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Essay: App for lawyers and clients project

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  • Subject area(s): Information technology essays
  • Reading time: 15 minutes
  • Price: Free download
  • Published: 5 November 2016*
  • Last Modified: 3 October 2024
  • File format: Text
  • Words: 4,183 (approx)
  • Number of pages: 17 (approx)

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1.1 Problem Summary:
The project is developed for lawyers and clients named as “LawTourch”. It is an android application, in these application lawyers can save all their details about their cases at one place.
1.2 Aim and objectives of the project:
The application is served as a computerized system which would reduce the efforts of lawyers and clients. LawTourch Android Application which will provide platform to a lot of lawyers and clients for saving their case details. There are different sectors like registration, add case, add client details, reminder, appointment, etc. So the lawyer and clients can get their case details at one place. Clients can directly search lawyers according to their required criteria. The client can search the lawyer and contact him/her using Email functionality so the lawyer can get directly E-mail alert for the request from the client.
1.3 Problem Specifications:
• LawTourch android application is implemented in Android platform. This project is developed for lawyers and clients. We help them to solve their problem.
• This system works as internet application. The lawyer or client can save their details as they like.
• The lawyer can save their case details, case notes, appointments, reminder, fee details, and client details.
• The client can also save their lawyers detail, case details, appointment, reminder, can see fee details.
1.4 Brief literature review and Prior Art Search (PAS):
• Prior Art Search has given us a new way to find something new and innovative in our project.
1.4.1 Professional Patent Search Services
• PriorArtSearch.com is a full-service patent search firm geared toward law firms, corporations, and investment firms. Our most frequently requested patent search services are patent validity, product clearance, and patentability searches, but we also provide professional patent searches for determining the state of the art, compiling patent competitive intelligence, and the like.
1.4.2 Prior Art Search and Analysis
• For non-law firm clients, we can dovetail our patent search results into insightful legal analysis. We can conduct validity and infringement analyses, draft opinions of counsel, provide offensive and defensive patent portfolio analysis, carry out pre-litigation investigations, conduct patent due diligence, and more
1.4.3 Strengthen Our Patent Application with a Patentability Search
• A Patentability Search will also
(1) Assist the patent drafter in preparing a patent application that better defines the inventive contribution of the new product over the prior art
(2) Speed up prosecution by preempting examiner rejections, and
(3) Improve the defensibility of the future patent by ensuring that the Examiner considers the most relevant prior art during prosecution. Learn more about our Patentability Search or Patent Novelty Search
1.4.4 Patent Search Analysis Report
1.5 Plan of the Work
The project must strictly follow the Software Development Lifecycle.
• Planning – Establishing the plans for creating a system by Defining the system to be developed – based on the systems prioritized according to the organization, a system must be identified and chosen the project scope – a high level of system requirements must be defined and put into a project scope document. Developing the project plan – all details from tasks to be completed, who complete them and when they were completed must be formalized Managing and monitoring the project plan – this allows the organization to stay on track, creating project milestones which allow you to add to the initial plan.
• Analysis – The users and IT specialists collaborate to collect, comprehend, and logistically formalize business requirements by Gathering the business requirements’ – IT specialists and knowledge workers collaborate and discuss which tasks to undertake to make the system most successful Analysing the requirements – business requirements are prioritized and put in a requirements definition document where the knowledge worker will approve and place their signatures.
• Design – This is where the technical blueprints of the system are created by: Designing the technical architecture – choosing amongst the architectural designs of hardware and software that will best suit the organization’s system. Designing the systems model – graphically creating a model from Graphical User Interface (GUI), GUI screen design, and databases, to placement of objects on screen.
• Development – It executing the design into a physical system by Building the technical architecture – purchasing the material needed to build the system Building the database and programs – the IT specialists write programs which will be used on the system.
• Testing – Testing the developed system. Test the system using the established test scripts – test conditions are conducted by comparing expected outcomes to actual outcomes. If these differ, the system is backtracked to the development stage to find the bug.
• Deployment – The systems are placed and used in the actual workforce and the user guide is created. Training is provided to the users of the system.
• Maintenance –The system keeping up to date with the changes in the organization and ensuring it meets the goals of the organization by Building a help desk to support the system users – having a team available to aid technical difficulties and answer questions Implementing changes to the system when necessary.
