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Essay: Racism in Harper Lee’s “To Kill a Mockingbird”: Atticus Finch’s Brave Stand for Equality

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Racism, in today’s world is not as frequent as it was in the 1900’s. Racism in the 1900’s was incredibly widespread, and the majority of white Americans were racially prejudiced against the people of color. Even though racism was widespread in the 1900’s it is currently grimaced upon and not exceedingly widespread at all. People of color are nowadays not cast off in today’s world, but are accepted like any other person. Racial disparity has been a notorious predicament in associations to moral ethics for long periods of time.

There were also different problems in the 1900’s such as Discrimination and prejudice. Prejudice in this novel is expressed or presented by disgust and misinterpretation because of the difference of people skin color. People of different skin color were the majorities that were treated unjustly. Throughout this period in America, the southern states, black people had to exercise and use separate bathrooms from whites, as well as drinking fountains, section in restaurants, and even go to separate schools. Furthermore, a great deal of the discrimination was aimed towards black people; there were abundance of explanation towards poor families by individuals that have the riches. Discrimination is rampant when groups’ of people that are different are called names.

So, to begin, Racism, in the novel/story of to kill a Mockingbird, is exceptionally frequent, and it is a significant piece in the story. Racism is made known by the whites in the town called Mayacomb in opposition to the African Americans or black people. The case of Mr. Tom Robinson a black man serve as the crucial and greatly expected moment in the story. Tom Robinson is accountable and he is accused of rxxing and sexually assaulting Mayella Ewell. The Ewell family falls short of knowledge, education and money, they symbolize the lower class. Since Mayella is the eldest, she mostly becomes a mother figure for her younger siblings. Whereas Atticus Finch stands for justice and honesty, Bob Ewell stands for ignorance and racial injustice. As for Mr. Tom Robinson, we swiftly find out that he is convicted solely on by his skin color.

Once the juries of all white men came to a decision to choose if Tom Robinson is guilty or not guilty, they all cast their vote as guilty simply since Tom Robinson is a black man. The African American community in Kill a Mockingbird is described as a divided community within Mayacomb. Blacks or African Americans, I might say are believed to be below the whites. Even Bob Ewell, who is banished within his community, taking hold of himself with a common sense of control over Mr. Robinson, mainly, and all other Africans Americans. in general. Ewell’s skill to indict an innocent Tom Robinson of rxxing his daughter Mayella is probable for the reason that many of the biased people of the community deem it is possible, the allegation embody the accurate personality of their bias and fear of blacks.

The African American community is a big part of the story, even though merely on the surface a tiny fraction of Scout’s world. It lay down up an picture of servitude and low standard, in which Atticus Finch battle hard against, in order for Jem and Scout to understand that no matter what race or the color of your skin, all humans are equivalent. The African American community as a whole is an exceptionally close congregation, as it has to live the cruel action by the white community. The church represent that the community is protected. The people in this community are also incredibly religious, the church being the only one with a tower in Mayacomb.

All the elements of the community act and dress tidily and go to church and these condense the support group. Collectively they can without a sound fight the prejudice with each other. As a society the African American community they are all innocent and law abiding citizens, serving the white community, nevertheless the white community bring them down by treating them so badly. This signifies that the people, who understands and respect the African American community, deserves a great deal of respect in return, such as Atticus Finch, who the African American community stand for in appreciation for defending Tom Robinson and respect for being such a honorable man.

It is very difficult to be approached for the reason that of all the prejudice statements and racist remarks to the neighboring African Americans in the story, Atticus however laid away the distinction among white and black people and make a decision to aid a black man in court. Though the jury panel had no women or minorities, we are positive that Mayacomb County had lots of both. Fairly being assorted in sex, race, and ethnicity, the jury was single color, occupied by twelve white men. Scout explains the jury as, awkward, they appear to be all farmers, but this was usual. Scout’s explanation verifies what history informs us concerning the work of juries at that time. All white men. I think it was this shortage of diversity that averted the jury in to kill a Mockingbird from presenting Mr. Tom Robinson with his lawful right to a fair trial by an unbiased jury of community.

