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Essay: Software testing

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  • Subject area(s): Information technology essays
  • Reading time: 14 minutes
  • Price: Free download
  • Published: 24 November 2015*
  • Last Modified: 23 July 2024
  • File format: Text
  • Words: 3,832 (approx)
  • Number of pages: 16 (approx)

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Software testing is a process of testing stages for verifying the correctness, completeness and quality of the developed software. System is build out of subsystem are build out of subsystems that are composed of modules, which in turn are composed of procedures and functions. Testing should focus on establishing that the system meets its functional requirements, and does not behave in an unexpected way. Test data are inputs which have been devised to test the system whereas test cases are inputs to test the system and the outputs are predicted from these inputs if the system operates according to its specification. This is to examine the behavior in a cohesive system. The test cases are selected to ensure that the system behavior can be examined in all possible combinations of conditions.
Accordingly, expected conduct of the system under diverse mixes is given. In this manner experiments are chosen which have inputs and the yields are on expected lines, inputs that are not legitimate and for which suitable messages must be given and inputs that don’t happen regularly which can be viewed as uncommon cases.
Software testing can also be stated as the process of validating and verifying that a software program/application/product:
‘ Meets the business and technical requirements that guided its design and development.
‘ Works as expected and
‘ Can be implemented with the same characteristics.
Software testing, depending on the testing method employed, can be implemented at any time in the development process. However, most of the test effort occurs after the requirements have been defined and coding process has been completed. As such, the methodology of the test is governed by the software development methodology adopted.
In this chapter, several test cases have been explained of the project Mona cloud.
7.1 Unit testing
Unit testing focuses verification effort on the unit of software design (module).Utilizing the unit test arrangements, arranged in the configuration period of the framework advancement as an aide, essential control ways are tried to reveal blunders inside of the limit of the modules. The interfaces of each of the module were tried to guarantee legitimate stream of the data into and out of the modules under thought. Limit conditions were checked. Every single free way were practiced to guarantee that all announcements in the module are executed at any rate once and all lapse taking care of ways were tried. Every unit was completely tried to check on the off chance that it may fall in any conceivable circumstance. This testing was done amid the programming itself. Toward the end of this testing stage, every unit was discovered to be working palatably, as respect to expected yield from the module.
7.1.1 Testing Strategy
The strategy that is used to perform unit testing is described below:
‘ Features to be tested ‘ The features to be tested, most importantly includes the operation of individual component for the proper execution of the entire program.
‘ Items to be tested ‘ The items to be tested include all the individual units or functions, which collectively form the whole system. In case of unit testing the items to be tested, Registration, uploading file, deployed the application to Jelastic Cloud, Create_Group_Module, Create_SubGroup_Module, Group_Admin, System_Admin.
‘ Purpose of testing ‘ The purpose of the testing is to check the unit functionality of the main project source.
‘ Pass/Fail Criteria ‘ The pass or fail criteria are designed with the basis of appropriate compilation of the main source file. Unit testing of Registration Module application
The Table 7.1 shows the unit test case for Registration page, with a sample input Name, Password, Mail-id and the resulting output Successfully registered message should be displayed and the result shows the test performed stands successful.
Sl # Test Case : – UTC-1
Name of Test: – Unit Testing of ‘ClientReg’
Item being tested: Registration application page
Sample Input: – ‘ Name
‘ Password
‘ Mail-id
Expected output: – Successfully registered message should be displayed
Actual output: – Same as expected output
Remarks: – Successful
Table 7.1 Unit Test Case (UTC) for Client_Reg Unit Testing of Login page application
The Table 7.2 shows the unit test case of Login Page, with a sample input Username, Password, and the resulting output should be display Login successfully and go to next page and the result shows the test performed stands successful.
Sl # Test Case : – UTC-2
Name of Test: – Unit Testing of ‘Client_Log’
Item being tested: Login page
Sample Input: – Username, Password
Expected output: – Login successfully and go to next page
Actual output: – Same as expected output
Remarks: – Successful
Table 7.2 Unit Test Case for Login Page Unit testing of uploading module
The Table 7.3 shows the unit test case for System admin can upload file, with a sample input browse the button and upload file and the resulting output should be display File upload successfully and the result shows the test performed stands successful.
