1.1 Introduction
The agricultural is the one source of generating our national economy. With modern technology, it can help increasing the productivity of agricultural product. By using Android Application controller system, it can help farmer reduce time consumption and increase the quality of operating in the farm. Mobile phone acts as receiver and transmitter to access and control the agricultural farm basic farming system remotely such as ON or OFF the system. Fabrication on making the equipment for agricultural application by using mobile phone application that will help the farmer to observe and notify their farm under secure condition.
The technology that used in this system is Android application. The android system are used to control this application with flexible time and more effective. Android is a mobile operating system based on the Linux kernel and currently developed a Google. With a user interfaces based on direct manipulation, android is designed are primarily for touchscreen mobile devices such as smartphones and tablet computers. The android system uses touch inputs that loosely correspond to real-world action, like fertilizer, lighting, timer and watering to manipulate on-screen objects, and virtual keyboard.
The android system are used to control application with flexible time and more effective. Bluetooth or GSM are use as device to connect with the system. This system are widely use combination of module function packages can be integrated with farm, house, machines, vehicles and universal facilities. In addition, efficient system with effective cost and affordable marketed price. Furthermore, this system also suitable for any farming.
1.2 Objective of Project
The objective are created to make sure the aim of this project will be achieved :
i. Design agricultural application system that can easily supervised by Android application.
ii. Develop the program than can control the agricultural farm basic farming system.
iii. Integrated the controller to receive and transmit through programmable command via smart phone.
1.3 Problem Statement
There are several problem that occur currently in the agricultural industries can be solve or enhance for better solution. These problem can be solve by improving or enhance by using the develop system in this project.
i. The employer not to employs of foreign workers to work in the farm.This system can reduce the cost in term of hiring workers for monitoring and take care of the farm. The farmer not need to expense or reduce the salary for the workers.
ii. The farmer monitoring their farm by using the android application to control the farm .This system can control from anywhere of the world.
iii. The fertilizer, lighting and watering can running with using timer. The system can be optimize by the basic farmer. With using timer, farm or garden organized more efficiency and effectiveness. Furthermore, give maximum consumption of the system and gives more output while using all the resources and keeping all devices active.
1.4 Scope of Project
The scope of the project are, the focus more of implementation of Android Application for Agricultural Industry. In addition, control the system by using microcontroller. The microcontroller it like a brain for most electronic devices nowadays because its combines circuit and reduces space in a project or electrical appliance.
This is to ensure the project is heading in the right direction to achieve its intended purpose. This study is proposed under certain defined scopes:
i. Build agricultural system that can be configured using smart phone through android application which comprise for two parts
(a) Hardware parts
(b) Software parts
ii. The system will be send the status of running system to the someone as a report.
1.4.1 (a) Hardware Parts
The main hardware developed in this project are PIC Circuit which is a circuit used to store the program and monitor the process of communication between smart phone android application system. PIC circuit is the main part in this project that control all devices. The PIC circuit which is a basic serial communication circuit to interface the communication with smart phone as a modem. In this project, smart phone network able to accept a command form user to the system.
1.4.1 (b) Software Parts
Software used to programming the microcontroller so it can control the operation of the integrated circuit IC’s. In this project Arduino software used to write an compile the source code where it need to be right in assemble language before being transfer into microcontroller for the IC able to perform all operation in this project. Moreover, in this project there MIT app inventor software are used. It’s allow to create software application for the android operating system (OS).
1.4.2 System status
During the system running, the integrated device will send the messages through GSM module to the user mobile.
2.1 Overview
This chapter explain the existing study that has been developed as a reference to the design and improve the study. It also explains and discuss the related previous study on the Android application. It will consist of product that exist in market nowadays. Other parts were discuss the background of the theory for the components, equipment and programming that used in this study.
2.2 Previous Project
Nowadays, the android system for agricultural already been installed by the manufacture itself, the difference between the function of system is depends on the methodology control and effectiveness .Therefore, the previous study or product has used as a guideline in developing this microcontroller system module.
2.2.1 Remote Control from Your Smart Phone
Richard Hoptroff (August,2010), reviewed as a development engineer for FlexiPanel Ltd writes this article in Elector Electronic magazine. He even reviewed several project involving Mobile Phone as remote control especially using FlexiPanel product.
