Nowadays, there are online car reservations which give much benefit to user. A rental service is a service in which customers arrive to request the hire of a rental unit. It is more convenient than carrying the cost of owning and maintaining the unit. Moreover, the difficulties to find a rental car for user. The solution has been come out on solving the various problems that always occur on user. A web application is an application that is accessed over a network such as the Internet or an intranet. Therefore with this new method, the process will be more efficient and the safety of hiring car is secure. It’s also the best way to increase the quality of management
The new systems will visitors to browse the current database of cars, select car and register to continue booking the car. For each search or inquiry, the visitor has to provide the rental period number of passenger, type of the car, pick-up and drop-off locations to be able to obtain the required results. The visitor has to register as customer during the checkout process he can be asked to sign in to Continue the checkout or to register as new customer .Employees are there to administer the system by adding new cars new offers and maintaining the current database of cars also to assist Customers by replying their inquiries Definitions. The glossary contains the working definitions for the key concepts in the Car rental System.
The entire information has maintained in the database or Files and whoever wants to retrieve can’t retrieve, only authorization user can retrieve the necessary information which can be easily be accessible from the file. As the conclusion, it has many advantages for Online Car Rental System.
————————— Introduction
1.1 Introduction:-
This chapter briefly discuss on the overview of this research. It contains five sections. The first section is introduction; follow by the background. Next are the problem statement and the purpose solution for the problems. Then , the objectives where the project’s goal is determined. After that are the scopes of the system and lastly is the thesis organization which briefly describes the structure of this thesis.
‘ Now a day’s everybody wants a safe and comfort journey, which required a good vehicle which makes their journey hassle free.
‘ The main purpose of Online Car Rental system is to provide a platform for the users to view the information about to the Car which can be hire for few day or a week.
‘ In this system user can view various availability of vehicles with their rates and functionalities helps to save money and reduce effort to find suitable cars.
1.2 Project Summary:-
1.2.1 Project Profile:
Project Title Online Car Rental System
Project Guide Jigar Prajapati
Operating System Windows
Technology used PHP
Tools Dream viewer
Database Mysql
1.2.2 Problem Statement:-
‘ The user wants to hire a car it may not get all the information at one place regarding to car which is available on rent.
‘ In case of emergency may user become help less because of unavailability of rental knowledge.
‘ There are no option available to select more than one car which may saves their money.
1.3 Purpose:-
‘ A car rental is a vehicle that can be used temporarily for a free during as specified period. Our system helps people get around despite the fact they do not have access to their own personal vehicle or don’t own a vehicle at all.
‘ The system works for individual who needs a car must contact a rental car company and contract out for a vehicle. This system increases customer retention and simplify vehicle and staff management.
‘ Online car hiring system is very flexible for the person who don’t have own car. When a person wants a car, then he reserves a car online on rent and company very effectively manage a car. It provide efficient service to the users.
1.4 Scope:-
The system will be done according to the scope of Rental Car Online System
(RCOS) which is state as below:
‘ System:
‘ The main Scope of Online Car Rental system is to provide a platform for the users to view the information about to the Car which can be hire for few day or a week.
‘ Allows admin to search user information from the database based on the user’s ID
card number or their name.
‘ User:
‘ All Can View car Model in the system.
‘ All User can access the system.
1.5 Introduction to PHP:
‘ PHP is a server scripting language, and a powerful tool for making dynamic and interactive Web pages.
‘ PHP is a widely-used, free, and efficient alternative to competitors such as Microsoft’s ASP.
‘ PHP is mainly focused on server-side scripting, so you can do anything any other CGI program can do, such as collect form data, generate dynamic page content, or send and receive cookies. But PHP can do much more.
‘ Variables in PHP are represented by a dollar sign followed by the name of the variable. The variable name is case-sensitive.
‘ Variable names follow the same rules as other labels in PHP. A valid variable name starts with a letter or underscore, followed by any number of letters, numbers, or underscores.
‘ There are three main areas where PHP scripts are used.
‘ Server-side scripting.
‘ Command line scripting.
‘ Writing desktop applications.
—————————System Requirement Study
2.1 Objective:-
‘ A car rental is a vehicle that can be used temporarily for a free during as specified period.
‘ Our system helps people get around despite the fact they do not have access to their own personal vehicle or don’t own a vehicle at all.
‘ The system works for individual who needs a car must contact a rental car company and contract out for a vehicle. This system increases customer retention and simplify vehicle and staff management.
‘ Online car hiring system is very flexible for the person who don’t have own car. When a person wants a car, then he reserves a car online on rent and company very effectively manage a car. It provide efficient service to the users.