Sl # Test Case : – UTC-3
Name of Test: – Unit Testing of ‘Uploading_file’
Item being tested: Unit test case for System admin can upload file.
Sample Input: – Browse the button and upload file.
Expected output: – File uploaded successfully
Actual output: – Same as excepted output
Remarks: – Successful
Table 7.3 Unit Test Case for Uploading file Unit Testing of Cloud Server Module:
The Table 7.4 shows the unit test case for Public Auditing, with a sample input and the resulting output should verify the cloud environment else display the error and the result shows the test performed stands successful.
Sl # Test Case : – UTC-4
Name of Test: – Unit Testing of ‘Public Auditing _Cloud’
Item being tested: – Deploy the application to Jelastic Cloud
Sample Input: –
Expected output: – it should verify the cloud environment else display the error
Actual output: – Same as expected output
Remarks: – Successful
Table 7.4 Unit Test Case Public Auditing _Cloud Unit Testing of Create_Group_User:
The Table 7.5 shows the unit test case for Create_Group_User, with a sample input Check whether system admin can create groups and the resulting output should Group created Successfully and the result show the test performed stands successful.
Sl # Test Case : – UTC-4
Name of Test: – Unit Testing of ‘Create_Group_User’
Item being tested: – unit test case for Create_Group_User
Sample Input: – Check whether system admin can create groups
Expected output: – Group created successfully
Actual output: – Same as expected output
Remarks: – Successful
Table 7.5 Unit Test Case for Create_Group_Module Unit Testing of Create User Module:
The Table 7.6 shows the unit test case for Create_User_Module, with a sample input Check whether group admin can create Subgroups and the resulting output should Subgroup created successfully and the result shows the test performed stands successful.
Sl # Test Case : – UTC-4
Name of Test: – Unit Testing of ‘Create_User’
Item being tested: – unit test case for Create_User”
Sample Input: – Check whether group admin can create subgroups
Expected output: – SubGroup created successfully
Actual output: – Same as expected output
Remarks: – Successful
Table 7.6 Unit Test Case for Create_SubGroup_Module Unit Testing of Group_Admin Module:
The Table 7.7 shows the unit test case for Group_User_Module, with a sample input Check whether group admin can create user and the resulting output should user created successfully and the result shows the test performed stands successful.
Sl # Test Case : – UTC-4
Name of Test: – Unit Testing of ‘Group_User_Module’
Item being tested: – unit test case for Group_User_Module
Sample Input: – Check whether group admin can create user
Expected output: – user created successfully
Actual output: – Same as expected output
Remarks: – Successful
Table 7.7 Unit Test Case for Group_User_Module
7.2 Integration testing
Data can be lost across an interface: one module can have an adverse effect on another’s sub functions, when combined may not produce the desired major function; global data structures can present problems. Integration testing was a symmetric technique for constructing the program structure while at the same time conducting tests to uncover errors associated with the interface. All modules are combined in this testing step. Then the entire program was tested as a whole.
7.2.1 Integration testing of Login and Registration
The Table 7.8 shows the Integration test case for Login and Registration, with a sample input as user name =amit and pass=raj and the resulting output should display Valid user and file uploaded successfully and the result shows the test performed stands successful.
Sl # Test Case : – ITC-1
Name of Test: – Integration testing ‘Client_L_R’
Item being tested: – enter valid user id and password click on submit button
Sample Input: – user name =amit and pass=raj
Expected output: – Valid user and file uploaded successfully.
Actual output: – Same as expected output
Remarks: – Successful
Table 7.8 Integration Test Case (ITC) for L_R
7.2.2 Integration testing of Cloud_Server
The Table 7.9 shows the Integration test case for Cloud_Server, with a sample input as http://mycloud.jelastic.com/clientand the resulting output should establish the connection with cloud server else display error in communication and the result shows the test performed stands successful.
Sl # Test Case : – ITC-2
Name of Test: – Cloud_Server
Item being tested: – select setting in Cloud URL in Internet Explorer
Sample Input: – http://mycloud.jelastic.com/client
Expected output: – it should establish the connection with cloud server else display error in communication
Actual output: – Same as expected output
Remarks: – Successful
Table 7.9 Integration Test Case for Cloud_Server
7.2.3 Integration testing of permission for admin_group users:
The Table7.10 shows the Integration test case for Admin Group Users, with a sample input as Authenticate user for accessing the file and the resulting output should Permission given successfully and the result shows the test performed stands successful.