Picking one of the projects, Access Controller project is selected. Each user has a separate password, and a log is kept of time and person accordingly.[1] No custom transmitter is needed but any suitable mobile phone or handhelds would do. Relay is used to provide an isolated switch for opening the electric lock. Relay and electric lock usually require high voltage to operate which make the system require supply from main or socket outlet. This article greatly provides brilliant idea on adding Smart Phone features in the application. Several electronics industries start referring concept introduce by Richard Hoptroff in progress for product evolution.[1]
2.2.2 System based on GSM
Figure 2.1: System Based on GSM
Figure 2.1 shows the system based on GSM. Today in Agriculture there is many problems such as irregular power supply, manually switching of pumping motor, over of irrigation or under irrigation due to absent of farmer at farm all time and about rain-falling if farmer is far away from farmer.[2] The manual switching as beneficial only if the user is always nearer to the hardware switching system and load. But most of a time user is far away from this switching environment.[2] Also many devices turns off due to instant power cut off.[2] Timer circuit there may be unloaded operation of device if operation of the device is finished before predetermined timed. If we use transceiver for switching and if switching station is far away from a user, then these problems become most seriously and unnecessarily causes wastage of resources.[2] Along with these problems there is no facility for protection from unauthorized user access the systems switching. This project provide the exact solutions for these problem. It uses intelligence of microcontroller along
with the powerful peripherals. It uses GSM Network which is now a days available in most of the places. It also provided password protection facilities to protect the system from unauthorized use. It not on provided a remote switching of the System but also or provides the status of system and electricity the user. The systems provided instant access along with command Interaction facility.[2]
2.2.3 Farmer system using android application
Figure 2.2: Farmer system using android application
Android is popular with technology companies which require the ready-made, low cost and customizable operation system for high-technology devices. Android open nature has encouraged a larges community of developers and enthuasiast to use the open source code as a foundation for community driven projects, which added new features for advance users or bring Android to devices which were officially released running other operating system.
The farmer can using smart phone as remote to control of agricultural application. In addition, enable farmer to control or program an array of automated agriculture electronic device. Furthermore , farm become smarter if the controlling can be done from any remote place. [3]
2.2.4 Programming with MIT App Inventor
Figure 2.3: MIT App Inventor Software
App Inventor for Android is an open-source web application originally provide by Google, and now maintain by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology [MIT]. It allow newcomers to computers programming to create software applications for the Android operating systems (OS). It uses a graphic interface, very similar to as Scratch and a StarLogo TNG user interface, which allow users to drag and drop visual objects to create an application that can run on Android’s device. In creating App Inventor, Google’s drew upon significant prior research in educational computer, as well as the work done within Google on a online development environments.
App Inventor and the projects on which it is based are informed by constructionist learn theories, which emphasizes that a programming can be a vehicle for engaging powerful ideas through active learning. As such, it is a part of an ongoing movements in computer and education that began with the work of Seymour Papert and the MIT Logo Group in the 1960s and has also manifested itself with Mitchel Resnick’s work on Lego Mindstorms and StarLogo.[4]
2.2.5 Arduino MEGA
Figure 2.4: Arduino MEGA
Figure 2.4 show the arduino MEGA with the GSM Shield, this enables an arduino MEGA board to do most of the operations you can do with the GSM phone. Place and receives voice call, send and receive SMS, or connect to the internet over a GPRS network.
The GSM shield has a modem that transfers data from a serial port to the GSM networks. The modem executes operations via the series of AT command. The library abstract lowest level communications between the modem and a SIM card. It relies on Software Serial library for communication between the modern and Arduino.
Typically, each individual command is part of a larger series necessary to execute a particular functions. The library also can receive information and return it to you when necessary.[5]
3.1 Introduction
This chapter will discuss the developing of the Android Application for Agricultural Industry that can be control systems with microcontroller to monitoring the farm. MATLAB and Proteus software has been used to create the design.
3.1 Project Background
Figure 3.1 shows the flow chart of the Final Year Project. After approval of title stage, the FYP start the study follow the Figure 3.1.Initially, the prototype of this study system concept will be applied to the remote control system .The condition of the system simulate the agricultural system such as watering, fertilizer, timer and lighting. The main circuit of our project is Arduino MEGA circuit, and Microcontroller circuit that will use PIC 16F876A. Android applications used to control the function of the system, this process is shown in Figure 3.2.
