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Essay: Lord of the Flies and Animal farm

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In the two books, Lord of the Flies, and Animal farm, many differences may be seen between the books, but as well, many comparisons. An example of this is both of the book’s character’s main goal: A Utopian society made from scratch free from a previous dominant reign that had affected them before. In Animal Farm’s case, this “Dominant Reign” was The human farmers, particularly Farmer Jones, owner of Manor Farm, soon to be Animal Farm. In Lord of The Flies, this was the Parents and other Adults that had prevented them from being free to do what they wish before. but although the Animals of animal farm had actually been planning the overthrow of Manor Farm for some time now, the stranded children in Lord of the Flies had taken this new freedom by surprise, when the plane they had taken to escape the wartime in their home country crashed into a remote island. This crash had killed any adult supervision they had, and where most of the book takes place is in fact this island, Where Unlike the Animals who got settled almost right away, the Children were multitasking with building the society as well as fighting and fending to not only Survive but thrive. Another example of comparison is the Rules in the two Societies. Both had rules that had to be enforced at all times to keep the society intact. Animal Farm had a list of rules known as “The Seven Commandments” that were carved into a post, but as the book continued, these rules were slightly altered, and some were even erased all together. Some never even changed, and stayed in effect the entire book. This list of rules was, quoted, as follows:
Rule #1: Whatever goes upon two legs is an enemy.
Rule #2: Whatever goes upon four legs, or has wings, is a friend.
Rule #3: No animal shall wear clothes.
Rule #4: No animal shall sleep in a bed.
Rule #5: No animal shall drink alcohol.
Rule #6: No animal shall kill any other animal.
Rule #7: All animals are equal.
But during a later point in the book, most of these rules were changed. Looking closely, one can note the progression into savagery as these rules change. the list of the altered rules are:
Rule #1: Whatever goes upon two legs is an enemy.
Rule #2: Whatever goes upon four legs, or has wings, is a friend.
Rule #3: No animal shall wear clothes.
Rule #4: No animal shall sleep in a bed with sheets.
Rule #5: No animal shall drink alcohol to excess.
Rule #6: No animal shall kill any other animal without cause.
Rule #7: All animals are equal. But some animals are more equal than others.
Near the end, the first six were erased completely to leave Altered Rule #7 as the one and only commandment: “All animals are equal. But some animals are more equal than others”. In Lord of the Flies, The rule system was different. The rules revolved around a Conch the main character and Chief, Ralph, found at the beginning of the book, after the boys had crashed. He and his new found friend, Piggy use the conch to call the boys around the island to one spot. The first rule is imposed here: during meetings, Nobody may talk unless hold the conch, Although this rule is ignored on several occasions, and repeatedly enforced by Piggy. Many other rules are made to ensure safety, but many of the younger children choose to ignore them anyways. But for sure, the most important rule was the rule of the Conch. However, the conch was broken near the end, and of course the conch was the only thing that broke: Piggy’s skull was smashed by the rock that had also shattered the conch shell. Another thing that had broken was the patience in the other boys. The smashing of the shell also ignited a spark that burned the boys (And the forest, literally) into savagery. One other example is the endings. as stated before in both cases, the building societies had ended up crashing down in the worst ways possible, although this differed in between the two books. After Animal Farm, many animals had been driven away, and some killed, but in the end most of the animals had returned to daily life as before Animal Farm rose. The pigs, however, blended in with the humans, spent nights with them and such, and it is stated that “The pigs and Humans couldn’t be told from one another anymore.” But otherwise gave Animal Farm a Bittersweet somewhat happy ending. Lord of the Flies, however, was far from this. in the Finale, Two people had already been brutally murdered, the forest was burning rapidly, and the other kids were on a manhunt for Ralph. More people would’ve been killed if Rescue hadn’t arrived; the smoke from the wildfire attracted a nearby ship that had come to their rescue. The other children however went from 100 to 0 real fast. Just minutes before, they were ready to kill anything that had stood in their path, and then had fell to their knees and cried so much, the Captain had to look away to avoid Second-hand embarrassment. it is unknown what happened after this scene, as it is the final paragraph in the book, but there are many theories and fan chapters stating what happened after chapter 12. One of my favorites is this: (http://tinyurl.com/LOTFc13) In conclusion, many comparisons can be found between the books Animal Farm and Lord of the Flies, as well as many differences.

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