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Essay: Angela’s Ashes chapter summary

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  • Subject area(s): Literature essays
  • Reading time: 10 minutes
  • Price: Free download
  • Published: 15 October 2019*
  • Last Modified: 29 September 2024
  • File format: Text
  • Words: 2,882 (approx)
  • Number of pages: 12 (approx)

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Frank live by his family in America. His father was  always been a alcoholic, when Angela Married with him, was her family against this. His father tell Frank always the story about Cuchulain and Frank felt him very special. His mother could be very strict. Malachy is a very cute little boy and Frank is sometimes jealous of him because all the attention go to him . Father often has a different job, and if he has found a home and money the party begins. The debts can be paid off and there is good food on the table, everyone is happy. After a few weeks he will not  see his wages. He Goes late in the nicht to the café.
The week after father loses his job. There born a twin born it is difficult to feed the children.
The children spend whole days in the playground next to the house , the baby ‘s drinking water with sugar and Frank and Malachy hungry. Occasionally they get what the shopkeeper in the neighborhood. Then comes another child , a girl Margaret . They all love her, especially father. One day she is ill and she dies. Especially mother is devastated -they remain days in bed father returns drink every day. The neighbors meanwhile care of the boys and Frank and Malachy learn how to care for their brothers. One day, the sisters of mother along and find that it can not continue . They leave their mother’s father send tickets from Ireland , and everybody flies over.

Chapter 2

In Ireland, the boys all new things. They will not be received kindly in the house of father’s father and mother, but they remain there a few days. Then they have gone. They spend the night in a shelter. Then they go to their mother’s mother. They do receive them well, but has no place for them. They can live in an apartment, pay grandmother. They get (when benefits?) 19 shillings a week, less than four dollars. Oliver is ill and father tells him Frank’s story (Cuchulain). They have no money for coal or an onion. Fortunately, the wife of the store them, and they find enough coal waste on the street (although father finds measly). Oliver still dies and mother remains back to bed. Father starts drinking again and everyone is hungry. Mother does not want to stay in the flat, with the memory of Oliver. They rent another apartment near the school where Malachy and Frank go now. At school, the masters are strict and the boys in common. Eugene died, he had long been a disease but nobody had noticed. Father learns to pray the boys (he is Catholic). Yet he continues to drink and mother wants to move again.

Chapter 3

They move to another, poorer cottage, but it has two floors. In the summer they sleep downstairs, in winter above, because of the floods. Father still drinking. At Christmas they get the head of a pig and have to pick coal to bake. Then Michael is born. Father says he was informed by an angel, and Frank really believes in them and tells Angel what bothers him. People come from the inspection, and if they see in what situation the family lives the boys get new shoes. More they can do. Father loves his job but still spends his money at home.

Chapter 4

At school the boys are prepared for the First Confession, a Catholic tradition. Anyone think it’s very important. Frank learns much Mikey Molloy, a guy from the street which is already 11. They will also be told about boys Franks class: Paddy, shaved and in rags and Quigley, who always put questions. Then Mikey Molloy told him a story Frank afraid that a very great sin is that he has listened to them. He tells the priest after he told the angel, and is relieved that his sins are forgiven. On the day of the confession Frank sick. He goes anyway, but can not join the party.

Chapter 5

A man comes to her grandmother who wants to pay for food and a place to sleep. She has a room for him a few blocks away. Frank will bring him the food for a few cents each time. Once he is so hungry he eats it. He has to do it for free and kneel every day for grandmothers Virgin. Frank has to dance with his parents. He finds nothing and used the money to go to the cinema. After a few years (Frank is 10) father still does not work. He learns Frank to pray in Latin, but there is no place for him to get help boy with the priests (what his father wants).

Chapter 6

At school, trying to be a boy, Fintan, friends with Frank and Paddy. But they find it very strange, he invites them home but gives them no food. They are late for school and truancy one afternoon. Frank does not dare to come home and make his parents very worried by uninvited stay at Paddy.

Chapter 7

Mother does not want to talk to father, he drinks all the money. Frank must grandmother uncle Pat, who is disabled, help sell newspapers. He meets Mr. Timoney, against whom he can say anything and books may read. He earns a few cents there. Uncle Pat does not want to help him and Mr. Frank Timoney comes in a kind founded justified. Mother regains a baby: Alphie. One day father back to the pub and mother wants Frank persuades him. But father is hard to find and Frank gets very hungry, he steals fish and chips from a drunken man. He feels guilty and goes right confession.