The Arduino MEGA circuit function will operate when the android application are active. The remote generates a android application consisting of two frequencies and it is transmitted via Bluetooth or GSM. The android application exchanges consist of Arduino MEGA which will decode the frequency into digital code and sent it to Microcontroller circuit. While for the microcontroller circuit (PIC16F876A)
will process the data GSM from android application and sent it to the relay module to activate the agricultural system. Different function are see by the user after the relay is active or inactive. LED is used as an indicator to indicate whether the relay or the system is active or inactive. The flow chart in Figure 3.3 shows the phase process of the agricultural module.
3.2 Final Year Project Process Flow Chart
Figure 3.1: Final Year Project Flow Chart
3.3 Android Application Flow Chart
Figure 3.2: Android Application Flow Chart
3.4 Flow Chart Android Application Controller for Agricultural Using Microcontroller.
Figure 3.3: Flow Chart of Android Application Controller for Agricultural System Using Microcontroller.
3.5 Block Diagram Android Application Controller for Agricultural Using Microcontroller
Figure 3.4: Block Diagram Android Application Controller for Agricultural system Using Microcontroller
3.6 Hardware Development and Requirement of the System.
Since the prototype of this study is terrarium model, so the design of the terrarium using solid work is needed. The casing of the circuit as box shape to put this project circuit into hiding location. 12VAC is needed to supply the current to the system.
Relay module are importance in this circuit that acts as a switch or conductor which receive the signal from the Microcontroller. Finally, the program code are designed using MP lab to program the PIC (Programmable Integrated Circuit) in order to control the system operation.
3.7 Hardware Specification
3.7.1 Arduino Mega
The Mega 2560 is a microcontroller board based on the ATmega2560. It has 54 digital input and output pins (of which 15 can be used as PWM output), 16 analogs input, 4 UART hardware serial ports, the 16 MHz crystal oscillators, the USB connections, a power jack, an ICSP header, and the reset button. Moreover, it contains everything needed to support the microcontroller; easily connect it to a computer with a USB cable or power it with a AC-to-DC adapter or battery to get started. Furthermore, the Mega 2560 board is compatible with most shields designed for the Uno and the former boards Duemilanove or Diecimila. As shown in Figure 3.5 (a) and 3.5 (b).
(a) (b)
Figure 3.5(a): Arduino MEGA (Top View) Figure 3.5(b): Arduino MEGA (Side View)
3.7.2 Triac BT137
For the circuit, we use Triac BT137 as shown in Figure 3.6. For DC switching circuits this “one-way” switching characteristic may be acceptable as once triggered all the DC power is delivered straights to the load. But in a Sinusoidal AC Switching Circuits this unidirectional switching may be a problem as it only conducts during one half of the cycle (like a half-wave rectifier) when the Anode is positive irrespective of whatever the Gate signals is doing. Then for AC operations only half to the power is delivered the load by a thyristor.
In orders to obtain a full-wave power control we could connect a single thyristor inside a full-wave bridge rectifier which triggers on each positive half-wave, or to connect two thyristors together in inverse parallel (back-to-back) as shown below but this increases both the complexity and number of components used in the switching circuit.
Figure 3.6: Triac component
3.7.3 Voltage Regulator Definition of Voltage Regulator
A voltage regulator generates a fixed output voltage of a preset magnitude that remains constant regardless of changes to its input voltage or loads condition. There have two types of voltages regulator: linear and switching.
A linear regulator employs an active (BJT or MOSFET) pass device (series or shunt) controlled by a high gain different amplifier. It also compares the output voltage with a precise reference voltage and adjusts the pass device to maintain a constant output voltage.
A switching regulator converts the dc input voltage to a switched voltage applied to a power MOSFET or Bipolar junction transistor switch. The filtered power switch outputs voltage is fed back to a circuit that controls the power switch on and off times so that the output voltage remains constant regardless of input voltage or load current changes. Voltage Regulator and Arduino Mega for Mobile Phone
The Arduino Mega can be powered via the USB connection or with an external power supply. The power sources is a selected automatically.