1.6 Materials/Tools Required
• Front end:-
• Back end:-
1.6.1 Hardware Requirements:-
 (for computer)
• 512 MB RAM
• 250 GB Hard Disk
 (for mobile)
• Any Mobile (Emulator)
1.6.2 Software Requirements:-
 ADT Bundle: Windows-x86_64
 Eclipse Version: JUNO 4.2
 Mini required SDK: API8:Android 2.2(froyo)
 Target SDK : API18:Android 4.3(jelly bean)
 Compiled with: API18:Android 4.3(jelly bean)
 JDK Version : JDK 1.8.0_25
 JRE Version : JRE 1.8.0_25
 SQLite Version : SQLite 3.7.11
 for 18_4.3_JellyBean(MySQL)
Design: Analysis, Design Methodology and Implementation Strategy
2.1 Observation canvas
The first canvas includes feasible study elements. This constitutes of problems existing in the current version of our product. It includes the top problem and the one which we are supposed to deal and correct in our product. These factors which are stated in this first canvas are:
2.1.1 Observation
• Registration
Observations about users registration.
• Login
Observations about users login.
• Search lawyer
Observations about how clients search lawyers.
• Case details
Observations about how lawyers save case details.
• Send mail
Observations about how communication is carried out between lawyers and clients through email.
2.1.2 Scouted Challenges
• Internet problem
Sometimes we have to face internet problem due to week signals.
• To identify the lawyer
Sometimes it becomes difficult to identify the lawyers , whether the lawyer is genuine or not .
2.1.3 Top 5 Problems
• Authentication
There is an issue of authentication, to verify whether the user is genuine or not.
• Managing Database
There is an issue of managing database.
• Changing lawyer
Sometimes it becomes difficult for the clients, when situation arise like changing the lawyer.
• Internet problem
Sometimes we have to face internet problem due to week signals.
• Lack of smart phones
Not all will have smart phones. Thus it is also one of the problems.
2.1.4 Final Problem
• Managing Database
There is an issue of managing database.
• Send mail
Observations about how communication is carried out between lawyers and clients through email.
• Reminder
Sending Reminder is also a problem.
2.1 Copy of Observation Canvas
2.2 Ideation Canvas
2.2.1 People
The people involved in the whole project are included here. They are mentioned as follows:
• Admin
The admin will manage all the users and database.
• Lawyers
Lawyers will use this application to save their case details and client details.
• Clients
Clients will use this application to save their lawyers details.
2.2.2 Activities
• Registration
In registration activity the user can register him/her.
• Login
The registered user can login into the application through login activity.
• Search lawyer
In search lawyer activity the clients can search the lawyer according to their required.
• Add and save case details
In add and save case activity the lawyer can add various case details, client details and can save his/her work.
• Send mail
In send mail activity the client can contact the lawyer through mail.
• Save appointments
In save appointment the lawyer or client can save the appointments.
• Set remainder
In set remainder the lawyer and client can set the remainder.
2.2.3 Situation/Context/Location
This system used in situation
• Meeting problem
• Change to other lawyer
• Network problem
• Busy schedule
• Lack of smart phone
2.2.4 Props/Possible solution
Various props used are:
• Internet
• Smart phone
• Laptop
• Android
2.2 Copy of Ideation canvas-1
2.3 Product Development Canvas
This canvas consists of product development details.
2.3.1 People
The people involved in the whole of the project are included here. They are mentioned as follows:
• Admin
The admin will manage all the users and database.
• Lawyers
Lawyers will use this application to save their case details and client details.
• Clients
Clients will use this application to save their lawyers details.
2.3.2 Purpose
• Convenient to lawyer
It helps lawyer to add his case details and his client details at one place.
• Convenient to client
It helps clients to save his lawyer details at one place.
• Reduce paper work
It reduces the paper work because all the details are saved on their smart phone.
• Get appointment
It helps to get appointments to lawyer and client.
• Set remainder
It helps the lawyer and client to set remainder on or before their case hearing.
• Save case history
It helps lawyer to save their case history.
• Send mail
It helps the lawyer and client to communicate with each other through emails.
2.3.3 Product Experience
• New experience
The application will provide the new experience to lawyers and clients.