Sl # Test Case : – ITC-3
Name of Test: – Testing for ‘admin_group users’
Item being tested: – Integration testing for admin_group users
Sample Input: – Authenticate user for accessing the file
Expected output: – Permission given successfully
Actual output: – Same as expected output
Remarks: – Successful
Table 7.10 Integration Test Case for permission giving to Sub_group
Above mentioned integration test cases are executed when the modules of the system are integrated to find issues if any that may be introduced into the system due to the interaction between the modules. The Interaction between the modules should not break the functionality of the modules.
7.3 Functional testing
Functional testing is a type of black box testing that bases its test cases on the specifications of the software component under test. Functions are tested by feeding them input and examining the output, and internal program structure is rarely considered (Not like in white-box testing).
7.3.1. Testing Strategy
The strategy that is used to perform Functional testing is described below:
‘ Features to be tested ‘ The features to be tested includes the validation testing for the Functional testing on cloud server, User Module, Login Module.
‘ Items to be tested ‘ The items to be tested include the Deployed the application to Jelastic Cloud, Select project run as server, Enter numbers in name text field, enter special character in name text field Enter blank value in first name text field.
‘ Purpose of testing ‘ The purpose of this validation testing module is to check the validity of the major functional as well as mapping with all the non-functional requirements used in the respective test-cases.
‘ Pass/Fail Criteria ‘ The pass or fail criteria is the matching of the expected and the actual outputs of the integrated modules.
The Functional Test cases are tabulated in the table from Table 7.10 and Table 7.11. Functional testing of cloud server step1
The Table 7.11 shows the Functional test case for Cloud Server step1, with a sample input and the resulting output should display Cloud server verify the jelastic environment as SAAS and process the request and the result shows the test performed stands successful.
Sl # Test Case : – ITC-1a
Name of Test: – ‘Cloud_Server’
Item being tested: – Deploy the application to Jelastic Cloud
Sample Input: –
Expected output: – Cloud server verify the jelastic environment as SAAS and process the request
Actual output: – Same as expected output
Remarks: – Successful
Table 7.11 Functional Test Case (FTC) for cloud server step1 Functional testing of cloud server step2
The Table 7.12 shows the Functional test case for Cloud Server step2, with a sample input and the resulting output should verify to port number on which application will be running and deploy the application to server and the result shows the test performed stands successful.
Sl # Test Case : – ITC-21b
Name of Test: – ‘Cloud_Server’
Item being tested: – Deploy the application to Jelastic Cloud
Sample Input: –
Expected output: – it should verify to port number on which application will be running and deploy the application to server
Actual output: – Same as expected output
Remarks: – Successful
Table 7.12 Functional Test Case (FTC) for cloud server step2 Functional testing of cloud server step3
The Table 6.11 shows the Functional test case for Cloud Server step3, with a sample input and the resulting output Application should start run if all the connection is proper on server and the result shows the test performed stands successful.
Sl # Test Case : – ITC-1c
Name of Test: – ‘Cloud_Server’
Item being tested: – Select project run as server
Sample Input: –
Expected output: – Application should start run if all the connection is proper on server
Actual output: – Same as expected output
Remarks: – Successful
Table 7.13 Functional Test Case (FTC) for cloud server step3 Functional testing of User Module step1
The Table 7.14 shows the Functional test case for User Module step1, with a sample input name=amit and the resulting output should be accepted without any error message when send button is clicked and the result shows the test performed stands successful.
Sl # Test Case : – FTC-2a
Name of Test: – ‘User Module’
Item being tested: – enter User name in name field
Sample Input: – name = amit
Expected output: – it should be accepted without any error message when send button is clicked
Actual output: – Same as expected output
Remarks: – Successful
Table 7.14 Functional Test Case (FTC) for User Module step1 Functional testing of User module step2
The Table 7.15 shows the Functional test case for User Module step2, with a sample input name=amit@123 and the resulting output an error message showing “invalid first name ” should be displayed when send button is clicked and the result shows the test performed stands successful.