External power can come either from an AC-to-DC adapter or battery. The adapter also can be connect by plugging to the 2.1mm center positives plug into the boards power jack. Lead from a batteries can be inserted in the GND and Vin pin header of the POWER connectors.
The board can operate on an external supply of 6 to 20 volt. If a supplied with less than 7 Volt. However, the 5 Volt pin may supply less than 5 Volts and the board may became unstable. If using a more than 12 Volt, the voltage regulators may overheat and damage the boards. The recommended ranges is a 7 to 12 volts. As shown in Figure 3.7.
Figure 3.7: Shows the Voltage Regulator Component
3.7.4 Pic Microcontrollers Circuit
Refer to Figure 3.8 it shows the microcontroller that used for this study. PIC microcontrollers are a family of specialized microcontroller chips produced by Microchip Technology in Chandler, Arizona. The acronym PIC stand for peripheral interface controller, although that terms is infrequently used nowadays. The microcontroller is a compact microcomputer design to rule the operation of embedded systems in robots, motor vehicles, medical devices, office machines, vending machines, mobile radios, home appliance, and various other devices. A typical microcontroller includes a peripherals, memory, and processor.
Figure 3.8: Microcontroller
PIC microcontrollers are a very useful and versatile tool for use in many electronics project. They are very inexpensive and simply to find. They were also very powerful and more capable of speeds up to 64 MIPS using the internal oscillator blocks, about 16 times faster than many comparable AVR microcontroller. PIC is also easy to program, however getting the project set up can sometimes be tricky. These instructions will walk through the process of setting up the software, create a new programming, and project some very simple functions to test the configuration and ensure everything is working.
They are design to be very open ended, after the project is created and the basics are finished the reader is encouraged to explore all the features and extras not covered in these instructions.
3.7.5 Relay Module
Refer to Figure 3.9 it shows the relay that used on this study. Relays are switches that open and close circuits electromechanical or electronic. Relay controls one electrical circuit by opening and closing contact in another circuits. As a relay diagrams show, when relay contact is normally open, there is an open contact when the relay is not energized. When the relays contact is a normally closed, there is a closed contacts when the relay is not energize. In either case, applying electrical currents to the contact will change their state.
Figure 3.9: DPDT (Double Pole Double Throw) Relay
Relays are generally used to switch smaller currents in a control circuit and do not usually control power consuming devices except for small motors and Solenoids that draw lower amps. Nonetheless, relays can control larger voltages and amperes by having an amplifying effect because a small voltage applied to a relays coil can result in a large voltage being switched by the contacts.
Protective relays can prevent equipment damage by detecting electrical including overcurrent, reverse currents, overloads, undercurrent and abnormalities. Besides, relay are also widely used to switch heating elements, starting coils, audible alarms and pilot lights.
3.8 Software Specification
To create the circuit of this model, the Proteus software.
3.8.1 Proteus Design Suite:
The Proteus Design Suite combines PCB design, schematic capture and SPICE circuit simulation to make a complete electronics design system. Proteus PCB design combines the ISIS schematic capture and ARES PCB layout programs to PCB provide a powerful, integrated and easy to use suite a tools for professional PCB designed. All Proteus PCB design product included an integrated shape based auto router and basic SPICE simulation capability as standard. More advance routing modes are included in Proteus PCB Design Level 2 and higher whilst simulation capabilities can be enhanced by purchasing the Advance Simulation option and/or Microcontroller simulation capabilities.
3.8.2 MPLAB
Refer to Figure 3.10, MPLAB software interface are used to program that runs on a PC (Windows, Mac OS, and Linux) to develop applications for Microchip microcontrollers and digital signal controllers as shown in Figure 3.14. It is called an Integrated Development Environment, because it provided a single integrated “environment” to develop code for embedded microcontrollers.
MPLAB® X Integrated Development Environment brings many changes to the PIC® microcontroller development tool chain. Unlike previous versions of the MPLAB® IDE which were developed completely in-house, MPLAB® X IDE is based on the open source NetBeans IDE from Oracles. Taking this a path has allows us to add most frequently requested features very easily and quickly, while also providing us with a more extensible architecture to bring you even more new features in the future.