• Time saving
This application is time saving because all the details about the case are available at one place.
• Cost effective
This application is cost effective because it works on smart phones.
2.3.4 Product Function
• Saving information
The function of this application is that it saves all information at one place.
• User friendly
This application is user friendly and easy to use.
2.3.5 Product Feature
• Search lawyer
In search lawyer activity the clients can search the lawyer according to their required.
• Case history
It helps lawyer to save their case history.
• Appointment
It helps to get appointments to lawyer and client.
• Remainder
It helps the lawyer and client to set remainder on or before their case hearing.
• E-mail
It helps the lawyer and client to communicate with each other through emails.
2.3.6 Components
• Laptop
• Smart phone
• Emulator
• Server
• Android
2.3.7 Customer Revalidation
• Privacy
It provides privacy to the user.
• Security
It also provides security.
• Reliable
The system is also very reliable.
2.3.8 Reject/Revalidate/Redesign
• Feedback
In our system there is no feedback form.
2.3 Copy of Product Development Canvas
2.4 Copy of Business Model Canvas
Who manage the database.
It is the category of the application who can search lawyer and can show own case details and appointment with lawyer.
It is the main category of this application who can use it to save its all clients and case details and set appointments with clients.
This activity is done by the Clients where all registered lawyers can be search.
Lawyers can save its all clients and case details and maintain their data.
Lawyer can set appointment for the client and for that appointment he/she can set reminder also.
Smart Phones are required for that Android application.
Lawyer can save its case details and client can also save its case and lawyer’s details.
It is newly application which provide both access lawyer and client.
It reduce paper cost to save all the case details and reduce time.
It is secure to use and data are secure over the application.
It is reliable that without login we can’t access the application so it’s trustworthy.
It is convenient for all people who are either lawyer or client.
It is all about how application maintains relationship with their customers by giving them facilities and services.
It is self service so client and lawyer will save data by itself.
It is used for the personal use of the client and lawyer.
It is cost effective so anyone can use it.
Lawyer and client will interact face to face meeting.
It is a channel so application through lawyer and client can intrect.
By telephone call the lawyer and client can interact.
Our application is helpful to lawyers to make its work easy and comfortable.
Our application is helpful to developers so that developers can maintain it with better safety and advance technology.
Our application is helpful to clients to make its work easy and comfortable.
It is a cost for hosting the application.
It is cost to pay for the advertisement of the application.
Ii is a cost of maintenance of all the data.
It is cost used to marketing and advertisement of Application.
To communicate easily with client and lawyer.
It is cost for the advertisement of that application so more people will use it.
3.1 Implementation Environment:
• We start at generally lower levels to gain an understanding of the system and gradually moving down to levels of greater details. The modularization is according to the complexity of the function and layered approach.
• After the completion of each module, a module testing was performed on each.
• When the development was completed, system testing was performed to test the
3.2 Data Dictionary:
• Registration For Lawyer:-
Table Name: lawyer
Description: This table gives information about lawyer member.
Primary key: enrolnumber
Auto increment: l_id
Field Name Data Type Size
l_id Int 11
l_username Varchar 25
l_enrollnumber Varchar 10
l_phonenumber Varchar 10
l_type Varchar 20
l_city Varchar 50
l_state Varchar 50
l_email Varchar 20
l_password Varchar 10
l_confirmpassword Varchar 10
• Registration For Client:-
Table Name: users
Description: This table gives information about client member.
Auto increment: id
Field Name Data Type Size
Id Varchar 10
Username Varchar 50
Phonenumber Varchar 20
City Varchar 10
Email Varchar 50
Password Varchar 10
Confirmpassword Varchar 10
• Add case details:-
Table Name: Addcasedetails
Description: This table gives information about case details.
Primary key: case_number
Field Name Data type Size
l_email Varchar 50
Client_email Varchar 50
Court_name Varchar 50
case_no Varchar 10
petitioner Varchar 50
defendant Varchar 50
Previous_date Varchar 20
Next_date Varchar 20
Case_stage Varchar 50
• Add client details:-
Table Name: Addclientdetails
Description: This table gives information about client details.
