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Essay: World War I Aftermath: A Time Of Scare And Recovery Dares

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  • Subject area(s): History essays
  • Reading time: 4 minutes
  • Price: Free download
  • Published: 15 September 2019*
  • Last Modified: 22 July 2024
  • File format: Text
  • Words: 951 (approx)
  • Number of pages: 4 (approx)
  • Tags: World War I essays

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20th Century US History
Q1: World War I Aftermath: A Time Of Scare And Recovery Dares
Only yesterday is a recall of how America suffered from a short-lived moral and ideological confusion as a war aftermath. Frederick Allen, in the book he authored, showed how American handled the post-war era. He created vivid pictures of the circumstances which aroused a mixture of celebration, anxiety, and chaos. The tone however did not solely revolv on economic and social ventures of its citizens. It covered all areas which have undergone the process of recuperation from the war. Indeed, there’s a lot to discover in such plate but the political conflicts screams loudly to have been drastically affected by the world war I. The members of communist party and immigrants may play as the witnesses or the victims for that matter, to this phenomenon. Their identities were attached with ulterior motives. Consequently, hatred grew stronger as the acts of the xenophobic become more apparent and ruthless, hence the tribal era. There was rampant exclusion. But such was not principally anchored by societal and pre-conceived racial dictates. It was merely because of a vast scare and threat that the government may be taken over again. It is a part of the natural tendencies of a human being to avoid another war. After all, surviving a war is one thing, living the crisis after it is another. There are consequences that have manifested in the physical realms of the world as well as in the emotional and psychological confines of the human mind. What necessarily should follow is the ability to cope and be fluid to the changes.
In the said era, communist and leftist are seen as the threat to over throw the government. Radicals were considered triggers which must be kept out of sight before it could become destructive to a system that is just beginning to take its first steps toward recovery. Hence, Allen illustrated the Red Scare in which communist and immigrants are at the top of the list to strike out. In the words of Allen, “member of the Cabinet like Attorney-General Palmer could go blithely ahead rounding up radicals and deporting them and getting out injunctions against strikers.”(6). The communist and other immigrants have suffered the side effects of war in the perspective and behavior of the people. The fear and the torment of the idea that the war and conflict will not stop denied the former the chance to recover as well. They are treated like a contagious disease which must be eradicated as soon as possible to contain the virus and control the increasing cases. In other words, they are deprived of place to live in America. Their rights were violated as the fear inflicted is becoming rampant. This was also evident by the reckless actions of the government in dealing with the condition. It may be even said that it abused its power to acquire the means and meet the ends. In this regard, the moral and social standing of the community was in its critical state as well after the war. The tension was not completely lifted which had caused panic and anxiety to the public. There is a wide terror that the Reds will spark mayhem in the areas just as when the region is slowly attempting to rebuild what has been damaged by the war. Moreover, this was coupled with distorted exercise of power and political leadership. The government and its people are then left but to stay in the mist of confusion and scare since there were no clear path when it comes to how the prevailing condition is to be handled in a way that peace is kept stable. Fortunately, they succeeded in this endeavor as specifically mentioned therein as if it represented the nation’s perspective stating, “Though the super-patriots still raged and federal agents still pursued the nimble Communists…Big Red Scare was dying. There were too many other things to think about.”(5).
Thus, the hatred faded as the emotions after war subsided. For the citizens, there are more things that needed to be dealt with other than hatred to a particular race. Their way of living is the priority of the time. There had been too much suffering to go back immediately thereto. There is no doubt that the conflict concerning Red Scare still remained existent. But it only was a small stain in a huge piece of clothing. Allen must have downplayed this condition as he sees the same as a fragment of the era. 1920 is so rich that a national display of disgust became a tiny detail in the whole canvass. America chose to address economic concerns to uplift its morale. The ethnic conflict was then only the result of a scare. Henceforth, such was rooted only from the fear of chaotic possibility of the future so when heightened emotions are reassured that the scare was nothing but paranoia and extreme observance of caution, the phenomenon also faded. This was also reflective as Allen spared no more spaces in his book narrating the red scare. It reflected the superficial impact in a society that longed for freedom and relaxation for a long time. The prevalence of creating an atmosphere of less dramatic recovery was clearly emphasized. Nonetheless, the turn of events did not end with peaceful and successful era but a plot twist of downfall was served instead. Ultimately, Allen pointed out how Americans was eager to get back on their feet only to find out that they are looking so closely at their steps that they failed to see what’s coming ahead. 1920’s taught American a hard lesson about having fun and a suspicious

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