Figure 3.10: MP LAB Software interface
3.8.3: ISIS Schematic Capture
ISIS lies at the heart of the Proteus system, and is far more than just another schematic package. It combines a powerful design environment with the ability to define most aspects to the drawing appearances. Whether your requirement is rapid entry of complex designs for simulation and PCB layout, or a creation of attractive schematic for publications, ISIS is the tool for the job. As shown in Figure 3.11.
Figure 3.11: Shows the Arduino MEGA circuit
3.8.4: ARES PCB Layout Software
High performance net list based PCB design package perfectly complements powerful ISIS schematic capture software and features both automatic component placement and a truly shape. ISIS and ARES together form a complete Proteus PCB Design package. As shown in Figure 3.12.
Figure 3.12: Shows the PCB layout of the Arduino MEGA circuit
3.9 Bluetooth Devices
Refer to Figure 3.13 it shown the Bluetooth is a wireless technology standard for exchanging data over short distances (using short-wavelength UHF radio waves in the ISM band from a 2.4 to 2.485 GHz) from fixed and mobiles device, and building personal areas network .Invented by telecom vendor Ericsson in 1994, it was a originally conceived as wireless alternative to RS-232 data cable. It can connect several device, overcoming problems of the synchronization.
Bluetooth is managed by the Bluetooth Special Interest Group, which has more than 25,000 member of companies in the areas of networking, consumer electronics, telecommunication, and computing. The IEEE standardized Bluetooth as the IEEE 802.15.1, but is no longer maintains the standard. The Bluetooth Special Interest Group (SIG) oversees development of the specifications, manages a qualification programs, and protect the trademarks. A manufacturer must make a device meet Bluetooth SIG standards to market it as a Bluetooth devices. A network of patents applying to the technology, which are licensed to the individual qualifying device.
Figure 3.13 : Bluetooth devices
3.10 GSM Modem Circuit
The GSM-900 has a in various countries the frequency bandwidths specified for the GSM service are GSM-900, GSM-1800, GSM-R, GSM-800 and GSM-400. The GSM-1800 and the GSM-900 are the more widely used frequency bandwidths in different parts of the globe. As shown in Figure 3.14.
Down link frequency range of 935-960 MHz and an up link frequency of range of 895 to 915 MHz. This frequency band is the partitioned into 124 pairs of simplex channels with separations of 200KHz.A particular range of the simplex channels is given to a particular network provider.
The type of interface used in GSM is digital air interfaced. The analogue voices signal are converted to digital signal before transmissions. Up to the 8 MS subscribers can be handled by the GSM RF carrier at a times. The rate of transmission is the 270 Kbps.
The Gaussian minimum shift keying (GMSK) is used for transmitting the digitals signal. In GMSK, the phase change represents the change from a digital “1” or “0“, occurs over a period of times. The additions of high frequency components to the spectrums is reduced. In GSMK, the phase changes is not the constant and it is spread- out.
Figure 3.14 : GSM modem circuit
3.11 AC Adapter
An AC adapter, AC/DC adapter, or AC/DC converter is a type of external power supply, often enclose in a case similar to an AC plug. In another common names include plug-in adapter, plug pack, domestic mains adapter, adapter block, wall wart, line power adapter, power adapter, and power brick. Adapters for battery powered equipment may be described as chargers or rechargers see also battery chargers. AC adapters are used with the electrical devices that require power but do not contain internal components to derive the required voltage and power from main power. The internal circuitry of an external power supply is very similar to the design that would be used for a built-in or internal supply. As shown in Figure 3.15 and Figure 3.16.
Figure 3.15 : AC male power supply Figure 3.16 : AC female adapter
4.1 Introduction
This chapter will discuss the result in fabricating the smart farmer microcontroller box. The prototype of this system is used with a smart phone that have android application. The discussion of the fabricating the module will discuss in detail stage by stage. Texts, figures, table are used to present the analyzed data. This chapter also contains the interpretation of the results and the analysis of data. The findings of the research should be compared and contrasted with those of previous studies presented in the literature review.