Field name Data type Size
l_email Varchar 50
client_name Varchar 50
client_phone Varchar 10
client_email Varchar 50
fee_settled Varchar 50
fee_paid Varchar 50
postal_address Varchar 50
• Set appointments:-
Table Name: appointments
Description: This table gives information about appointments set by lawyer and client.
Field name Data type Size
client_name Varchar 50
court_name Varchar 50
petitioner Varchar 50
defendant Varchar 50
next_date Varchar 20
time Varchar 20
client_phone Varchar 50
client_email Varchar 50
3.3 Use case diagram:-
A Use Case diagram is used to represent the actions by the user in a system. It has roles and actions. Each user/role has different privileges and each perform different actions. For the Android Application, there is only one user ‘the user’ and the user can do the below application:
There are main three actors, they are
• The admin can verify different procedures. He can perform various types of operations like edit, update, delete, sending mail etc.
• Admin can perform the four main activities like store the information of the users, sending mail to users, searching for the lawyers.
• The admin maintain the information about the customer in the data where he/she had filled the form.
• The admin can add, update or delete the records in the database.
• Admin can handle all lawyers.
• Admin can manage all clients as well
• Admin can manage general contents of the application as well
• Admin will have power to add, edit, delete, activate, and deactivate any user or any content as well.
• Proper placement of header and footer contents
• Relative positioning of the contents will be decided properly
• Proper design and implementation of database
• Easy to navigate application and also completely user friendly as well
• We will make sure that application will be compatible with different smart phones.
• Can create complete profile.
• Can add clients detail
• Can add case detail
• Can add case notes
• Can get reminder
• Can set appointments
• Can see different laws
• Can note fee details
• Client can create the profile
• Can search lawyers
• Can send E-mail to lawyers
• Can set appointments
• Can get reminder
• Can see fee details
• Can add case details
• Can save lawyers detail
3.4 Sequence diagram:-
-Sequence diagram for Lawyer
-Sequence diagram for Client
3.5 E-R Diagram
An entity-relationship (ER) diagram, a graphical representation of entities and their relationships to each other, typically used in computing in regard to the organization of data within databases or information systems. An entity is a piece of data-an object or concept about which data is stored. A relationship is how the data is shared between entities.
In this diagram clients, lawyer, add case and appointments all are Entity. And for lawyer entity password, names, city, email are attribute. Register, add, set all are relationship.
Ovals are used to indicate the Attributes that is, the pieces of information recorded in the database about the entity or relationship.
Rectangles are used to indicate Entity that is, the representative or records describing person, things or events in the database.
Diamonds are used to indicate Relationship between entities that is, some association between the data records of different entities.
3.6 Functional and Behavioural Modelling:
3.6.1 Data Flow Diagram:
A Data Flow Diagram is a graphical representation of the “flow” of data through an information system, modelling its process aspects. A DFD is often used as a preliminary step to create an overview of the system, which can later be elaborated. DFDs can also be used for the visualization of data processing (structured design). .A DFD shows what kind of information will be input to and output from the system, where the data will come from and go to, and where the data will be stored. It does not show information about the timing of processes, or information about whether processes will operate in sequence or in parallel.
Context Level:-
First level dfd:-
-Dfd for lawyer
-Dfd for client
3.7.1 The Testing process
I test the software process activities such as Design, Implementation and Requirement Engineering. Because design errors are very costly to repair once system has been started to operate. Therefore, it is quite obvious to repair them at early stage of the system.
Involves executing an implementation of the software with test data and examining the outputs of the software and its operational behaviour to check that it is performing as required.
Unit Testing:
Unit testing plays very important role in the testing process. Before applying all type of testing, unit testing is done to check any type of errors are there or not.
Unit Testing is undertaken when a module has been coded and successfully reviled.
Module Testing:
Individual modules are tested in the module testing.
System Testing:-
The system consists of sub systems. So it is necessary to test the sub systems.
System Testing:
The entire system is tested after unit, module and sub system testing. The system is tested to ensure that the system do not fail to perform various kind of operations. The aim of testing process is to identify all defects existing in a software product. However, for most practical systems, even after satisfactorily carrying out the testing phase, it is not possible to guarantee that the software is error free.