‘ As a software engineering Team leader you are tasked with developing a new car rental system. The new system will allow visitors to register as customers and rent the required car from personal computers attached to internet. Employees and customer service will be able to access the system ONLY from inside the car company (LAN) to administer the system and to fulfill the customer’s requirements.
‘ The new system will visitors to browse the current database of cars, select car and register to continue booking the car.
‘ For each search or inquiry, the visitor has to provide the rental period number of passenger, type of the car, pick-up and drop-off locations to be able to obtain the required results.
‘ The visitor has to register as customer during the checkout process he can be asked to sign in to Continue the checkout or to register as new customer.
‘ Employees are there to administer the system by adding new cars new offers and maintaining the current database of cars also to assist Customers by replying their inquiries Definitions.
‘ The glossary contains the working definitions for the key concepts in the Car rental System.
‘ Category
‘ A category of offered car (example : Toyota)
‘ Sub-Category
‘ A sub-category of an offered car (example: Toyota->Corolla )
‘ Rental period
‘ The period in which the customer want to rent his car Pick-up location
‘ A location where the rental car will be picked up by the customer Drop-off location
‘ A location where the rental car will be dropped-off by the customer
‘ Rental report for day
‘ A report of current rental reservations for the day Rental report for a certain period
A report of current rental reservations within a certain period
Hardware Requirement:-
Minimum Requirement:-
‘ Processor: -2.4 GHZ
‘ RAM:-512 MB
‘ Hard disk:-20 GB free space
Software Requirement:
‘ Operating System:- Any Windows
‘ Front end Technology : PHP
‘ Back End : My sql
‘ Tools :Dream Viewer
2.3 Constraints:-
2.3.1 User Interface :-
The user Interface is provided by the any kind of web browser like Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, msn, safari etc. As the project is the extension of the live project, based on the client’s requirement, the project testing will be done for the above specified four browsers so the project would be portable and will have pluggable look and feel.
2.3.2 Communication Interfaces:-
This is website so it requires HTTP protocol and Internet connection.
2.3.3Software Interface:-
The application mainly interacts with the SQL Server database for storing data at the back end. Other than this it does not deal with any software.
System Analysis
3.1 Problem Statement:-
‘ When the user wants to hire a car it may not get all the information at one place regarding to car which is available on rent.
‘ In case of emergency may user become help less because of unavailability of rental knowledge.
‘ There are no option available to select more than one car which may saves their money.
3.2 Problem Solution:-
‘ This system is develop to solve the problems that usually happen when user want to rent a car in city, all activities is done manually which is no record have done on computerize or on mobile technology.
‘ So, they have many problems using this existing way of process.
‘ If the booking of online car is not available than you must visit a company for a car.
‘ So it will take a long time.
‘ A web application is an application that is accessed over a network such as the Internet or an intranet. Therefore with this new method, the process will be more.
Function of System
4.1 Detail description of use cases :-
1 Login The username used for login into the system by user or admin when they want to know their information.
2 Registration The use case is used by new user for registration into system after registration they will get password and user id which can be used for login into system anytime.
3 Add/update/delete car By this use case admin add/update/delete the car.
4 View car info By this use case user can view their details of car.
5 Book car The use case is used by the user to book car.
6 Payment This use case is used for pay the payment by the user.
7 View booking By this use case admin can view the booking of car.
8 Give complain This use case is used by the user to give complain to the admin.
9 View/resolve complain By this use case the admin can view and resolve complain from the user.
10 Logout This use case is used by the user or admin to logout.
Table 4.1 Detail description of use cases
4.2 Usecase diagram :-
Figure4.1.1 Use case Diagram User
Figure4.1.2 Use case Diagram for Admin
—————————Data Modeling
5.1 Activity Diagram:-
Activity diagram for user shows the main activity which will be performed by user , in Overall flow with control.
Figure5.1.1 Activity Diagram for User
Figure5.1.2 Activity Diagram For Admin
5.2 E-R Diagram:-
Entity ‘ Relationship model (ER model for short) is an abstract way to describe a database E-R diagram for Online Car Rental System is an abstract description of the data dictionarylikeRegistration_Details,Login_Details,Order_details,Offer_details,Complain_details,Payment_details.
Figure5.2 E-R Diagram
Function and Behavioral
6.1 Description (Sequence diagram) :-
‘ A sequence diagram in a Unified Modeling Language (UML) is a kind of interaction diagram that shows how processes operate with one another and in what order. It is a construct of a Message Sequence Chart.
‘ A sequence diagram shows object interactions arranged in time sequence.
‘ It depicts the objects and classes involved in the scenario and the sequence of messages exchanged between the objects needed to carry out the functionality of the scenario. Sequence diagrams typically are associated with use case realizations in the Logical View of the system under development.