4.2 Prototype Specification
Component/Part Detail Specification
Display i2C – LCD Display Blue [20×4] IIC, I2C, TWI
– Dimensions are: 9.8cm x 6cm
– 5V power supply
– VCC – 5V
– SDA – ANALOG Pin 4
– SCL – ANALOG pin 5
Relay Module – 5V 5-Channel Relay interfaced board, and each one needs 15-20mA driver current
– Equipped with high-current relays, AC250V 10A ; DC30V 11A
– Indication information LED for Relay output status
– Dimension: 13.52cm*5.47cm
GSM Module
(SIEMENS TC35) – Power supply: DC 12V
– Frequency: rate is 1.2kb/s ~ 115kb/s
– Support the transmission of voice or data signals
Table 4.1: The details prototype specifications
Bluetooth Module
(HC-O6) – Size: 37 x 17(L x W)
– Operating Voltage:3.3V
– Operating Frequency Band:2.4GHz unlicensed ISM band
– Flash Memory Size:8Mbit
Voltage Regulator – Output: +12 Volt, 1.0A
– IC 7812
Contactor – Amp Rating: AC1 20A / AC3 9A
– Coil Voltage: 240VAC
– Rated capacity IEC AC3, 3Phase
240V: 3.5kW / 4.5HP / 13A
Power Supply AC/DC – Rated Power: 150W
– Input: AC 100V ~ 240V
– Output: DC 12V 12.5A
DC 24V 6.5A
Adapter – Input: AC100-240V
50-60Hz 2.0A
– Output: +19V, 3.42A
Table 4.1: The details prototype specification.
IC Programing Arduino Mega
(ATmega2560) – Operating Voltage: 5V
– Input Voltage: 7-12V
– Digital I/O pins: 54 [of which 15 provided PWM output]
– Analog Input Pins: 16
– DC Current per I/O Pin: 40 mA
– DC Current for 3.3V Pin: 50 mA
– Flash Memory: 256 Kilobyte of which 8 Kilobyte used by boot loader
Indicator Lamp – Mounting size: 16mm
– Operational Voltage: 24VDC
– Operational temperature: -25 to +55
– Operational humidity: 45% to 90%
Emergency Stop Button – Mounting hole: 22mm
– Rated insulation voltage: 600V
– Agreed free fever current: 10A
Table 4.1: The details prototype specifications.
4.3 Wiring and labeling process
Figure 4.2: Arduino circuit integrated with relay board
Figure 4.3 : Installed at the top of microcontroller box
Figure 4.4: Position the component inside of the microcontroller box
Figure 4.5: Wiring process for microcontroller box
Figure 4.6 : Completed wiring the hardware
4.4 Test Run Result
Figure 4.7: Completed microcontroller box with labeling
Figure 4.8 : Smart Farmer System in active mode
4.5 Discussion
Android or GSM are use in this system as a device to transmit and receive the data. After that, all the data will be sent to the output. The output works like what we set from the programming.
The user must pairing their smart phone with the microcontroller box. Then the user choose the command which is program to the relay module. There are two choice of the function. First, timing function and second, direct function. When user press function 1 on the keypad it will active the relay 1. This will active the watering function.
Moreover, when user press function 2 on the keypad it will active the relay 2. As a result, lighting function is in active mode. Next, when user press function 3 on the keypad it will active the relay 3. For the relay 3, the result that we can get is fertilizing function active.
5.1 Introduction
This chapter will give an overall conclusion based on the results that had been collected from the project. In addition, several suggestions and recommendations will be given for the future enhancement and advancement
5.2 Conclusion
It can be summarized that this study will benefit the farmer owner to having additional agricultural system with affordable price. This product assumed to be user friendly and suitable to any type of farmer and class of owner. It is very easy to installed and free maintenance. It also equipped with additional timer to facilitate work on the farm. This system also supervised via GSM which means the owner can control their agricultural microcontroller system in every inch at the world as long as there are signal from service provider. If compared to existing marketed product, this module is still consider lower cost and affordable to install to farm. In short word, this study achieved as an objectives needed.
In addition, by developing this smart farmer system with its multi-tasking agricultural features, it have overcome the difficulty of farmers in farming their land in every season no matter what is the weather that day also this has a large range as this machine can be controlled from anywhere in the world just using this GSM technology. The main advantage of this system is that it is that it facilitates the farmers to ease their work and increase the productivity with its multitasking working features.