Sl # Test Case : – FTC-2b
Name of Test: – ‘User Module’
Item being tested: – enter special character in name text field
Sample Input: – name = amit@123
Expected output: – an error message showing “invalid first name ” should be displayed when send button is clicked
Actual output: – Same as expected output
Remarks: – Successful
Table 7.15 Functional Test Case (FTC) for User Module step2 Functional testing of User module step3
The Table 7.16 shows the Functional test case for User Module step4, with a sample input name=123456789 and the resulting output an error message showing “invalid first name ” should be displayed when send button is clicked and the result shows the test performed stands successful.
Sl # Test Case : – FTC-2c
Name of Test: – ‘User Module’
Item being tested: – Enter numbers in name text field
Sample Input: – name= 123456789
Expected output: – an error message showing “invalid first name ” should be displayed when send button is clicked
Actual output: – Same as expected output
Remarks: – Successful
Table 7.16 Functional Test Case (FTC) for User Module step3 Functional testing of User module step4
The Table 7.17 shows the Functional test case for User Module step4, with a sample input name=BLANK and the resulting output an error message showing “invalid first name ” should be displayed when send button is clicked and the result shows the test performed stands successful
Sl # Test Case : – FTC-2d
Name of Test: – ‘User Module’
Item being tested: – Enter blank value in first name text field
Sample Input: – name= BLANK
Expected output: – an error message showing “invalid first name ” should be displayed when send button is clicked
Actual output: – Same as expected output
Remarks: – Successful
Table 7.17 Functional Test Case (FTC) for User Module step4 Functional testing of Login Module step1
The Table 7.18 shows the Functional test case for Login Module step1, with a sample input name=amit and the resulting output should be accepted without any error message when send button is clicked and the result shows the test performed stands successful.
Sl # Test Case : – FTC-3a
Name of Test: – ‘Login Module’
Item being tested: – enter User name in name field
Sample Input: – name = amit
Expected output: – it should be accepted without any error message when send button is clicked
Actual output: – Same as expected output
Remarks: – Successful
Table 7.18 Functional Test Case (FTC) For Login Module step1 Functional testing of Login module step2
The Table 7.19 shows the Functional test case for Login Module step2, with a sample input name=amit@123 and the resulting output an error message showing “invalid first name ” should be displayed when send button is clicked and the result shows the test performed stands successful.
Sl # Test Case : – FTC-3b
Name of Test: – ‘Login Module’
Item being tested: – enter special character in name text field
Sample Input: – name = amit@123
Expected output: – an error message showing “invalid first name ” should be displayed when send button is clicked
Actual output: – Same as expected output
Remarks: – Successful
Table 7.19 Functional Test Case (FTC) For Login Module step2 Functional testing of Login module step3
The Table 7.20 shows the Functional test case for Login Module step3, with a sample input name=123456789 and the resulting output an error message showing “invalid first name ” should be displayed when send button is clicked and the result shows the test performed stands successful.
Sl # Test Case : – FTC-3c
Name of Test: – ‘Login Module’
Item being tested: – Enter numbers in name text field
Sample Input: – name= 123456789
Expected output: – an error message showing “invalid first name ” should be displayed when send button is clicked
Actual output: – Same as expected output
Remarks: – Successful
Table 7.20 Functional Test Case (FTC) For Login Module step3 Functional testing of Login module step4
The Table 7.21 shows the Functional test case for Login Module step3, with a sample input name=BLANK and the resulting output an error message showing “invalid first name ” should be displayed when send button is clicked and the result shows the test performed stands successful.
Sl # Test Case : – FTC-3d
Name of Test: – ‘Login Module’
Item being tested: – Enter blank value in first name text field
Sample Input: – name= BLANK
Expected output: – an error message showing “invalid first name ” should be displayed when send button is clicked
Actual output: – Same as expected output
Remarks: – Successful
Table 7.21 Functional Test Case (FTC) For Login Module step4 Functional Testing of algorithm
The Table 7.22 shows the Functional test case for Algorithm, with a sample input Random String Units random Alphanumeric(6) and the resulting output should generate HashKey in random order and the result shows the test performed stands successful.
