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Essay: Hiroshima and Nagasaki (critical analysis)

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  • Subject area(s): History essays
  • Reading time: 5 minutes
  • Price: Free download
  • Published: 15 October 2019*
  • Last Modified: 22 July 2024
  • File format: Text
  • Words: 1,422 (approx)
  • Number of pages: 6 (approx)
  • Tags: World War II

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In my opinion, Truman did not make the right decision for dropping the bombs on Japan’s cities, and there few reason why he was wrong and why he overwhelmingly gave an order to drop the bomb. First reason is that Truman thought he was close to bringing the World War II to an ultimate end, and that time he made the decision to stop the war deliberately by dropping the two bombs on japan despite giving japan a demand to surrender and also the US stated that if they did not agree to surrender then it would lead to Japans total destruction but they didn’t specifically tell that they would use a  terrible mass destruction weapon on japan. Japan had disagreed to surrender unconditionally and I think that japan would have surrender conditionally if US has mentioned what type of “special Bomb” they are going to be using on them for total destruction.

The secret project on research of nuclear fission which includes the use of uranium and plutonium to create a great nuclear chain reaction which can be used to create an atomic bomb was authorized by president Roosevelt in 1939. The first research project conducted by the military authority  was called the Manhattan Project which is undertaken during the World War 2 to produce the first nuclear weapon known to man, they have created three bombs by the year 1945 and later President Roosevelt had passed away in early April 12th . The first bomb to be tested was in Los Alamos, New Mexico and the US was successful in testing the bomb and saw its potential. Later the results were given to President Truman and had meeting with 2 people, Britain Winston Churchill and Russia’s Joseph Stalin. After this Truman had given last gave a final warning to japan to surrender and then japan ignored the warning. Finally on august 6th 1945 US aircraft bomber Enola Gay dropped the first ever atomic bomb “Little Boy” on Hiroshima which resulted in 140,000 deaths and three days later another aircraft as sent to Nagasaki to drop another bomb “Fat Man” which again wiped out the entire city and resulted in 80,000 deaths. Japan after the second bombing had surrendered to the US.

Viewpoints which suggest America was right on dropping the bombs on japan cities are that, Truman wanted to end the war as soon as possible and the only that he had to that was to drop the bomb and before that to give a warning to japan to surrender. He also thought that by dropping the bomb would spare many live of American’s and would save a lot of money which was put into the world war 2 for over 4 years, keeping mind that even the Japanese soldiers would be spared. Truman also believed that immediate death of the Japanese people in the bombing will eventually be outnumbered in the long run if the World War 2 didn’t have ended and would cost japan lot of money and lives. The convincing reason given by Truman was that to end the 4 year war as soon as possible so that they can spare few American lives and let Japan clear the damage of the war done by the US.

There are few points which say that dropping the atomic bomb on Japan is a wrong decision. Truman had to  make the hardest decision in his life as to drop the bombs or not because if he didn’t then the War which was going on for few years will still be continued and will still be continuing to take many Japanese lives and American lives. Thinking that dropping the bomb would end the war and hopefully the japan would surrendered after the first bombing which can bring peace to the world, they did the exact thing and een though after seeing its affects, the US didn’t bother or have mercy in stopping the second bomb from destroying Nagasaki. Other reason was also that as Russia’s Joseph Stalin and Truman’s relationship became bad and Joseph Stalin didn’t like when he heard that the US had already bombed Japan, this created more rivalry between them and finally Truman ordered to drop the second bomb just to show that America was the first country ever to drop a nuclear weapon on a country and indirectly want to show that they were the most powerful in the world. Truman also wanted to show he Soviet union how powerful the US was the soviet union did get fascinated to see the results of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

The secondary option rather to drop the bomb on japan would be either to talk peace between both the countries and finally come to suggestion of ending the gruesome war. Or other option can also be that the US could have demonstrated how powerful their “Special Bomb” was and show the result to Japan of what could’ve happened if America had released such a bomb on japan. This is this reason why I said in the first paragraph that if the information of the bomb was revealed and the effects then probably Japan would conditionally surrender to the US.

The advantages of dropping the atomic bomb might be less but the disadvantages are more because it caused such a massacre in Japan by killing almost 140,000 people in Hiroshima including children, women and men and another 80,000 killed in Nagasaki.

First let us talk about the advantages. It had ended the war just as Truman wanted this was done when the US had dropped the 2nd atomic bomb in Nagasaki. It saved lot of lives in Japan and in America as well, and this was also wanted by Truman because he didn’t want more Americans to die anymore and didn’t wanted to spend a lot of money behind the war besides spending millions on 4 year period war. Dropping the atomic bomb on japan showed America’s strength to other countries that they were the first ever people to use a nuclear weapon and cause such mass destruction ever in history and finally it created peace by almost wiping 2 cities away in japan because of the 2 bomb, this peace was retrieved back when the Japan surrender to the US saying they don’t want any more violence and sacrifice from their side.

But the disadvantages were, It was resulted in hundreds of thousands deaths in both the cities which were bombed which can also be said that loss life was big from Japans side and though the Americans saw the results of the first bomb they decided to release one more just for them to surrender. Second disadvantage is that it is considered a crime to release such a terrible weapon on japan which resulted in deaths and without giving any warning about the weapon they have decided to bomb japan on simple day, even though Albert Einstein was helping them build the bomb he was clearly against it as he knew the results after the bombing would be devastating. Third disadvantage is that when other countries saw that America had such a weapon to keep their defense, even they wanted to create such a weapon for futre used and many other countries tried to make their own atomic bombs by spending lot of money, in other words America has created a weapon race between countries on who holds the best nuclear weapon and who can defend themselves in the right time. it was also another useless act by the Americans as already the US was bombing japan conventionally in the war and soviet union had lready entered japan and started attacking japan which led to Manchurian war.

I do not agree on the fact that America was justified in using the bomb as already most of the Japanese army and troops were destroyed and USSR entered japan and started the Manchurian war which led to japan being trapped from both the sides but still they fought hard through the enemies with 2 million soldiers. Second of all Japan didn’t have any allies which can protect them. Rather than that the Americans were in a quick process to end the war so that they don’t wanted to sacrifice more soldiers as they have did enough in the war. As America had the used the bomb on Japan’s two cities they also wanted to show how powerful they were to the world and that they were the first country ever to use  nuclear bomb which had devastating effects on japan.

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Essay Sauce, Hiroshima and Nagasaki (critical analysis). Available from:<https://www.essaysauce.com/history-essays/2017-1-22-1485061323/> [Accessed 06-10-24].

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