Was Stalin successful at dealing with opposition?

In this essay, dealing with opposition will be defined as fully eliminating threats, rather than merely postponing or temporarily preventing them. It will be argued that Stalin was the most successful in dealing with opposition than any other ruler during the period 1855-1964. This is due to his repressive approach in destroying potential threats to … Read more

The Rise of Corporate Social Responsibility (Adidas)

Executive Summary The Adidas Group is one of the largest sporting goods companies in the world and a leader in sustainability, consistently ranking in the ‘Global 100 Most Sustainable Corporations in the World.’ Despite this, the company has faced significant challenges, particularly regarding labor practices in its supplier factories in China and environmental issues raised … Read more

Continuing Relevance of the Cold War in Modern International Relations

Cold war and international relations are two subjects that couldn’t be divided. Nowadays, by the political development of international relations, there are few questions asked that ‘does the Cold War continue till today?’ On the face of it, the aforesaid question seems too easy, but society is divided into two parts by their opinion. By … Read more

Latin American strategy helped shape U.S. authorities’ reaction to progressive developments at the climax of the Cold War

This paper analyzes how Latin American strategy helped shape U.S. authorities’ reaction to progressive developments at the climax of the Cold War. It clarifies the striking differentiation between U.S. support of the Bolivian upheaval and the significant threat with comparative liberal patriot developments in Guatemala. In spite of the fact that U.S. policymakers stressed that … Read more

The Cold War

The thirteen-day standoff in October 1962 between the U.S and the USSR saw the tensions of the Cold war rise to an all-time high since its start 1947. This naval confrontation between what was at the time, the world’s largest superpowers took place over the Caribbean Sea and was caused by a series of events, … Read more

The Cold War and the formal dissolution of the Soviet Union

The formal dissolution of the Soviet Union occurred on December 26, 1991. It signaled an end to the Cold War between the Soviet Union and the United States. ‘In December of 1991, as the world watched in amazement, the Soviet Union disintegrated into fifteen separate countries. ‘Its collapse was hailed by the west as a … Read more

Ronald Reagan and The End of The Cold War

“We can’t help everyone, but everyone can help someone.” A quote from Ronald Reagan that has been proven throughout every decade of history and can be proved in every situation to this day. Ronald Reagan, the 40th president of the United States was known as a kind and courageous leader. Ronald Reagan proved he was … Read more

Who was to blame for the Cold War?

Traditionally, there is a view that lays the blame of the Cold War on the shoulders of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) and the unforgiving demands of communism, such as the occupation of Eastern Europe by the Soviet Union after the Second World War, which Roosevelt was hesitant in permitting.  However, this view … Read more

The Cold War

Following the conclusion of World War II, a new era of proxy conflicts known as the Cold War emerged as a result of the deterioration of relations between the two competing hegemonies: the United States and the Soviet Union. Although the two had previously fought alongside one another to defeat fascism, American concern about the … Read more

How the Korean & Vietnam War & McCarthy’s trials contributed to the Cold War?

The Vietnam War During the Vietnam War, the U.S deeply involved itself in the 1960s because it desired to ensure that the developing countries were modernized as democratic and capitalist. This involvement started with social and economic support for South Vietnam. However, throughout the leadership of Presidents Lyndon Johnson and John F. Kennedy, the idea … Read more

To what extent is the Cold War a significant turning point in US history?

After World War II, the United States and Soviet Union had a very tense relationship. They both had land claimed in Europe, and the conflicting ideology between capitalism and communism strained tensions between the two superpowers. The US wanted territory and influence over the land in Europe to expand their trade routes, and since they … Read more

Who won the Cold War?

The Cold War Who wON The Cold War? Introduction/Thesis “The Cold War began with the fall of Europe. It can only end when Europe is whole.” (Bush, 2009). The year was 1947. World War II had brought upon the fall of Europe through its economic loss and massive casualties. However, another war had just begun. … Read more

How to write a history essay

History essays focus more on demonstrating that you have an understanding of the issues to a set question than to finding the correct answer to the set question.

It is rather difficult to arrive at a definite answer with most historical problems. In general for each historical question there will be a body of evidence that will be relevant to it. This body of evidence typically will explain about the events and phenomena under discussion. A good answer will need to bring together all of this evidence and explain why particular items have been dismissed as having no bearing on the problem.

Analyse the Question

You must have a thorough understanding of the question by identifying the exact nature of the question; what are you being asked, this will help in giving an adequate answer that is the kind of information you will need to answer the question. Historical essays do not involve simply reporting information, rather it requires you to understand the question and make a judgment on the issue. Paying keen attention to keywords in the question is also important; words such as: discuss, explain, compare, evaluate and so on.