Testing a program consists of subjecting the program to a set of test inputs (or test cases) and observing if the program behaves as expected. If the program fails to behave as expected, then the conditions under which failure occurs are noted for later debugging and correction. The following are some commonly used terms associated with testing.
A failure is a manifestation of an error. But the mere presence of an error may not necessarily lead to a failure. A test case is the triplet [I, S, O], where I are the data input to the system, S is the state of the system at which the data is input, and O is the expected output of the system.
A test suite is the set of all test cases with which a given software product is to be tested.
3.7.2Black-Box Testing:-
Black box testing is an approach to testing where the tests are derived from the program or component specification. Black box testing is also known as “Functional Testing” because the tester is only concerned with the functionality and not the implementation of the software.
In my project I input all the information that is necessary for it. I also check for validation. The numeric field does not accept the character type of data or any other type of symbols.
3.7.3White-Box Testing:-
White box testing is an approach to testing where the tests are derived from knowledge of the software’s structure and implementation. This approach is sometimes called “Structural Testing”, “glass box testing” or “clear-box testing”. In my project I give meaningful name to all variables and constants, forms, labels, etc. I made functions for validation checking. So there is no need to write the code for validation multiple times.
3.8 Snapshots
First Page
Login Page
– Lawyer Module :-
Registration Page
Client Details
Lawyer Main Page
Control Panel
Reset Password
Users Profile
List of client details
Case details
– Client Module :-
Client Registration
Client main page
List of lawyers
Filter Lawyer page
Filtered Lawyer page
Sending message page
Sending e-mail page
Client Profile
4.1 Project Summary:
The project to be developed is for all type of Lawyers and we have named it “LawTourch”. This application would serve as a computerized system which would reduce the efforts of the lawyer to go through different files for different cases. The system would not require the lawyer to go through different files and being confused for day to day cases.
4.2 Usefulness with the Existing System:
• LawTourch is implemented in android platform. This Project is developed for lawyers and clients. We helps them to solve them problem.
• This system works as internet application. Client can search lawyer which are registered in this application.
• Lawyer can find information about clients and all related cases at one place in their smart phone.
4.3 Scope:
LawTourch Android Application which will provide platform to a lot of lawyers to get their case details at one place and for clients to get information about the lawyers at one place. There are different sectors like Registration, add case, add client details, reminder, appointments, etc. So the lawyer and clients can get their case details at one place.
There are different sectors like Registration, add case, add client details, reminder, appointments, etc. So the lawyer and clients can get their case details at one place.
Clients can directly search lawyers according to their required criteria. The client can search the lawyer and contact him using Email functionality so the lawyer can get directly E-mail alert for the request from the client.
The technical and the commercial scope involved in developing and implementing the project “LawTourch Android Application” can be discussed using this abstract. This project aims at
Creating a full-fledged application for Lawyers and Clients. It basically involves viewing the details of the Lawyers, Clients or both. The user can just browse through the application and can post or submit his/her details by registering himself as a valid User.
The project is divided into three sections:
The Users of the application can browse or look for details for lawyers and clients. There are two types of users as one would be the lawyers who will registered into the application and can save his/her cases information. The first is the lawyer user who can save details of his/her clients, details about case, case notes, etc. The other type of user is the client user who can register into the application and can search for the required lawyers , can contact to lawyer , save details about his/her lawyer , and about his/her case.
Upon registering and becoming a valid user of the application, the user will be given a username and password wherein, he/she could change the details or add more details to it. The administrator on the other hand has to check every registered user, as a valid user and is also responsible for the overall maintenance of the application. It involves validation of records, removal of redundant entries, username uniqueness checking.
4.4 Benchmarking Your Project With Existing Product
• Provide knowledge about all fields that useful in their progress of case.
• They can take appointment and set reminder.
• Clients can search the lawyer and save their own case details.
We think that not a single Application is ever considered as complete forever because our mind is always thinking sometimes new and necessities also are growing day by day .We always want something more than what we have .our application also if you see at the first glance you find it to be complete but we want to make it still nature and fully automatically.
 http://www.Android.com/.
 http://www.androlib.com/appstats.aspx.
 Introduction to Android: http://developer.android.com/guide/index.html
 http://www.androidhive.info/2011/10/android-login-and-registration-screen-design/
 http://www.sitepoint.com/12-android-tutorials-beginners/

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