5.3 Recommendation
There are few recommendation need to be done to fabricate the effective model and upgrade the programming.
i. For the recommendation, in programming should add schedule of 3 basic farming. With the schedule, can organized the farm with systematics and effective. Besides, the farmer can get the quality products because of good caring about their plants. This programming can be change and edit via mit app inventor.
ii. Next, extra security system can be optimized. As example, put CCTV as a security camera to monitor the farm. With this technology, can secured the farm from any curious person or anything. By adding these functions, it will give an extra advantage to the module compared to marketable similar products with affordable price.
5.4 Summary
Based on the study, it can be summarised that the smart farmer microcontroller need to be improved due the development of agricultural industry research. With the highly growth technology in agricultural operations, the development and improvement of the smart farmer need to be done to suit with the market needs either for agricultural industry and increasing the productivity of agricultural product.
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[2] Gsm Based Controlling And Monitoring Of Agriculture System Using Microcontroller. Innovator : Patel Yogeshbhai Vallabhbhai. Team Members : Hemnani Divyang, Mori Bhavesh. College : Government Engineering College, Surat.Submission Year : 2013
[3] “The Android Source Code: Governance Philosophy”. December 17, 2014. Retrieved January 25, 2015
[4] Wolber, David; Abelson, Hal; Spertus, Ellen; Looney, Liz (May 2011), App Inventor for Android: Create Your Own Android Apps, O’Reilly, ISBN 978-1-4493-9748-7
[5] Williams, Elliot (28 March 2015). “Arduino SRL to Distributors: “We’re the REAL Arduino””. Retrieved 21 April 2015.
[6] Basic Electronics Tutorials Site by Wayne Store. Last updated 28th December 2015, Copyright © 1999 − 2015, All Rights Reserved – Basic Electronics Tutorials.
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Gantt chart
LiquidCrystal ICD(12, 11, 10, 9, 8, 7);
const int RELAY1 = 2 ;
const int RELAY2 = 3;
const int RELAY3 = 4;
const int RELAY4 = 5;
//int buttonState = 0;
String data;
//————————– A Function Call——————————-//
void startin(){
void cutin(){
void gpslock(){
void setup() {
lcd.begin(16, 2);
lcd.print(“UniKL V.S.S FYP”);
pinMode(RELAY1, OUTPUT);
pinMode(RELAY3, OUTPUT);
pinMode(RELAY4, OUTPUT);
void loop() {
while (Serial.available()){
char c =;
if (c == ‘#’) {break;}
data += c;
if (data.length() > 0) {
//———-Test System———-//
if(data == “pair”) {startin();
lcd.print(“CONNECTING….”);} //Turn Off All Pins (Call Function)
else if(data == “cccc”){cutin();
lcd.print(“All system Off”);} //Turn On All Pins (Call Function)
//———-Function 1———-//
else if(data == “on1”) {
lcd.print(“RELAY 1 ON….”);
digitalWrite(RELAY1, HIGH);}
//———-Function 2———-//
else if(data == “off1”){
lcd.print(“RELAY 1 OFF….”);
digitalWrite(RELAY1, LOW);}
//———-Function 3———-//
else if(data == “on2”) {
lcd.print(“RELAY 2 ON….”);
digitalWrite(RELAY2, HIGH);}
//———-Function D1 ———-//
else if(data == “off2”){
lcd.print(“RELAY 2 OFF….”);
digitalWrite(RELAY2, LOW);
//———- Function D2———-//
else if(data == “on3”){
lcd.print(“RELAY 3 ON….”);
digitalWrite(RELAY3, HIGH);}
//———- Function D3———-//
else if(data == “off3”){
lcd.print(“RELAY 3 OFF….”);
digitalWrite(RELAY3, LOW);
//———- Function D3———-//
else if(data == “on4”){
lcd.print(“RELAY 4 ON….”);
digitalWrite(RELAY4, HIGH);
//———-Function D3———-//
else if(data == “off4”){
lcd.print(“RELAY 4 OFF….”);
digitalWrite(RELAY4, LOW);
lcd.print(“UniKL V.S.S FYP”);
Essay: Agricultural application system
Essay details and download:
- Subject area(s): Information technology essays
- Reading time: 20 minutes
- Price: Free download
- Published: 29 June 2016*
- Last Modified: 29 September 2024
- File format: Text
- Words: 5,605 (approx)
- Number of pages: 23 (approx)
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This page of the essay has 5,605 words.
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Essay Sauce, Agricultural application system. Available from:<> [Accessed 20-12-24].
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