Here we explain how to write a history essay and expand on some of the keywords that are so important to understand:

‘Explain’ and ‘why’ questions:

These type of questions demand a list of reasons or one big reason; each reason will have to be explained – that is, clarified, expanded upon, and illustrated.


This is to break-down something. To determine the nature and relationship of the parts of; say “how” or “why” something happened. This could be likened to “cause and effect”.

‘Assess’ and ‘evaluate’:

This is how true or false something is. To judge value of its character; this should be supported by explanations and evidence. Evaluate discuss merits and de-merits, it is giving an opinion regarding the value of it.


This demands the purpose of identifying similarities and differences. When the question calls for comparisons, they expect you to include differences as well. One way of going about such an essay would be to distinguish areas of similarity and differences; furthermore give a section in which you would assess the degree of similarity and reach a sub-conclusion.


Give an account of; tell about; give a word picture of.


Show the different sides of, and argue from various points of views.


Make known in detail, to make clear or plain.

‘What-role-did-X-play-in-Y’ questions:

This requires you to identify the function of some group or institution within some specific system. This is the functionalist approach. The subject of the question is the ‘Y’ rather than the ‘X’ element. This question requires a discussion of the system as a whole and the consideration of alternative explanations of how ‘X’ worked within it.

To What Extent and In What Ways:

Involves measure of, that is, how much? For instance, Examine five spheres which cast light on the extent of Jewish influence in high medieval France: namely, their role in the commercial life of the towns, the role of Jewish banking in the agrarian economy, their influence on Christian intellectual life and so on. It has been seen that the Jews exerted a profound influence on the intellectual life of the universities but almost none on that of the established monastic orders.

In what ways should show how an event or condition relates to another. Understand what was done and what was left to be done. In this you should expect counter-arguments, did an event or condition relate to another?

Knowing how to write a history essay is not just about knowing facts and figures. It’s also about how you structure your writing so it flows.


The introduction:

It is usually one paragraph and its purpose is to clearly set out the problem to be discussed in the paper, define key terms that will be used, outline the structure of the argument and to clearly state the thesis. The thesis statement is the version of your argument. The thesis thus presents new information to your reader, however, for it to be a good thesis it will require you to introduce the concepts in it before presenting the thesis itself. That is the task of the introductory paragraph and that’s how the thesis fits in the introductory paragraph.

For instance, “The nature of slave rights had a dual character. On the one hand, in order to maintain the total dominance of the white master class, the law denied any rights to slaves. Publicly, the slave was merely property, and not human at all. Yet the personal records of many planters suggest that slaves often proved able to demand customary “rights” from their masters. In the privacy of the master-slave relationship, the black man did indeed have rights which the white man was bound to respect, on pain of losing his labor or subjecting himself to violence. This conflict between slaves’ lack of “public” rights and masters’ “private” acknowledgment of slaves’ rights undermined planters’ informal rule and permitted slaves a degree of freedom within an oppressive system.” The thesis is clearly structured between two concepts public and private rights which are included into the thesis. This gives the reader a clear idea of what the paper will need to argue to prove its thesis.

The body:

You need an organising scheme for your paper, which most often will be suggested by your thesis. Let’s take this thesis: “In the 1950s, American auto workers developed their identities as laborers in the home as well as the workplace.” This thesis suggests a structure: at the very least, you will have to divide things up into “home” and “workplace.” The general flow in the body is from the general to the specific. Start with general statements, such as “Federal policy towards native peoples aimed at either assimilating Indians or exterminating them.” Then move on to specific statements which support your general statement, such as “The origins of the policy of assimilation can be traced back to Puritan missionaries of the 1650s.”

The use of paragraphs is essential and must start with a topic sentence. Each paragraph should have a main point with a small argument to support the paragraph. The paragraphs of the paper must flow from one idea to the next. Arguing in the body need not be heated emotions and raised voices rather it should be intended to convince the reader through reason. One must anticipate counter-arguments which one can either: refute by proving it is false, as in, “While the federal census of 1890 seems to suggest an increase in black mortality, that census was infamous for recording specious data”. Or you may accept certain true statements which refute your argument but explain why they do not harm your arguments, as in, “It was indeed true that Latino youth were incarcerated at a rate three to four times greater than Anglo youth, yet this may suggest the iniquitous workings of the local justice system rather than a Latino propensity towards crime.”

This kind of arguing in the body will give more credibility to the paper and make it more persuasive.


This usually gives a brief explanation on your thesis, and pulls all your arguments together. The conclusion should show why the argument is important in the bigger picture of things, or suggest areas for further research. Or it could raise a bigger question.

We hope you gained a lot from reading our free ‘how to write a history essay’ guide.