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Essay: Comparing the origins of serfdom and African slavery

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  • Subject area(s): History essays
  • Reading time: 3 minutes
  • Price: Free download
  • Published: 15 September 2019*
  • Last Modified: 22 July 2024
  • File format: Text
  • Words: 744 (approx)
  • Number of pages: 3 (approx)
  • Tags: Slavery essays

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Throughout history, slavery has been a common method of labor production. Globally, many countries have a history of using harsh labor to assemble goods and services. The Russian Serfs and African Slaves are comparable examples of forced labor. Although both serfs and slaves were put in similar positions, the most notable difference between the two was the difference in the reasoning behind the labor.

A Russian Serf was a peasant farmer who was “bound” by law to the land he was born to. This is the land where they would work and that their masters owned.  The practice of serfdom in Russia lasted for several hundred years before Alexander II issued a decree that emancipated serfs. Alexander II believed that “It is better to abolish serfdom from above than to wait for it to abolish itself” (“On This Day: Russia in a Click.” March, 3 in History – Russiapedia. N.p., n.d. Web. 25 Feb. 2017.)

Slavery began in the U.S AKA “The New World” in the 1600s when African slaves were brought over on ships to Jamestown. The slaves were brought over initially to help the production and meet the demands for cash crops such as tobacco and cotton. African slavery in the U.S started as a tool for agriculture production and developed into a huge racial divide between Caucasians and African American that is still prevalent today, years after slaves were emancipated in the U.S in 1863. In the book “Capitalism and Slavery,” author Eric Williams claims that “Slavery was not born of racism; rather, racism was the consequence of slavery.”

When comparing the origins of serfdom and African slavery, there are some similarities. In both Russia and the U.S, a shortage of labor and a large amount of land inspired the need for serfs and slaves. Although serfs generally had more freedom than slaves, both slaves and serfs were severely punished if they did not obey their masters. The Serf era also lasted longer than African slavery in the U.S. Serfdom can be traced back to the 11th century while slavery in the U.S started in the 17th century. Although both forms of forced labor started at different times they both ended in the 19th century due to changes in leadership and revolt. Similar to the events following the emancipation of U.S slaves, Russian serfs, once emancipated, were allowed to vote, buy property, and sue in court.

A key difference between the serfs and slaves was that the serfs were also the same race as their lords. During the time of African enslavement, the difference in race fostered the belief that Africans were inferior, which was what justified it at the time, besides the demand for labor. The lords did not see the serfs as inferior because of a difference in race, but a difference in class. Culturally, Serfs were also similar to their lords, especially because they were both from relatively the same place, unlike the African American slave and Europeans. In America, the cultures of the slaves was dismantled as much as possible by European settlers. In addition, the Russian serf was not separated from their family like a slave typically was. Both types of labor in the U.S and Russia were also hereditary as well, and typically lasted a lifetime. The African Slave Trade was a relationship with Portugal, Europe, Africa, and the U.S while Russian Serfdom only involved Russia.

Unlike serfs, slaves were not entitled to any land of their own and did not pay taxes. Serfs were able to earn and keep a small amount of money and land, at the price of a large tax rate. However, they were both also considered property; capable of being bought and sold. While the African slave was seen as property that belonged to someone, the Serf belonged to the land and could not flee without facing punishment if caught. If a slave owner were to move, they would bring the slave(s) with them. If a Russian serf owner were to move and sell the land, the serf would stay on that same land and get a new owner.

In conclusion, there are several differences and similarities between slaves and serfs. Both groups were forced to participate in grueling work and were treated as lower class citizens. The work conditions both groups suffered from      In the end, the most notable difference is that serfs were granted liberty and rights, to a small extent.

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