Harper Lee used several fictional strategies to underline the idea of racism throughout the sole visions of Scout, a 6 year old girl. In the heart of the 20th century when racial discrimination in the America was at its nastiest, the Finch family treated the black people with equality. Scout being the baby of the family, her father Atticus stood resolutely as a role model for her and her brother, Jem. However, members of the neighborhood continually ask him question on where he stands on the situation; Atticus on no account altered his viewpoint concerning the black people yet within his occupation as an attorney.

As a racially neutral attorney in the town of Mayacomb, Mr. Atticus Finch disregarded all unhelpful vibes in front of him to preserve his impartial judgment to the African American people. Likewise, Scout, being the daughter of Atticus Finch, shared the same approach of her dad. Judging an individual based on his or her morality, not the features of his or her skin, was one of Scout’s finest traits. A piece of Scout’s moral practice also unsurprisingly came from her childhood. Given that she was still a child; her knowledge weren’t completely established enough to understand why the racial prejudice was happening or how to finish it. In the end Scout recognizes and notices the way racism is, and acknowledges why her Father Atticus Finch don’t want her being a victim to what the people in Mayacomb are arguing about. The genuineness that Scout has, progressed all throughout the story; at the start of the book, Scout never understood or took into consideration why some things were said or why some things were done. Scout at all times manage to put into mind what her father Atticus had said to her to do. To open your eyes and gaze in other people’s shoes before judging them, and Scout did that.

The story of to Kill a Mockingbird is one of the most vital books in the history of American writing. The book itself did not merely replicate changing outlooks as regards into race in the United States. Most of the social change took place by the end of the 1960’s, although it was earlier in the decade there was still a huge deal of improvement being made. Martin Luther King Jr. was a figurative and iconic American civil rights advocate who was commemorated all throughout the whole world. He was a well recognized and beloved leader in the African American civil rights movement. He has been a huge symbol and a positive model of how to care for people. The year of 1963 is when MLK Jr. gave his most famous and renowned ‘I Have a Dream’ speech at the Lincoln Memorial. This famous writing and message of his shape up the effort of the African American populace, and clearly made to let the world know even America, that it was just right that African Americans be permitted to equal opportunities for happiness and accomplishment as any other American, and not be concealed and isolated due to their skin color. Martin Luther King Jr. and Atticus are exceptionally alike in actuality they both equally fight for shared and racial justice. They mutually in addition have very comparable tactics by means of non-violence as a substitute of using powerful tactics.

This life lessons that we learn and get in this story/novel is friendship, family, compassion and standing up for what we believe is right even though if the system is against us. It also gives us a past narration of the American South, containing a matter with the Jim Crow Laws and race separation. The story of to kill a mockingbird is clearly based on the true life happenings of Harper Lee, the author of the story. However, this book, it not only precisely express the environment of various cultural characteristics of the American South at the point in time, nevertheless it also explains how significant it is to never judge a book by its cover and to broaden kindness and love to our neighbors, preserving tranquility and respect in our confrontations with all people of the world no matter the gender, age and color of the skin.

There is nothing more significant in the novel/story than the ideals of racism and approval. Scout’s Father, Atticus Finch has established an entire structure throughout the idea that an individual must be required to observe and respect and have compassion on whom people are and where they come from and what they do. This includes the most unpleasant of characters such as Bob Ewell. As for others they would have forgotten about these people, Atticus Finch puts in the time to understand them and to get to know them fully. This right here is a principle that Atticus passes down onto his kids. Scouts clearly acknowledge her father’s conviction that all human beings should be accepted and be treated equally at all times.

In conclusion, it is apparent that race is the primary subject in the story of To Kill a Mockingbird. This story is influential to today’s culture; however it is a reminder of our history. Its origins at the moment of the civil rights movement, and the author’s choice to situate the story at a period when this movement was in its relatively progressing stages. Though, in spite of the main concern of racism, through the personality of Atticus and his defense of Tom Robinson a black man, it is one theme among many in the story. The treatment of racism is as a result highly understated and significant in To Kill a Mockingbird, but it is also a piece of a wider study of the society and behaviors’ of people and communities in a specific time and place. Nonetheless, it’s a reminder for future generations to be open and look at everything from a clear perspective and to get rid of racism.

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