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Essay: The effects of social media

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  • Subject area(s): Information technology essays
  • Reading time: 2 minutes
  • Price: Free download
  • Published: 15 November 2017*
  • Last Modified: 23 July 2024
  • File format: Text
  • Words: 540 (approx)
  • Number of pages: 3 (approx)
  • Tags: Social media essays

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The Scottish football manager Sir Alex Ferguson said that “How do you find the time to do that? There are a million things you can do in your life without that. Get yourself down to the library and read a book. Seriously. It is a waste of time.”
Firstly, people can connect around the world using the social media that give a lot of information each other. However, when people allow using the social media technology, they suffer from lack of privacy because of identity thieves and hackers. They threatened the people because using technology. “Technology makes us vulnerable. We have become so dependent on technology through online shopping, online banking, and data storage that we are more likely to have our information stolen so that we could be financially decimated within a short period of time” (Jagroopsingh, 2015, para. 8). Moreover, the thieves and hackers want to get information throughout the social media. According to an expert about identity thieves, almost all the Scottish have the social media accounts and whoever search their location and information (Bradley, 2017). Hence, the danger of social media globalization is due to suffering from lack of privacy.

Besides, Facebook argues that social media give a significant time for the human during their advertising. On the other hand, while the social media technology has developed, people are addicted to social media since the globalization of the social media. Both liquor and social media make an interesting story, but people are addicted to both. The export said that “you would need to give children both a gram of cocaine and a smartphone and then compare the effects” (Orben Przybylski, 2017 para. 4). For instance, it has same effects such as excessive absorption and withdrawal symptoms. Furthermore, People who use the social media tend to focus on the negative things and matter about money. The social media enhance about social anxiety and higher levels of narcissism; people are obsessed with the money because they want to show their Wealth (Orben Przybylski, 2017). Therefore, the addiction to social media contributes to the danger of social media globalization.

The main topic about positive effect about social media is that this technology gives chances that people connect in the world. So, they should increase their communication skill.

However, it does not make sense because the social media reduce the real communication skill even though people do not consider it. “According to the TalkTrack research used in Ed Keller and Brad Fay’s the Face-to-Face Book: Why Real Relationships Rule in a Digital Marketplace, our conversations in person are much more powerful than those online” (Fowlkes, 2012 para. 12). The Productive thoughts occur among real communication. Moreover, Communication using social media such as computer and cell phone have reduced language skill and social tradition (Dantuono, 2015). Thus, people are alert about the social media globalization.

In conclusion, the social media technology and globalization are advanced rapidly; however, people are afflicted by lack of privacy, abuse the social media and diminish the language skill while using the social media. Consequently, individuals who use the social media and the government have to control and restrain because of the danger of social media globalization. Sir Alex Ferguson’s speech is correct because the social media globalization is unnecessary for the human being.

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