Figure6.1.1 Sequence Diagram for User
Figure6.1 Sequence Diagram for Admin
6.2 DATA FLOW DIAGRAM (Level 0):-
‘ Level 0 (context level) :-
Level 0 DFD for Online Car Rental System is the general DFD of the Online Car Rental System.
Figure6.2.1 Data Flow Diagram for User
Figure6.2.2 Data Flow Diagram for Admin
6.3 Data flow Diagram(Level 1(User)):-
Now we will see the first level data flow among the system for the various processes carried out by the user. The user here deals with login, registration, add/update/delete Profile, view Car Details, Order, Payment detail and give Complain.
Figure6.3 Data Flow Diagram (level 1) For User
6.4 Data flow Diagram(Level 1(Admin)) :-
Now we will see the first level data flow among the system for the various processes carried out by the admin. The admin here deals with login, Add/Update/Delete Car Info., View Complain.
Figure6.4 Data Flow Diagram (level 1) For Admin
System Design
Table 7.1 Registration Table
Table Name: Registration
Description: The use case is used by new user for registration into system after registration they will get password and user id which can be used for login into system anytime.
Primary Key: U_id (User Id).
Sr. No. Field Name Data Type Size Constraints
1 User id Varchar 20 P.K. Auto Generate
User id
2 User Name Varchar 30 Not null User name
3 User address Varchar 50 Not null User mail id add.
4 User mobile no. Integer 10 Not null User mobile no.
5 User email Varchar 20 Not null Email of user
8 User password Integer 10 Not null Password of user
Sr.No Field Name Data Type Size Constraints
1 U_id Varchar 20 F.K. User id
2 Password Varchar 10 Not null Password
3 Type Varchar 20 Not null User type
Table 7.2 Login Table
Table Name: Login
Description: The use case is used by new user for registration into system after registration they will get password and user id which can be used for login into system anytime.
Foreign Key: U_id with reference table Registration.
Sr.No Field Name Data Type Size Constraints
1 Car id Varchar 20 P.K. Car id
2 Car name Varchar 20 Not null Car name
3 Car cost Varchar 10 Not null Car cost
4 Car color varchar 10 Not null Car color
Table 7.3 Car_details Table
Table Name:Car_Details.
Description :This table contain the information about the Car.
Primary Key :Car_id(Car id).
Sr.No Field Name Data Type Size Constraints
1 Ord_id Varchar 20 P.K. Order id
2 U_id Varchar 20 F.K. User id
3 Car_id Varchar 20 F.K. Car id
4 Booking date Date .. Not null Date of booking
5 Booking cost Varchar 10 Not null Cost of booking
Table 7.4 Place Order Table
Table Name: Place Order
Description: This table contains the information about the Order.
Primary Key: Ord_id(Order id).
Foreign Key: Uid with reference table Registration_Details.
Foreign Key: Car_id with reference table Car_Details.
Sr.No Field Name Data Type Size Constraints
1 Ord_id Varchar 20 F.K. Order id
2 Payment date Date .. Not null Date of payment
3 Payment cost Integer 10 Not null Payment cost
Table 7.5 Payment Table
Table Name: Payment
Description: This use case is used for pay the payment by the user.
Foreign Key: Order_id
Sr.No Field Name Data Type Size Constraints
1 User id Varchar 20 F.K. User id
2 Complain date Date .. Not null Date of complain
3 Description Varchar 50 Not null Description of complain
4 Status Varchar 20 Not null Status of complain
Table 7.6 Complain Table
Table Name: Complain
Description: This use case is used by the user to give complain to the admin.
Foreign Key: User_id
Future Work
So we can conclude that the system, The Online Car Hiring system is very efficient system for the person who don’t have their own car. The online car hiring system is very easy to use and provide effective services to the user. The monitoring of the vehicle activity and the overall business becomes easy and includes the least of paper work. It saves lot of time, money and labor.
Figure 1. bl_sign_up
Figure 2. bl_home_page
Figure 3. bl_frgt_psw
Figure 4. bl_view_car_info
Figure 5. bl_rates
Figure 6. bl_about_us
Figure 7. bl_contact_us
Figure 8. bl_service
Figure 9. u_view_car_info
Figure 10. u_update_profile
Figure 11. u_rates
Figure 12. u_book_car
Figure 13. u_booking_cancel
Figure 14. u_give_comp
Figure 15. u_payment
Figure 18.ad_view_car_info
Figure 19.ad_rates
Figure 20. ad_manage_car
Figure 21.ad_add_car
Figure 22.ad_delete_car
Figure 23.ad_update_car
Figure 24. ad_view_booking
Figure 26.manage_comp
Essay: Assignment: Online car selection database
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- Reading time: 10 minutes
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- Published: 20 November 2015*
- Last Modified: 23 July 2024
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- Number of pages: 12 (approx)
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