Sl # Test Case : – FTC-1
Name of Test: – Functional testing on ‘Hash_Function’
Item being tested: – Privatevoid
generateHashes(DeDuplicationDocumentEO document)
Sample Input: – RandomStringUtils.randomAlphanumeric(6)
Expected output: – It should generate HashKey in random order
Actual output: – Expected output
Remarks: – Successful
Table 7.22 Functional Test Case (FTC) for algorithm Functional Testing of Encryption
The Table 7.23 shows the Functional test case for Encryption, with a sample input case Cipher.init (Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, secretKey) and the resulting output should generate encrypt the file and the result shows the test performed stands successful.
Sl # Test Case : – FTC-2
Name of Test: – Functional testing on ‘Encryption’
Item being tested: – public static byte[] encrypt File(InputStream content)
Sample Input: – aesCipher.init(Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE,secretKey)
Expected output: – It should generate encrypt the file
Actual output: – Expected output
Remarks: – Successful
Table 7.23 Functional Test Case (FTC) for Encryption Functional Testing of Decryption
The Table 7.24 shows the Functional test case for Decryption, with a sample input public static Blob decryptFile(Blob contents) and the resulting output should generate encrypt the file and the result shows the test performed stands successful.
Sl # Test Case : – FTC-3
Name of Test: – Functional Test case of Decryption
Item being tested: – public static Blob decryptFile(Blob contents)
Sample Input: – aesCipher.init(Cipher.DECRYPT_MODE,secretKey);
Expected output: – It should generate encrypt the file
Actual output: – Expected output
Remarks: – Successful
Table 7.24 Functional Test Case (FTC) for decryption
7.4 System Testing
After the integration testing, the software was completely assembled as a package; interfacing errors have been uncovered and corrected the final series of software tests, validation tests begin. Validation test succeeds when the software functions in a manner that can be reasonably expected by the customer. Here the system was tested against system requirement specification. System testing was actually a series of different tests whose primary purpose was to fully exercise the computer-based system. Although each test has a different purpose all work to verify that all system elements have been properly integrated and perform allocated functions.
The System Test cases are tabulated in the table from Table 7.25 to Table 7.27.
7.4.1. Testing Strategy System Testing of Operating System
The Table 7.25 shows the system test case for testing in various operating systems. The application is tested in Windows 2000/XP/Vista and Windows ‘ 7.
Sl # Test Case : – STC-1
Name of Test: – System testing in various versions of OS
Item being tested: – OS compatibility.
Sample Input: – Execute the program in windows NT/2000/XP/Vista/Windows-7
Expected output: – Performance is better in windows Vista and Windows 7
Actual output: – Same as expected output
Remarks: – Successful
Table 7.25 System Test Case (STC) for OS versions System testing of processor type
The Table 7.26 shows the system test case for testing in various processor types such as core to duo processor, dual core processor and Intel Pentium 4 processors.
Sl # Test Case : – STC-2
Name of Test: – System testing for processor type
Item being tested: – Compatible processor
Sample Input: – Execute the program in core to duo, dual core, and Pentium 4
Expected output: – Best performance in Core 2Duo
Actual output: – Same as expected output
Remarks: – Successful
Table 7.26 System Test Case for processor type System Testing of IDE versions
The Table 7.27 shows the system test case for testing in Eclipse IDE versions.
Sl # Test Case : – STC-3
Name of Test: – System testing for IDE versions
Item being tested: – Eclipse IDE version compatibility with programs
Sample Input: – Design and Execute the program in java.
Expected output: – Backward incompatible
Actual output: – Same as expected output.
Remarks: – Successful
Table 7.27 System Test Case for IDE versions
All the test cases tabulated in this chapter are executed on the system which is supported by the application. Failure of the test case indicated that there was a bug in the code which was resolved by modifying the code appropriately to fix the issue and test cases are executed again to verify that the issues has been fixed. Failure test cases occur when the event or the object is placed in the sensor network before deployment of the nodes. This displays the error message such as error in generating the event message and the sensor nodes are not deployed. Each unit was thoroughly tested in the unit test case which was carried out during the development stage and each unit was found to be working satisfactorily. All the modules are combined in the integration testing and the entire program was tested as a whole satisfactorily.
7.5 Summary
This chapter explains the various testing strategies such as unit testing, integration testing and System testing finally acceptance testing.

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