Chapter 8

Frank preparing for his confirmation when he is ten years old. After that the go to Peter’s house. Mikey Molley climbs the drainpipe to see girls, but when he masturbates, he fall of the pipe. The next Frank confirmed it. He gets his nossebleed and that will not stop. He would make a collection, but he is too sick. A few days later goes Frank to the hospital. He was nearly dead by a typhoid fever. However, there came a docter to him.Frank’s father visits him in the hospital and give him a kis on his head that was never happen again. The boy were happy about his father give him a kiss that makes him good feelings. Frank meets Patricia Madigan who is dying of diphtheria. Patricia lends a history book to Frank it was shakespeare.  After fourtheen weeks after his birthday of 11 year he is greeted by people in his street. He goes back to school in November. Frank difference emotions about his father. Frank. Malachy dole his money Frank dislike this. Frank loves stories which his father tells. Malachy talks for the first time about school. He tells also that he want to go to America and get a office job.

Chapter 9

Families up and down the lane are getting richer because the fathers are off in England, fighting in World War II. After the threatens of Angela she go to England to find work, Frank’s father decided to leave England to find work in a factory which built munitions for weapons.  Angela learns from Bridey from the Dispensary that were given from a family to public assistance. Frank get an problem on his eyes it was a infection which grandma blames by his constant reading that that was the fact of the problem. Angela has to take him to the dispensary to see the doctor. The doctor have a conclusion that Frank have the worst case of conjunctivits he has ever seen, and he sends him so soon as possible to the hospital. In the hospital see Frank Seamus an Mr. timoney tells frank about his eyes. Three times a week were frank visited by seamus but soon he leave to work in a factory in England. When Frank came back to home he discover that all the money of his father goes to the pub. Angela becomes desperate afther that she go to the dispensary for public assistance.

Chapter 10

The family go upstairs to escape the cold annd wet. Frank steals from a crate ouside two bottles with lemonade. For entertainment, Frank tell the story how he came on the food and drink. Melachy says Frank is not different then Robin Hood, who give stuff to the poor and steal from the rich. Next day Frank steal again food but now a whole box that was delivered to a house for rich people. The boys have  much food but the problem is that the haven’t fire yet. They go to the neigborhood for coal or turf and asking the people if the have coal or turf for fire but everybody refuse. Then the steal full of the people in the backgarden.

Chapter 11

Frank want to start a soccer team with his brother Malachy and his friend. Frank think about his mother, woho has bought a red flapper dress in New York. Which she use for her dancing days the dress inspires him for the name of the soccer team.: “The Red Hearts of Limerick.” Frank takes the dress which was laying in the trunk and added cuts red hearts out for the uniforms. Frank find also some old papers in the trunk. He looks through them and learns from the date on his parents’ marriage certificate that he was born only six months after they wed. Frank wonders if his was a miraculous birth. On Saturday they play a soccer game against rich boys and the beats them. Frank was the men who make a goal and that’s why the win the game. Meanwhile Frank’s eyes are irritated.

Chapter 12

Frank’s father goes back to home for Christmas. He thought that he were on time bu he arrived a day later then were expected and gives his family a box with half eaten chocolate as gift. For christmas dinner eats the family McCouts a head of a sheep, and Frank’s father leaves after the meal is over. Frank now takes care to avoid the “respectable boys” while he walks to school. They will succeeded believe Frank in his life, while he and his brother end up in jobs that hey exercise. Angela spend a lot of time at home because Angela is sickly. When Angela were asked if she can spare money, she can not help them with money but takes them to her house and give them some food.And Michael, when he sees sick dogs or poor old men, cannot help but invite them home and take care of them. The family want agree that they the people bring home any more
Chapter 13
Frank will make a cycling trip with his friends from school, and borrow convinces Laman his Bicycle. On the way back, he promises to empty chamber Laman’s pot every day. In the library, the librarian gives the book to Frank the name of the book is Butler’s Lives of the Saints. The deaths of the virgin martyrs, “worse than any horror film,” inspired Frank. Frank were asked by the post office supervisor as a telegram messenger. This offer frank pleases for this job, wo has finished school. The class system is disgusted said Mr. O’Halloran to his students which he thaught that forces smart boys into menial jobs, and the man tells to Frank that he should leave his country for America. Frank apply to be chaplain in a foreign legion,  Frank is too young thinks his doctor and the neccesary physical eximanination were refused by him.

