventory is an end item ready to be sold. After the customers order the food and pay in the counter, Marrybrown restaurant will transform the raw material into goods and serve for their customers.

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Essay Sauce, Marrybrown restaurant chain analysis. Available from:<https://www.essaysauce.com/management-essays/2016-5-10-1462845078/> [Accessed 07-10-24].

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