Chapter 14

Michael were sent by Angela to Sheehan’s house with food for Frank. Michael feels himself without his brother bereft, and asks if Frank come back to home. Frank refuses this, meanwhile he feel him guilty about it. It tears at his hearts to watch Michael in his broken shoes walk away and in his raggedy clothes. Frank going for a long walk in the countryside so he spent his days. When he once a hill masturbates he ashamed him that he masturbates.
Frank returns to Ab’s house and washes his clothes in preparation for his first day of work as a messenger boy. He finds a loaf of bread that Ab has hidden in his coat pocket and helps himself to one slice, drinking a glass of water as he eats to make himself feel more full. Because his clothes are still drying and he is cold, Frank puts on an old woolen dress of his grandmother’s and goes to bed. His Aunt Aggie brings his drunk uncle home from the pub and finds him in his grandmother’s dress. Frank explains and says that he is living with Ab until he can afford to buy a house for his mother and brothers. His aunt concedes that this is “more than your father would do
Chapter 15
On his fourteenth birthday, Frank goes to the post office to start work, but learns that he is not scheduled to begin until the following Monday. The people working at the office laugh at Frank’s raggedy clothes. Aunt Aggie takes her nephew shopping for new clothing, and gives him money to buy a cup of tea and a bun.
The next Monday, Frank starts work. He is a temporary worker, which means that he receives less pay than the
Frank gets his wages, the first pound he has ever had. When Michael tells Frank he is hungry and asks for a scrap of bread, Frank takes Michael to get fish and chips and lemonade, then to a movie, where they eat chocolate, and then out for tea and buns. Afterward, Frank thinks that instead of buying food with his wages, he should save each week so that he can go to America when he turns twenty.

Chapter 16

Frank get from a Englishman named Mr. Harrington a condolence telegram, who has no wife because she was died. Mr. Harrington, who has been drinking, tries to force frank to sit and also with him mount and insults the Irish. He makes for Frank Sherry. Frank is left with his corpse when he get from the men more alcohol it’s not good for him. When he can save her he begins to starts wondering, a protestant from damnation. With the sherry witch he get from the men, he baptized her. Mr. Harrington finds him again. Mr. Harrington has a sandwich with ham and stuffs him in frank’s mouth, Frank begin to vomit. He run quickly to the window and vomits out the window on Mrs. Harrington’ bushes. Frank escapes after that accident out the window by jumping through the window and vomit below. The man gets him reports and fired, but there were write a letter by the priest to the post office and Frank is rehired about this.

Chapter 17

When he were sixteen on his birthday, Frank goes on that eve to the café for his first beer. Traditionally, Fathers take their sons to the café to try the first beer, but because Malachy is gone, Pa Keating takes Frank. The men tell about horror of the concentration camps and about Hermann Goering’s. Frank gets after a few hours very drunk like his father everything is. He decided to wants to confess his sins before he turns sixteen and he leaves the pub after much beer and he were drunk, but he is sent away from the priest the reason is that he was drunk. Frank get fight with Angela when he goes home to Angela’s house. They fight about Laman Griffin, He telling her for the first time that he he knows that Angela sleeping with Laman Griffin, Frank is very angry about this and slaps her. He has also bad feelings know when he slaps her and feels sorry what he has done with her. Frank said that this not would happen as Angela not slept with Laman.

Chapter 18

Three years spends Frank working at Easons and writing the letters for Mrs. Finucane. When he is nineteen the old woman dies the day before his birthday Frank takes her purse in there are forty of the hundred pounds upstairs in the trunk and take seventeen pounds , the rest of the money let he in the purse. Robin Hood feelings, he throws her ledger in the river so that it is impossible that impoverished debtors will pay back the money which they owe. Frank has after that enough money to go to America on a ship. Before he leaves he tell Angela that he is leaving and she cried very much. Frank walks after that around the city, He trying to memorize the familiar sights in the city which he walks around. Now he is staying in the city he have sometimes that he thinks I want to go and stay home. He sit some days near around the fire with the family, and hills family also cy of frank’s departure like Angela. This is the end of my summary of the essay. Chapter nineteen is one word, that is the reason why I have eighteen chapters.

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